What Is Wrong With America ?

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you didnt answer my questions dork. just acknowledged you know i was referring to you; then went off on your own tangent

That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.

The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now you claim to only talk about the opposite of the thread that you created. You may need to adjust your meds.

I'm not sure if ANY meds could help you at this point. You are free to talk about what is wrong OR what is right with America. This thread isn't a fascist state. And after what you've been saying here, you couldn't sink any lower anyway.

boring yes.

record welfare and food stamps

brought to American by failed Progressives and arrogant "true" Conservatives who think they know better than anybody and hate Republicans
That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.

The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now you claim to only talk about the opposite of the thread that you created. You may need to adjust your meds.

I'm not sure if ANY meds could help you at this point. You are free to talk about what is wrong OR what is right with America. This thread isn't a fascist state. And after what you've been saying here, you couldn't sink any lower anyway.


Now you set the rules for this form? The opposite of this OP is by definition off topic.

As for things wrong... how about folks like you who can't read the rules.
who the eff are you to decide how much is enough? or how much is too much?

honestly are you that ignorant you have no awareness of human nauture/

can you be honest with yourself for a moment?

so 70% you think if fair on the wealthiest?
but honestly how long would you be satisfied with just 70%?
you already ridiculed the fact Johnny Depp would still have a "measly" $30 million. so in your sarcasm you really want to leave him with even less dont you? so it wouldnt just be 70% for long would it?
why are people like you such cowards? why dont you just come out and say what you really are?

HA HA HA. This guy is evenly loonier than some of the looniest in this forum, and that's pretty bad. The people who know me here mist be reading this guy's posts and saying HUH ? Protectionist ? Not speaking his mind ?

So you want to talk taxes do you, Mr Bold ? Well, for your edification, the tax on the top bracket has been 70% or higher for about half of the past 100 years. And if you remove the current (lamebrain Reaganist era), our normal top tax was 70% or higher for almost all of the years.

As for Johnny Depp, which is more important ? Keeping Depp's income at $100 million/year (ot $30 million or whatever looney amount), or fixing the Wolf Creek Dam in southern Kentucky, so it doesn't breach, and put the capital of Tennessee (Nashville) under 20 feet of water, killing thousands of people, and causing Billions$$ in damages ?

And which is more important ? Keeping Tiger Woods' $78 Million/yr income, or taking steps to prevent a failure of the national electric power grid ? Or fixing the California delta levees that could shut off water to half the state of California, causing an evacuation of 20 million people to >> where ?

Got your head out of your ass yet ? If not, hundreds more examples like this could be provided.

cuz if we dont take all the rich people's money every dam is going to burst.
wow loon; fear-monger much?
paranoid much?
and of course again you failed to answer the question; how much is enough?
how much is too rich in your eyes? and are you the one who should decide?
the only loon here is you

Well, regarding individual taxes of multimillionaires, were not talking reinvestment in a business, we're talking just flat-out GREED, aren't we ? So how much tax ? Well, on the condition that we have zero wasteful spending, I'd go for the 94% tax we had during World War II, but this time without the loopholes. Don't like it ? Well, there's plenty of other countries around you could move to. Many with very low tax rates.


Bon Voyage !!! :razz:

As for how much is too rich ? Well, we have to consider all the problems that go neglected, so rich can be rich. Like homeless cats. I'd say that's far more important than somebody's GREED FEED. So maybe $200,000/year net could be the top (I feel generous today :razz:)

As for who should decide ? Same as who always should decide. The AMERICAN PEOPLE (who overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the rich). And me ? I'm just one of those AMERICAN PEOPLE. Got it now, Mr Question Mark ? :razz:
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boring yes.

record welfare and food stamps

brought to American by failed Progressives and arrogant "true" Conservatives who think they know better than anybody and hate Republicans

That record of welfare and food stamps is primarily due to immigration and those who support it, as I have ceaselessly posted. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children. And your low tax low spend policies have partially caused all this by depriving the govt of the funds it needs to stop all this immigration ($$ for ICE agents, $$ for CBP officers, $$ for Mexican border fence, $$ for airport and port security, $$ for immigration courts & jails).. You small, weak govt advocates are as bad as the Democrats on this, if not worse.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies



Wrong. Post your link and read mine. If not you are just stuck on stupid.

