What is White Supremacy?

The only thing you have established is your perverted, malicious willingness to throw millions of people under the bus, to greedily grab whatever you can get.
You are very strange and it sounds like you're becoming afraid of me :)

YOU sound very strange, with an uncanny ability to fail to understand things ...aka Stupid.
LOL, you think I don't understand? I have to deal with people like you all of the time. That's how I know you so well.
. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You are so full of shit. I just checked on the City of Treasure Island's website and they have an open position for a city planner. I examined their employment application and there is NOTHING in it that requires a candidate to indicate their protected class status AS WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL ALONG. This is the only reference to EEO in the application

The City has an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy posted in the Human Resources Office. We believe that one of our greatest strengths as an organization is the diversity of our people.

Persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will also be checked for the following: Driver License check; local, state, and national criminal history record check; verification of all information on application; background investigation that includes interviews with previous employers and others who can attest to your work habits, qualifications, and character. A credit report may be made for some positions.Among other requirements, persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will:Complete the Immigration & Naturalization Form I-9; be fingerprinted by the City’s Police Department; take an employee loyalty oath; and provide copies of any required licenses or certifications.

The City of Treasure Island collects the social security number of employees and applicants for employment for the following purposes: identification and verification; credit worthiness; benefit processing, and tax reporting. Social security numbers may also be used as a unique numeric identifier and may be used for search purposes.If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone in the Human Resources Office.​

Hyperlink to the Job Posting
Hyperlink to the Job Appication

No protection is a dumb ass. He can't prove anything so all he can do is lie about how facts and statistics are liberal tools.
There is nothing supreme about white ppl. Any time one race, ie whites, who have been afforded the red carpet treatment by virtue of skin color, since this country's conception, still struggles to maintain a good life for themselves, is not supreme, but rather pathetic. White ppl have been free their whole lives and you don't have your shit together by now, blame nobody but your votes and yourselves.

The only thing supreme about white ppl, is the fast food order I get from Taco Bell.
Welcome back sister.
"Sister" ? I thought that ghetto beast was a man. Well, racism has no sex boundaries.
Ghetto? Why haven't you answered why the white people won't let you live near them?
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I don't have time for your racist idiocy tonight. You are a slave to hatred, slavery, and stupidity. You've made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.
You are the racist here buddy. I'm not the on posting lunacy about how America was founded for one specific race and how constitutional amendments are legal. You're the one who has made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.

I built 3 sucessful organizations and retired from that work at age 52. If I have failed then success does not exist, boy. What I am doing is speaking truth and you can't handle it. You're the one that hates. You see Junior, for as long as you have studied that crazy shit, I have studied white racism. In fact, that's required learning in the black community. You are the example of the 21st century white supremacist and the only tool you have is gaslighting. That's why you're here arguing a hate filled argument and claim I'm the racist for exposing you for what you are.

And I am going to continue.

I just saw a Chinese girl on the Dr. Phil Show expose people like you.

They called her a racist too for simply quoting the facts. The facts are facts. They have no agenda. You do. The first Naturalization Act says what it says. If you've wasted that much of your life fretting over racism, you wasted your life.

I worked in immigration law for six years, working for the prosecution side, defense side, expert witness, and working with undocumented foreigners with peripheral problems (like getting payment plans set up to pay their doctor bills.) When I cite the facts, Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc.

But, like I told you. I don't give a shit who believes what. I can tell people the truth and that's it. Your hatred is becoming contagious and should a race war break out, you will be responsible for much of the carnage.

You're not too retired or doing so good. You won't meet me face to face and talk skeet before a live audience. If you took your circus show on the road, you wouldn't have an audience any more.

Except you aren't quoting the facts and you're the one with an agenda. I think I know what my personal situation is. You are the one with the circus son, and I've been on TV/Radio. I have been able to bring suburban whites into the middle of the hood so they can understand what damage racism has caused. If we ever debate, I'm going to school you. Because you're a clown trying to peddle race baited garbage the constitution was ratified to end. Unalienable rights can't be taken and all the government did was insure everybody, not just whites, were able to enjoy those rights. There are not two classes, nothing you said was true.

