What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

what "perks" do you think gay people get that others don't?
Probably a lot more sex. At least the male variety of gays probably does.

Can you imagine? Two male sex drives? Holy smokes!

You don't really want the answer.
You just want to hear that your answer is right.

You're right.
There's nothing wrong with being gay
Well, you know, there comes a day in everyone's life when they have to decide whether or not to be gay. I'm sure you all remember that particular day in your own lives.

"Hmmmm, should I be gay or straight? Henceforth, when I see a woman with big boobs, should I pass on that and go for some dude with a buff body instead? This is so hard!"

And that is how we know God didn't make people gay. He made us all straight, and some dipshits have decided to go against the grain just to be dicks.

"If I decide to be bisexual, will I be twice as likely to get a date for Saturday night?"

If you're bi, as I am (for all intents and purposes, prefer to say I'm just "sexual") then not only will you have twice the chance of a date, but you'll have so much sex that later in life say around age 30 sex will bore you and you'll prefer to handle your sexual needs yourself rather than put up with other people hogging the covers in bed. :)
If you are bored with sex, you are doing it wrong.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)

I suppose if I didn't have the same question about bacon that might explain it. Why would God care if you eat bacon?

When you were five, touching the stove was, "no!" Now that you know how to work the stove, it's a way to cook your bacon and eggs for breakfast.

In the days of the bible, pork was unclean. I don't think God wanted to explain microbes in the Bible. "No" was simpler. I think today he's just thinking if you want to keep using the kiddie potty that he's OK with it, but if you eat bacon he's not going to give a shit
"To show your fidelity to me, don't suck another dude's dick, and don't have sex with a woman not your wife. Also, don't eat lobsters. These are all abominations in my sight."


If we can have "dominion" over lobsters, why not over ...

... never mind
You choose whether or not lobsters are delicious.

Once saw a Discovery type show where the guy partakes of the S. American tribe's fave food of giant spiders aare wrapped in giant leaves and roasted alive. He shuddered and shivered but took a bite. Said it tasted just like crab. Arachnids are arachnids are arachnids, I guess.

Same guy almost fainted when he did the same thing the other men did - push their penis up into their body and then tie on a big thingy imitating a fake penis. Ewwwww.

Last time I had lobster was - jeeez - 35 years ago or so. Sitting on a stool in a friend's apartment in DC, shucking oysters, with a paper bag rustling on the table. Did the whole plunging them into boiling water thing and swore I'd never do it again. I did used to like lobster but not enough to get past that.
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In the days of the bible, pork was unclean. I don't think God wanted to explain microbes in the Bible. "No" was simpler.

If this ridiculous theory was true, God would have banned chicken, too.

If you actually read the bible, you would find all sorts of rules which have no logical explanation to them at all. These Laws exist as a means to demonstrate one's fidelity to the One True God. They differentiate the Israelites from all other tribes and their rituals.
God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)
He also made poisonous mushrooms and rattlesnakes.

Didn't forbid them though.
That would have been too easy.

"To show your fidelity to me, don't eat poisonous stuff."

Easy peasy!

"To show your fidelity to me, don't eat bacon."


And don't kill my creatures - eg - rattlesnakes.

Living in AZ, it always pissed me off that people would kill r'snakes for no reason.

Getting their revenge. Heard due to annual rattlesnake roundups they're evolving away their rattles to be more stealthy. :)

Don't know that its because of r'snake roundups but have read the same thing. And their venom is increasing in strength.

I've handled dozens of r'snakes and even rehabbed a few. Mostly they just are what they are and try to avoid contact with us. They want to be left alone to do rattlesnake stuff: eat rodents and make baby rattlesnakes.

Pisses me off that people can preach about their gods but have no respect for the creatures they believe he created. Hypocritical.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

what "perks" do you think gay people get that others don't?
Probably a lot more sex. At least the male variety of gays probably does.

Can you imagine? Two male sex drives? Holy smokes!

Does give a whole new meaning to the old joke of 'do you smoke after sex'.

I'm going to heaven because blowjobs don't count as sex.

There's no heaven but if there was and if there was a god, would he really care about man-made rules?
Same guy almost fainted when he did the same thing the other men did - push their penis up into their body and then tie on a big thingy imitating a fake penis. Ewwwww.

I knew there were several good reasons I won't pay for cable. Add this one to my list.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
Another secret I wish I was gay thread?

You all embarrass yourselves with this stupidity
I'm actually sexually attracted to men, try again.
This isn't your thread you stupid fuck.

Ps. No one gives a fuck about your sexual desires loser. And yes, only losers proclaim their sexuality to strangers on an Internet forum.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?
It makes no sense whatsoever.

Bear in mind, however, that conservatives are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian – they fear change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, perceived by most on the right as some sort of 'threat.'

Society tolerating or condoning homosexuality, conservatives 'reason,' foments moral decay, undermines traditional values, and will result in the 'downfall' of the American Nation – how exactly that will come about no conservative has ever explained, but such is the nature of slippery slope fallacies.

And consistent with being authoritarians, most conservatives seek to disadvantage gay Americans in an effort to compel them to conform, or to at least 'mitigate' the 'damaging effects' of homosexuality on society, by denying them their right to equal protection of the law, the marriage prohibitions being one of the more repugnant examples.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)
I have it almost daily..trichinosis is not a problem....
Another secret I wish I was gay thread?

You all embarrass yourselves with this stupidity
I'm actually sexually attracted to men, try again.
This isn't your thread you stupid fuck.

Ps. No one gives a fuck about your sexual desires loser. And yes, only losers proclaim their sexuality to strangers on an Internet forum.
Nothing better than being the towel boy in prison but there is nothing wrong with that either, we understand...

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