What Is Wrong With America ?

Well, it depends which "vulnerability" of our power grid you are referring to.

If you're referring to China having code on our grid which would allow them to shut down the grid at any time they want, that is a national security issue. And since defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government, then returning to Constitutional government would clearly solve this issue. Lowering taxes because we don't have to pay for unconstitutional shit will put more people back to work - giving the federal government a larger base to draw taxes from. At the same time, we can divert a portion of those unconstitutional funds (the parts not eliminated by lowering taxes) to defense.

Now, if you're referring to your stuff about San Jose, returning to Constitutional government will resolve that by placing responsibility back where it belongs - to the local municipalities and to the people. For example - I'm not the least bit concerned about the power grid getting knocked out. You know why? Because I have a full-home generator. Everything in my home - from dire necessities (such as heating) to frivolous luxuries (such as A/C) run flawlessly when power is out. My employer? Nearly every facility they have also has a backup generator.

Furthermore, as outlined above, eliminating the crushing taxes for unconstitutional socialism will put people back to work and thus create a larger base from which to draw taxes from for the local municipalities. This means more funds for security, redundancy, etc. Next?

You're not ready for next. There is still your responses I shall now address.

1. Yes China has infiltrated our grid, and so has Russia. These need to be dealt with as a severe national security issue. It could also be noted though that the likelihood of our grid being wrecked by these countries, is lessened by both military and economic factors. There is still the nuclear war mutual deterrent. In the case of China especially, while its common to hear how dominant they are economically, they are dependent upon America for our massive MARKET. Pat Buchanan once said "If we had a trade war with China, we'd eat their lunch." In general though, I'd agree with you on this point..

2. There a number of ways of looking at the issue of lowering taxes. One is the scenario you present, which I (and most Americans) reject as Reaganist, trickle-down poppycock. You're entitled to that opinion, in any case.
Another, is one which I must have posted 100 times in this forum. That is by RAISING taxes (greatly) upon the richest individuals, we can put people back to work, paying them from these added funds. They can be hired to work directly on our most dangerous infrastructure problems (the electric grid, Wolf Creek Dam, California delta levees) keeping these secure. Many more can be hired as ICE agents, CBP officers, building the Mexican border double fence, shoring up airport and port security, and creating more immigration courts and jails. This could facilitate a mass deportation program similar to Eisenhower's 1954 Operation Wetback, which would save hundreds of billions in welfare payouts to illegal alien families, and open up the working illegals' jobs to Americans, who would then pay more tax $ (due to their higher wages) and save the US economy tens of Billions$$ per year in lost remittances, as the replacement Americans will not wire $40 Billion/yr out of the country, but instead will go out and spend in their US stores (AKA the economy)

3. While you and your employer may have your immediate electrical devices covered, there are outer social ramifications that would hit all of us in the event of a large power grid breakdown. Water and fuel, which depend on electric pumps, would stop flowing in most cities within hours, modern communications would end, and mechanized transport would stall. Your TV might operate, but there might not be anything transmitting to it. Traffic lights would konk out, as would street lamppost lights, and driving would be chaos and dangerous. Hospital machinery, dependent on power, could stop, killing many patients. Manufacture of thousands of products (including food) could halt. What food does get made, could be halted by the stoppage of transportation. Computers everywhere could shut down, causing a massive cascading collapse of secondary users. Backup generators for hospitals, the military, and other critical facilities would be vulnerable if they depended on diesel or natural gas, which also rely on pipelines for resupply.

Then there's the question of How will you transport yourself if a) your vehicle doesn’t run because the computers are fried or b) it runs but you can’t get gas because the pumps at the station run on electricity? How will you get food if the grocery stores are closed ? (when they can't get any food shipped in)

First of all, since we are the world's premier superpower and the world's premier nuclear superpower, who in the hell is going to detonate 4,000 EMP's across America? There isn't a nation-state in the world that would even think about executing something like that. They would be nuked out of existence before lunch time.

That's an easy question. Millions of Islamist jihadist lunatics that's who. To whom mutual deterrence doesn't exist because those loons don't care about dying. In fact they kind of like the idea. Get's them quicker to the 72 virgins in their afterlife paradise. They still haven't heard that the Koran- Hadith guy got it wrong. Actually, it was ONE virgin, 72 years old.
Another answer is that there need not be ANYONE detonating anything. An EMP can result from a solar flare, entirely by nature.