Everything I said was true and the original concept of two classes of citizenship was taught by accredited law schools only a quarter of a century ago. You've done nothing save of social media and made a career of hate.

Drapetomania was also taught as a legitimate medical disorder too. You and no protection are the only ones that hate around here. Your argument is a load of Georgia southern white racist bullshit. I'm quite sure that was taught in southern law schools with the rest of that lost cause crap. Now go take your claim to the supreme court since it's so true.
Lost cause. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
There is nothing supreme about white ppl. Any time one race, ie whites, who have been afforded the red carpet treatment by virtue of skin color, since this country's conception, still struggles to maintain a good life for themselves, is not supreme, but rather pathetic. White ppl have been free their whole lives and you don't have your shit together by now, blame nobody but your votes and yourselves.

The only thing supreme about white ppl, is the fast food order I get from Taco Bell.
Welcome back sister.
"Sister" ? I thought that ghetto beast was a man. Well, racism has no sex boundaries.
Ghetto? Why haven't you answered why the white people won't let you live near them?
What have you been taking ? LSD ? Mescaline ? Hashish ?
no protection, tigerred is a strong sister who doesn't tolerate punk ass white racists. Just like newsvine. You can't handle either one of them old saltine.
. There are more whites in poverty in America than all non-whites combined . This was true even long before AA came along.
Then why do you keep blaming black people for all of the ills that presently plague white Americans? And YOU?
4. Reparations should be paid to white victims of AA, and maybe a very small, very old group of Jim Crow victims.

These should all be paid from lawsuits, and the perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow, not the govt.
Apparently you don't understand how lawsuits work nor how our government operates. The "perpetrators of AA and Jim Crow" - that would be the government that you just indicated should be excluded. They're the ones who drafted and passed the laws and then enforced the discriminatory policies, practices and statutes.

But just to humor me, how would you determine who and how someone has been harmed by affirmative action? Damages can't be paid unless you can show how you were harmed, that the act that caused the harm is unlawful and that affirmative action was the proximate cause of said harm

In law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause.
Say for example, you apply for a managerial job and you were competing against a black female and she has a masters degree while you have a bachelors. The employer prefers that the candidate have a master although it's not a requirement. They select her over you. From what I know of you, you would probably claim you were being discriminated against because they hired a black female who in your mind only got where she did because of affirmative action's alleged "unfair" advantage, when in actuality, she was more educated and met the requirements that they desired, not required.

So tell me how you would prove that you were racially discriminated against in this scenario due to affirmative action.
I blame all those who create, push, and support AA, no matter what color they are. I also blame those who willingly receive it.

Instead, they could do what I have always done. Don't fill out the questionnaire. Have some integrity and pride.
You are so full of shit. I just checked on the City of Treasure Island's website and they have an open position for a city planner. I examined their employment application and there is NOTHING in it that requires a candidate to indicate their protected class status AS WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL ALONG. This is the only reference to EEO in the application

The City has an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy posted in the Human Resources Office. We believe that one of our greatest strengths as an organization is the diversity of our people.

Persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will also be checked for the following: Driver License check; local, state, and national criminal history record check; verification of all information on application; background investigation that includes interviews with previous employers and others who can attest to your work habits, qualifications, and character. A credit report may be made for some positions.Among other requirements, persons being hired by the City of Treasure Island will:Complete the Immigration & Naturalization Form I-9; be fingerprinted by the City’s Police Department; take an employee loyalty oath; and provide copies of any required licenses or certifications.

