What is wrong with being gay exactly?

No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
Silly argument. The point was the state cannot have men treated differently based on the race. Marriage is a state legality and the government cannot tax people and treat them differently. That doesn't men gender no longer matters. How could it?
No-its reality

No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
is that the court's ruling didn't change what marriage was, it ruled that the government cannot treat races seperately.

And back to my point- "no more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriage"

States said "no marriage between a black man and a white woman"- Supreme Court said such a ban was unconstitutional as marriage is a right
States said "no marriage between a man and a man"- Supreme Court will rule on whether such a ban is unconsitutional or whether such bans violate American's rights.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or not.
Homosexuality isn't a race, religion or gender. Relationships between people are what we are discussing here. Try to focus.

The states have always defined marriage and you can't offer up an explanation of what or where the bloodlines should be drawn for like gender marriages. For obvious reasons.
Are weapons permits treated like Marriage Licenses and vice versa?

Yes, my weapons license doesn't allow me to carry in commiefornia. Even though the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution clearly says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.".

Nothing in the COTUS mentions marriage. Yet I have to tolerate the bigotry of commiefornians against my right to carry in their state so I stay out of it.

Wrong. The correct answer is no, marriage licenses are not treated the same as weapons permits. All weapons permits are treated the same though. If a gay person had a weapons permit in your state, theirs would not be treated differently in California than yours is.

Marriage has been declared a fundamental right. In order to deny a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate (using a reasonable standard) that there is a demonstrable harm in allowing it. You can't.
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I see your liberal nature will never understand the idea: being gay is unnatural and abnormal. You will never have a child and this is awful.
Moreover it is disgusting and provokes children to think over the possibility to become a homosexual.
I am happy that the Church is against all this gays' movement.

I'm gay and had five children. There goes that theory. :rolleyes:
wrong, they want minority rule.
They want equal rights, tard.

they HAVE equal rights. gay marriage is NOT a right.
Equal protection of the laws is.

what protections under the laws are gays not allowed to have?
As of yet they don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness that Heterosexuals have. But it's getting closer to that eventuality. Face it, people who enjoy being racist, homophobic, stone throwers are quickly becoming the ones who are being ostracized by nearly all of society outside of Radical Muslim terrorist cells and KKK meetings. The reign of religious zealots in demonzing blacks, gays, women etc. is coming to an end.

Gays have every right that straights have. The constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that you will find it. It is not bigoted to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition. Gay marriage is an oxymoron to a majority of human beings on planet earth.

What you are asking for is for the government to mandate societal acceptance of gay marriage in spite of the beliefs of a majority of americans. You want to legislate beliefs and legislate revisions to human biology.

The bigotry here is coming from the left. It is you who are intolerant----intolerant of any beliefs but yours.

And finallly, race and sexual deviancy are two completely different things.
If you want to buttfuck, stay in commiefornia.

More and more evidence that the real motive behind those opposed to same sex marriage is a ban on gay sex.

Once again, you are full of shit. A clear minority of people want that.

Once again the "Republican" taking the lead on calling Republicans immoral and hateful, but it's OK, you are one...
Wrong. The correct answer is no, marriage licenses are not treated the same as weapons permits. All weapons permits are treated the same though. If a gay person had a weapons permit in your state, theirs would not be treated differently in California than yours is.

Marriage has been declared a fundamental right. In order to deny a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate (using a reasonable standard) that there is a demonstrable harm in allowing it. You can't.

Hate to break it to you, but I'm right.

My CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT and my weapons license isn't recognized in commiefornia. So I stay out of that God forsaken hell hole of utter lunacy.

Your marriage license isn't recognized in TX
(as far as I know) or FL (according to you).

There is NO right to any sort of relationaship, marriage, wedding, orgy, or anything else even mentioned in the COTUS.

You say:

Marriage has been declared a fundamental right.

I ask:

By whom? Where did that right come from? Where is it written? Is there a 1.5 Amendment that says:

AMENDMENT 1.5--- Anyone can marry anything they want and other people's religious beliefs are null and void if it conflicts with someone else's deviance.

Just to repeat myself:

Why is it SO IMPORTANT to you if people recognize your lifestyle? Why do they even need to know? Why does THAT define you? Why can't YOU ACCEPT that some people believe it's wrong, and not shove their nose into it?

I personally DON'T FUCKING CARE. I am sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of hearing about business owners bankrupted because they didn't want to deal with gay weddings. That's just as wrong as the proverbial closet faggots jumping out of pickup trucks and beating up the openly gay kid.

I'm sorry, but gays account for less that %4 of the population. I don't believe the issue demands the attention with the country going bankrupt, cities engulfed in riots every few months, the border wide open, and assholes who take 10 minutes to get a drive thru fast food order done.
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What is wrong with being being gay exactly.

It creates a "moral hazard" for the Right?

Fortunately the left has no morals, so being gay is only wrong if you're a republicrat.

That's how I understand it anyway, since I've been called a faggot by so many bed wetting democrooks.

What is wrong with being being gay exactly.

It creates a "moral hazard" for the Right?

