What is White Supremacy?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
Unless I'm mistaken, because I'll admit I haven't read a significant enough portion of your posts to be 100% certain, it's not the statements you made, it's the implication which I got the impression you not only agreed with, but would further as an agenda if possible.

For example while the truth of the following statements are the same, the message they convey is quite different:

"America was founded by white people for white people"

"America was founded by white people for the sole benefit of white people"​
The first statement implies what the second statement unequivocally states - that America was founded, by whites, was meant for whites and that all others have no place here, except in a subservient capacity. And both statements are different than even this statement

"The people who settled America were white and intended that the nation be established for their sole benefit, that of other whites and all of their decedants"
This last statement reads like something in a history book. It's giving an accounting of an event and it's significance.

The reason I asked how you can make the statement you did and not feel that it comes across as racist or as a white supramacist is because it was not a stand alone statement, you had it coupled with your comments about the displeasure that so many white males apparently have towards affirmative action and the belief that because of AA "white men are getting screwed out of jobs".

Believe me I know how contentious this topic is which is why I tried coming up with the merger analogy that might make sense if one is viewing the topic as a business problem that a company/employer has to resolve fairly, however the fact remains that the distribution of opportunites was never fair to begin with, white males have dominated the job market for centuries. What their true gripe concerns in actuality is having to share, or as I have had it explained to me is the fear and anxiety that accompanies a perceived loss of power as women and minorities enter domains which have traditionally been exclusively theirs.
You perceive wrong. When all the non-blacks in my graduate school were denied assistantships, there was no sharing. The blacks got it all. The non-blacks got nothing.

This is commonly the way AA has worked for decades. Walk the long hallways of your local VA hospital, and observe who's working there. You'll see clearly. 95% minorities. 5% white women.
Even in the whitest states in the country we'll see 95% minorities and 5% white women?
Stupid question.
In any area that has a substantial number of minorities, there will be a large majority of them working in any govt agency, despite them being small in number relative to whites.

If you pick a place that has few or no minorities living there, then of course in that place there would be few minorities employed. Duh!

None of that excuses the fact that in many, if not most, VA hospitals, minorities are grossly overrepresented among staff. Dark doctors. Light patients.
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There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
70% of Americans do not have a college degree, so let's just say half of that 70% which is 35% consists of these poor pitiful and jobless white women blaming affirmative action for denying them a job that they were never going to get anyway because they're NOT QUALIFIED for managerial level positions because they have a minimal/no education.

Affirmative action didn't do that to them, their own laziness, lack of ambition or lack of ability (includes finanial as well which is unfortunate but not the fault of AA) is the reason why they're losing out on jobs.


There is proof white women benefitted from AA. Funny how white people will declare how it's certain that every black person has benefited from AA, but when it's shown how whites have there is no proof or "Hispanics" continually post fact less bullshit about how it's a very small number. Numerous studies and years of labor statistics show that 100's of millions of white women have benefitted from AA. Opinions from dementia addled fake Hispanics and white women who have benefitted from AA doesn't change this reality.
Absolutely no proof. I never said blacks benefitted most. EVERYONE should get what they want through hard work, not based on race or gender.
What do you consider proof? Because you have made this statement numerous times before and I have personally provided you with U.S. Department of Labor reports & statistics that show how they gathered and tracked the number of women and minorities in mangerial positions after the passage of affirmative action. They also gathered data from discrimination lawsuits instituted after affirmative action provided a statutory cause of action (right to sue)

So if you don't consider goverment reports and documentation, stats culled from lawsuits, etc. as proof, what exactly constitutes acceptable proof to you? And what's your degree in?
Reports & stats are only as reliable as the honesty and objectivity of the reporters of them. Many are totally fraudulent, reflecting the bias of the reporters. This easily can include govt reports, as many govt reporters are biased.