The City of Treasure Island collects the social security number of employees and applicants for employment for the following purposes: identification and verification; credit worthiness; benefit processing, and tax reporting. Social security numbers may also be used as a unique numeric identifier and may be used for search purposes.If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone in the Human Resources Office.​

Hyperlink to the Job Posting
Hyperlink to the Job Appication

No protection is a dumb ass. He can't prove anything so all he can do is lie about how facts and statistics are liberal tools.
I proved AA is in full force at 2 VA hospitals and one job center. Anybody can visit to verify. Even you, dumbo.
In my case, the harm was 40 years of being deprived of a career, plus 5 years of college down the drain. Add to that numerous jobs lost.
Then you should be able to quantify that in monetary amounts with supporting documention correct? Becasue a nebulous claim of "5 years of college down the drain" and "40 years of being deprived of a career" is not adequate. Nobody is GUARANTEED the career of their choice, especially if for whatever reasons they cannot meet the qualifications to hold that position. On one hand you claim to have had a wildly successful life and career, then on the other you're bitching about "40 years of being deprived of a career". Which is it? And nobody who completes 5 years of college and comes away with at least one degree considers their 5 years of secondary education as having gone down the drain, unless they're a complete idiot. Having a college degree puts you ahead of other candidates that don't have a college degree unless it's a requirement and as long as you don't have any other disqualifiers or red flags in your background.

Lots of people start off down one path and then end up in another or similar field, sometimes for better sometimes for worse. But I would bet my last dollar that any lack of success on your part has more to do with your entitlement mentality than anything that affirmative action has caused. For some reason, you think you should have had a certain life that involved graduate school and being a city planner. If that's what I wanted to do, there is no way I would have let anyone stand in my way and keep me from achieving my goal.

Some info

View attachment 301826
What you need to know


Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

What skills are needed?
  • Analytical skills: Urban and regional planners analyze information and data from a variety of sources, such as market research studies, censuses, and environmental impact studies. They use statistical techniques and technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in their analyses to determine the significance of the data.
  • Communication skills: Urban and regional planners must be able to communicate clearly and effectively because they interact with colleagues and stakeholders, prepare research reports, give presentations, and meet with a wide variety of audiences, including public officials, interest groups, and community members.
  • Decision-Making skills: Urban and regional planners must weigh all possible planning options and combine analysis, creativity, and realism to choose the appropriate action or plan.
  • Leadership skills: Urban and regional planners must be able to manage projects, which may include overseeing tasks and planning assignments.
What is the pay?
The average pay for urban and regional planners in the United States ranges from $45,180 to $114,170 as of May 2018.

The specific pay depends on factors such as level of experience, education and training, geographic location, and specific industry.

What education is required?
Most urban and regional planners have a master’s degree from an accredited urban or regional planning program. Candidates with a bachelor’s degree typically need work experience in planning, public policy, or a related field.

Master’s degree programs accept students with a wide range of undergraduate backgrounds. However, many candidates who enter these programs have a bachelor’s degree in economics, geography, political science, or environmental design.

Discover some of the courses you will take pursuing a degree in Urban and Regional Planning.​

So take what you've earned over the last 40 years and subtract that on a year-by-year basis from what you would have earned as a city planner and you start to come up with your claimed damages. Can you do that?
1. I don't respond to posts this long
2. I don't even read them
3. It's your turn to answer MY questions, Ms Question Mark
Yeah, just what I thought. All you want to do is whine and blame others for your failures and shortcomings in life.

Don't worry, the attorneys know how to calculate it.
no protection, tigerred is a strong sister who doesn't tolerate punk ass white racists. Just like newsvine. You can't handle either one of them old saltine.
I've shredded both of them in this thread, and you too, punk ass black racist, scared rabbit.

You gonna answer my question about military service, or you gonna keep running. ?
In my case, the harm was 40 years of being deprived of a career, plus 5 years of college down the drain. Add to that numerous jobs lost.
Then you should be able to quantify that in monetary amounts with supporting documention correct? Becasue a nebulous claim of "5 years of college down the drain" and "40 years of being deprived of a career" is not adequate. Nobody is GUARANTEED the career of their choice, especially if for whatever reasons they cannot meet the qualifications to hold that position. On one hand you claim to have had a wildly successful life and career, then on the other you're bitching about "40 years of being deprived of a career". Which is it? And nobody who completes 5 years of college and comes away with at least one degree considers their 5 years of secondary education as having gone down the drain, unless they're a complete idiot. Having a college degree puts you ahead of other candidates that don't have a college degree unless it's a requirement and as long as you don't have any other disqualifiers or red flags in your background.

