What is White Supremacy?

And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
No shit? A person with a job has a higher salary than a person without a job? Pure genius.

And why do you have to look down on the guy rounding up the shopping carts? All the ones I've encountered are way nicer than you are.
I didn't look down on him. I just mentioned as an example of your salary without a job.

Never even occurred to me to look down on them. You brought that up. .Your thought, not mine . I guess you look down on them.
Of course you look down on him if you're using him to indicate someone at the lower rungs of the pay scale who is still higher paid than myself.

I hold them in higher esteem than I do you.
Blacks don't have to fight for squat. They get stuff thrown in their laps by Affirmative Action, even when they didn't earn it. Unless demonstrated by past performance (ex. Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas), no black person in a professional job can be trusted, because they all might have got where they are by Affirmative Action, Open Admissions, watered down college courses, open book tests, and other such foolish disgraces.
Ever hear of Microsoft? You believe Microsoft has been infiltrated by an evil affirmative action virus or something that causes dumbed down certifications to fall into the laps of any black person who happens to be in the vicinity?

I obtainted my first cert, a Microsoft Certified System Engineer in 2000, my next two in 2002 (Certified Solutions Developer & SQL Server Database Administrator), another Solutions Developer in 2004 and my last in August 2019 (SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer*)

We're talking a 20 year period in which I never stopped studying, never stopped striving, never stopped learning or growing.

That's one of the main differences between me and you, between all of us and you all.
And from all these illustrious certs you alleged to have received, have you ever gotten an actual JOB, to use them at ?
Do you do this work right now ?

Or is your major work going down to the welfare office to pick up a check, and get recertified for THAT ?
View attachment 301838

No, I have not taken my latest certification out for a test drive yet.

Have you noticed that the average salary in my field is higher than the top range of the field you aspired to, even if you had been able to achieve your dreams?
So you have all those nice certs and no job. Well, they might look very nice hanging on the wall, while you wait for your welfare check.

And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
LOL, I rest my case.

Your response is why I explained to you that because I deal with individuals such as yourself on a regular basis I know you very well although you did surprise me a bit. While I fully expected you to say something to try to denigrate my accomplishments It just didn't occur to me that you would think and claim (happily I'm sure) that I an unemployed.

Are you sad now that you know I'm not unemployed? :)

These idiots assume a lot of things. noprotection is a loser. There are over 100 million Americans living well even if things were actually as noprotection claims. They aren't crying about AA 24-7-365. These idiots give away their racism every day then claim they aren't racists. We just have to be opposing their racism because we have failed, it can't be due to the fact that we are pissed off about it and want the shit to stop. No matter how much money, fame or accomplishments, we want whites to stop being racists.

noprotection has no done shit in his life. He can't compare to you, I know he could not do as we have done, because he's here crying about some shit he made up. And full props go to Steve who is closer to noprotection in age and by looking at his crib, noprotection couldn't live in his garage. In fact, noprotection would consider that an upgrade.

Whites like him are too stupid to be called ignorant. From 1776 until Johnson signed the executive order, everything that stump stupid bastard called AA was provided to whites. It took almost 30 years for the entire country to recognize this as policy, and still today you have whites like noprotection crying because he couldn't get what he thought he was entitled to only because of the color of his skin.
That's true..no matter how hard YOU try.

JFK coined the phrase of Affirmative Action in an Executive Order. LBJ mandated AA in hiring practices by Federal contractors--in 1965, after the civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. AA took another decade to firmly take hold. It is an fact that White women probably benefited more than Black men. It is also a fact that most minorities had a shot at AA. It is also a fact that many minorities were able to get an education, enter professions such as medicine and the law--that might have not done so. Again, women, and particularly women of color...greatly benefited.

IMO..those sort of things are the only reparations that really even count

Anyone who thinks that white men are the victims of racism in this country is either a fool or attempting to pursue a revisionist and racist agenda. I guess that one could be both.
White victim-hood is pathetic..and an excuse for losers to find a reason they can live with for their failures.

Timeline of Affirmative Action Milestones
You are absolutely clueless. Read my posts in this thread and learn.