So what does that leave? Terrorist organizations without a nation to nuke. Not even Al Qaeda has the finances, resources, and most importantly - people to detonate 4,000 EMP's coast-to-coast. Basically, they would be able detonate one EMP in one city. Hardly enough to to make America blink much less "knock us back into the 19th century". Would have no more effect on our nation than 9/11. So your literally attempting to create the most absurd and bizarre scenario to justify your unconstitutional position. Sorry, you have to do better than that.

Doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about. Sure I could do the work of scrounging up the numbers to show what I'm saying, but suffice it to say that if you clicked the links I provided, you'd know that dozens (if not hundreds) of members of Congress and scientists are scrambling right now to put preventive measures together in a hurry. They're taking it very seriously, and I suspect they know more than you do. No offense, but I'll go with their assessment, and pass on yours.

Secondly, regarding your second point, like most unhinged and uninformed liberals, you cite local issues (damns, levees, security for both, etc.) as justification for raising taxes at the federal level. Sorry, doesn't work. Again, you have to do better than that.

Sorry. It works. And I'm not a liberal. And next to my REAL Conservatism, you might come out looking like a cross between Nancy Pelosi and Al Sharpton.

If you want to raise taxes at the local level, I support you 100%. Go for it junior! Just know that your city will end up like Detroit - a bankrupt, 3rd world shit-hole. But the fact remains, federal taxes desperately need to be cut deeply.

To say that "federal taxes desperately need to be cut" , is like saying a dying cancer victim needs to be slapped around. Have you been out in the sun too long, or worse yet, listening to some old Ronald Reagan audio tapes ? Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)

The fact is, "trickle down" is just the libtard name for capitalism. It is a proven, flawless system. Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history and created an economic tidal wave which the nation rode for about 30 years (until Clinton's ignorant socialist policies finally collapsed the tidal wave).

Man, have they ever got you programmed. Didn't I educate you on this previoulsy with BLS and BEA stats ? Sure I did in Post # 1208. You're one of thise guys who doesn't pay attention, huh ? Have to be told multiple times. OK> Here we go again >>

Reagan/Bush and their 28-31% tax on the rich created an economic recession in 1991 (GDP growth > MINUS 3.5%, only to be rescued by Clinton's tax increase, and resulting economic boom years during the 90s. A quick look at the GDP and job growths tell the story clearly. Click the link and set the drop down menu to 1990 and 1995.

United States Economy Expands 3.2% in Q4 | Actual Data | Forecasts

Poor people don't create jobs. Ever. Wealthy people do. The more you tax and punish them, the less they will have to invest in the economy. Detroit (bankrupt) proved that you're wrong and I am right. California ($70 billion in debt) proved that you're wrong and I am right. Cuba (60 years of perpetual poverty) proved that you're wrong and I am right.

Poor people absolutely DO create jobs (AMERICAN poor that is) if you give them more money by raising the minimum wage or raising taxes and hiring them to govt jobs. They, having so few consumer goods, are society's most energetic spenders. Getting additional money they rush to the stores (AKA the economy) and spend their money, boosting the economy. This is percolate up economics.

Rich people don't invest in the economy. During the height of the recent recession they had plenty of money. And what did they do with it ? Nothing. Time and time again, it's been shown that tax cuts on the rich = economy tank. The Bush tax cuts directed toward corporate investment, notably the bonus depreciation provisions, and found that their aggregate impact on investment was just 1 to 2 percent, far too small to offset the double-digit declines of the early 2000s. Rich people also don't spend their money much. They already have the stuff being sold in the stores, and when they do spend their money, they spend a very large % of it OUTSIDE THE USA, creating gains for the countries (mostly Europe and the Caribbean) where they spend, and lost $$ from the US economy (similar to immigrants' remittances$$$.

How did they affect corporate investment?
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Rich people don't invest in the economy. During the height of the recent recession they had plenty of money. And what did they do with it ? Nothing. Time and time again, it's been shown that tax cuts on the rich = economy tank.
I started my business in the Reagan years and can say for a fact that you are full of it. You can quote mine from leftist websites all day long but the fact is that the economy went up, way up under "Reaganomics" after Carter's dismal failure. Why would any rich capitalist invest in opportunities when they know that an unfavorable climate is being created with unknown consequences. You wrap lies around lies and have nothing but propaganda to offer.

