What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

I just want Garland to do his job. I and many others doubt that he is.
Wow, someone is getting a dictionary for christmas.
By all means keep making a fool of yourself.

Definition of monopoly

1: exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2: exclusive possession or controlno country has a monopoly on morality or truth— Helen M. Lynd
3: a commodity controlled by one partyhad a monopoly on flint from their quarries— Barbara A. Leitch
4: one that has a monopolyThe government passed laws intended to break up monopolies.
More Example Sent
When one party controls both houses of congress and the WH that is by definition a "monopoly" on power in DC.

Man up, Garland. Do your job.
Calling people who do not want their children raped in schools' terrorists, is all you have to know about a "moderate' like Garland. Of course, he used the Patriot Act that was never going to be used against citizens as a reason. We have seen enough of totalitarian edicts by Progs in our nation and across the Western world.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

Merrick is a bad Attorney General and would have been a worse Supreme Court Justice……

Now it turns out he is a bad democrat….he can’t even get false convictions against innocent Trump supporters..

By all means keep making a fool of yourself.

When one party controls both houses of congress and the WH that is by definition a "monopoly" on power in DC.

Uh huh. Sure. Like the build back better bill. Passed easily. Same for all those other bills.

But hey, feel free to pretend to be a simpleton. If you do it for too long and forget to stop, you're just a simpleton. That's free advice. ;)
Merrick is a bad Attorney General and would have been a worse Supreme Court Justice……

Now it turns out he is a bad democrat….he can’t even get false convictions against innocent Trump supporters..

Your NaziCon opinion is worthless. You and I dislike Garland for very different reasons.
Uh huh. Sure. Like the build back better bill. Passed easily. Same for all those other bills.

But hey, feel free to pretend to be a simpleton. If you do it for too long and forget to stop, you're just a simpleton. That's free advice. ;)
The only simpleton involved in this conversation is the idiot that doesn't understand the meaning of the word, "Monopoly" or the phrase, "Monopoly on Power".

Right now democrats don't need a single republican vote to pass anything and control the WH, that is by definition a "Monopoly on Power".

If you insist on further making a complete ass of yourself though I'm certainly not going to sand in your way.

The funny part is that you seem to think wearing your ass for a hat is a fashion statement, it's not, that's why everyone is laughing.
He's awaiting his orders from the White handlers of Joey Bai Dung.
Right now the DOJ and FBI are working feverishly to make the Bia Dung Crime family corruption be swallowed by a big black hole.

Kamala Harris can't be everywhere at once.

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