LMAO. If anything, he will "learn" how backward your logic is, and how "clueless" you are.
How backward, dishonest, dishonorable, and pathetic YOU are, needing and relying on AA. :rolleyes:

I'm retired and don't personally need it, and it never benefitted me, but as long as backward thinking, socially inept, nutjobs like you, who would favor turning back time to the pre civil rights era still exist, future generations of minorities and females need protection from those like you.
Current and future generations of whites (including women,) need protection from racist criminals like you.

LMAO! The only "crime" that I've ever committed thus far is stealing my own time by reading your insanity,

If you were in my state, you would be a "5150" case, and would not be allowed to use a computer.
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. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You didn't explain how you would determine who suffered harm from affirmative action so that they could be paid "reparations" via a lawsuit. You can't get from A to Z without going through the entire alphabet at least in this case, so state your case.

According to "him/it", literally "hundreds of millions' of white people have been victimized by AA..

They must administer some drugs like none ever heard of at the VA mental ward in Florida.

. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You are so full of shit. I just checked on the City of Treasure Island's website and they have an open position for a city planner. I examined their employment application and there is NOTHING in it that requires a candidate to indicate their protected class status AS WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL ALONG. This is the only reference to EEO in the application

The City has an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy posted in the Human Resources Office. We believe that one of our greatest strengths as an organization is the diversity of our people.

Persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will also be checked for the following: Driver License check; local, state, and national criminal history record check; verification of all information on application; background investigation that includes interviews with previous employers and others who can attest to your work habits, qualifications, and character. A credit report may be made for some positions.Among other requirements, persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will:Complete the Immigration & Naturalization Form I-9; be fingerprinted by the City’s Police Department; take an employee loyalty oath; and provide copies of any required licenses or certifications.

The City of Treasure Island collects the social security number of employees and applicants for employment for the following purposes: identification and verification; credit worthiness; benefit processing, and tax reporting. Social security numbers may also be used as a unique numeric identifier and may be used for search purposes.If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone in the Human Resources Office.​

Hyperlink to the Job Posting
Hyperlink to the Job Appication

No protection is a dumb ass. He can't prove anything so all he can do is lie about how facts and statistics are liberal tools.
I proved AA is in full force at 2 VA hospitals and one job center. Anybody can visit to verify. Even you, dumbo.

You did not "PROVE" anything, accept your ability to make up bullshit.

Why would anyone here accept what you claim as an absolute fact?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You didn't explain how you would determine who suffered harm from affirmative action so that they could be paid "reparations" via a lawsuit. You can't get from A to Z without going through the entire alphabet at least in this case, so state your case.

According to "him/it", literally "hundreds of millions' of white people have been victimized by AA..

They must administer some drugs like none ever heard of at the VA mental ward in Florida.


Maybe I should have moved to Florida in my weed smoking days. What is about whites in Florida? First there was Morrison, now this guy. Maybe they need to quit eating alligator.
Florida unemployment:

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data
And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
No shit? A person with a job has a higher salary than a person without a job? Pure genius.

And why do you have to look down on the guy rounding up the shopping carts? All the ones I've encountered are way nicer than you are.

Likely far more intelligent as well. I think Deflectionist is a former "stoner" whose brain has turned to mush from doing too many psychedelic drugs.

In one of his posts here he mentioned mescalin and LSD.
I'm watching Hidden Figures again and each time I do it keeps reminding me of things that others took for granted that black people have always had to fight for.

Progress is being made IM2, just a little longer. In some respects, it's already been won.
Blacks don't have to fight for squat. They get stuff thrown in their laps by Affirmative Action, even when they didn't earn it. Unless demonstrated by past performance (ex. Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas), no black person in a professional job can be trusted, because they all might have got where they are by
. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You didn't explain how you would determine who suffered harm from affirmative action so that they could be paid "reparations" via a lawsuit. You can't get from A to Z without going through the entire alphabet at least in this case, so state your case.

According to "him/it", literally "hundreds of millions' of white people have been victimized by AA..

They must administer some drugs like none ever heard of at the VA mental ward in Florida.


