What is wrong with Homosexual couples having kids?

When you look at the enormous contributions to the country from a tiny sliver of society and lack of significant contributions from the Tea Party and the GOP in general, it might be better to get more gays to raise children, not fewer.

This is why homosexual couples should not be afforded the right to have children: Kansas judge hears arguments in case of sperm donor sued for child support - U.S. News

You truly are ignorant.

No one is ‘afforded’ his rights, rights are inalienable; they can be neither given nor taken by any government or man.

And although not absolute, rights can only be limited by government pursuant to a legitimate legislative end.

That the agreement between the donor and the couple ended up in a civil dispute has no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to have children. Nor does this isolated, incidental dispute justify limiting the right of same-sex couples to have children. Disallowing same-sex coupled from having children serves no legitimate legislative end.
Some tee potties here say they hit their children. Even babies shill in diapers. The same tee potties are against education, good nutrition in schools.

Its likely the kids would probably be better off, physically, mentally healthier.

You know - learn to read, stuff like that.

This is why homosexual couples should not be afforded the right to have children: Kansas judge hears arguments in case of sperm donor sued for child support - U.S. News

The couple did not initiate the case of the one I know about, that would be the State. One of the mothers got sick and they broke up as I recall.

As i read the story, the sexuality of the couple is not relevant. However, their 'marital' status is .
Had the couple been legally wed, the case would never have gone this far.
This is why ONLY legally married people should be permitted to go this route.


In the context of the right to privacy, the right to procreate is just as fundamental, if not more so:

If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.

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It's as "physically impossible" as it was for Romney's son (who used a surrogate).

Thank you for your support of marriage equality.

Romney's son used a surrogate because of a medical reason. If it were not for that circumstance the couple would have had their own children. Homosexual couples can never create bioligical children no matter how heathy and perfect their reproductive organs are. That's the difference between impossibility and improbability.

Gay couples use AI and surrogacy for the same reason hets do...to have kids.

It might not be too long before two women CAN have kids... :lol:

Ova-Fusion and the Elimination of the Male
And this technology costs what?
Yeah. Another entitlement this time bestowed upon a behavior group?
Not if you do it legally and not the ACME home legal kit. The father of our children has no legal rights. He relinquished them and my spouse was declared their legal parent by a judge...because you can do that in CA. Can you in KS, home of Fred Phelps?

If qualified, anyone can adopt. Marriage has never been a prerequisite to child bearing.
Don't make this a gay marriage issue.

No, they can't. You're just displaying your ignorance. Many states prohibit 2nd parent adoptions by gays and lesbians and many prohibit single adoptions.

Which states?
Is Kansas one of those states?
Be careful what you post. You'll get called on it.....Like right now..
I'll await your reply with great anticipation...
Oh....Let us for a moment stipulate you are correct. The question is, what's the point?
What really irritates me about you militant gays is you want to own both sides of the issue.
I clearly remember the case in Florida where the 18 year old lesbian girl was prosecuted for sexual assault due to her relationship with a 14 year old CHILD...
LIberals and especially gay activists went nuts. They made up all kinds of excuses. They cried "NO FAIR"....They even accused those supporting the prosecution of the 18 year old with homphobia....
The point is, if you gay people want true equality in every aspect of life in these United States, you have to accept ALL of the good and bad.
To use an expression...."You can't get a little bit pregnant".
Our little chat is over.
Romney's son used a surrogate because of a medical reason. If it were not for that circumstance the couple would have had their own children. Homosexual couples can never create bioligical children no matter how heathy and perfect their reproductive organs are. That's the difference between impossibility and improbability.

Gay couples use AI and surrogacy for the same reason hets do...to have kids.

It might not be too long before two women CAN have kids... :lol:

Ova-Fusion and the Elimination of the Male
And this technology costs what?
Yeah. Another entitlement this time bestowed upon a behavior group?

Since it's not applicable to humans at the moment, who knows? Probably will cost a pretty penny but so does invitro.
If qualified, anyone can adopt. Marriage has never been a prerequisite to child bearing.
Don't make this a gay marriage issue.

No, they can't. You're just displaying your ignorance. Many states prohibit 2nd parent adoptions by gays and lesbians and many prohibit single adoptions.

Which states?
Is Kansas one of those states?
Be careful what you post. You'll get called on it.....Like right now..
I'll await your reply with great anticipation...
Oh....Let us for a moment stipulate you are correct. The question is, what's the point?
What really irritates me about you militant gays is you want to own both sides of the issue.
I clearly remember the case in Florida where the 18 year old lesbian girl was prosecuted for sexual assault due to her relationship with a 14 year old CHILD...
LIberals and especially gay activists went nuts. They made up all kinds of excuses. They cried "NO FAIR"....They even accused those supporting the prosecution of the 18 year old with homphobia....
The point is, if you gay people want true equality in every aspect of life in these United States, you have to accept ALL of the good and bad.
To use an expression...."You can't get a little bit pregnant".
Our little chat is over.

Already provided the link, go look for it. Here's one for KS specifically though...


The rest isn't relevant to the discussion.

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