By far, the most reliable evidence is your eyes and ears. If a report says a community is economically healthy, but you see poverty shacks and homeless people everywhere you look, your eyes deliver the correct conclusion, not the fraudulent written report.

Likewise, one can easily, visually ascertain the AA racial discrimination in VA hospitals, and other govt agencies.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You know, I'm honestly not trying to be mean to you (this time) but there is no such thing as an 'AA' questionnaire aka job application. You are free to answer the EEOC questions or not, you're not penalized for not doing so.

So you turned down a job because in your mind was an 'AA' job and you're too proud to accept a job based on anything other their your suitability for it, right? You're an idiot if that truly is the reason you turned down the job because as you relay the story, you were the best qualified candidate for the position. Hell the only qualified candidate if speaking Spanish was a requirement and you were the only one who spoke it.

So what was the real reason you turned down the job because your story just doesn't fly. If you needed the job and turned it down just so you could complain about getting screwed over by affirmative action, then you're your own worse enemy.

But lastly, if you didn't fill out the EEOC questions but they still offered you the job, how is it that you don't recognize that as a situation of having obtained it on your own merits, presumably? Or do you think they made assumptions about you because you speak Spanish?
Are you just joking ? If you don't fill out an AA questionnaire, you are disqualified, same as being a white male.

Your talk about me turning down jobs because of AA, shows just what I've been saying for years in this forum. That the people who accept AA discrimination in their favor, are a bunch of worthless lowlifes who don't know the meaning of the word self,--respect. All you do is grab at anything you can get, regardless of the moral ramifications. You all are about the equivalent of a bunch of wild dogs.

AA never would have been necessary if workplace discrimination had not existed. 50+ years of it does not anywhere near equalize centuries of "white males only need apply" policies.

What kind of "dogs" would maintain such policies for so long?

Even YOU should know that.
None of that is relevant to 2020. Jim Crow and slavery no longer exist. Affirmative Action does.
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
70% of Americans do not have a college degree, so let's just say half of that 70% which is 35% consists of these poor pitiful and jobless white women blaming affirmative action for denying them a job that they were never going to get anyway because they're NOT QUALIFIED for managerial level positions because they have a minimal/no education.

Affirmative action didn't do that to them, their own laziness, lack of ambition or lack of ability (includes finanial as well which is unfortunate but not the fault of AA) is the reason why they're losing out on jobs.


There is proof white women benefitted from AA. Funny how white people will declare how it's certain that every black person has benefited from AA, but when it's shown how whites have there is no proof or "Hispanics" continually post fact less bullshit about how it's a very small number. Numerous studies and years of labor statistics show that 100's of millions of white women have benefitted from AA. Opinions from dementia addled fake Hispanics and white women who have benefitted from AA doesn't change this reality.
Absolutely no proof. I never said blacks benefitted most. EVERYONE should get what they want through hard work, not based on race or gender.
What do you consider proof? Because you have made this statement numerous times before and I have personally provided you with U.S. Department of Labor reports & statistics that show how they gathered and tracked the number of women and minorities in mangerial positions after the passage of affirmative action. They also gathered data from discrimination lawsuits instituted after affirmative action provided a statutory cause of action (right to sue)

So if you don't consider goverment reports and documentation, stats culled from lawsuits, etc. as proof, what exactly constitutes acceptable proof to you? And what's your degree in?

He must think that all he has to do is say what he says over and over again.
That's what YOU must think. :rolleyes:
Wow, you really are lacking. Just because someone talks about white victimization, that doesn't mean they're identifying as white. There are thousands of Black Republicans who condemn racial discrimination against whites in AA. Get a brain.

"Thousands of Black Republicans"? There are some but thousands is a stretch.

You certainly have a way of embellishing numbers to the point of being ludicrous.
See what happens when people get caught up in liberal distortion media ?

Idiot. There are millions of Black Republicans. Wow. Are you ever detached.

37 million non-Hispanic blacks in America. 34% support Trump. Got it ?

