What is TrumpCare, please someone explain it to me.

  1. The U.S. is the only industrialized country with selective health coverage - and not universal health coverage.

  2. Americans are "sorted" into coverage by age (twice), military service, income and employmen
  1. We're the only industrialized country with "employer-sponsored-insurance.

  2. We're the only country with literally 100's of private insurance companies - specific and isolated to healthcare.

  3. We're the only country that - up until Obamacare - allowed insurance companies to deny coverage based on a "pre-existing" condition.

  4. We're the only industrialized country that attempts to issue general health insurance as a single policy (for a single person or single family).

  5. We're the only country that has an annual enrollment process for health insurance.
He said he would not let people die in the street, does that mean he will pick them up and take them to the dump?

Trump care is to carefully step over the toddler who was left on the street after his mother was taken into custody.
You must be a fat old geezer with a full wallet. Are you sure her story is the truth? What happens if you decide to divorce her, do you have a prenup?

Nope. I’m a fat middle aged geezer who scrapes by on an upper 5 digit income.

As someone who has very low level PTSD myself, trust me she’s not lying.

No prenup. Not necessary. She’d end up on the street if she walked away. It would take me a bit to get back in my feet, but I’d survive.
Unless she spikes your oatmeal with rat poison...
No he promised better healthcare and cheaper.

What he should have promised was to get the Government out of healthcare completely.

Leave it to the insurance companies, its just as bad with him, we need a Democrat back in to fix Health Ins.

Listen everyone, if you do not want healthcare vote Republican, if you want healthcare vote Democratic.

Ya, Grumpy Old Dude don't give a FLYING .. Wants no preventative health ... and is willing to die prior to entering a hospital.

I wish him well
Great for you......really stupid policy, however.

Tell me this sunshine.....what happens to health care costs if everyone is on private health insurance? If older folks become too much of a risk to put in insurance pools, who covers the cost(s) of their treatment?

You don’t have to like the policy; it’s mine not yours.

Who covers them? Smith and Wesson. One round to the back of the head of anyone who can’t pull their own weight or pay their own way. Very simple.

So, you want the government to shoot people they think "aren't pulling their own weight"?!?!?!? Gotta love you "small government" types?!?!

Gee....here I thought you were going to say something stupid.

Frank - The folks we are talking to here are fucking IDIOTS.

Always take that into consideration and Go Easy ;-)
HOW insurance pools work


18 to 20 million of them are the same people that always opted not to have insurance, mostly the young. Additionally, others without insurance go to hospitals that offer sliding scale for the poor. There is also a very large group that fall under the christain health system (not insurance). I belong to that group now.

I am not going to pay insurance companies what amounts to a new car each year to visit a doctor once a year. I am not paying for the Obamacare moochers either.

Have you ever had to use that Medi Share?

No, we have been self pay for two years and haven't racked up $500.00 to meet the deductible.

Obamacare only allows those with high deductibles to write off their hsas, so we are screwed there too.

18 to 20 million of them are the same people that always opted not to have insurance, mostly the young. Additionally, others without insurance go to hospitals that offer sliding scale for the poor. There is also a very large group that fall under the christain health system (not insurance). I belong to that group now.

I am not going to pay insurance companies what amounts to a new car each year to visit a doctor once a year. I am not paying for the Obamacare moochers either.

Have you ever had to use that Medi Share?

No, we have been self pay for two years and haven't racked up $500.00 to meet the deductible.

Obamacare only allows those with high deductibles to write off their hsas, so we are screwed there too.

Of course. We can't have people saving money to pay for their own health care! That would defeat the entire purpose of ACA, which is clearly designed to funnel as much money as possible to insurance companies.
...And my personal fave...

It's about the freedom for ME to pay MORE for MY coverage and services because I'm ALSO paying for the "FREE" care of those who can't get coverage..

Thank Reagan for that. He’s the asshole who forced these places to see people who can’t pay.
Yea, let them die on the street the fukers.

Wow, I'm sounding just like a Republican.
I could forward pages of anecdotals Pene, but the bottom line is, the rich live, the poor die here

the poor get welfare and medicaid
That is NOT always the case.....but, it is good to see that you support Medicaid. My guess is you must really be steamed at Republican governors who turned down Medicaid money...right?!
It is always the case, unless you are so lazy you burn up all your time.

