What is your answer to Seattle’s problem? Also the nation’s problem?

But.....Seattle raised the minimum wage so everyone could afford a home. There should be more middle class people there not more homeless people.

When many of those receiving the increased minimum wage that was said to be so they could support themselves, those incentive minded folks showed that's not what they wanted. They were fine with their current bottom line and were willing to work less at a higher wage while still getting the same level of handouts.

I'm starting to think that's the root of the minimum wage protest. Many of them don't work 40 hour weeks. They work part time and get welfare on the side.

So....if they can work 12 hours instead of 20...and make the same amount weekly plus get welfare....they get paid the same for working less. Yay liberalism!!!
There isn't a problem because San Diego is a conservative area. And Christian values say take care of those in need.

Not sure how you can say that when San Diego is fourth in number of homeless

San Diego homeless population climbs to fourth highest in the U.S.

That is why there are programs to help and no, the majority are not taken care of by charity. They are taken care of by government programs.
According to this report, the 10 cities with the most homeless does not include San Diego or Los Angeles. This was based on 2013 data. Stupid as it is, they list the top 10 alphabetically which is senseless? But my question is, is being homeless the same as being homeless but the city offers food every day and shelter every night? If that is the case, that is far better than sleeping on the streets. Maybe San Diego is caring better for them?

Top 10 Cities with the highest homeless population. Ten US Cities with High Homeless Populations

*Cities listed alphabetically

10. Boston, MA

9. Denver, CO

8. Detroit, MI

7. New York, NY

6. Philadelphia, PA

5. Portland, OR

4. San Francisco, CA

3. Seattle, WA

2. Tuscon, AZ

1. Washington, DC
[ But my question is, is being homeless the same as being homeless but the city offers food every day and shelter every night? If that is the case, that is far better than sleeping on the streets. Maybe San Diego is caring better for them?

Yes, San Diego "IS" caring for them better. I even listed the government programs that help with the homeless.
[ But my question is, is being homeless the same as being homeless but the city offers food every day and shelter every night? If that is the case, that is far better than sleeping on the streets. Maybe San Diego is caring better for them?

Yes, San Diego "IS" caring for them better. I even listed the government programs that help with the homeless.
Ok, thanks. DId not read your link. So if we can at least care for the homeless then homelessness is not as serious, at least for single adults. And San Diego is apparently doing so.

Which does not really take on the greater problem for this nation and that is mental illness. It is one thing to walk around looking for a job or "hanging out." But quite another to be mentally ill and not sure what that person's next move might be. Not only is mental illness not being treated nearly enough in this nation, there is not even proper treatments available for many of these conditions. Again, I think for some their only hope is God.
There isn't a problem because San Diego is a conservative area. And Christian values say take care of those in need.

Not sure how you can say that when San Diego is fourth in number of homeless

San Diego homeless population climbs to fourth highest in the U.S.

That is why there are programs to help and no, the majority are not taken care of by charity. They are taken care of by government programs.
Monday morning I walked several miles in downtown San Diego. I counted 4 homeless people. If that's #4 on the list, things are looking good.
And yes, there are a lot of Christian out reaches helping these people. Father Joe's, Rock Church being two off the top of my head.
[ But my question is, is being homeless the same as being homeless but the city offers food every day and shelter every night? If that is the case, that is far better than sleeping on the streets. Maybe San Diego is caring better for them?

Yes, San Diego "IS" caring for them better. I even listed the government programs that help with the homeless.
Ok, thanks. DId not read your link. So if we can at least care for the homeless then homelessness is not as serious, at least for single adults. And San Diego is apparently doing so.

Which does not really take on the greater problem for this nation and that is mental illness. It is one thing to walk around looking for a job or "hanging out." But quite another to be mentally ill and not sure what that person's next move might be. Not only is mental illness not being treated nearly enough in this nation, there is not even proper treatments available for many of these conditions. Again, I think for some their only hope is God.

My main point is that Seattle needs better programs not God. You can pray to God all you want, but that isn't going to put food on your table or give you shelter from the elements.
[ But my question is, is being homeless the same as being homeless but the city offers food every day and shelter every night? If that is the case, that is far better than sleeping on the streets. Maybe San Diego is caring better for them?

Yes, San Diego "IS" caring for them better. I even listed the government programs that help with the homeless.
Ok, thanks. DId not read your link. So if we can at least care for the homeless then homelessness is not as serious, at least for single adults. And San Diego is apparently doing so.