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Democrats are Doomed: Two Polls Show Support for Trump Among African Americans at 34% | Election 2020

This is a classic example of a right wing lie.

November 20, 2019
Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

"Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp."

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

Gallup is the best in the business and you used an opinion from a conservative writer and a fake news website known for failed fact checks. On top of that we happen to be black and communicate with other blacks daily. You don't. Black support is not increasing for trump.
The discussion of the number of Black Republicans came from when katsteve said (lol) that it was a "stretch" to say hundreds of Black Republicans. He also called that "ludicrous"

By Rasmussen figures of 34% (of 37 million US blacks), that would be 12 MILLION US black Republicans.

Wanna use Gallup's numbers ? Their 10% calculates to almost 4 MILLION black Republicans.

Only thing "ludicrous" in all this, is katsteve even showing up around here. :rolleyes:

You are a pathological liar. You stated "thousands of black Republicans oppose AA as discrimination against white people".

There are not "thousands" of black Republicans in Washington or in government offices in America, you delusional creep.

And Rasmussen is equally as biased as any other poll out there.

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias
You must be the biggest idiot in USMB. You post an idiotic post, thoroughly refuted by Gallup and Rasmussen both, and then you come back and make the same idiotic post you did initially.

What's the logic here ? Is it that you were so shamed, that you just had to come back with something ? Well, yeah, you did that. And by now repeating your moronic idea about thousands of Black Republicans, (when even Gallup's polling shows MILLIONS of them), all you've accomplished is making yourself look like TWICE the idiot you were before. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Now it's even more ludicrous that you're even showing up around here.

P S - are you arithmetic challenged ?
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I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
He is a white supremacist and youbare racist against whites.
No better than him.
I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
Well, maybe now that you're done arguing, you could maybe take a little stroll through your local VA hospital and take a good look at the racism consequences of what your illustrious AA has done.

Of course, being the racist that you are, you'll probably approve of this abomination lunacy, but at least you won't be able to claim it doesn't exist.

And my guess is that you've never set foot in one of these hospitals. You could also check out your state job center office. Should be a pretty large place. 100 employees or so . All black.
1) I do not consider myself a white supremacist and only an idiot would. As I've pointed out China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Zimbabwe - and maybe a dozen or so other countries are homogeneous countries. NONE of you pretending to be concerned about white supremacists give a rat's ass about that. You will buy products from those countries and never give them a second thought

Whites live in each one of the countries you mention and in fact all over the world. Whites invaded what is now north and south America. If you want to live in an all white country, take your racist ass back to Europe. You post makes no sense but you really think you're making a well thought out intellectual defense. Put down The Mantra, stop reading Camp of the Saints, and cancel your subscription to American Renaissance.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.

What year was this at Memphis State that "only blacks" received assistantships?

Interestingly, the current population of the city of Memphis is over 60% black, yet Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black.
It was 1977, ...as for your "stats", :link:

Interesting how you say that "Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black". I guess you didn't bother to check that THERE IS NO Memphis State current faculty, because in 2020, there is no Memphis State. Hasn't been since 1994.
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I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
He is a white supremacist and youbare racist against whites.
No better than him.
Except I am not racist against whites. Only a simple minded retard thinks pointing out racism by whites is racist against whites. And that's what you are.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.

What year was this at Memphis State that "only blacks" received assistantships?

Interestingly, the current population of the city of Memphis is over 60% black, yet Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black.
It was 1977, ...as for your "stats", :link:

Interesting how you say that "Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black". I guess you didn't bother to check that THERE IS NO Memphis State current faculty, because in 2020, there is no Memphis State. Hasn't been since 1992.
Yes there is. Now stop trying to play games with words.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.

What year was this at Memphis State that "only blacks" received assistantships?

