What Is Wrong With America ?

Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

IMHO: The biggest problem with America right now is the debt.

The people who created the debt are still in power. The parasites who are addicted to the debt vote early and often.


The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.
IMHO: The biggest problem with America right now is the debt.

The people who created the debt are still in power. The parasites who are addicted to the debt vote early and often.


The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

The people who created the debt have been in power since 1913.

The elitist-progressive-fascist axis if evil.


The people who created the debt are still in power. The parasites who are addicted to the debt vote early and often.


The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

The people who created the debt have been in power since 1913.

The elitist-progressive-fascist axis if evil.


I'll leave all the "axis-of-evil" analysis to you.

But we've been running a debt since the ink was still wet on the Constitution (1789 to be exact). It was in the late 70s that politicians of both parties seemed to realize that spending money that we don't have in order to buy goodies for their supporters translates into campaign contributions and re-election.
The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

The people who created the debt have been in power since 1913.

The elitist-progressive-fascist axis if evil.


I'll leave all the "axis-of-evil" analysis to you.

But we've been running a debt since the ink was still wet on the Constitution (1789 to be exact). It was in the late 70s that politicians of both parties seemed to realize that spending money that we don't have in order to buy goodies for their supporters translates into campaign contributions and re-election.

Well in 1913 the Federal Reserve Board was created. Then the people were spending money we did not have. So much of it , that it could no longer be redeem in gold and silver. The nation declared bankruptcy and off the gold standard we went.

Dueling Debt Deceptions

Q: How much has the federal debt gone up under Obama?

A: During his first three years in office, it rose $4.7 trillion, an increase of 45 percent. Partisan graphics circulating via email and Facebook are both incorrect.

There’s no sugar-coating it, as some supporters of President Obama have tried to do. And the rapid rise in the debt is alarming enough without fabricating false statistics, as some Obama critics have done.

It’s not true, for example, that the debt has increased only 16 percent since Obama took office. That erroneous calculation originally came from the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. And — despite being corrected later — it has continued to circulate via email.

The figures in that graphic are pure fabrications, as anyone can easily confirm by plugging Obama’s inauguration date — Jan. 20, 2009 — in the Treasury Department’s handy “debt to the penny” website. That shows the nation’s total debt stood at $10.6 trillion on the day Obama took office (not $6.3 trillion), and it had increased to nearly $15.4 trillion by the end of January 2012 — a rise of more than $4.7 trillion in just over three years (not $6.5 trillion).

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.
The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

Excuse me?

Look, I get that you're a partisan hack and all, but get your meme right.

George Soros, your master, instructs you to claim that Clinton ran a "budget surplus" in 1999 - he didn't, but that is a different debate.

But dude, NO ONE tries to sell the fiction that Clinton reduced the debt - no one - it's just too stupid for words.

And CARTER, are you fucking kidding me?

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

It's politically expedient to hand out goodies and leave the bill for future generations. Medicare Pt. D would make it pretty hard for Republicans to deny culpability.

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

I condemn Bush all the time for his spending like a drunken monkey, but have yet to see those on your side of the aisle condemn Obama for adding as more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8.
I'll leave all the "axis-of-evil" analysis to you.

But we've been running a debt since the ink was still wet on the Constitution (1789 to be exact). It was in the late 70s that politicians of both parties seemed to realize that spending money that we don't have in order to buy goodies for their supporters translates into campaign contributions and re-election.

You seem to have missed that whole "New Deal" thingy.....
The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

Excuse me?

Look, I get that you're a partisan hack and all, but get your meme right.

George Soros, your master, instructs you to claim that Clinton ran a "budget surplus" in 1999 - he didn't, but that is a different debate.

But dude, NO ONE tries to sell the fiction that Clinton reduced the debt - no one - it's just too stupid for words.

And CARTER, are you fucking kidding me?

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

It's politically expedient to hand out goodies and leave the bill for future generations. Medicare Pt. D would make it pretty hard for Republicans to deny culpability.

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

I condemn Bush all the time for his spending like a drunken monkey, but have yet to see those on your side of the aisle condemn Obama for adding as more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8.

I have no side of aisle.
Perhaps it's convenient to create an image of someone and argue with that invented image rather than debate the facts.

I have repeatedly taken Obama and Democrats to task for their contributions to spending problems. I have no problem doing that and have demonstrated that repeatedly. I made no references to deficits. Deficits and the debt to GDP ratio are two different things. I referenced the debt to GDP ratio and I did it correctly.

Don't get so blinded by party rhetoric. Worshiping Rush Limbaugh won't get you to heaven.
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I have no side of aisle.

Yeah I noticed that, when you shoveled the bullshit about Clinton reducing the national debt...

Perhaps it's convenient to create an image of someone and argue with that invented image rather than debate the facts.

If you offer facts, I'll debate those.

If you post partisan idiocy like claims that "Carter reduced the debt," then you deserve no better than to be mocked.

I have repeatedly taken Obama and Democrats to task for their contributions to spending problems. I have no problem doing that and have demonstrated that repeatedly. I made no references to deficits. Deficits and the debt to GDP ratio are two different things. I referenced the debt to GDP ratio and I did it correctly.

Don't get so blinded by party rhetoric. Worshiping Rush Limbaugh won't get you to heaven.[/QUOTE]

Rush Limbaugh is the villain of every MSNBC story, but has not a damned thing to do with the subject at hand.
The quote you responded to Rot is actually mine. You may think 23% is outlandish but none of your party have reduced it when they had the power. Neither party has that was a main point of the post.
And that is the problem. And no - that was not the "main point of the post". You just tried (irrationally) to use it as justification for your main point - which is that you believe we need to punish the wealthy for their success and increase taxes on them.
What does the Constitution have to do with anything? :bang3:
It has everything to do with everything. We didn't get $17 trillion in debt because the federal government adhered to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them in the U.S. Constitution. We have reached $17 trillion in debt because the federal government has unconstitutionally taken control of every facet of American life (education, transportation, masturbation, arts, parks, housing, farming & food, gaming, technology, energy, communications, clothing, fire, holocaust history, science, healthcare, carpet, animals, watches, power tools, firearms, movies, and endless more).

