What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

So you personally read over every Presidential hopefuls tax return. Have you personally looked over Clinton's tax returns? What did that tell you about her?

Is Trump releasing his tax returns going to sway you to vote for him?

No but it may sway independents to not vote for him. It’s called persuasion. And not releasing them tells independents the he is definitely hiding something….

His choice, of course. Why you support someone who is not willing to fulfill his commitments….that is your problem.

Who am I supporting that is not willing to fulfill his commitments and what commitments are you talking about?

You need a new playbook skippy.
Trumps unfavorable ratings BREAK RECORDS

What does that have to do with anything? Lol!
It means better than 50% of america knows trump is slime
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Nope, you said:

$3,000,000 given in charity and it hurt Romney,

What hurt Romney?

Sarcasm nut job sarcasm.

Sure it was.

But back to your question.


Yeah, giving $3,000,000 to charity will cause anyone to lose.

So which voter changed their vote? It made someone more or less favorable but it did change a voter's vote? No proof.

I think a poll is more than enough evidence to counter your point. What you are now doing is asking for proof that would be impossible to gain.

So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander
No but it may sway independents to not vote for him. It’s called persuasion. And not releasing them tells independents the he is definitely hiding something….

His choice, of course. Why you support someone who is not willing to fulfill his commitments….that is your problem.

Who am I supporting that is not willing to fulfill his commitments and what commitments are you talking about?

You need a new playbook skippy.
Trumps unfavorable ratings BREAK RECORDS

What does that have to do with anything? Lol!
It means better than 50% of america knows trump is slime

Way off topic. Hillary has large unfavorable ratings, yet numb nuts on the left want her. I say go with Sanders, the most credible of the three, yet dupe Democrats that claim to hate Wall St. are voting for Clinton, go figure.
Candy, you claim time will tell if the base-less, factually unsupported accusations are true.

No, EVIDENCE - proof- determines guilt or innocense. Liberals are long on unsupported opinions and accisations and completel devoid of proof. If they had it they would use it. The fact that they want access to information they are not entitled to so they can LOOK for anything is a desperate attempt to do some 'political fishing'.

Hillary supporters should understand there must be probable cause and evidence before issuing an indictment of somone. It takes more than partisans declaring they 'know' someone they don't lime is hiding something

Provide the evidence to support your baseless accusation with what you alresdy have.

Yet you're the one who wanted Obama's college records. Way to be consistent, dude.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

Yeah, giving $3,000,000 to charity will cause anyone to lose.

So which voter changed their vote? It made someone more or less favorable but it did change a voter's vote? No proof.

I think a poll is more than enough evidence to counter your point. What you are now doing is asking for proof that would be impossible to gain.

So who was polled? Did the tax return change a vote?

My solution is vote for Sanders, he is the most credible of the last three candidates.

Voters were polled.

And by the answers given Romney's tax problems made about 36% of respondents had a less positive view of him. If you want to tell me that didn't change any votes then you need to prove or provide something stating such. Perhaps find some data on the type of poll question. But as it stands now, Romney's tax problems had influence on the electorate.

Your solution doesn't change the fact that if he were the nominee I would want to see his tax return too. Actually, the fact that he hasn't released them is a huge problem for me. I mean...it would be if he were the nominee but we know that's not happening.

And why would he care what a person that isn't going vote for him wants to see his taxes. You have no weight, you don't support him, now if there are a significant number of uncommitted voters wanting to see the taxes he might want to rethink his decision.
"What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns"

What isn't Trump hiding.

What new weird revelations about this truly bizarre individual are yet to be known.

Wow, what insight, did it take you days to bring up what the first post in this thread already brought up?
Tax returns, bathrooms...so much diversion being thrown about by the libs, just to avoid Hillary's FVI investigation, ISIS, Obama sending more combat troops, etc....Liberal priorities are really skewed

Maybe Trump will release his tax records if Hillary will reveal how much she was giving to Roger Clinton to support her coke habit. (Did she report that on her tax records? :p. )
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.
So? Is he legally bound to release them? No

Wow…must suck to have been reduced to that.

Hillary wasn’t bound to release 33 years. She did.
He’s not bound to release any. He hasn’t.

Obviously there is a reason he hasn’t. What it is? We’ll find out. When we do…it will be because he has to tell us due to public pressure…..not because he was going to do it anyway. It will be very bad optics.

Just know this.

Someone who brags about being rich would have no problem releasing proof of his riches.
Someone who brags about being rich would have a lot of problems when there is no proof of his riches.

We all know that he filed an official report of said riches (whatever they are). So we know the report is out there. Must be bad news if he’s willing to let Hillary define him as a tax cheat.
Libs, you continue to accuse Trump of hiding something because he refuses to give you something you feel you are entitled to, which you are not.

Let's end the debate once and for all. The burden of proof is on the accuser....put up or shut up. Provide the evidence, other than your opinion or the fact that YOU say so, that Trump is hiding something. The fact that he has chosen not to give you what you want and not legally required to do, is not proof of wrong-doing.

The continued insistence that he has to show you anything to prove his innocense is a ploy that would never hold up in court but is an often highly effective tactic on playgrounds and in grade schools.

The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.

at this time I dont have a candidate ... thats what I would like to determine ... apparently theres a great deal of people who dont care. I wouldnt say nobody.

I would like to believe Trump would be as forthcoming as the Democratic frontrunner, or your choice, the Socialist candidate.
The burden of proof is on Trump, NO ONE ELSE !

That's it, yet his non supporters are asking for information no one else cares about. Again, put in your candidate, doing the same and you would switch your position.
Not really Unlike most republicans Dems feel IMHO that what's good for the goose is good for the gander

BS, utter BS and you know it. As partisan as both sides are, people will switch on a dime depending on who they support. You are being dishonest to say otherwise. Hell, Dems overlook Clinton's lies and Republicans overlook Trump's lies and then they attack each other over the lies. Pretty funny.

Yeah, in the meantime, every candidate since Nixon.

And is not legally required to do so and you attack the unfavorable Trump while you support the unfavorable Clinton. You know Clinton that is trusted less than anyother candidate, but that is okay by you, a partisan hack.
I would say she's untrusted by those same folks who have been slinging crap at her since her husband was president Trump is not trusted by his OWN party too
Tax returns, bathrooms...so much diversion being thrown about by the libs, just to avoid Hillary's FVI investigation, ISIS, Obama sending more combat troops, etc....Liberal priorities are really skewed

Maybe Trump will release his tax records if Hillary will reveal how much she was giving to Roger Clinton to support her coke habit. (Did she report that on her tax records? :p. )

We can look on her records and see. Too bad we can’t do the same to see what Drumpf is smoking….obviously it’s something pretty strong since he can’t decide from day to day what he stands for.

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