What Is Wrong With America ?

the whole premise of this article is idiotic and irrelevant. there has never been a country more NOT run by the rich; not one you would want to live in anyway. dont agree?

and there are "100 things or more" wrong with this country?

is there a country that doesnt have a hundred or more things wrong with it?
it's not that we shouldnt look inward and try to be better; it's a completely different animal though when people like YOU can only find things wrong.

You didn't quote a post, but you are referring to the OP (which is mine). so I can assume you're talking to me. I find it a bit amusing that you rant at me for finding things wrong with America , when I just posted a list of 20 things that are RIGHT about America (See Post # 1305 for the list) And it might be the only list like that in this thread

Here's a small sample of the GOOD things >>

1. How about defeating the Axis powers in World War II ?

2. How about keeping Pakistan's nuclear warheads from killing millions of people around the world ? - and losing 2,229 troops in the process + 18,675 wounded, including amputees (you're welcome)

3. How about US national parks ?

4. How about US sports ? - college and pro football, baseball, basketball, etc

5. How about the US Constitution ?

you didnt answer my questions dork. just acknowledged you know i was referring to you; then went off on your own tangent


left-wing idiot protectionist!!

Clinton found ways to work with Republicans even thought they IMPEACHED HIM.
Clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract With American into law

obama vows to go it alone because he cant work with others

clinton lowered capital gains taxes on the richest; the left wants to make those rates the same as income tax rates

why dont you compare apples to apples leftard?

obama is no clinton

First of all Mr. Knucklehead, I'm a Conservative, not a left-winger. And probably a lot more Conservative than you are. Click the links.






Obama is no Clinton, and I happen to be one of Obama's fiercest critics. If you had read my OPs, you'd already know that, instead of coming tumbling in here showing off your ignorance.
:eusa_whistle: (high-pitched whistle)
the whole premise of this article is idiotic and irrelevant. there has never been a country more NOT run by the rich; not one you would want to live in anyway. dont agree?

and there are "100 things or more" wrong with this country?

is there a country that doesnt have a hundred or more things wrong with it?
it's not that we shouldnt look inward and try to be better; it's a completely different animal though when people like YOU can only find things wrong.

You didn't quote a post, but you are referring to the OP (which is mine). so I can assume you're talking to me. I find it a bit amusing that you rant at me for finding things wrong with America , when I just posted a list of 20 things that are RIGHT about America (See Post # 1305 for the list) And it might be the only list like that in this thread

Here's a small sample of the GOOD things >>

1. How about defeating the Axis powers in World War II ?

2. How about keeping Pakistan's nuclear warheads from killing millions of people around the world ? - and losing 2,229 troops in the process + 18,675 wounded, including amputees (you're welcome)

3. How about US national parks ?

4. How about US sports ? - college and pro football, baseball, basketball, etc

5. How about the US Constitution ?

you didnt answer my questions dork. just acknowledged you know i was referring to you; then went off on your own tangent

That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.
the Progressive agenda has FAILED epically. Nothing you can post here can change the facts.

you would be better off moving to the non-capitalist country of your choice. You have absolutely zero chance of bringing the kind of 'change" you want for this country. if obama cant do it you certainly cant. better off you slink back to academia where your utopian dreams of leftist values work on paper or in your mind at least

The kind of change I WANT for this country ? THIS is what I want >>

1. Closure of all Muslim Mosques. Eradication of all Korans. Abolition of Islam.

2. Mass deportation of all illegal aliens. Moratorium on visa issuance.

3. Death penalty in all 50 states, by hanging or firing squad, televised.

4. Ban on affirmative action - all 50 states.

5. Ban on abortion (with few exceptions)- all 50 states

6. Troops remaining in Afghanistan + remobilization to Iraq and find some way to get the Pakistani warheads out of Paskistan and brought to America.

7. More support for the military and veterans.

8. Repair of dangerous infrastructure

And so what do YOU WANT, Honcho ?
You didn't quote a post, but you are referring to the OP (which is mine). so I can assume you're talking to me. I find it a bit amusing that you rant at me for finding things wrong with America , when I just posted a list of 20 things that are RIGHT about America (See Post # 1305 for the list) And it might be the only list like that in this thread

Here's a small sample of the GOOD things >>

1. How about defeating the Axis powers in World War II ?

2. How about keeping Pakistan's nuclear warheads from killing millions of people around the world ? - and losing 2,229 troops in the process + 18,675 wounded, including amputees (you're welcome)

3. How about US national parks ?

4. How about US sports ? - college and pro football, baseball, basketball, etc

5. How about the US Constitution ?

you didnt answer my questions dork. just acknowledged you know i was referring to you; then went off on your own tangent

That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.

