What Is Wrong With America ?

shit-for-brains poor folks blaming rich folks on their problems seems to be a major problem...

Like I said near the beginning of this thread. Blaming others for our problems is a huge problem in the country. It happens on both sides:

It's the fault of the rich!
It's the fault of the poor!
It's the fault of blacks!
It's the fault of whites!
It's the fault of gays!
It's the fault of homophobes!
It's the NRA's fault!
It's the fault of the gun grabbers!
It's Bush's fault!
It's Obama's fault!

Yes, we can look around and point fingers at other people. And you know what, maybe some of the problem is someone elses fault. but pointing the finger at them and blamming them will not solve the problem. The solutions to our nations problems will come when we look inside ourselves and fix ourselves.
shit-for-brains poor folks blaming rich folks on their problems seems to be a major problem...

Like I said near the beginning of this thread. Blaming others for our problems is a huge problem in the country. It happens on both sides:

It's the fault of the rich!
It's the fault of the poor!
It's the fault of blacks!
It's the fault of whites!
It's the fault of gays!
It's the fault of homophobes!
It's the NRA's fault!
It's the fault of the gun grabbers!
It's Bush's fault!
It's Obama's fault!

Yes, we can look around and point fingers at other people. And you know what, maybe some of the problem is someone elses fault. but pointing the finger at them and blamming them will not solve the problem. The solutions to our nations problems will come when we look inside ourselves and fix ourselves.

Well said. But that takes some statesmen in DC who are willing to drop the party BS and do the work of the nation.

Who in DC today qualifies as a statesman? Where are the new versions of Reagan and O'Neill who could find an easy solution over a couple of drinks?
shit-for-brains poor folks blaming rich folks on their problems seems to be a major problem...

Like I said near the beginning of this thread. Blaming others for our problems is a huge problem in the country. It happens on both sides:

It's the fault of the rich!
It's the fault of the poor!
It's the fault of blacks!
It's the fault of whites!
It's the fault of gays!
It's the fault of homophobes!
It's the NRA's fault!
It's the fault of the gun grabbers!
It's Bush's fault!
It's Obama's fault!

Yes, we can look around and point fingers at other people. And you know what, maybe some of the problem is someone elses fault. but pointing the finger at them and blamming them will not solve the problem. The solutions to our nations problems will come when we look inside ourselves and fix ourselves.

Well said. But that takes some statesmen in DC who are willing to drop the party BS and do the work of the nation.

Who in DC today qualifies as a statesman? Where are the new versions of Reagan and O'Neill who could find an easy solution over a couple of drinks?

Then we need to create them in our own local communities. Because the local communities determine who goes to Washington.
It was a simpler time, ti was actually possible to walk to a foreign country, do your shopping, and walk back, all without getting hassled about having the proper papers.

When I was younger, you could take the trolly from San Diego to San Yisidro, walk across the border, take a Taxi to TJ and return later, walk across the border with no papers.

Last time I went to Mexico, Mexican border guards stopped me on the way IN - that had never happened in the past.
Sounds like you would agree with me then that we should raise taxes ON THE RICH. Make the ways they get money TAXABLE. Do what it takes. And close the loopholes, and keep closing new ones as they arise. This is part of what we're paying our legislators for. Let them earn their pay (and maybe their approval rates just might go up a bit)

I'm paying my legislator to keep those loopholes open!

And as a protector of the American people, I'm doing all I can to close them, and see that guys like you don't succeed in screwing up the country, for your own personal GREED.

Thank you for your service for being a "protector."

That must be a very difficult job.
FALSE! The only taxpayers Obama has talked about raising taxes on is the very rich,

Who make $250K a year.

What you OWS morons don't grasp, is that is middle class.

Obama doesn't target the rich - he's owned by George Soros after all. Obama is at war to destroy the middle, particularly the usurpers of the upper-middle class, who threaten the exclusivity of the rich with their upward mobility.
And as a protector of the American people, I'm doing all I can to close them, and see that guys like you don't succeed in screwing up the country, for your own personal GREED.

So, for one to be a "protector of America," one needs to live in moms basement, smoke dope, and post on the internet? :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Which is why I would never qualify. I won't smoke and my wife would never let us live in Mom's basement:)
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

It's full of crybabies that never learned that life isn't fair
Great deflection there lefty.

What deflection ? I had said 80%, and you bitched that number was too high. Based on the NBC/Wall St Journal poll (81%), I was letting you slide for 1%. You're welcome.
Should I not be so generous next time ? :lol:

PS - there's nothing "left" about high taxes on the rich. It's actually a conservative policy, that helps to provide the funds needed to bolster National Security, as Eisenhower had 91-92% tax on the rich, and no US president was more conservative than him. (as I showed in more than 1 post earlier)

I'm preoccupied with the Muslim ass-kissers in the Should Islam Be Banned thread + another thread. Get back to you later.

Review post 449 where you said 76% and take your generosity and shove it. What ever happened in the 1950's has nothing to do with today. BTW you're only a couple of years older than me.

I'm preoccupied with the Muslim ass-kissers in the Should Islam Be Banned thread + another thread. Get back to you later.
Great deflection there lefty.

What deflection ? I had said 80%, and you bitched that number was too high. Based on the NBC/Wall St Journal poll (81%), I was letting you slide for 1%. You're welcome.
Should I not be so generous next time ? :lol:

PS - there's nothing "left" about high taxes on the rich. It's actually a conservative policy, that helps to provide the funds needed to bolster National Security, as Eisenhower had 91-92% tax on the rich, and no US president was more conservative than him. (as I showed in more than 1 post earlier)

Review post 449 where you said 76% and take your generosity and shove it. What ever happened in the 1950's has nothing to do with today. BTW you're only a couple of years older than me.

So what if I said 76% ? That was one poll. The Wall St Journal Poll (with 81%) was another. If you would have kept quiet, it could have been left at 76%. HA HA.. Hardly matters though, does it ?

What happened in the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1940s. the 1930s, the 1970s >> they ALL have plenty to do with today. They show that today's relatively LOW tax on the rich, is just that >> Relatively, abnormally low. Lower than the tax rate for most of the past 95 years.

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