Lots of people start off down one path and then end up in another or similar field, sometimes for better sometimes for worse. But I would bet my last dollar that any lack of success on your part has more to do with your entitlement mentality than anything that affirmative action has caused. For some reason, you think you should have had a certain life that involved graduate school and being a city planner. If that's what I wanted to do, there is no way I would have let anyone stand in my way and keep me from achieving my goal.

Some info

View attachment 301826
What you need to know


Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

What skills are needed?
  • Analytical skills: Urban and regional planners analyze information and data from a variety of sources, such as market research studies, censuses, and environmental impact studies. They use statistical techniques and technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in their analyses to determine the significance of the data.
  • Communication skills: Urban and regional planners must be able to communicate clearly and effectively because they interact with colleagues and stakeholders, prepare research reports, give presentations, and meet with a wide variety of audiences, including public officials, interest groups, and community members.
  • Decision-Making skills: Urban and regional planners must weigh all possible planning options and combine analysis, creativity, and realism to choose the appropriate action or plan.
  • Leadership skills: Urban and regional planners must be able to manage projects, which may include overseeing tasks and planning assignments.
What is the pay?
The average pay for urban and regional planners in the United States ranges from $45,180 to $114,170 as of May 2018.

The specific pay depends on factors such as level of experience, education and training, geographic location, and specific industry.

What education is required?
Most urban and regional planners have a master’s degree from an accredited urban or regional planning program. Candidates with a bachelor’s degree typically need work experience in planning, public policy, or a related field.

Master’s degree programs accept students with a wide range of undergraduate backgrounds. However, many candidates who enter these programs have a bachelor’s degree in economics, geography, political science, or environmental design.

Discover some of the courses you will take pursuing a degree in Urban and Regional Planning.​

So take what you've earned over the last 40 years and subtract that on a year-by-year basis from what you would have earned as a city planner and you start to come up with your claimed damages. Can you do that?
1. I don't respond to posts this long
2. I don't even read them
3. It's your turn to answer MY questions, Ms Question Mark
Yeah, just what I thought. All you want to do is whine and blame others for your failures and shortcomings in life.

Don't worry, the attorneys know how to calculate it.
No worry on my part. How about you ? You worried about answering my questions ? Worried about taking my quizzes ? You could just leave the thread, and go hide out somewhere. :biggrin:
If you think that would be difficult, that's just another example of your incompetence. And you still haven't answered my questions, or taken my quizzes. Get to work.
I never said it was difficult, I pretty sure I said that you would find it difficult mainly because I figure you'd be unable to substantiate your claims, if you can't even outline them properly.
There is nothing supreme about white ppl. Any time one race, ie whites, who have been afforded the red carpet treatment by virtue of skin color, since this country's conception, still struggles to maintain a good life for themselves, is not supreme, but rather pathetic. White ppl have been free their whole lives and you don't have your shit together by now, blame nobody but your votes and yourselves.

The only thing supreme about white ppl, is the fast food order I get from Taco Bell.
Welcome back sister.
"Sister" ? I thought that ghetto beast was a man. Well, racism has no sex boundaries.
Ghetto? Why haven't you answered why the white people won't let you live near them?
What have you been taking ? LSD ? Mescaline ? Hashish ?
That's not an answer.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
There is nothing supreme about white ppl. Any time one race, ie whites, who have been afforded the red carpet treatment by virtue of skin color, since this country's conception, still struggles to maintain a good life for themselves, is not supreme, but rather pathetic. White ppl have been free their whole lives and you don't have your shit together by now, blame nobody but your votes and yourselves.