Interestingly, the current population of the city of Memphis is over 60% black, yet Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black.
It was 1977, ...as for your "stats", :link:

Interesting how you say that "Memphis States current faculty is about 15% black". I guess you didn't bother to check that THERE IS NO Memphis State current faculty, because in 2020, there is no Memphis State. Hasn't been since 1992.
Yes there is. Now stop trying to play games with words.
If there is a university called Memphis State, there certainly would be a website, + a wikipedia write up. So post a link to a university called Memphis State University. Go ahead
I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
He is a white supremacist and youbare racist against whites.
No better than him.
Except I am not racist against whites. Only a simple minded retard thinks pointing out racism by whites is racist against whites. And that's what you are.
I couldn't care less about you pointing out racism by whites.
I'm talking about you denying racism by blacks, such as Affirmative Action for example.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You know, I'm honestly not trying to be mean to you (this time) but there is no such thing as an 'AA' questionnaire aka job application. You are free to answer the EEOC questions or not, you're not penalized for not doing so.

So you turned down a job because in your mind was an 'AA' job and you're too proud to accept a job based on anything other their your suitability for it, right? You're an idiot if that truly is the reason you turned down the job because as you relay the story, you were the best qualified candidate for the position. Hell the only qualified candidate if speaking Spanish was a requirement and you were the only one who spoke it.

So what was the real reason you turned down the job because your story just doesn't fly. If you needed the job and turned it down just so you could complain about getting screwed over by affirmative action, then you're your own worse enemy.

But lastly, if you didn't fill out the EEOC questions but they still offered you the job, how is it that you don't recognize that as a situation of having obtained it on your own merits, presumably? Or do you think they made assumptions about you because you speak Spanish?
Are you just joking ? If you don't fill out an AA questionnaire, you are disqualified, same as being a white male.

Your talk about me turning down jobs because of AA, shows just what I've been saying for years in this forum. That the people who accept AA discrimination in their favor, are a bunch of worthless lowlifes who don't know the meaning of the word self,--respect. All you do is grab at anything you can get, regardless of the moral ramifications. You all are about the equivalent of a bunch of wild dogs.

AA never would have been necessary if workplace discrimination had not existed. 50+ years of it does not anywhere near equalize centuries of "white males only need apply" policies.

What kind of "dogs" would maintain such policies for so long?

Even YOU should know that.
None of that is relevant to 2020. Jim Crow and slavery no longer exist. Affirmative Action does.

Who said a single word about slavery? As far as Jim Crow,
you are nuts if you believe that there was no lingering impact
of Crow on people who are still living that were subjected to i
to it. Just as some living people in your age group benefitted from it's practice.
  • Thanks
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But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.

What year was this at Memphis State that "only blacks" received assistantships?

Way back never. And do you ever remember being offered AA and a job? It's illegal for an employer to say you were hired because of race. That fool really needs to quit lying.

True. I guess if a person repeats a lie enough to themselves it becomes their reality.

I never got any job because of being black, I was at the company that I retired from long enough to go from being 1 of 2 blacks in my entire division covering 6 states, to seeing more minority hires over time but the majority of them in later years were middle easterners and Pakistanis, which was fine, and I interviewed and made decisions to hire some of them myself.

But I can assure you that I have living older relatives and friends who were denied quite a few jobs, because they were.
You keep talking about older blacks being denied jobs long ago, because they were black, while ignoring whites being denied jobs because they're white, right NOW.
I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
He is a white supremacist and youbare racist against whites.
No better than him.
Except I am not racist against whites. Only a simple minded retard thinks pointing out racism by whites is racist against whites. And that's what you are.
That isnt all you do. But you have proven time and time again you have the awareness if a dead fly :dunno:
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You know, I'm honestly not trying to be mean to you (this time) but there is no such thing as an 'AA' questionnaire aka job application. You are free to answer the EEOC questions or not, you're not penalized for not doing so.

So you turned down a job because in your mind was an 'AA' job and you're too proud to accept a job based on anything other their your suitability for it, right? You're an idiot if that truly is the reason you turned down the job because as you relay the story, you were the best qualified candidate for the position. Hell the only qualified candidate if speaking Spanish was a requirement and you were the only one who spoke it.