The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now you claim to only talk about the opposite of the thread that you created. You may need to adjust your meds.
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left-wing idiot protectionist!!

Clinton found ways to work with Republicans even thought they IMPEACHED HIM.
Clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract With American into law

obama vows to go it alone because he cant work with others

clinton lowered capital gains taxes on the richest; the left wants to make those rates the same as income tax rates

why dont you compare apples to apples leftard?

obama is no clinton

First of all Mr. Knucklehead, I'm a Conservative, not a left-winger. And probably a lot more Conservative than you are. Click the links.






Obama is no Clinton, and I happen to be one of Obama's fiercest critics. If you had read my OPs, you'd already know that, instead of coming tumbling in here showing off your ignorance.
:eusa_whistle: (high-pitched whistle)


oh goody
another so-called conservative who's hatred of Republicans brought us the most left-wing president of our lifetimes
you didnt answer my questions dork. just acknowledged you know i was referring to you; then went off on your own tangent

That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.

The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now claim to only talk about the opposite of the topic. You need to adjust your meds.

i created this thread?

hardly imbecile; you're the one who needs to adjust his meds
the Progressive agenda has FAILED epically. Nothing you can post here can change the facts.

you would be better off moving to the non-capitalist country of your choice. You have absolutely zero chance of bringing the kind of 'change" you want for this country. if obama cant do it you certainly cant. better off you slink back to academia where your utopian dreams of leftist values work on paper or in your mind at least

The kind of change I WANT for this country ? THIS is what I want >>

1. Closure of all Muslim Mosques. Eradication of all Korans. Abolition of Islam.

2. Mass deportation of all illegal aliens. Moratorium on visa issuance.

3. Death penalty in all 50 states, by hanging or firing squad, televised.

4. Ban on affirmative action - all 50 states.

5. Ban on abortion (with few exceptions)- all 50 states

6. Troops remaining in Afghanistan + remobilization to Iraq and find some way to get the Pakistani warheads out of Paskistan and brought to America.

7. More support for the military and veterans.

8. Repair of dangerous infrastructure

And so what do YOU WANT, Honcho ?

Well, I was thinking that it would be really nice if after the 2nd civil war starts, if you could please wear one of this on your forehead?


That's right. I didn't answer them, because why would I, when I'm a guy who talks about what's RIGHT with America, not what's wrong with it. Did you notice the QUESTION MARK at the end of the title ? It's a question, fool.

The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now claim to only talk about the opposite of the topic. You need to adjust your meds.

i created this thread?

hardly imbecile; you're the one who needs to adjust his meds

Is your name protectionist?
1. Closure of all Muslim Mosques. Eradication of all Korans. Abolition of Islam.

Requires revocation of 1st Amendment.

2. Mass deportation of all illegal aliens. Moratorium on visa issuance.

All visas?

3. Death penalty in all 50 states, by hanging or firing squad, televised.

Requires revocation of Articles I, II, III of the Constitution,

4. Ban on affirmative action - all 50 states.

It's already unconstitutional via the 14th Amendment.

5. Ban on abortion (with few exceptions)- all 50 states

Requires revocation of Articles I, II, III of the Constitution,

6. Troops remaining in Afghanistan + remobilization to Iraq and find some way to get the Pakistani warheads out of Paskistan and brought to America.

You want to invade Pakistan? :eek:

7. More support for the military and veterans.

Meaningless platitude.

8. Repair of dangerous infrastructure

WTF are you yapping about?

And so what do YOU WANT, Honcho ?

You to start taking your meds.
What Is Wrong With America ?

The absence of morals.
Lemming mentality.
A corrupt government.
Corrupt people in charge of each state.
Corrupt people being voted in by other corrupt people.
The lack of care for the earth in which we live.
The rewards to corrupt people in high places.
The constant butting in on world matters instead of focusing on our own.
The constant borrowing from other countries that now own us.
Dismal outlook.