Maybe I should have moved to Florida in my weed smoking days. What is about whites in Florida? First there was Morrison, now this guy. Maybe they need to quit eating alligator.

Brother, you would not like Florida. I used to travel there frequently before retiring, and always dreaded going. The humidity is oppresive....but my wife sure liked shopping in Palm Beach

Truthfully I did try alligator a few times while there. It wasn't that bad, but I drew the line at eating Iguana....lol
Florida unemployment:

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data

Of course the village idiot will dismiss these facts as "liberal lies"....Watch.
[Q upUOTE="NewsVine_Mariyam, post: 23910940, member: 69274"]
Ever hear of Microsoft? You believe Microsoft has been infiltrated by an evil affirmative action virus or something that causes dumbed down certifications to fall into the laps of any black person who happens to be in the vicinity?

I obtainted my first cert, a Microsoft Certified System Engineer in 2000, my next two in 2002 (Certified Solutions Developer & SQL Server Database Administrator), another Solutions Developer in 2004 and my last in August 2019 (SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer*)

We're talking a 20 year period in which I never stopped studying, never stopped striving, never stopped learning or growing.

That's one of the main differences between me and you, between all of us and you all.
And from all these illustrious certs you alleged to have received, have you ever gotten an actual JOB, to use them at ?
Do you do this work right now ?

Or is your major work going down to the welfare office to pick up a check, and get recertified for THAT ?
View attachment 301838

No, I have not taken my latest certification out for a test drive yet.

Have you noticed that the average salary in my field is higher than the top range of the field you aspired to, even if you had been able to achieve your dreams?
So you have all those nice certs and no job. Well, they might look very nice hanging on the wall, while you wait for your welfare check.

And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
LOL, I rest my case.

Your response is why I explained to you that because I deal with individuals such as yourself on a regular basis I know you very well although you did surprise me a bit. While I fully expected you to say something to try to denigrate my accomplishments It just didn't occur to me that you would think and claim (happily I'm sure) that I an unemployed.

Are you sad now that you know I'm not unemployed? :)

These idiots assume a lot of things. noprotection is a loser. There are over 100 million Americans living well even if things were actually as noprotection claims. They aren't crying about AA 24-7-365. These idiots give away their racism every day then claim they aren't racists. We just have to be opposing their racism because we have failed, it can't be due to the fact that we are pissed off about it and want the shit to stop. No matter how much money, fame or accomplishments, we want whites to stop being racists.

noprotection has no done shit in his life. He can't compare to you, I know he could not do as we have done, because he's here crying about some shit he made up. And full props go to Steve who is closer to noprotection in age and by looking at his crib, noprotection couldn't live in his garage. In fact, noprotection would consider that an upgrade.

Whites like him are too stupid to be called ignorant. From 1776 until Johnson signed the executive order, everything that stump stupid bastard called AA was provided to whites. It took almost 30 years for the entire country to recognize this as policy, and still today you have whites like noprotection crying because he couldn't get what he thought he was entitled to only because of the color of his skin.[/QUOTE]
There's no need for you to show off your need for AA, and how you desperately cling to it. This thread is old and long enough, that you have clearly shown how pathetically dependent you are.

To you, AA is like an addicting drug. It not only has you tied to it, and insanely craving it 24/7, but it distorts your mind.

You can blabber your racist trash all you like, and post lies about me, which I refuted long ago in this thread, but everyone in this forum knows you for what you are. Just another AA addicted poor soul, with an empty resume.

I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and I teach in affiliation with 3 music schools. (Violin, mandolin, & guitar).
And IM2 ? He does rap. LOL

After startup with just a few $$, I owned my own business for as long as I wished to, and expanded it to 3 branch offices in 3 counties. IM2 could never have done this. He would have needed an AA business loan. He would have needed AA assisted business courses.

I also have 2 honorable discharges from the military - Army National Guard and US Army, with a rank of Specialist 5. I could just see IM2 trying to get through boot camp. OMG. The drill sergeants (most of them black guys) would chew him up, and spit him out. Ha ha.

