What is with right-wingers Being Angry they Can't Say the Word N*****?

I haven't been told I'm a victim and your gaslighting won't work.
Democrats tell you constantly you're a victim of the White Man, and you can't possibly succeed without the help of white Democrats.

And you agree with them.

You hate Republicans, who believe you're good enough and smart enough to succeed without any help.
Come back and talk to me when you've lived black for a minimum of 10 years.
Since you're not white, you're not allowed to have any opinions about white people.

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

A Trump Humper talking about double standards is laughable at best. Standards mean nothing to Trump Humpers when it comes to their beloved Lord.
I thought you would be talking up your messiah by this point.
These pics weren't taken by accident, superbadbrutha


I don't know anyone who's angry about the use of the 'n' word.

What has me angry is that ANY person, or group, thinks they have the right to tell me how I can, or cannot use our incredible English language.

It's especially irritating when many of the people trying to control other peoples' use of the language are all but crippled in their own grasp of our language.

For example, the idiots in an office setting who had a guy fired for using the word "niggardly." The imbeciles who had no knowledge of the word immediately began screaming racism.

I also find it irritating to have high paid NFL players preaching to the fans whose ticket purchases pay their fucking salaries.

People should be allowed to use language as they see fit. If it bothers you, avoid being around them, or avoid doing business with them.

I feel the NFL "preachers" are imbeciles, so I no longer watch the games. No loss to either side.
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The vast majority of us who say anything about that, are just enjoying pointing out that you lefties are hypocrites who have different rules for different people based on race. And are willing and eager to ruin people for breaking them.

You know, ,real actual racism.

Glad to answer your question for you. You are welcome.
bodecea disagrees with this. How strange. I speak for myself and other rightwingers, so I am talking about our feelings. Who is she to say that she knows my feelings better than I know myself?
bodecea disagrees with this. How strange. I speak for myself and other rightwingers, so I am talking about our feelings. Who is she to say that she knows my feelings better than I know myself?
That too happens all the time. They disagree with feelings…..they disagree with facts….they basically disagree with anything that doesn’t support the liberal narrative. I could say it cost me $10 for a tube of toothpaste (which is true), and they’ll disagree.

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