Fortunately the left has no morals, so being gay is only wrong if you're a republicrat.

That's how I understand it anyway, since I've been called a faggot by so many bed wetting democrooks.

some on the left may subscribe to this historical point of view that may apply to our form of federal government; did the Romans really have to care what the natives were doing as long as the domestic Tranquility and security of a free State were not at issue.
Wrong. The correct answer is no, marriage licenses are not treated the same as weapons permits. All weapons permits are treated the same though. If a gay person had a weapons permit in your state, theirs would not be treated differently in California than yours is.

Wrong and a completely different subject. "Should weapons permits fall under FF&C?" is a good topic of discussion but irrelevant when talking about marriage licenses.

Marriage has been declared a fundamental right. In order to deny a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate (using a reasonable standard) that there is a demonstrable harm in allowing it. You can't.

Hate to break it to you, but I'm right.

My CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT and my weapons license isn't recognized in commiefornia. So I stay out of that God forsaken hell hole of utter lunacy.

Your marriage license isn't recognized in TX[/COLOR] (as far as I know) or FL (according to you).

There is NO right to any sort of relationaship, marriage, wedding, orgy, or anything else even mentioned in the COTUS.

You say:

]Marriage has been declared a fundamental right.

I ask:

By whom? Where did that right come from? Where is it written? Is there a 1.5 Amendment that says:

By the SCOTUS numerous times. Most notably in Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Redhail and Turner v Safely. You can disagree with their rulings, but they WERE made.

AMENDMENT 1.5--- Anyone can marry anything they want and other people's religious beliefs are null and void if it conflicts with someone else's deviance.

Just to repeat myself:

Why is it SO IMPORTANT to you if people recognize your lifestyle? Why do they even need to know? Why does THAT define you? Why can't YOU ACCEPT that some people believe it's wrong, and not shove their nose into it?

I personally DON'T FUCKING CARE. I am sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of hearing about business owners bankrupted because they didn't want to deal with gay weddings. That's just as wrong as the proverbial closet faggots jumping out of pickup trucks and beating up the openly gay kid.

I'm sorry, but gays account for less that %4 of the population. I don't believe the issue demands the attention with the country going bankrupt, cities engulfed in riots every few months, the border wide open, and assholes who take 10 minutes to get a drive thru fast food order done.

Jews account for fewer than 2% of the population...and?
No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
Silly argument. The point was the state cannot have men treated differently based on the race. Marriage is a state legality and the government cannot tax people and treat them differently. That doesn't men gender no longer matters. How could it?
No-its reality

No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
is that the court's ruling didn't change what marriage was, it ruled that the government cannot treat races seperately.

And back to my point- "no more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriage"

States said "no marriage between a black man and a white woman"- Supreme Court said such a ban was unconstitutional as marriage is a right
States said "no marriage between a man and a man"- Supreme Court will rule on whether such a ban is unconsitutional or whether such bans violate American's rights.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or not.
Homosexuality isn't a race, religion or gender. Relationships between people are what we are discussing here. Try to focus.

The states have always defined marriage and you can't offer up an explanation of what or where the bloodlines should be drawn for like gender marriages. For obvious reasons.

Homosexuality is not race
Race is not religion
Religion is not gender
Gender is not homosexuality.

Glad we cleared that up.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or no
Silly argument. The point was the state cannot have men treated differently based on the race. Marriage is a state legality and the government cannot tax people and treat them differently. That doesn't men gender no longer matters. How could it?
No-its reality

No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
is that the court's ruling didn't change what marriage was, it ruled that the government cannot treat races seperately.

And back to my point- "no more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriage"

States said "no marriage between a black man and a white woman"- Supreme Court said such a ban was unconstitutional as marriage is a right
States said "no marriage between a man and a man"- Supreme Court will rule on whether such a ban is unconsitutional or whether such bans violate American's rights.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or not.
Homosexuality isn't a race, religion or gender. Relationships between people are what we are discussing here. Try to focus.

The states have always defined marriage and you can't offer up an explanation of what or where the bloodlines should be drawn for like gender marriages. For obvious reasons.

Homosexuality is not race
Race is not religion
Religion is not gender
Gender is not homosexuality.

Glad we cleared that up.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or no
Except the Constitution covers race, religion, gender. All people are equal. All relationships are not.
They want equal rights, tard.

they HAVE equal rights. gay marriage is NOT a right.
Equal protection of the laws is.

what protections under the laws are gays not allowed to have?
As of yet they don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness that Heterosexuals have. But it's getting closer to that eventuality. Face it, people who enjoy being racist, homophobic, stone throwers are quickly becoming the ones who are being ostracized by nearly all of society outside of Radical Muslim terrorist cells and KKK meetings. The reign of religious zealots in demonzing blacks, gays, women etc. is coming to an end.

Gays have every right that straights have. .

Well why is the Supreme Court even hearing this case today?

Oh thats right because a couple dozen judges disagree with you.

And the Supreme Court is going to decide whether or not a gay persons 14th Ammendment guarantees of equal protection before the law are being violated by not being allowed to marry the person of their choice.
No-its reality

No more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriages.