How many years were you in business anyway?
the whole premise of this article is idiotic and irrelevant. there has never been a country more NOT run by the rich; not one you would want to live in anyway.

dont agree?

first of all which country is run by the rich so much less than America?
and do you want to move there?
and if you do why havent you?
which countries are truly run by the poor or middle class?

and there are "100 things or more" wrong with this country?

is there a country that doesnt have a hundred or more things wrong with it?
it's not that we shouldnt look inward and try to be better; it's a completely different animal though when people like YOU can only find things wrong.

to make matters worse people like YOU wouldnt admit to your own role in probably 50% of the very things you find so "wrong"
the Progressive agenda has FAILED epically. Nothing you can post here can change the facts.

you would be better off moving to the non-capitalist country of your choice. You have absolutely zero chance of bringing the kind of 'change" you want for this country. if obama cant do it you certainly cant. better off you slink back to academia where your utopian dreams of leftist values work on paper or in your mind at least
who the eff are you to decide how much is enough? or how much is too much?

honestly are you that ignorant you have no awareness of human nauture/

can you be honest with yourself for a moment?

so 70% you think if fair on the wealthiest?
but honestly how long would you be satisfied with just 70%?
you already ridiculed the fact Johnny Depp would still have a "measly" $30 million. so in your sarcasm you really want to leave him with even less dont you? so it wouldnt just be 70% for long would it?
why are people like you such cowards? why dont you just come out and say what you really are?
the Progressive agenda has FAILED epically. Nothing you can post here can change the facts.

you would be better off moving to the non-capitalist country of your choice. You have absolutely zero chance of bringing the kind of 'change" you want for this country. if obama cant do it you certainly cant. better off you slink back to academia where your utopian dreams of leftist values work on paper or in your mind at least

I don't really know about that ... I have dealt with a few countries that are not strictly capitalistic in nature.
Most die-hard Socialists wouldn't last in those countries very long at all ... Because the Utopia just doesn't exist outside of the ability to be supported by something.

The only thing refreshing about dealing with countries that are far more Socialistic than Capitalistic ... Is the easiness and honesty the people in power have in regards to letting you know how you are going to be screwed.

The common folk don't care as much because they are more concerned about where dinner is coming from.
The fact the Port Authority just shook you down for 50k on top of the standard cost to keep your application for a docking permit from hitting the trashcan ... Is pretty much understood.
In honesty ... If you have the money you are doing business whether or not the society is capitalistic in nature ... Because the money is what moves the products and services.

The poor are still just as poor if not worse ... And the powerful rich have more power and control over the people.
The biggest difference I can tell is the abject hopelessness the poor have in seeing or finding any way to succeed.

Firefighters and the troops in Afghanistan are government jobs, and nobody works harder than them (especially considering the risks)

Which is pretty much the only government job I ever had, was in the military...

Me too. Thanks for your service. :salute:

You two are proof that even the military enlists scum from time to time. When I say I support the men in uniform, I exclude you two. While I would normally thank men for their service, I will not thank you for yours. You two demean the memory of Eisenhower. You two are posers. I'll bet you were one of those John Kerry types. It is people like you that are what's wrong with America. But then I guess that's your point and why you are here, to be what's wrong with America.
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The quote you responded to Rot is actually mine. You may think 23% is outlandish but none of your party have reduced it when they had the power. Neither party has that was a main point of the post.
And that is the problem. And no - that was not the "main point of the post". You just tried (irrationally) to use it as justification for your main point - which is that you believe we need to punish the wealthy for their success and increase taxes on them.
I think federal spending needs to be cut also, but I also think the tax rate needs to be increased, especially on the wealthy.
What does reading the Constitution have to do with this?, I dare say I've read it more than you and know it better than you.
What does the Constitution have to do with anything? :bang3:
It has everything to do with everything. We didn't get $17 trillion in debt because the federal government adhered to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them in the U.S. Constitution. We have reached $17 trillion in debt because the federal government has unconstitutionally taken control of every facet of American life (education, transportation, masturbation, arts, parks, housing, farming & food, gaming, technology, energy, communications, clothing, fire, holocaust history, science, healthcare, carpet, animals, watches, power tools, firearms, movies, and endless more).