Which does not really take on the greater problem for this nation and that is mental illness. It is one thing to walk around looking for a job or "hanging out." But quite another to be mentally ill and not sure what that person's next move might be. Not only is mental illness not being treated nearly enough in this nation, there is not even proper treatments available for many of these conditions. Again, I think for some their only hope is God.

My main point is that Seattle needs better programs not God. You can pray to God all you want, but that isn't going to put food on your table or give you shelter from the elements.
It's a proven fact religious people are more charitable to those in need. Main reason Seattle has a crisis and San Diego does not.
It's a proven fact religious people are more charitable to those in need. Main reason Seattle has a crisis and San Diego does not.

That is your assumption of course, but the reason is that Seattle doesn't have the same government programs as San Diego.
It's a proven fact religious people are more charitable to those in need. Main reason Seattle has a crisis and San Diego does not.

That is your assumption of course, but the reason is that Seattle doesn't have the same government programs as San Diego.
No assumption. Study after study shows it. And I personally witness it in the charity work I do for a major charity. I need a hundred volunteers for an event in Fresno people are tripping over themselves to sign up. Event moves to LA metropolis and it's like pulling teeth.

Religion And Giving: More Religious States Give More To Charity
A couple of years ago when I was in Seattle I was shocked at the permanent camps set up by alcoholics and degenerates in formerly beautiful Northwest parks. The hypocrisy on the left is evident when they bend the law to accommodate alcoholics, degenerates and the mentally incompetent while holding evangelistic Christians to strict social standards and rules.
Homelessness is out of control according the mayor. And as he gave that speech there were 5 homeless people shot, two dead, in what is called “the jungle.” The Jungle is an apparent homeless encampment set up to accommodate large numbers of homeless people in a wooded area near the Seattle airport. Or something like that.

So what can be done about this in the United States? Tax the rich? Go further in debt and create even larger programs to house and feed and treat mental illness? Incarcerate more criminals?

The impossible answer is to cut govt waste and that includes many jobs and programs. Also cut govt salaries and benefits. Also cut some entitlement programs to able bodied males (and single females) unless they go to work for their benefits. Also, cut every single green job and and most funding to programs, universities or companies trying to save us from global warming. Who in the heck has billions to throw at some imaginary or nebulous matter that they are so worried about could doom this nation in 50 or 100 years --- when all the while China and Russia and Africa and most of the rest of the world are not doing crap about it? What an enormous waste of precious dollars that could help the homeless and the lost who are suffering here today or taking on gang violence. (That does not play as well politically does it Barack?) Something also has to be done to force or encourage American big businesses to do more in the USA and less in China, et al. This is really killing our economy.

My other answer is for the federal govt to give money to Christian and Jewish charities to work with the homeless and mentally ill. Care for their physical and mental needs and then allow them to work with them spiritually as well! Because despite what all these secular elitists think, God is REAL, and God has demonstrated ad infinitum how His grace heals! But too many people are too smug and too secular leftist to ever think of real help. And too many rogue judges want to be the big hero or bastard that smashes anything with a hint of morality, such as when states vote to ban late term abortions. And if Islam wants to be part of that charity process then they have to agree to be totally monitored at all times! Because I do not trust Islamic clerics or what goes on in their mosques, for good reason.


Murder in ‘the Jungle': Deadly shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis

Murder in ‘The Jungle': Deadly mass shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis

It was the speech of a lifetime: an impassioned pitch for Seattle to rally together to solve the spiraling crisis of homelessness.

“I hear your frustrations and I share them,” said Seattle mayor Ed Murray in a special television address on Tuesday night. “People are dying on our streets. We are working on a complex problem in real time.”

Murray had no idea how true his words would soon prove to be, however. Moments after the mayor finished his speech, he learned that a shooting in a homeless camp called “The Jungle” had just killed two people and injured at least three others. Two suspects, maybe more, remained on the loose.

Two homeless men had been fatally shot inside of a tent, police said. Three other homeless people, including two women, were injured in the shooting, which cops called “very targeted.”

The deadly incident underlined the mayor’s desperate plea for state and federal assistance to combat vagrancy in Seattle. In November, after 66 homeless died during the year in King County, Murray declared a state of emergency, comparing the epidemic of deaths to a natural disaster.

But Tuesday’s shooting also ratcheted up the already intense debate over crime and homelessness in Seattle, and whether Murray’s administration has done enough to combat either.

News of the shooting immediately overshadowed Murray’s speech, as the mayor was criticized from all sides on social media.