IM2: "Sergeant. Can't I be excused from the 20 mile March to the rifle range ? Isn't there any AA for that ?"

Sergeant: "You get that pack on your back, and that (heavy) helmet on your head, and be ready to March in 10 minutes, or I'll put my steel toe combat boot right straight up your ass, boy." :drillsergeant: :laugh::biggrin:

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And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
No shit? A person with a job has a higher salary than a person without a job? Pure genius.

And why do you have to look down on the guy rounding up the shopping carts? All the ones I've encountered are way nicer than you are.
I didn't look down on him. I just mentioned as an example of your salary without a job.

Never even occurred to me to look down on them. You brought that up. .Your thought, not mine . I guess you look down on them.
Of course you look down on him if you're using him to indicate someone at the lower rungs of the pay scale who is still higher paid than myself.

I hold them in higher esteem than I do you.
No you don't. You're the one who brought up the notion of looking down on him . Your words and thought, not mine.
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Florida unemployment:

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data

Of course the village idiot will dismiss these facts as "liberal lies"....Watch.
Just because blacks get AA, that doesn't mean they're going to get up out of bed before noon, and go out to get a job. Lots of those blacks are unemployed because they choose to be. Easier to just collect a welfare check. Right ,NVM ? :biggrin:
And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
No shit? A person with a job has a higher salary than a person without a job? Pure genius.

And why do you have to look down on the guy rounding up the shopping carts? All the ones I've encountered are way nicer than you are.

Likely far more intelligent as well. I think Deflectionist is a former "stoner" whose brain has turned to mush from doing too many psychedelic drugs.

In one of his posts here he mentioned mescalin and LSD.
Blacks don't have to fight for squat. They get stuff thrown in their laps by Affirmative Action, even when they didn't earn it. Unless demonstrated by past performance (ex. Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas), no black person in a professional job can be trusted, because they all might have got where they are by
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You didn't explain how you would determine who suffered harm from affirmative action so that they could be paid "reparations" via a lawsuit. You can't get from A to Z without going through the entire alphabet at least in this case, so state your case.

According to "him/it", literally "hundreds of millions' of white people have been victimized by AA..

They must administer some drugs like none ever heard of at the VA mental ward in Florida.


Maybe I should have moved to Florida in my weed smoking days. What is about whites in Florida? First there was Morrison, now this guy. Maybe they need to quit eating alligator.

Brother, you would not like Florida. I used to travel there frequently before retiring, and always dreaded going. The humidity is oppresive....but my wife sure liked shopping in Palm Beach

Truthfully I did try alligator a few times while there. It wasn't that bad, but I drew the line at eating Iguana....lol
You couldn't make it here in Florida. This is a red state. Black guy ran for governor, and got beat by the Republican . AA is disappearing here too. Not your cup of tea. :biggrin:
And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
No shit? A person with a job has a higher salary than a person without a job? Pure genius.

And why do you have to look down on the guy rounding up the shopping carts? All the ones I've encountered are way nicer than you are.

Likely far more intelligent as well. I think Deflectionist is a former "stoner" whose brain has turned to mush from doing too many psychedelic drugs.

In one of his posts here he mentioned mescalin and LSD.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You didn't explain how you would determine who suffered harm from affirmative action so that they could be paid "reparations" via a lawsuit. You can't get from A to Z without going through the entire alphabet at least in this case, so state your case.

According to "him/it", literally "hundreds of millions' of white people have been victimized by AA..

They must administer some drugs like none ever heard of at the VA mental ward in Florida.


Maybe I should have moved to Florida in my weed smoking days. What is about whites in Florida? First there was Morrison, now this guy. Maybe they need to quit eating alligator.

Brother, you would not like Florida. I used to travel there frequently before retiring, and always dreaded going. The humidity is oppresive....but my wife sure liked shopping in Palm Beach

Truthfully I did try alligator a few times while there. It wasn't that bad, but I drew the line at eating Iguana....lol
You couldn't make it here in Florida. This is a red state. Black guy ran for governor, and got beat by the Republican . AA is disappearing here too. Not your cup of tea. :biggrin:

Lol. You fixed income, rent controlled, government leech.