The thought that people will get jobs and not need the government must terrify you, since that's the only hold leftists really have.


Not all jobs pay above minimum wage and not all jobs even if they do offer health insurance. Some people have to work two jobs just to pay rent/mortgage and food.
WHAT!?!? Min wage jobs meant for teenagers don't have Cadillac benefits?

I'm shocked to learn something that I have know for decades....
I could forward pages of anecdotals Pene, but the bottom line is, the rich live, the poor die here

the poor get welfare and medicaid
That is NOT always the case.....but, it is good to see that you support Medicaid. My guess is you must really be steamed at Republican governors who turned down Medicaid money...right?!
It is always the case, unless you are so lazy you burn up all your time.

The thought that people will get jobs and not need the government must terrify you, since that's the only hold leftists really have.


Not all jobs pay above minimum wage and not all jobs even if they do offer health insurance. Some people have to work two jobs just to pay rent/mortgage and food.
And according to wrongheaded conservative/libertarian dogma, such persons shouldn't have access to affordable health care because they've "failed" to be successful in life.
wrong retard, no one has ever said that.

they can still get insurance, they will just have to be adult about their money and make the right decisions.

leftists just want everyone to be slaves
the poor get welfare and medicaid
That is NOT always the case.....but, it is good to see that you support Medicaid. My guess is you must really be steamed at Republican governors who turned down Medicaid money...right?!
It is always the case, unless you are so lazy you burn up all your time.

The thought that people will get jobs and not need the government must terrify you, since that's the only hold leftists really have.


Not all jobs pay above minimum wage and not all jobs even if they do offer health insurance. Some people have to work two jobs just to pay rent/mortgage and food.
And according to wrongheaded conservative/libertarian dogma, such persons shouldn't have access to affordable health care because they've "failed" to be successful in life.
wrong retard, no one has ever said that.

they can still get insurance, they will just have to be adult about their money and make the right decisions.

leftists just want everyone to be slaves
PURE IRONY! Obamacare is actually designed to help the people who are referencing....creating a marketplace these people can go to for insurance? But, that somehow equates to being "slaves".

You DON'T want "government health care"........but you speak of "giveaways to health insurance companies"??? So...you want health care but without the government or health insurance companies involved. BRILLIANT!

The level of stupidity you display is staggering......most would be embarrassed, but, that would require the slightest bit of common sense. So....you're safe. You're the very type of person Trump counts on.....
He said he would not let people die in the street, does that mean he will pick them up and take them to the dump?

that would be more than what Obama has done for me. I have not had health insurance since 2014. Thanks for jacking up my insurance costs Obama.
I could forward pages of anecdotals Pene, but the bottom line is, the rich live, the poor die here

the poor get welfare and medicaid
That is NOT always the case.....but, it is good to see that you support Medicaid. My guess is you must really be steamed at Republican governors who turned down Medicaid money...right?!
It is always the case, unless you are so lazy you burn up all your time.

The thought that people will get jobs and not need the government must terrify you, since that's the only hold leftists really have.


Not all jobs pay above minimum wage and not all jobs even if they do offer health insurance. Some people have to work two jobs just to pay rent/mortgage and food.
WHAT!?!? Min wage jobs meant for teenagers don't have Cadillac benefits?

I'm shocked to learn something that I have know for decades....

Have you always lived in never never land?
Is that how you remember it, or is that how Trump wants you to remember it?....

Doesn’t matter. I wasn’t voting for him either way. I wrote my own name in as the only truly Conservative option out there.

It does disappoint me a bit, though, to see him making such Progressive statements about healthcare.

Not to worry. He didn't mean a word of it.
Why wopuld you even talk to a fool who sais he is confortable driving pat bodies. The guy is likely the beast himself! Do not give that shit the satisfaction of a reply!
Why wopuld you even talk to a fool who sais he is confortable driving pat bodies. The guy is likely the beast himself! Do not give that shit the satisfaction of a reply!

Cute. I’m not the Beast. Far fro m it. I just understand that a Proper life ended at a young age is far superior to an Improper one that goes on for decades. Life is far more often the punishment than Death.

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