As dozens of Seattle Police squad cars cordoned off the area around The Jungle, near King County International Airport, the mayor arrived and struck a defiant note.

“I think it would be a travesty if some people use this tragedy to try and paint all homeless people as criminals,” he said.

Asked for his immediate reaction to hearing news of the shooting, however, the mayor sounded somber.

“I can’t help but wonder, did I act too late?” he said. “That’s my reaction. Maybe I should have issued the state of emergency months earlier. We have tried to do the best we can given the circumstances we’ve been given. Obviously I’m going to ask if I did a good enough job. It’s on me in the end.”

Frustration with Murray and other city officials has mounted over the past year as many Seattleites have complained about the city’s swelling ranks of homeless people and crime rates, which have risen since 2010. In some neighborhoods, residents have recently taken to hiring private security, according to the Seattle Times.

“The blatant lawlessness has been a whole new era” this past year, Angie Gerrald told the newspaper. She complained of illegally parked RVs, open drug deals and piles of used needles in her neighborhood of Ballard. “There is so little response — so little they [police] can and will do about it.”

Details of the shooting were still vague as of Wednesday morning, with police saying only that they had scoured the neighborhood around The Jungle for sign of at least two suspects, who cops declined to describe because they were still interviewing witnesses.

The shooting is the worst in Seattle since 2012, when five people were killed at a local cafe, according to KIROTV.

Gunshots rang out over south Seattle just as the mayor was delivering his 7 p.m. address at a newly established homeless center in the north of the city.

“Tonight I want to speak to you, the people of Seattle, about the growing crisis of homelessness, but also about public health, public safety and the disorder that we see on our streets,” Murray said. “This is a difficult conversation that we as a city have been engaged in, not just in recent months, but for decades.”

The shooting at The Jungle seemed to prove his point. In the summer of 2009, the same wooded area was the site of two murders in as many months. Neither crime was ever solved, KIROTV reported.

Problems at The Jungle go back much farther, however.

“You don’t want to go down there,” Nicole Brodeur wrote in the Seattle Times in 2007. “Not even in broad daylight, and certainly not alone. … Homeless encampments are a health hazard, not only for those who live in them, but for neighbors concerned with their safety, and the rats and campfires that threaten their homes.”

As the mayor suggested in his speech, The Jungle and other homeless encampments contain many types of people, from down-on-their-luck citizens to drug addicts to criminals.

“The Jungle is not a homeless camp,” community activist Craig Thompson wrote in 2012. ” The woods have historically contained camps of people. … When cleanups, sweeps or whatever you want to call them have been suspended, people living in the woods have been victimized by violent criminals. Sometimes, those criminals have been other homeless people; sometimes by those in the narcotics trade.”

After learning of the shooting, Murray acknowledged that The Jungle has been “unmanageable and out of control” for almost 20 years.

In many ways, the mayor’s speech seemed to anticipate the fierce debate that would be reignited by Tuesday night’s shooting. He asked Seattleites to set aside “extreme rhetoric about who homeless people are” and instead focus on how to solve the crisis.

Murray laid out the city’s struggle with homelessness in stark terms. The city’s homeless population had exploded, he said, and Seattle needed state and federal aid to keep up.

“Before the Great Recession, there were 13,000 children in the state of Washington who were homeless,” he said. “Today that number has grown to 32,000 children statewide. This year in Seattle alone, the number of homeless school age children in our public schools has risen to 3,000.”

He called homelessness a “national tragedy” and linked it to decades of cuts to federal programs for affordable housing, substance abuse clinics and mental health treatment.

“We are in the midst of one of the largest heroin epidemics in our country’s history,” he said. “Addiction is on the rise in every community across the nation: urban, rural, suburban, in New Hampshire, in Kentucky, in Oklahoma and across the Pacific northwest.”

In Seattle, he said, “We see the tents under freeways, rundown RVs in our neighborhoods, people on the sidewalks with signs that read ‘disabled veteran, anything helps.’ This is what income inequality looks like. This is what a disappearing middle class looks like.”

The city would spend nearly $50 million to combat homelessness this year, he added, touting new shelters and a program to provide “safe lots” for people living in their cars and RVs. Murray compared the task at hand to the challenge of stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and 90s. “I have seen it done before,” he said optimistically.

But the magnitude of the problem remaining was brutally highlighted by Tuesday night’s shooting.
Liberalism breeds homelessness.
No assumption. Study after study shows it. And I personally witness it in the charity work I do for a major charity. I need a hundred volunteers for an event in Fresno people are tripping over themselves to sign up. Event moves to LA metropolis and it's like pulling teeth.