The only thing supreme about white ppl, is the fast food order I get from Taco Bell.
Welcome back sister.
"Sister" ? I thought that ghetto beast was a man. Well, racism has no sex boundaries.
Ghetto? Why haven't you answered why the white people won't let you live near them?
What have you been taking ? LSD ? Mescaline ? Hashish ?
That's not an answer.
You're the one who needs to come up some answers. You're past due.
If you think that would be difficult, that's just another example of your incompetence. And you still haven't answered my questions, or taken my quizzes. Get to work.
I never said it was difficult, I pretty sure I said that you would find it difficult mainly because I figure you'd be unable to substantiate your claims, if you can't even outline them properly.
Have you forgotten what I asked you ?
I'm watching Hidden Figures again and each time I do it keeps reminding me of things that others took for granted that black people have always had to fight for.

Progress is being made IM2, just a little longer. In some respects, it's already been won.
Blacks don't have to fight for squat. They get stuff thrown in their laps by Affirmative Action, even when they didn't earn it. Unless demonstrated by past performance (ex. Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas), no black person in a professional job can be trusted, because they all might have got where they are by Affirmative Action, Open Admissions, watered down college courses, open book tests, and other such foolish disgraces.
Ever hear of Microsoft? You believe Microsoft has been infiltrated by an evil affirmative action virus or something that causes dumbed down certifications to fall into the laps of any black person who happens to be in the vicinity?

I obtainted my first cert, a Microsoft Certified System Engineer in 2000, my next two in 2002 (Certified Solutions Developer & SQL Server Database Administrator), another Solutions Developer in 2004 and my last in August 2019 (SQL Server Business Intelligence Developer*)

We're talking a 20 year period in which I never stopped studying, never stopped striving, never stopped learning or growing.

That's one of the main differences between me and you, between all of us and you all.
And from all these illustrious certs you alleged to have received, have you ever gotten an actual JOB, to use them at ?
Do you do this work right now ?

Or is your major work going down to the welfare office to pick up a check, and get recertified for THAT ?
I've been on legal teams and we've won TWO cases at the United States Supreme Court level. I hate to burst your bubble, but I've forgotten more about constitutional level than you've ever known OR ARE CAPABLE OF LEARNING.
Oh well in that case, this should be easy for you. Which cases?

The first Cheek v. US (Cheek didn't like to win) and the other case would require me giving up personal details.
The United States Supreme Court is rigged. You come here bitching day in and day out. You could go to court yourself. But, you know damned well that body is a stacked deck. If you don't know it, your real name would have to be Rip Van Winkle.

From where I sit, you're the one bitching. When I see a problem I go to the appropriate source. This is why I was able to force the place I live to change city policy. You are talking about a constitutional amendment being illegal. Take the appropriate steps to challenge it or STFU. It's just that simple. The courts aren't rigged against whites. Ask Abigail Fischer who had a claim heard by the SCOTUS twice. I don't think anybody black or not white has been able to do this. You apparently know that your lunacy would be immediately discarded because your claim is fake news.

Son I haven't been bitching about anything save of the lazy ass whites that don't get out, get involved, get a job, get educated and quit following political propaganda prostitutes around.

Insofar as my work, you keep telling me to go to court, but your dumb ass never has. There is no point me going to court. Those guys are legislating from the bench and most of them would shit on the Constitution.

You are bitching. That's all your claim is. You don't go to court because you know that crazy mess you believe would get thrown out. You have no understanding of the constitution.

I've been on legal teams and we've won TWO cases at the United States Supreme Court level. I hate to burst your bubble, but I've forgotten more about constitutional level than you've ever known OR ARE CAPABLE OF LEARNING.

No you don't. Now since you have won 2 supreme court cases, you should have the standing to argue the case for the repeal of the 14th amendment.

You don't understand how the system works, do you? Since I protected my Preamble status, I have no standing to take the government to court. What you are expecting is tantamount to a Mexican in Mexico suing ICE to become a citizen. Why? He is not subject to the jurisdiction of American courts and isn't present here, so he lacks standing. Forget it. You just proved you know NOTHING about the courts.

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