What is with the inability of Christian bashers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
To intelligently debate?

I don't ask for much. I know my own limitations, even. Often I misread quotes in my rush, sometimes I attribute posts to the wrong people, and I can understand people making mistakes.

What I don't understand is the overwhelming tide of complete ignorami who THINK they are intelligently debating the topic of religion, when all they are doing is projecting their own hate and ignorance outward towards those of faith.

And it's not just that. They don't understand the WORDS THEY USE. Simple words, like "debate" and "evidence" and "proof". The very words they are using to make their "argument" seem viable, they seem to have no understanding of!

It's like arguing with jelly fish. You pick a point, you address it, and they squiggle to some completely unrelated topic or make a ridiculous claim that has absolutely nothing to do with anything associated with the topic they started out with.

My 2nd and 3rd graders make better arguments...I've taught them to. I find it incredibly frustrating and sort of scary that people who apparently think quite highly of their communication skills are so clueless as to the level at which they are truly communicating.

And I say this as a person who has spent her life communicating. This is my downtime. It isn't the pinnacle of my life. This is representative of what I do when I'm slumming. But I have the feeling that it is representative of the very best that the haters have to offer. And that makes me sad.

And it makes me wonder what the hell they do for a living, because I wouldn't want a person who functions at such a level doing something like taking care of my grandma (if I had one, or they had ever spent any time in nursing homes or hospitals) or driving a bus with my kids in it.

And it makes me wonder what the hell their parents did at home to so stunt their intellectual development. I had a public education, but I function at a higher level. I already pointed out my 2-3rd graders function at a higher level. I have seen diminished capacity people function at higher levels (sometimes they are very good at argument). So what's the story?

I honestly have come to believe it's the devil at work. I used to be really reluctant to say or even think that, it seems so ridiculous to our modern minds...but honestly, I just can't think of any other feasible explanation. These are people who obviously think they are very smart, and who have had some sort of exposure to some sort of substandard education at some point..but they apparently haven't absorbed any of the finer points, and they're so ANGRY. The older I get, the more obvious it is to me. I can hear Satan behind their jeers and their stupidity, and their desperate compulsion to attack and defame the Bible, God and Christians. I just don't think that pathetic hysteria originates with them....I don't think they're complex enough to experience that sort of hatred without a higher intelligence behind them.
And I get so discouraged because I just can't reach them. Plus I get angry with them, which doesn't help. My anger is born of my frustration with myself for not being more effective (this is why I don't teach) but it's also because I see them do harm. And they think it's funny.
The Libs will call you a closet gay you criticize the homosexual "lifestyle". So I just figger that the Libs are closet Conservatives.

Don't get discouraged, just make yer points and move on.
so its okay to do to muslims.....just not christians?
How about giving it equal time? Islam is a religion just as Christianity is but it seems to be ignored or defended.

If the Feminists were educated about it, they'd be protesting the Muslim Religion more than any other.
Real christians who follow the teachings and examples of Jesus the Christ are fine people.
Those who use the Christian religion for their own gain are scum.
SB's second post is an example of what she is complaining about. It is called the "Part whole" fallacy.

The specific complaint is that folks will not address the points she makes, but go off on tangets and argue something totally different.

Say someone argues the moon is made of blue cheese.
A coherent counter argument is that folks from the US government went up there and checked it out and discovered it really is made of rock, and brought some of that rock back home.
A bad argument is that Richard Nixon invaded cambodia.
why is any criticism of the christians called bashing.....why?

It isn't.

It's called bashing when they deliberately troll Christian threads to tell Christians they aren't "thinking people" or they wouldn't believe as they do. It's called bashing when they say things like Christians are abusing their children by teaching them about salvation. It's called bashing when they say that Christians are stupid, uneducated, and shouldn't be allowed in certain professions based upon their religion. It's bashing when they lie about the Bible with the express purpose of disrupting the faith of people, and it's called bashing when they lie about their own situation in order to make Christians look bad.
so its okay to do to muslims.....just not christians?

Muslims get bashed for events taking place today, for human rights violations taking place NOW, for the threat they represent to humanity at this very moment.

You won't find many Christians trolling Muslim threads to tell them, "You're stupid, only stupid people follow Islam and all the smart people are Christians". You won't see Christians saying "I'll quit trolling when I'm no longer forced into your Muslim morality" or "I'll quit following you around and accusing you of things you've never done, individually or in a group, until you quit harassing me" (when no harassment has ever taken place.

That is entirely specific to Christian bashers...the lies about what they've been subjected to at the hands of the oppressive Christians, and the complaints about being "forced" into listening to Christian doctrine.
To intelligently debate?

I don't ask for much. I know my own limitations, even. Often I misread quotes in my rush, sometimes I attribute posts to the wrong people, and I can understand people making mistakes.

What I don't understand is the overwhelming tide of complete ignorami who THINK they are intelligently debating the topic of religion, when all they are doing is projecting their own hate and ignorance outward towards those of faith.

And it's not just that. They don't understand the WORDS THEY USE. Simple words, like "debate" and "evidence" and "proof". The very words they are using to make their "argument" seem viable, they seem to have no understanding of!