Religion And Giving: More Religious States Give More To Charity

I don't question that religious people give more to charity than non-religious. What I am debating is whether the MAJORITY of actual assistance to the homeless comes from government programs or charity. From what I have seen government programs represent the MAJORITY of the help.
No assumption. Study after study shows it. And I personally witness it in the charity work I do for a major charity. I need a hundred volunteers for an event in Fresno people are tripping over themselves to sign up. Event moves to LA metropolis and it's like pulling teeth.

Religion And Giving: More Religious States Give More To Charity

I don't question that religious people give more to charity than non-religious. What I am debating is whether the MAJORITY of actual assistance to the homeless comes from government programs or charity. From what I have seen government programs represent the MAJORITY of the help.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Conservatism versus leftism is the crux of the matter concerning the poor. Conservatism wants to teach people to fish, leftism wants to ration out fish and keep people dependent upon government.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
Homelessness is out of control according the mayor. And as he gave that speech there were 5 homeless people shot, two dead, in what is called “the jungle.” The Jungle is an apparent homeless encampment set up to accommodate large numbers of homeless people in a wooded area near the Seattle airport. Or something like that.

So what can be done about this in the United States? Tax the rich? Go further in debt and create even larger programs to house and feed and treat mental illness? Incarcerate more criminals?

The impossible answer is to cut govt waste and that includes many jobs and programs. Also cut govt salaries and benefits. Also cut some entitlement programs to able bodied males (and single females) unless they go to work for their benefits. Also, cut every single green job and and most funding to programs, universities or companies trying to save us from global warming. Who in the heck has billions to throw at some imaginary or nebulous matter that they are so worried about could doom this nation in 50 or 100 years --- when all the while China and Russia and Africa and most of the rest of the world are not doing crap about it? What an enormous waste of precious dollars that could help the homeless and the lost who are suffering here today or taking on gang violence. (That does not play as well politically does it Barack?) Something also has to be done to force or encourage American big businesses to do more in the USA and less in China, et al. This is really killing our economy.

My other answer is for the federal govt to give money to Christian and Jewish charities to work with the homeless and mentally ill. Care for their physical and mental needs and then allow them to work with them spiritually as well! Because despite what all these secular elitists think, God is REAL, and God has demonstrated ad infinitum how His grace heals! But too many people are too smug and too secular leftist to ever think of real help. And too many rogue judges want to be the big hero or bastard that smashes anything with a hint of morality, such as when states vote to ban late term abortions. And if Islam wants to be part of that charity process then they have to agree to be totally monitored at all times! Because I do not trust Islamic clerics or what goes on in their mosques, for good reason.


Murder in ‘the Jungle': Deadly shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis

Murder in ‘The Jungle': Deadly mass shooting at Seattle homeless camp deepens crisis

It was the speech of a lifetime: an impassioned pitch for Seattle to rally together to solve the spiraling crisis of homelessness.

“I hear your frustrations and I share them,” said Seattle mayor Ed Murray in a special television address on Tuesday night. “People are dying on our streets. We are working on a complex problem in real time.”

Murray had no idea how true his words would soon prove to be, however. Moments after the mayor finished his speech, he learned that a shooting in a homeless camp called “The Jungle” had just killed two people and injured at least three others. Two suspects, maybe more, remained on the loose.

Two homeless men had been fatally shot inside of a tent, police said. Three other homeless people, including two women, were injured in the shooting, which cops called “very targeted.”

The deadly incident underlined the mayor’s desperate plea for state and federal assistance to combat vagrancy in Seattle. In November, after 66 homeless died during the year in King County, Murray declared a state of emergency, comparing the epidemic of deaths to a natural disaster.

But Tuesday’s shooting also ratcheted up the already intense debate over crime and homelessness in Seattle, and whether Murray’s administration has done enough to combat either.

News of the shooting immediately overshadowed Murray’s speech, as the mayor was criticized from all sides on social media.

As dozens of Seattle Police squad cars cordoned off the area around The Jungle, near King County International Airport, the mayor arrived and struck a defiant note.

“I think it would be a travesty if some people use this tragedy to try and paint all homeless people as criminals,” he said.

Asked for his immediate reaction to hearing news of the shooting, however, the mayor sounded somber.