We are not so great any more, when once everyone wanted to go to and become Americans.
What Is Wrong With America ?

The absence of morals.
Lemming mentality.
A corrupt government.
Corrupt people in charge of each state.
Corrupt people being voted in by other corrupt people.
The lack of care for the earth in which we live.
The rewards to corrupt people in high places.
The constant butting in on world matters instead of focusing on our own.
The constant borrowing from other countries that now own us.
Dismal outlook.

We are not so great any more, when once everyone wanted to go to and become Americans.

sadly true, but we can achieve that greatness once again, it won't be easy or quick, but it can be done with the right people in DC.

Those who would fix the mess must be willing to fend off the attacks they will get from the media and hollywood, but they will have the support of real america.
I started my business in the Reagan years and can say for a fact that you are full of it. You can quote mine from leftist websites all day long but the fact is that the economy went up, way up under "Reaganomics" after Carter's dismal failure. Why would any rich capitalist invest in opportunities when they know that an unfavorable climate is being created with unknown consequences. You wrap lies around lies and have nothing but propaganda to offer.

How many years were you in business anyway?

Spout off if it makes you feel better, but the FACTS are not with you. Here's the dreadful results of the 28-31% tax years of the Reagan/Bush "Reaganomics >>

GDP growth - 2.6% (3.8% under Clinton)

Job growth - 1.1% (2.4% with Clinton)

Stats are from US Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (compiled during the Reagn, Bush, and Clinton administrations)
I missed your link. I call bull.

Clinton had a Republican congress to deal with, hate to break it to you.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Cato Institute
Many in the media have flubbed this story. The New York Times on October 1st said, “Clinton balances the budget.” Others have praised George Bush. Political analyst Bill Schneider declared on CNN that Bush is one of “the real heroes” for his willingness to raise taxes — and never mind read my lips. (Once upon a time, lying was something that was considered wrong in Washington, but under the last two presidents our standards have dropped.) In any case, crediting George Bush for the end of the deficit requires some nifty logical somersaults, since the deficit hit its Mount Everest peak of $290 billion in St. George’s last year in office.

And 1993 — the year of the giant Clinton tax hike — was not the turning point in the deficit wars, either. In fact, in 1995, two years after that tax hike, the budget baseline submitted by the president’s own Office of Management and Budget and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted $200 billion deficits for as far as the eye could see. The figure shows the Clinton deficit baseline. What changed this bleak outlook?

Newt Gingrich and company — for all their faults — have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today’s surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

Richard Rahn: Tax Cuts and Revenue: What We Learned in the 1980s - WSJ.com
Since most of the Reagan tax cuts applied to lower- and middle-income earners, there was close to a dollar lost in tax revenue for each "dollar" of tax cut for these groups. Still, CBO figures show that total tax revenue only fell from 19.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1982, before most of Reagan's tax-rate reductions were put in place, to 18.4% of GDP in 1989, the year he left office. This happened because the U.S. economy grew by more than one-third in real terms (34.3%), much faster than the 24.3% rate expected even by economists within the Reagan administration. Thus, by the time President Reagan left office, the economy was generating more tax revenue at a maximum 28% rate than many on the left forecast it to generate at a maximum 70% rate.
who the eff are you to decide how much is enough? or how much is too much?

honestly are you that ignorant you have no awareness of human nauture/

can you be honest with yourself for a moment?

so 70% you think if fair on the wealthiest?
but honestly how long would you be satisfied with just 70%?
you already ridiculed the fact Johnny Depp would still have a "measly" $30 million. so in your sarcasm you really want to leave him with even less dont you? so it wouldnt just be 70% for long would it?
why are people like you such cowards? why dont you just come out and say what you really are?

HA HA HA. This guy is evenly loonier than some of the looniest in this forum, and that's pretty bad. The people who know me here mist be reading this guy's posts and saying HUH ? Protectionist ? Not speaking his mind ?

So you want to talk taxes do you, Mr Bold ? Well, for your edification, the tax on the top bracket has been 70% or higher for about half of the past 100 years. And if you remove the current (lamebrain Reaganist era), our normal top tax was 70% or higher for almost all of the years.

As for Johnny Depp, which is more important ? Keeping Depp's income at $100 million/year (ot $30 million or whatever looney amount), or fixing the Wolf Creek Dam in southern Kentucky, so it doesn't breach, and put the capital of Tennessee (Nashville) under 20 feet of water, killing thousands of people, and causing Billions$$ in damages ?

