What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

Nobody cares. The main problem is all the people you leftists have been locking up as political prisoners, for no reason ---- but you don't prosecute at all the hundreds and thousands of blacks and antifas who did all the rioting, looting, burning, and shooting in the black riots summer after summer. Our cities burn and you want to pretend that picnic at the Capitol was a big problem??? This unequal treatment -- the Left refusing to deal with bad blacks and leftist white communist rioters -- is the worst thing going on right now.
This. ^^^

The left is deliberately destroying our system of justice.

These rotten progressive bastards are making a mockery of everything the left fought for for the last hundred years.

The progtards are NUTS, they're completely insane
He is referring, as you know, to B. Hussein O., former alleged President of America. The alter ego of Barry Soetoro, the don of Honolulu's Choom Gang.
He was POTUS for eight years.

It's also alleged that you may have a brain but there's no evidence of one.

Thank you, Joe! Wake up, Garland.
In terms of reputation, he's known as being very careful, very meticulous, very detailed. No doubt he's fully aware of the gravity of this whole thing. So if he brings a case, he'll have his ducks in a row and a strong argument. If he doesn't, we'd just have to trust that he wasn't convinced he could win.

What happened is pretty obvious. But he knows the bar that he has to clear is pretty freaking high. It's just a goddamn shame that we're having to go through this. And Ginni Thomas' texts really paint a picture of a group of people who really have gone off the deep end.
Yeah right. Democrats are ones to talk. Getting in bed with racist communists, and pillaging all the population centers?

And you're talking about going off the deep end?

Give us all a gigantic fucking break.

Your gig is up, pal. It's over. You're done.
Exactly! Because Republicans will immediately shut it all down! Then the Trump NaziCon mafia is off the hook.
Not only that, but you progtards better run for the hills


You bozos fucked up big time, and they're going to come after you
The president's junkie son might be implicated in a horror show of a Ukraine bio lab for money but the left is more interested in prosecuting criminal trespass violators. Go figure.
Cyrus Vance and Merrick Garland would be the ones who would look like horse's asses and probably get disbarred for bullshit charges. Remember they are officers of the court, not just bullshit political operatives.

Not you.

Unless you are personally willing to support the Vance and Garland families, you are out of line talking about them.
Bullshit charges? That's not what the two prosecutors who have worked this case from day one are saying. They both resigned because the new DA is either a coward or was promised something for letting Trump walk.

When Biden leaves office & if Republicans take over that DA will be appointed to the federal bench. Wait for it.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot​

Contempt of Congress charges languish with the Department of Justice as the select committee's members fume at the attorney general.

Members of the House select committee investigating last year’s riot at the U.S. Capitol expressed frustration Monday over an apparently inattentive and slow-moving Justice Department, with one lawmaker telling Attorney General Merrick Garland in a speech: “Do your job.”

Members complained of a lack of support from the Justice Department and were annoyed that criminal contempt of Congress charges have not yet been filed against former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for failure to comply with a subpoena from the committee.

The backlog is likely to grow with the expected recommendation by the House panel to bring criminal contempt of Congress charges against Donald Trump’s former trade adviser Peters Navarro and ally Dan Scavino.

Merrick Garland, 'Do Your Job,' Says Frustrated Member Of House Panel Probing Capitol Riot

I hope AG Garland isn't as worthless as I think he is. He seems like a dud so far. What do you think?

I was disappointed by Garland getting railroaded by the Republicans and McConnell for an SC seat. I'm even more disappointed by him now.
Bullshit charges? That's not what the two prosecutors who have worked this case from day one are saying. They both resigned because the new DA is either a coward or was promised something for letting Trump walk.

When Biden leaves office & if Republicans take over that DA will be appointed to the federal bench. Wait for it.

Garland and Vance are far left wing kooks.

But they are also officers of the court and are very familiar with the rules that prevent them from persecuting innocent people on bullshit charges and what constitutes a "bullshit charge.".

Unless you are willing to support these men and make the payment on their BMWs if they lose their job, you have no business asking them to risk their licenses.
If our side can't be honest and admit there were people guilty of far more than trespassing that day we're no better than democrats.

If that had been a BLM/Antifa riot that got out of hand we'd not be pretending they didn't assault cops, break into the building, or try to unlawfully stop the congress from accepting the votes of the EC that day.

No, it certainly wasn't an "insurrection" but it was damned sure a riot with some serious criminal actors.

It was a lawful and proper protest anyone can fully support up to a point and that point was when they started attacking the cops.

It ceased being a legitimate or lawful protest at that moment.

Find all the bad actors and prosecute them fully and send the rest home with a fine and be done with it so we can move on as a country.
Fuck the cops. They're a bunch of idiot incapable and incompetent assholes. You're right, riots turn illegal when cops get attacked. So where were the cops when BLM and AntiFa attacked them?

The J6 crowd didn't do ANYTHING worse than what any of those BLM/AntiFa thugs did. So where were the cops?

I'll tell you exactly where they were. They were kneeling with a bunch of communist agitators. They were expressing SUPPORT for the people who were burning down their cities. They were NOT protecting my children.

Only a tiny handful of the police chiefs had the guts to stand up to their fucktard liberal mayor's. 90% of them went along when told to stand down. By a bunch of fucking COMMUNISTS! Imagine that

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