It's like arguing with jelly fish. You pick a point, you address it, and they squiggle to some completely unrelated topic or make a ridiculous claim that has absolutely nothing to do with anything associated with the topic they started out with.

My 2nd and 3rd graders make better arguments...I've taught them to. I find it incredibly frustrating and sort of scary that people who apparently think quite highly of their communication skills are so clueless as to the level at which they are truly communicating.

And I say this as a person who has spent her life communicating. This is my downtime. It isn't the pinnacle of my life. This is representative of what I do when I'm slumming. But I have the feeling that it is representative of the very best that the haters have to offer. And that makes me sad.

And it makes me wonder what the hell they do for a living, because I wouldn't want a person who functions at such a level doing something like taking care of my grandma (if I had one, or they had ever spent any time in nursing homes or hospitals) or driving a bus with my kids in it.

And it makes me wonder what the hell their parents did at home to so stunt their intellectual development. I had a public education, but I function at a higher level. I already pointed out my 2-3rd graders function at a higher level. I have seen diminished capacity people function at higher levels (sometimes they are very good at argument). So what's the story?

I honestly have come to believe it's the devil at work. I used to be really reluctant to say or even think that, it seems so ridiculous to our modern minds...but honestly, I just can't think of any other feasible explanation. These are people who obviously think they are very smart, and who have had some sort of exposure to some sort of substandard education at some point..but they apparently haven't absorbed any of the finer points, and they're so ANGRY. The older I get, the more obvious it is to me. I can hear Satan behind their jeers and their stupidity, and their desperate compulsion to attack and defame the Bible, God and Christians. I just don't think that pathetic hysteria originates with them....I don't think they're complex enough to experience that sort of hatred without a higher intelligence behind them.
It's a control issue, imho. American forefathers came forth on this continent beginning in the 1600s to escape persecution in the EU, which quickly and quietly deposed their records of persecution against Christians, and now when you go over there, your tourguide in Holland is likely to tell you their country NEVER held religion against anyone. My grandfather's line was Holland Dutch and arrived here sometime between 1600-1612 to escape religious persecution after leaving Amsterdam and catching the Mayflower to the New World, never looking back.

Now, we, too, find ourselves the punching bags of committed terrorists, alien and domestic, after all our forefathers went through to not have to live under somebody else's thumb.

There is evil in the world. That's why the Founders gave us the Constitution and all their prayers to remain a free people in the face of much adversity.

Best wishes in your fight to stay free, koshergrl.
To intelligently debate?

I don't ask for much. I know my own limitations, even. Often I misread quotes in my rush, sometimes I attribute posts to the wrong people, and I can understand people making mistakes.

What I don't understand is the overwhelming tide of complete ignorami who THINK they are intelligently debating the topic of religion, when all they are doing is projecting their own hate and ignorance outward towards those of faith.

And it's not just that. They don't understand the WORDS THEY USE. Simple words, like "debate" and "evidence" and "proof". The very words they are using to make their "argument" seem viable, they seem to have no understanding of!

It's like arguing with jelly fish. You pick a point, you address it, and they squiggle to some completely unrelated topic or make a ridiculous claim that has absolutely nothing to do with anything associated with the topic they started out with.

My 2nd and 3rd graders make better arguments...I've taught them to. I find it incredibly frustrating and sort of scary that people who apparently think quite highly of their communication skills are so clueless as to the level at which they are truly communicating.

And I say this as a person who has spent her life communicating. This is my downtime. It isn't the pinnacle of my life. This is representative of what I do when I'm slumming. But I have the feeling that it is representative of the very best that the haters have to offer. And that makes me sad.

And it makes me wonder what the hell they do for a living, because I wouldn't want a person who functions at such a level doing something like taking care of my grandma (if I had one, or they had ever spent any time in nursing homes or hospitals) or driving a bus with my kids in it.

And it makes me wonder what the hell their parents did at home to so stunt their intellectual development. I had a public education, but I function at a higher level. I already pointed out my 2-3rd graders function at a higher level. I have seen diminished capacity people function at higher levels (sometimes they are very good at argument). So what's the story?

I honestly have come to believe it's the devil at work. I used to be really reluctant to say or even think that, it seems so ridiculous to our modern minds...but honestly, I just can't think of any other feasible explanation. These are people who obviously think they are very smart, and who have had some sort of exposure to some sort of substandard education at some point..but they apparently haven't absorbed any of the finer points, and they're so ANGRY. The older I get, the more obvious it is to me. I can hear Satan behind their jeers and their stupidity, and their desperate compulsion to attack and defame the Bible, God and Christians. I just don't think that pathetic hysteria originates with them....I don't think they're complex enough to experience that sort of hatred without a higher intelligence behind them.

This is what you teach 2-3 graders? GREAT! We have delusional people teaching our children.
Well if there's anyone who knows about delusions, I'd say you're it, Huggy.
Well if there's anyone who knows about delusions, I'd say you're it, Huggy.

Really? With all these images of invisible all powerful beings...god and evil, floating around in your punkin head how do you really know what is fact or illusion?

Your mythical being based opinion is noted. Thanks for sharing...or should I give the credit to some unseen entity?

Possession much?

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