And which is more important ? Keeping Tiger Woods' $78 Million/yr income, or taking steps to prevent a failure of the national electric power grid ? Or fixing the California delta levees that could shut off water to half the state of California, causing an evacuation of 20 million people to >> where ?

Got your head out of your ass yet ? If not, hundreds more examples like this could be provided.
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The question is what's wrong with America, not what's right with America, Troll. You created this thread... now claim to only talk about the opposite of the topic. You need to adjust your meds.

i created this thread?

hardly imbecile; you're the one who needs to adjust his meds

Is your name protectionist?

no. and i apologize. that was directed at protectionist; who i thought was the one who said that.

my mistake RKMBrown
What Is Wrong With America ?

The absence of morals.
Lemming mentality.
A corrupt government.
Corrupt people in charge of each state.
Corrupt people being voted in by other corrupt people.
The lack of care for the earth in which we live.
The rewards to corrupt people in high places.
The constant butting in on world matters instead of focusing on our own.
The constant borrowing from other countries that now own us.
Dismal outlook.

We are not so great any more, when once everyone wanted to go to and become Americans.

sadly true, but we can achieve that greatness once again, it won't be easy or quick, but it can be done with the right people in DC.

Those who would fix the mess must be willing to fend off the attacks they will get from the media and hollywood, but they will have the support of real america.

Attitude reflects leadership.
I started my business in the Reagan years and can say for a fact that you are full of it. You can quote mine from leftist websites all day long but the fact is that the economy went up, way up under "Reaganomics" after Carter's dismal failure. Why would any rich capitalist invest in opportunities when they know that an unfavorable climate is being created with unknown consequences. You wrap lies around lies and have nothing but propaganda to offer.

How many years were you in business anyway?

Spout off if it makes you feel better, but the FACTS are not with you. Here's the dreadful results of the 28-31% tax years of the Reagan/Bush "Reaganomics >>

GDP growth - 2.6% (3.8% under Clinton)

Job growth - 1.1% (2.4% with Clinton)

Stats are from US Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (compiled during the Reagn, Bush, and Clinton administrations)
I missed your link. I call bull.

Clinton had a Republican congress to deal with, hate to break it to you.

So what ? They got taxes raised, and the economy boomed after the dismal 1.1% job growth of the Reagan/Bush (28-31% tax) years. (AND dismal 2.6% GDP growth)
who the eff are you to decide how much is enough? or how much is too much?

honestly are you that ignorant you have no awareness of human nauture/

can you be honest with yourself for a moment?

so 70% you think if fair on the wealthiest?
but honestly how long would you be satisfied with just 70%?
you already ridiculed the fact Johnny Depp would still have a "measly" $30 million. so in your sarcasm you really want to leave him with even less dont you? so it wouldnt just be 70% for long would it?
why are people like you such cowards? why dont you just come out and say what you really are?

HA HA HA. This guy is evenly loonier than some of the looniest in this forum, and that's pretty bad. The people who know me here mist be reading this guy's posts and saying HUH ? Protectionist ? Not speaking his mind ?

So you want to talk taxes do you, Mr Bold ? Well, for your edification, the tax on the top bracket has been 70% or higher for about half of the past 100 years. And if you remove the current (lamebrain Reaganist era), our normal top tax was 70% or higher for almost all of the years.

As for Johnny Depp, which is more important ? Keeping Depp's income at $100 million/year (ot $30 million or whatever looney amount), or fixing the Wolf Creek Dam in southern Kentucky, so it doesn't breach, and put the capital of Tennessee (Nashville) under 20 feet of water, killing thousands of people, and causing Billions$$ in damages ?

And which is more important ? Keeping Tiger Woods' $78 Million/yr income, or taking steps to prevent a failure of the national electric power grid ? Or fixing the California delta levees that could shut off water to half the state of California, causing an evacuation of 20 million people to >> where ?

Got your head out of your ass yet ? If not, hundreds more examples like this could be provided.


cuz if we dont take all the rich people's money every dam is going to burst.

wow loon; fear-monger much?

paranoid much?

and of course again you failed to answer the question; how much is enough?

how much is too rich in your eyes? and are you the one who should decide?

the only loon here is you

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