“I can’t help but wonder, did I act too late?” he said. “That’s my reaction. Maybe I should have issued the state of emergency months earlier. We have tried to do the best we can given the circumstances we’ve been given. Obviously I’m going to ask if I did a good enough job. It’s on me in the end.”

Frustration with Murray and other city officials has mounted over the past year as many Seattleites have complained about the city’s swelling ranks of homeless people and crime rates, which have risen since 2010. In some neighborhoods, residents have recently taken to hiring private security, according to the Seattle Times.

“The blatant lawlessness has been a whole new era” this past year, Angie Gerrald told the newspaper. She complained of illegally parked RVs, open drug deals and piles of used needles in her neighborhood of Ballard. “There is so little response — so little they [police] can and will do about it.”

Details of the shooting were still vague as of Wednesday morning, with police saying only that they had scoured the neighborhood around The Jungle for sign of at least two suspects, who cops declined to describe because they were still interviewing witnesses.

The shooting is the worst in Seattle since 2012, when five people were killed at a local cafe, according to KIROTV.

Gunshots rang out over south Seattle just as the mayor was delivering his 7 p.m. address at a newly established homeless center in the north of the city.

“Tonight I want to speak to you, the people of Seattle, about the growing crisis of homelessness, but also about public health, public safety and the disorder that we see on our streets,” Murray said. “This is a difficult conversation that we as a city have been engaged in, not just in recent months, but for decades.”

The shooting at The Jungle seemed to prove his point. In the summer of 2009, the same wooded area was the site of two murders in as many months. Neither crime was ever solved, KIROTV reported.

Problems at The Jungle go back much farther, however.

“You don’t want to go down there,” Nicole Brodeur wrote in the Seattle Times in 2007. “Not even in broad daylight, and certainly not alone. … Homeless encampments are a health hazard, not only for those who live in them, but for neighbors concerned with their safety, and the rats and campfires that threaten their homes.”

As the mayor suggested in his speech, The Jungle and other homeless encampments contain many types of people, from down-on-their-luck citizens to drug addicts to criminals.

“The Jungle is not a homeless camp,” community activist Craig Thompson wrote in 2012. ” The woods have historically contained camps of people. … When cleanups, sweeps or whatever you want to call them have been suspended, people living in the woods have been victimized by violent criminals. Sometimes, those criminals have been other homeless people; sometimes by those in the narcotics trade.”

After learning of the shooting, Murray acknowledged that The Jungle has been “unmanageable and out of control” for almost 20 years.

In many ways, the mayor’s speech seemed to anticipate the fierce debate that would be reignited by Tuesday night’s shooting. He asked Seattleites to set aside “extreme rhetoric about who homeless people are” and instead focus on how to solve the crisis.

Murray laid out the city’s struggle with homelessness in stark terms. The city’s homeless population had exploded, he said, and Seattle needed state and federal aid to keep up.

“Before the Great Recession, there were 13,000 children in the state of Washington who were homeless,” he said. “Today that number has grown to 32,000 children statewide. This year in Seattle alone, the number of homeless school age children in our public schools has risen to 3,000.”

He called homelessness a “national tragedy” and linked it to decades of cuts to federal programs for affordable housing, substance abuse clinics and mental health treatment.

“We are in the midst of one of the largest heroin epidemics in our country’s history,” he said. “Addiction is on the rise in every community across the nation: urban, rural, suburban, in New Hampshire, in Kentucky, in Oklahoma and across the Pacific northwest.”

In Seattle, he said, “We see the tents under freeways, rundown RVs in our neighborhoods, people on the sidewalks with signs that read ‘disabled veteran, anything helps.’ This is what income inequality looks like. This is what a disappearing middle class looks like.”

The city would spend nearly $50 million to combat homelessness this year, he added, touting new shelters and a program to provide “safe lots” for people living in their cars and RVs. Murray compared the task at hand to the challenge of stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and 90s. “I have seen it done before,” he said optimistically.

But the magnitude of the problem remaining was brutally highlighted by Tuesday night’s shooting.

The solution is simple. Continue to allow liberal cess pools to dole out the tax payers money to bums so they'll all congregate in those cities thus speeding the collapse.
When the American tax payer says enough is enough conservatives step in and fix the problem.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Conservatism versus leftism is the crux of the matter concerning the poor. Conservatism wants to teach people to fish, leftism wants to ration out fish and keep people dependent upon government.

More partisan nonsense. It was conservative at the time to think women shouldn't be able to vote. It was a liberal idea to let them. Liberal and conservatism is needed in a society. Not just one or the other.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

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