I turned down several opportunities to move down south before retirement. Florida happened to be one of the states that I passed on, Georgia was another.

If I had chosen to uproot my family and go, I would have lived far better than you, in fact, someone like you probably would have been cutting my lawn, or cleaning my house.
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Florida unemployment:

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data

Of course the village idiot will dismiss these facts as "liberal lies"....Watch.
Just because blacks get AA, that doesn't mean they're going to get up out of bed before noon, and go out to get a job. Lots of those blacks are unemployed because they choose to be. Easier to just collect a welfare check. Right ,NVM ? :biggrin:

And how would you know that they choose to be unemployed?

You need to make up your mind. grandma.
On one hand, you claim that "blacks are doing better than whites, and get better jobs".

Now that you were presented with facts regarding unemployment, you are stating that the unemployed blacks are unemployed by choice"

You can't have it both ways.

You need to call for one of the staff at the VA mental ward and request a medication check.
I've been on legal teams and we've won TWO cases at the United States Supreme Court level. I hate to burst your bubble, but I've forgotten more about constitutional level than you've ever known OR ARE CAPABLE OF LEARNING.
Oh well in that case, this should be easy for you. Which cases?

The first Cheek v. US (Cheek didn't like to win) and the other case would require me giving up personal details.
Cheek was a nutjob who believed he wasn't required to pay taxes.

Did you work for William Coulson?

And he won the case - but, when the government arrested him a second time, he gave up. If not for the right wing, the tax protesters had that whole issue won. The Fair Tax would have eliminate the income tax, the IRS and the Federal Reserve. The right didn't like winning, however.

Brief Fact Summary. Defendant Cheek was convicted under a provision of the Federal Tax Code that makes it a felony to “willfully attempt in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or payment thereof” for failing to file a tax return. Defendant argued that he had acted on information he received from a group opposing the institution of taxation and based on this information he believed that he did not owe any taxes.

Cheek argued that he didn't believe he had to pay taxes because a right wing anti tax nutjob group had him believing he was not required to pay taxes. He was convicted of not paying taxes based on that and the court decided he did not pay based on a misunderstanding.

Synopsis of Rule of Law. A good faith misunderstanding of the law or a good faith belief that one is not violating the law does not have to be reasonable to negate the element of willfulness.

is guilty of a felony that “willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or payment thereof.” Defendant had failed to file a tax return required by law and argued in his defense that his failure to file was based on information he received from a group opposing the institution of taxation. Based on this information, Defendant asserted that he believed that he owed no taxes, including taxes on his wages. At trial the judge instructed the jury that an honest but unreasonable belief is not a defense and does not negate willfulness. Defendant appealed the jury instruction.

Issue. Can a mistake based on an honest but unreasonable belief negate the element of willfulness?

Held. Yes. Judgment reversed and remanded.
The general rule is that mistake of law is not a viable defense to a criminal prosecution. However, the statutes of tax law sometime make it difficult for the average citizen to know the extent of his/her duties under tax law. Therefore specific intent to violate the law is an element of certain Federal criminal tax offenses. The term “willfully” carves out an exception to the traditional rule that mistake of law is not a defense.

The Government, with regard to willfulness in violating tax law, has to prove that the law imposed a duty on the defendant, that the defendant knew of this duty and that the defendant voluntarily and intentionally violated that duty.

A good faith misunderstanding of the law or a good faith belief that one is not violating the law does not have to be reasonable to negate willfulness.

Discussion. Ordinarily a mistake about the prohibition is not a defense, however where the prosecution must prove that a duty was intentionally violated, a mistake as to the existence of the prohibition negates that intent. The terms willfully and knowingly raise questions as to whether their use requires the defendant to be aware of the existence of the law he is charged with violating or just aware that he/she willfully or knowingly acted, regardless of whether he knew the actions were illegal.

Cheek v. United States - Case Brief for Law Students | Casebriefs

So he was not convicted of willful refusal to pay taxes, not that taxes are illegal. Your argument has consistently been disingenuous. You don't take your 14th amendment crap to the SCOTUS because it's an invalid argument which is in fact a lie.