A main point, not the only point.... Its not punishment it is just practicality.... I would argue that some if not all of that is constitutional. (and some just an exaggeration on your part) But even if they arent constitutional, some government at some level, would likely be doing the spending in the feds place if they werent doing it. The states would probably rather have the feds do it in most cases.

yes, the 2 party system enables corruption
Thus you push for one party rule?
Would you outlaw any opposition to or questioning of the democratic party?

of course not

they have unearned income from stocks and bonds
They have investments that garner a return.
Why do you think Dear Leader hasn't levied a 95% capital gains? If he wanted to attack the rich, wouldn't that be the way?
It would not cause our economy to implode
Factual data shows otherwise. Even modest increases in capital gains tax causes investment to flee, drying up capital and severely retarding growth.
Satiating your greed comes are a price that even Obama is unwilling to pay.
I havn't said a word about the Bourgeoisie, nor have I heard anyone on this thread use that word.
You don't need to. For the last 150 years, the left has been at war against the middle. Obama continues that trend.

your idea that even modest increases in capital gains tax causes investment to flee, is just regurgitated WallStreet propanda.

Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.
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Then there's the question of How will you transport yourself if a) your vehicle doesn’t run because the computers are fried or b) it runs but you can’t get gas because the pumps at the station run on electricity? How will you get food if the grocery stores are closed ? (since they can't get any food shipped in)

Yet you are still clamoring for more welfare/warfare , elitism. parastism , stazi police state policies , economic interventionism which are the root causes of the problems you described.

This is one of those posts where initially all I can do is sit here stunned, and say "HUH ??" :confused:

1. When did I ever say we should have "more welfare" ? I fact, I've repeatedly suggested ways to massively REDUCE it (one example is in the post immediately before yours - # 1343, paragraph # 2)

2. "Elitism" ?? You've got me there. :confused:

3. "Parasitism". Again > see Post # 1343, (Paragraph # 2)

4. "stazi police state policies" - totally :confused::confused:

5. Without economic interventionism (which every national security leader advocates in this issue) nothing could be done to avert power grid failure. In fact, it is the LACK of economic interventionism that has caused this problem to manifest (by NERC not enforcing its rules to power companies, and the govt not chipping in either)

What "power grid failures" existed prior to the fascist takeover of 1913?!?!?!?!?!?

You two are proof that even the military enlists scum from time to time. When I say I support the men in uniform, I exclude you two. While I would normally thank men for their service, I will not thank you for yours. You two demean the memory of Eisenhower. You two are posers. I'll bet you were one of those John Kerry types. It is people like you that are what's wrong with America. But then I guess that's your point and why you are here, to be what's wrong with America.

In all fairness it should be pointed out that Comrade JoeB Stalin was in the SOVIET military, not the US Military.
your idea that even modest increases in capital gains tax causes investment to flee, is just regurgitated WallStreet propanda.

Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.

The left has no support from the middle.

The left has support from the poor, who see the left as a meal ticket due to the left trading welfare for votes. The left has the support of public employees, the parasites sucking the life blood out of the nation. And from the very rich, the Hollywood Elite and the power brokers like Andrew Grove, Jeff Immelt, Bill Gates. Warren Buffet, and of course the owner of the democratic party, George Soros.

In other words, the left is virtually 100% blood suckers.
Which is pretty much the only government job I ever had, was in the military...

Me too. Thanks for your service. :salute:

You two are proof that even the military enlists scum from time to time. When I say I support the men in uniform, I exclude you two. While I would normally thank men for their service, I will not thank you for yours. You two demean the memory of Eisenhower. You two are posers. I'll bet you were one of those John Kerry types. It is people like you that are what's wrong with America. But then I guess that's your point and why you are here, to be what's wrong with America.

Nice ASSININE display of completely, substance-lacking, meaningless, hot air. In this, (and any forum) if you make statements clearly showing upon what you BASE those statements, you rightfully will be regarded with respect, no matter if you are agreed with or not.

When you tumbling in here like a loudmouth, assclown, throwing disparaging remarks around, while presenting no basis whatsoever for them, you get regarded as well, a loudmouth assclown. And nothing more.

Now go do that reading assignment I gave you, and stop malingering, and polluting the thread.
Yet you are still clamoring for more welfare/warfare , elitism. parastism , stazi police state policies , economic interventionism which are the root causes of the problems you described.

This is one of those posts where initially all I can do is sit here stunned, and say "HUH ??" :confused:

1. When did I ever say we should have "more welfare" ? I fact, I've repeatedly suggested ways to massively REDUCE it (one example is in the post immediately before yours - # 1343, paragraph # 2)

2. "Elitism" ?? You've got me there. :confused:

3. "Parasitism". Again > see Post # 1343, (Paragraph # 2)

4. "stazi police state policies" - totally :confused::confused:

5. Without economic interventionism (which every national security leader advocates in this issue) nothing could be done to avert power grid failure. In fact, it is the LACK of economic interventionism that has caused this problem to manifest (by NERC not enforcing its rules to power companies, and the govt not chipping in either)

What "power grid failures" existed prior to the fascist takeover of 1913?!?!?!?!?!?