That is exactly the question the Supreme Court is deciding on this year. And whatever the Supreme Court decides will be binding.
is that the court's ruling didn't change what marriage was, it ruled that the government cannot treat races seperately.

And back to my point- "no more than we needed a constitutional amendment to recognize the legality of mixed race marriage"

States said "no marriage between a black man and a white woman"- Supreme Court said such a ban was unconstitutional as marriage is a right
States said "no marriage between a man and a man"- Supreme Court will rule on whether such a ban is unconsitutional or whether such bans violate American's rights.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or not.
Homosexuality isn't a race, religion or gender. Relationships between people are what we are discussing here. Try to focus.

The states have always defined marriage and you can't offer up an explanation of what or where the bloodlines should be drawn for like gender marriages. For obvious reasons.

Homosexuality is not race
Race is not religion
Religion is not gender
Gender is not homosexuality.

Glad we cleared that up.

Whether the issue is race or sexual preference or gender- the Supreme Court can rule on whether marriage bans are constitutional or no
Except the Constitution covers race, religion, gender. All people are equal. All relationships are not.

The Constitution does not say that Americans have equal rights only when it comes to race or religion or gender.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Not one word about race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
They want equal rights, tard.

they HAVE equal rights. gay marriage is NOT a right.
Equal protection of the laws is.

what protections under the laws are gays not allowed to have?
As of yet they don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness that Heterosexuals have. But it's getting closer to that eventuality. Face it, people who enjoy being racist, homophobic, stone throwers are quickly becoming the ones who are being ostracized by nearly all of society outside of Radical Muslim terrorist cells and KKK meetings. The reign of religious zealots in demonzing blacks, gays, women etc. is coming to an end.

Gays have every right that straights have. The constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that you will find it. It is not bigoted to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition. Gay marriage is an oxymoron to a majority of human beings on planet earth.

What you are asking for is for the government to mandate societal acceptance of gay marriage in spite of the beliefs of a majority of americans. You want to legislate beliefs and legislate revisions to human biology.

The bigotry here is coming from the left. It is you who are intolerant----intolerant of any beliefs but yours.

And finallly, race and sexual deviancy are two completely different things.
You're a bigot and a liar. No one is mandating you do anything. What they want is for you to get your jack boot off their necks.
they HAVE equal rights. gay marriage is NOT a right.
Equal protection of the laws is.

what protections under the laws are gays not allowed to have?
As of yet they don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness that Heterosexuals have. But it's getting closer to that eventuality. Face it, people who enjoy being racist, homophobic, stone throwers are quickly becoming the ones who are being ostracized by nearly all of society outside of Radical Muslim terrorist cells and KKK meetings. The reign of religious zealots in demonzing blacks, gays, women etc. is coming to an end.

Gays have every right that straights have. .

Well why is the Supreme Court even hearing this case today?

Oh thats right because a couple dozen judges disagree with you.

And the Supreme Court is going to decide whether or not a gay persons 14th Ammendment guarantees of equal protection before the law are being violated by not being allowed to marry the person of their choice.

discrimination legal definition of discrimination
State and local laws can also protect individuals from discrimination. For example, gays and lesbians, although not yet included under federal civil rights laws, are protected in many cities by local ordinances outlawing discrimination against individuals on the basis of sexual orientation. Minnesota, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, and other states have passed such legislation—although some voters have sought to repeal it, with mixed results. Local antidiscrimination laws have been used to deny funding to groups that bar members because of their sexual orientation.

This was the case after the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Boys Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640, 120 S.Ct. 2446, 147 L.Ed.2d 554 (2000). The Court held that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), as a private organization, had the constitutional right to bar homosexual troop leaders and members from its ranks. The Boy Scouts hailed this as an important victory, but many corporations and local governments were angered by the decision.
they HAVE equal rights. gay marriage is NOT a right.
Equal protection of the laws is.

what protections under the laws are gays not allowed to have?
As of yet they don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness that Heterosexuals have. But it's getting closer to that eventuality. Face it, people who enjoy being racist, homophobic, stone throwers are quickly becoming the ones who are being ostracized by nearly all of society outside of Radical Muslim terrorist cells and KKK meetings. The reign of religious zealots in demonzing blacks, gays, women etc. is coming to an end.

Gays have every right that straights have. The constitution guarantees the PURSUIT of happiness, it does not guarantee that you will find it. It is not bigoted to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition. Gay marriage is an oxymoron to a majority of human beings on planet earth.

What you are asking for is for the government to mandate societal acceptance of gay marriage in spite of the beliefs of a majority of americans. You want to legislate beliefs and legislate revisions to human biology.

The bigotry here is coming from the left. It is you who are intolerant----intolerant of any beliefs but yours.

And finallly, race and sexual deviancy are two completely different things.
You're a bigot and a liar. No one is mandating you do anything. What they want is for you to get your jack boot off their necks.

Bullshit, you want the government to demand that everyone accept homosexuality as a normal human condition and teach children that they can go either way as long as it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels good.

you are sick.

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