You are playing semantics. Our group did not agree with the previous group's assessment. The government had to prove willful failure and they didn't. We won the case. That is the bottom line there.

As to whether the taxes are legal or not, I posted a video that you chose not to view. That's on you. Not only was the guy who WROTE the law interviewed, but so were people who worked FOR the IRS in enforcing compliance.

You can filibuster this issue until Hell freezes over, but it don't change the bottom line. Yo have ZERO courtroom experience; ZERO legal education, ZERO knowledge of basic civics. Your life revolves around browbeating people and trying to intimidate people on the Internet. You're a pathetic failure.
[Q upUOTE="NewsVine_Mariyam, post: 23910940, member: 69274"]
Ever hear of Microsoft? You believe Microsoft has been infiltrated by an evil affirmative action virus or something that causes dumbed down certifications to fall into the laps of any black person who happens to be in the vicinity?

I obtainted my first cert, a Microsoft Certified System Engineer in 2000, my next two in 2002 (Certified Solutions Developer & SQL Server Database Administrator), another Solutions Developer in 2004 and my last in August 2019 (SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer*)

We're talking a 20 year period in which I never stopped studying, never stopped striving, never stopped learning or growing.

That's one of the main differences between me and you, between all of us and you all.
And from all these illustrious certs you alleged to have received, have you ever gotten an actual JOB, to use them at ?
Do you do this work right now ?

Or is your major work going down to the welfare office to pick up a check, and get recertified for THAT ?
View attachment 301838

No, I have not taken my latest certification out for a test drive yet.

Have you noticed that the average salary in my field is higher than the top range of the field you aspired to, even if you had been able to achieve your dreams?
So you have all those nice certs and no job. Well, they might look very nice hanging on the wall, while you wait for your welfare check.

And without any job, your salary is not higher than the guy who rounds up shopping carts.
LOL, I rest my case.

Your response is why I explained to you that because I deal with individuals such as yourself on a regular basis I know you very well although you did surprise me a bit. While I fully expected you to say something to try to denigrate my accomplishments It just didn't occur to me that you would think and claim (happily I'm sure) that I an unemployed.

Are you sad now that you know I'm not unemployed? :)

These idiots assume a lot of things. noprotection is a loser. There are over 100 million Americans living well even if things were actually as noprotection claims. They aren't crying about AA 24-7-365. These idiots give away their racism every day then claim they aren't racists. We just have to be opposing their racism because we have failed, it can't be due to the fact that we are pissed off about it and want the shit to stop. No matter how much money, fame or accomplishments, we want whites to stop being racists.

noprotection has no done shit in his life. He can't compare to you, I know he could not do as we have done, because he's here crying about some shit he made up. And full props go to Steve who is closer to noprotection in age and by looking at his crib, noprotection couldn't live in his garage. In fact, noprotection would consider that an upgrade.

Whites like him are too stupid to be called ignorant. From 1776 until Johnson signed the executive order, everything that stump stupid bastard called AA was provided to whites. It took almost 30 years for the entire country to recognize this as policy, and still today you have whites like noprotection crying because he couldn't get what he thought he was entitled to only because of the color of his skin.
There's no need for you to show off your need for AA, and how you desperately cling to it. This thread is old and long enough, that you have clearly shown how pathetically dependent you are.

To you, AA is like an addicting drug. It not only has you tied to it, and insanely craving it 24/7, but it distorts your mind.

You can blabber your racist trash all you like, and post lies about me, which I refuted long ago in this thread, but everyone in this forum knows you for what you are. Just another AA addicted poor soul, with an empty resume.

I play 5 musical instruments, all on a professional level, and I teach in affiliation with 3 music schools. (Violin, mandolin, & guitar).
And IM2 ? He does rap. LOL

After startup with just a few $$, I owned my own business for as long as I wished to, and expanded it to 3 branch offices in 3 counties. IM2 could never have done this. He would have needed an AA business loan. He would have needed AA assisted business courses.