A main point, not the only point.... Its not punishment it is just practicality.... I would argue that some if not all of that is constitutional. (and some just an exaggeration on your part) But even if they arent constitutional, some government at some level, would likely be doing the spending in the feds place if they werent doing it. The states would probably rather have the feds do it in most cases.

But that's just it [MENTION=45102]dcraelin[/MENTION] - that states and local municipalities have the proper authority over these issues. I'm ok with communism in San Fransisco. Honestly. I support it 100%. If people like protectionist, JoeB, candycorn want to go live their communist utopia either in another nation or in local municipalities, I think that's fantastic. I don't support, however, them unconstitutionally forcing their communist utopia on the American people at the federal level.

Our founders specifically designed a government where the federal government had the least power and least responsibilities because it is furthest away from the people and hardest for them to monitor and influence. In addition, by placing the most power at the local municipalities, people have the most power and influence over their own lives and the government in that area. So liberals can live their communist utopia in San Francisco and conservatives can live the American dream in Anchorage.

So why don't you support that? Why don't you support all Americans living their idea of the American dream? San Francisco can and should control transportation in San Francisco. Anchorage can and should decide that they don't want to tax their citizens to create socialist public transportation. Giving more options to people will allow both sides of the aisle to live in harmony. It's the fact that all sides are unconstitutionally forced against their will to live under the ideology of their opposition which is splitting this nation.
I have no side of aisle.

Yeah I noticed that, when you shoveled the bullshit about Clinton reducing the national debt...

Liberals must realize their ideology is a failed ideology, their opinions are uninformed, and their arguments are weak because everyone of them starts off trying to convince the board they are actually "conservative" (I guess they believe that will provide them with credibility they can obtain on their own through own posted thoughts and ideas).

JoeB and protectionist absurdly claim to be "Eisenhower" Republican's (despite Joseph's proud declaration of his love for communism). Rightwinger names himself "Rightwinger" despite being a full-fledged progressive. And "nodoginnafight" thinks the name will convince people he is independent despite being a hard-core socialist liberal.
Municipalities are also at the mercy of their Low-Information ideologues on both sides of the aisle.
We are not so great any more, when once everyone wanted to go to and become Americans.

We're still great, don't worry. The number of immigrants here is at a historic high. In 2011, 18.1 million immigrants became US citizens, up 12% from 2010.
I have no side of aisle.

Yeah I noticed that, when you shoveled the bullshit about Clinton reducing the national debt...

Liberals must realize their ideology is a failed ideology, their opinions are uninformed, and their arguments are weak because everyone of them starts off trying to convince the board they are actually "conservative" (I guess they believe that will provide them with credibility they can obtain on their own through own posted thoughts and ideas).


Not gonna happen. So long as they believe they getting a free lunch they will continue to believe that their scam works. They will wait until the shit hits the fan.

The people who created the debt have been in power since the 1970s.

Debt as a percentage of GDP has consistently increased since 1973 (expect for brief periods during the Clinton and Carter administrations).

The political parties count on flunkies to promote the idea that "it's the other guy's fault."

They ALL own it and unless we hold them ALL accountable, then we are holding NO ONE accountable.

The people who created the debt have been in power since 1913.

The elitist-progressive-fascist axis if evil.


I'll leave all the "axis-of-evil" analysis to you.

But we've been running a debt since the ink was still wet on the Constitution (1789 to be exact). It was in the late 70s that politicians of both parties seemed to realize that spending money that we don't have in order to buy goodies for their supporters translates into campaign contributions and re-election.

As my old physics professor used to say "Qualitative measures are created by quantitative measures." The US had a "debt" of about $ ONE Trillion up until 1980. since then, it has ballooned to $17 Trillion. Some people would blame wasteful spending, and much of that is true, I'm sure (especially welfare for illegal aliens). Bu t it can't be overlooked that this 34 year period has also been one of abnormally low taxation, where the top bracket indiv. tax has been only 28-39%. Using the same 34 year time frame as a yardstick, prior to this low tax current era, the top bracket indiv. tax was 70-94%.

Talk about spending all you like, but this huge dichotomy between the two 34 year periods speaks loudly.
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Dueling Debt Deceptions

Q: How much has the federal debt gone up under Obama?

A: During his first three years in office, it rose $4.7 trillion, an increase of 45 percent. Partisan graphics circulating via email and Facebook are both incorrect.

There’s no sugar-coating it, as some supporters of President Obama have tried to do. And the rapid rise in the debt is alarming enough without fabricating false statistics, as some Obama critics have done.

It’s not true, for example, that the debt has increased only 16 percent since Obama took office. That erroneous calculation originally came from the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. And — despite being corrected later — it has continued to circulate via email.

The figures in that graphic are pure fabrications, as anyone can easily confirm by plugging Obama’s inauguration date — Jan. 20, 2009 — in the Treasury Department’s handy “debt to the penny” website. That shows the nation’s total debt stood at $10.6 trillion on the day Obama took office (not $6.3 trillion), and it had increased to nearly $15.4 trillion by the end of January 2012 — a rise of more than $4.7 trillion in just over three years (not $6.5 trillion).

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

"Under Obama" also includes under the US Congress (which includes Republican controlled House of Reps)

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