I already posted it. Losing your eyesight ?
I figured you for a liar. Your kind always is.

post 1376, put up or shut up.

You figured WRONG, again. I told you I already posted it. You going blind ? 3 links are in Post # 1208, one more in # 1346, and 2 more in Post # 1361.

No need to apologize. I don't accept them. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizer. A self-serving act, for you to try to get off the hook. You're on the hook.

Read the thread before shooting your mouth off, blockhead! :eusa_whistle:
You figured WRONG, again. I told you I already posted it. You going blind ? 3 links are in Post # 1208, one more in # 1346, and 2 more in Post # 1361.

No need to apologize. I don't accept them. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizer. A self-serving act, for you to try to get off the hook. You're on the hook.

Read the thread before shooting your mouth off, blockhead! :eusa_whistle:
It isn't in the post I responded to. You are dishonest. Posting links in another post to someone else, that may or may not make your case doesn't cut it. Blockhead.

It would have been even easier to just post the link. Your kind always lies.
Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.
It's their (Psuedo-Conservative Reaganists) standard talking point. Hardwired into them.
You're talking to ROBOTS. :lol:
more idiotic denial from left-wing losers lying to themselves
it is the Middle Class that has taken a beating in the obama years
you left-wing nutjobs just hate inconveniant facts
under obama the rich and ONLY the RICHEST 7% of American households has seen a gain in their wealth
idiots and hypocrites

I am dissatisfied with Obama, he should not have given up the 2nd half of the bank bailout. The negative influence of the wealthy infects both major puppet partys.
Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.

It's their (Psuedo-Conservative Reaganists) standard talking point. Hardwired into them.
You're talking to ROBOTS. :lol:

more idiotic denial from left-wing losers lying to themselves
it is the Middle Class that has taken a beating in the obama years
you left-wing nutjobs just hate inconveniant facts
under obama the rich and ONLY the RICHEST 7% of American households has seen a gain in their wealth

What you call "under Obama", is actually under Obama AND the Congress. Much of the gains of the rich are due to the work of the Republican controlled House of Reps, and the American people know it.

Approval Rates

Congress - 13% (Jan. 2014)

Obama - 41% (Feb. 2014)

Congress Job Approval Starts 2014 at 13%

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama | Gallup Historical Data & Trends

And if you're so sleepy, go back to bed. You haven't been contributing much here anyway.
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You figured WRONG, again. I told you I already posted it. You going blind ? 3 links are in Post # 1208, one more in # 1346, and 2 more in Post # 1361.

No need to apologize. I don't accept them. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizer. A self-serving act, for you to try to get off the hook. You're on the hook.

Read the thread before shooting your mouth off, blockhead! :eusa_whistle:
It isn't in the post I responded to. You are dishonest. Posting links in another post to someone else, that may or may not make your case doesn't cut it. Blockhead.

It would have been even easier to just post the link. Your kind always lies.

Nice dodge attempt. You come tumbling into the thread oblivious to everything that's been said, and then expect everyone to start posting all over again, just for you. When you're late, you adjust to the thread and the posters in it, all along. We don't adjust for you, Blockhead! Read the thread, or stay out of it. Apology not accepted. :badgrin:
You figured WRONG, again. I told you I already posted it. You going blind ? 3 links are in Post # 1208, one more in # 1346, and 2 more in Post # 1361.

No need to apologize. I don't accept them. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizer. A self-serving act, for you to try to get off the hook. You're on the hook.

Read the thread before shooting your mouth off, blockhead! :eusa_whistle:
It isn't in the post I responded to. You are dishonest. Posting links in another post to someone else, that may or may not make your case doesn't cut it. Blockhead.

It would have been even easier to just post the link. Your kind always lies.

Nice dodge attempt. You come tumbling into the thread oblivious to everything that's been said, and then expect everyone to start posting all over again, just for you. When you're late, you adjust to the thread and the posters in it, all along. We don't adjust for you, Blockhead! Read the thread, or stay out of it. Apology not accepted. :badgrin:

I may not agree with everything you say but I take the time to go back at least 5 or 6 pages to understand the context of the discussion.

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