I also have 2 honorable discharges from the military - Army National Guard and US Army, with a rank of Specialist 5. I could just see IM2 trying to get through boot camp. OMG. The drill sergeants (most of them black guys) would chew him up, and spit him out. Ha ha.

IM2: "Sergeant. Can't I be excused from the 20 mile March to the rifle range ? Isn't there any AA for that ?"

Sergeant: "You get that pack on your back, and that (heavy) helmet on your head, and be ready to March in 10 minutes, or I'll put my steel toe combat boot right straight up your ass, boy." :drillsergeant: :laugh::biggrin:


In spite of all of your delusions of granduer about your "success", you didn't manage to turn out too well.

Did you?
If you look in a mirror, you know what you are. As for loony tune? You're so stupid you thought asphalt was rectum trouble; Peter Pan was something you put under the bed at night; you wear a hat to the toilet so you know which end to wipe. BTW, how is it every day you get to hurl another insult at me and make presuppositions with no basis in fact?

You are a racist, black supremacist that has never done shit with his life except blame white people because you're an absolute failure at life. If we took all the stupid people like you, place them in a room and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

If you hate this country so damn bad, why not pack your bags and find some place more to your liking? You like talking shit and pecking on your keyboard because the last time you did something that stupid, you were a teen and some Bubba kicked your ass. You are not intimidating anyone with your blathering insults, so screw you. Look in the mirror and you'll see the greatest example the world's worst failure. You are the reason white supremacists exist. The day after you and Al Sharpton croak, the white supremacists will go out of business. Nobody will be bitching about them
Wow, what did IM2 say to get under your skin like that? Must of struck a nerve.

I'm sick of him. He has thus far accused me of being a white supremacist; he accused me of "fucking" his mother; he's called me names that would have gotten any other poster banned. I don't have much respect for gutless cowards that hide behind the Internet and trying to bully people.

A white supremacist would be IM2 with white skin IMO. I know Don Black (the guy who started Stormfront) and David Duke and I was a law clerk under Jimmy Venable (the last living klansman when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain way back in the 1920s (IIRC.) NONE of those guys were near the caliber of hatemonger IM2 is. I met J.B. Stoner once as a teen when he was stumping for governor of Georgia. He'd be the only thing close to IM2 in terms of hate. IM2 wants all whites line up and mowed down with machine guns.

Personally, I've never heard any white racists go to the extremes IM2 does and maybe they exist, but the old guard aforementioned aren't in IM2's class when it comes to hate mongering and bigotry.

IM2 is beyond having any civil conversation with. If his intent is to convert people into white racists, it's about the only thing he's good at. Maybe he's a neo - nazi pretending to be black because he's sure as Hell doing a better recruitment job than the current crop of white racist leaders - because I can't even tell you their names.
If you look in a mirror, you know what you are. As for loony tune? You're so stupid you thought asphalt was rectum trouble; Peter Pan was something you put under the bed at night; you wear a hat to the toilet so you know which end to wipe. BTW, how is it every day you get to hurl another insult at me and make presuppositions with no basis in fact?

You are a racist, black supremacist that has never done shit with his life except blame white people because you're an absolute failure at life. If we took all the stupid people like you, place them in a room and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

If you hate this country so damn bad, why not pack your bags and find some place more to your liking? You like talking shit and pecking on your keyboard because the last time you did something that stupid, you were a teen and some Bubba kicked your ass. You are not intimidating anyone with your blathering insults, so screw you. Look in the mirror and you'll see the greatest example the world's worst failure. You are the reason white supremacists exist. The day after you and Al Sharpton croak, the white supremacists will go out of business. Nobody will be bitching about them
Wow, what did IM2 say to get under your skin like that? Must of struck a nerve.

I'm sick of him. He has thus far accused me of being a white supremacist; he accused me of "fucking" his mother; he's called me names that would have gotten any other poster banned. I don't have much respect for gutless cowards that hide behind the Internet and trying to bully people.