So what was the real reason you turned down the job because your story just doesn't fly. If you needed the job and turned it down just so you could complain about getting screwed over by affirmative action, then you're your own worse enemy.

But lastly, if you didn't fill out the EEOC questions but they still offered you the job, how is it that you don't recognize that as a situation of having obtained it on your own merits, presumably? Or do you think they made assumptions about you because you speak Spanish?
Are you just joking ? If you don't fill out an AA questionnaire, you are disqualified, same as being a white male.

Your talk about me turning down jobs because of AA, shows just what I've been saying for years in this forum. That the people who accept AA discrimination in their favor, are a bunch of worthless lowlifes who don't know the meaning of the word self,--respect. All you do is grab at anything you can get, regardless of the moral ramifications. You all are about the equivalent of a bunch of wild dogs.

AA never would have been necessary if workplace discrimination had not existed. 50+ years of it does not anywhere near equalize centuries of "white males only need apply" policies.

What kind of "dogs" would maintain such policies for so long?

Even YOU should know that.
None of that is relevant to 2020. Jim Crow and slavery no longer exist. Affirmative Action does.

Who said a single word about slavery? As far as Jim Crow,
you are nuts if you believe that there was no lingering impact
of Crow on people who are still living that were subjected to i
to it. Just as some living people in your age group benefitted from it's practice.
Are you crazy ? How would I benefit from Jim Crow ? It ended when AA began in 1961. I was 15 years old.

Even if I had been older, I don't see how I could have benefitted from J Crow. That idea is downright weird.
1) I do not consider myself a white supremacist and only an idiot would. As I've pointed out China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Zimbabwe - and maybe a dozen or so other countries are homogeneous countries. NONE of you pretending to be concerned about white supremacists give a rat's ass about that. You will buy products from those countries and never give them a second thought

Whites live in each one of the countries you mention and in fact all over the world. Whites invaded what is now north and south America. If you want to live in an all white country, take your racist ass back to Europe. You post makes no sense but you really think you're making a well thought out intellectual defense. Put down The Mantra, stop reading Camp of the Saints, and cancel your subscription to American Renaissance.

No experience to that which you allude. Let's fix your ignorance, starting today:

China - "92% of the Chinese population and more than 97% of the Taiwanese population are Han."

Japan is 98 percent Japanese with 0 percent immigration

Japan Demographics Profile 2019

North Korea - According to The World Factbook, North Korea is racially homogeneous and contains a small Chinese community and a few ethnic Japanese.[3] The 2008 census listed two nationalities: Korean (99.998%)

Demographics of North Korea - Wikipedia

South Korea "the ethnicity is listed as homogenous - meaning the population is over 99% Korean in ethnic background."


Zimbabwe - 99.4 percent black

Zimbabwe Demographics Profile 2019

Now that I have shown you to be an ignorant liar and a raging racist once again, I can go take a nap. Thanks for the other leads too, BTW.
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I'm done arguing with these racists about AA and white supremacy. Rockwell is a white supremacist, I've shown that twice. AA has not hurt whites, in fact it has increased white family income. That's a fact that cannot be changed how much protectionist hollers to the contrary. Molly has benefitted more from AA than anyone in this conversation. That to is a fact that will not changed because 3 white losers at USMB whine about having to compete for jobs.
He is a white supremacist and youbare racist against whites.
No better than him.
Except I am not racist against whites. Only a simple minded retard thinks pointing out racism by whites is racist against whites. And that's what you are.

You aren't racist against whites? All anyone has to do is disagree with you and they become Hitler incarnate. Dude, you're the most racist individual I've ever come across and I knew people like Hosea Williams, Al Sharpton, David Duke, Tom Metzger and many others PERSONALLY (like sit at the table and argue this stuff face to face personally.) NONE of them could hold a candle to you.

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