As so often occurs with you posts: >> HUH ???..............LOL.
Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.

It's their (Psuedo-Conservative Reaganists) standard talking point. Hardwired into them.
You're talking to ROBOTS. :lol:
Why would the left be against the middle?..thats where most of their support comes from? That idea is just nonsense.

It's their (Psuedo-Conservative Reaganists) standard talking point. Hardwired into them.
You're talking to ROBOTS. :lol:

more idiotic denial from left-wing losers lying to themselves

it is the Middle Class that has taken a beating in the obama years

you left-wing nutjobs just hate inconveniant facts

under obama the rich and ONLY the RICHEST 7% of American households has seen a gain in their wealth

idiots and hypocrites
Rich people don't invest in the economy. During the height of the recent recession they had plenty of money. And what did they do with it ? Nothing. Time and time again, it's been shown that tax cuts on the rich = economy tank.
I started my business in the Reagan years and can say for a fact that you are full of it. You can quote mine from leftist websites all day long but the fact is that the economy went up, way up under "Reaganomics" after Carter's dismal failure. Why would any rich capitalist invest in opportunities when they know that an unfavorable climate is being created with unknown consequences. You wrap lies around lies and have nothing but propaganda to offer.

How many years were you in business anyway?

Spout off if it makes you feel better, but the FACTS are not with you. Here's the dreadful results of the 28-31% tax years of the Reagan/Bush "Reaganomics >>

GDP growth - 2.6% (3.8% under Clinton)

Job growth - 1.1% (2.4% with Clinton)

Stats are from US Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (compiled during the Reagn, Bush, and Clinton administrations)
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Rich people don't invest in the economy. During the height of the recent recession they had plenty of money. And what did they do with it ? Nothing. Time and time again, it's been shown that tax cuts on the rich = economy tank.
I started my business in the Reagan years and can say for a fact that you are full of it. You can quote mine from leftist websites all day long but the fact is that the economy went up, way up under "Reaganomics" after Carter's dismal failure. Why would any rich capitalist invest in opportunities when they know that an unfavorable climate is being created with unknown consequences. You wrap lies around lies and have nothing but propaganda to offer.

How many years were you in business anyway?

Spout off if it makes you feel better, but the FACTS are not with you. Here's the dreadful results of the 28-31% tax years of the Reagan/Bush "Reaganomics >>

GDP growth - 2.6% (3.8% under Clinton)

Job growth - 1.1% (2.4% with Clinton)

Stats are from US Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Dept of


left-wing idiots think clinton and not obama is president

Reagan's GDP growth is 3 times obama's

at this point in Reagans' 2nd term GDP growth was 7%

idiots and hypocrites

Obamacare is a TRILLION-DOLLAR tax on the Middle Class!

the poor will be subsidized; the rich can afford the hit or will find ways around Obamacare

Idiots and Hypocrites

left-wing idiot protectionist!!

Clinton found ways to work with Republicans even thought they IMPEACHED HIM.
Clinton signed over 70% of the Republican Contract With American into law

obama vows to go it alone because he cant work with others

clinton lowered capital gains taxes on the richest; the left wants to make those rates the same as income tax rates

why dont you compare apples to apples leftard?

obama is no clinton
the whole premise of this article is idiotic and irrelevant. there has never been a country more NOT run by the rich; not one you would want to live in anyway. dont agree?

and there are "100 things or more" wrong with this country?

is there a country that doesnt have a hundred or more things wrong with it?
it's not that we shouldnt look inward and try to be better; it's a completely different animal though when people like YOU can only find things wrong.

You didn't quote a post, but you are referring to the OP (which is mine). so I can assume you're talking to me. I find it a bit amusing that you rant at me for finding things wrong with America , when I just posted a list of 20 things that are RIGHT about America (See Post # 1305 for the list) And it might be the only list like that in this thread

Here's a small sample of the GOOD things >>

1. How about defeating the Axis powers in World War II ?

2. How about keeping Pakistan's nuclear warheads from killing millions of people around the world ? - and losing 2,229 troops in the process + 18,675 wounded, including amputees (you're welcome)

3. How about US national parks ?

4. How about US sports ? - college and pro football, baseball, basketball, etc

5. How about the US Constitution ?
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