A white supremacist would be IM2 with white skin IMO. I know Don Black (the guy who started Stormfront) and David Duke and I was a law clerk under Jimmy Venable (the last living klansman when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain way back in the 1920s (IIRC.) NONE of those guys were near the caliber of hatemonger IM2 is. I met J.B. Stoner once as a teen when he was stumping for governor of Georgia. He'd be the only thing close to IM2 in terms of hate. IM2 wants all whites line up and mowed down with machine guns.

Personally, I've never heard any white racists go to the extremes IM2 does and maybe they exist, but the old guard aforementioned aren't in IM2's class when it comes to hate mongering and bigotry.

IM2 is beyond having any civil conversation with. If his intent is to convert people into white racists, it's about the only thing he's good at. Maybe he's a neo - nazi pretending to be black because he's sure as Hell doing a better recruitment job than the current crop of white racist leaders - because I can't even tell you their names.

You sure know a lot of shady people!

So IM2 don't like most whites....this matters to you? I gotta say...I'm not threatened by him..nor do I think he intends me to be....You, on the other hand, feel threatened..and well you should be!

Your responses are quite telling..for those that want to look..I wonder if you really mean what you communicate to others..as to who you are..ethically?
If you look in a mirror, you know what you are. As for loony tune? You're so stupid you thought asphalt was rectum trouble; Peter Pan was something you put under the bed at night; you wear a hat to the toilet so you know which end to wipe. BTW, how is it every day you get to hurl another insult at me and make presuppositions with no basis in fact?

You are a racist, black supremacist that has never done shit with his life except blame white people because you're an absolute failure at life. If we took all the stupid people like you, place them in a room and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

If you hate this country so damn bad, why not pack your bags and find some place more to your liking? You like talking shit and pecking on your keyboard because the last time you did something that stupid, you were a teen and some Bubba kicked your ass. You are not intimidating anyone with your blathering insults, so screw you. Look in the mirror and you'll see the greatest example the world's worst failure. You are the reason white supremacists exist. The day after you and Al Sharpton croak, the white supremacists will go out of business. Nobody will be bitching about them
Wow, what did IM2 say to get under your skin like that? Must of struck a nerve.

I'm sick of him. He has thus far accused me of being a white supremacist; he accused me of "fucking" his mother; he's called me names that would have gotten any other poster banned. I don't have much respect for gutless cowards that hide behind the Internet and trying to bully people.

A white supremacist would be IM2 with white skin IMO. I know Don Black (the guy who started Stormfront) and David Duke and I was a law clerk under Jimmy Venable (the last living klansman when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain way back in the 1920s (IIRC.) NONE of those guys were near the caliber of hatemonger IM2 is. I met J.B. Stoner once as a teen when he was stumping for governor of Georgia. He'd be the only thing close to IM2 in terms of hate. IM2 wants all whites line up and mowed down with machine guns.

Personally, I've never heard any white racists go to the extremes IM2 does and maybe they exist, but the old guard aforementioned aren't in IM2's class when it comes to hate mongering and bigotry.

IM2 is beyond having any civil conversation with. If his intent is to convert people into white racists, it's about the only thing he's good at. Maybe he's a neo - nazi pretending to be black because he's sure as Hell doing a better recruitment job than the current crop of white racist leaders - because I can't even tell you their names.

You sure know a lot of shady people!

So IM2 don't like most whites....this matters to you? I gotta say...I'm not threatened by him..nor do I think he intends me to be....You, on the other hand, feel threatened..and well you should be!

Your responses are quite telling..for those that want to look..I wonder if you really mean what you communicate to others..as to who you are..ethically?

I don't feel threatened by him. I told him all he has to do is say name the time and the place and we can hold a public face to face and allow the people to decide whether or not he is competent OR the blowhard we know he really is.

I knew a lot of shady people in the day. I was on Hosea Williams tv show and once he took up my challenge, his show was cancelled at the end of the season. Jesse Jackson was a regular political sparring adversary. When a person has several decades of working in law and politics, they run across a lot of interesting characters. Of all the people who best represented their respective sides, Ralph David Abernathy was the man the left should revere and Ron Paul was the closest to a constitutionalist that has lived during my lifetime.

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