What is your answer to Seattle’s problem? Also the nation’s problem?

But.....Seattle raised the minimum wage so everyone could afford a home. There should be more middle class people there not more homeless people.

When many of those receiving the increased minimum wage that was said to be so they could support themselves, those incentive minded folks showed that's not what they wanted. They were fine with their current bottom line and were willing to work less at a higher wage while still getting the same level of handouts.

I'm starting to think that's the root of the minimum wage protest. Many of them don't work 40 hour weeks. They work part time and get welfare on the side.

So....if they can work 12 hours instead of 20...and make the same amount weekly plus get welfare....they get paid the same for working less. Yay liberalism!!!

Many were working 40 hours and getting handouts. They were doing low skilled jobs and getting an equivalent wage. That someone thinks a person offering low skills should be subsidized seems to forget it's the one offering the skills that is the problem but that's a different issue.

If they can work 20 hours at $15/hour vs 40 hours at $7.50/hour, the bottom line result for what they earned is the same amount. They still get the same amount of benefits because the dollar amount earned is the same. They only have to work half the time to get the same earnings while still getting the same handouts. So much for the Liberal claim that they want a living wage. They want the same end result just working less hours to get it as long as they get handed the same amount.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Conservatism versus leftism is the crux of the matter concerning the poor. Conservatism wants to teach people to fish, leftism wants to ration out fish and keep people dependent upon government.

More partisan nonsense. It was conservative at the time to think women shouldn't be able to vote. It was a liberal idea to let them. Liberal and conservatism is needed in a society. Not just one or the other.

Are you saying oil and water can mix?
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Conservatism versus leftism is the crux of the matter concerning the poor. Conservatism wants to teach people to fish, leftism wants to ration out fish and keep people dependent upon government.

More partisan nonsense. It was conservative at the time to think women shouldn't be able to vote. It was a liberal idea to let them. Liberal and conservatism is needed in a society. Not just one or the other.

Are you saying oil and water can mix?

And yet again, there is no cookie cutter liberal or cookie cutter conservative. There are many levels and many beliefs involved with either party or side. If one were intellectually honest they would see that in our history of the U.S. there have been both good liberal and conservative ideas and bad liberal and conservative ideas.
The conservative solution is a lot of pulling of bootstraps and self help books

My solution is earn it yourself or find someone that will give it to you voluntarily because they claim to have compassion. It won't be a Liberal because all they do is claim it then go about seeing that the government force it from others thinking that is compassion.
Wonderful news!!!! Seattle's mayor just solved it.

He's gonna raise a "Homeless Levy" (tax you working folks) to pay for homes for the homeless!

Mayor Murray addresses Seattle about ongoing homeless crisis

They really got it right.

Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Tax residents more, on top of Seattle's already massive taxes.

So....yeah....just take money from people who have homes in Seattle and give it to those who dont. Problem solved!!!!!

(As people with homes in Seattle begin to move to Bremerton or Bellvue or Olympia and Tacoma).

You ever notice everything comes down to money unless its a way to spend money without seeing the problem?

So spending money to help them is krazy to some people but spending even more money to house them away behind bars should be considered.

We have a massive amount of Foreclosed homes...just sitting there, rotting.
1. Answer to Seattle's problem: replace the liberal idiots with conservatives.

2. The answer to the US's problem: elect Ted Cruz, do exactly what he says.

No, I'm not joking.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.
Then it gets down to what type of people are running the city. Seattle is blue, San Diego red.

That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.
You need to understand generalizations. This topic proves my point. Seattle has a homeless crisis, San Diego does not. Los Angeles has a homeless crisis, OK City does not. Over and over its Leftist policies vs conservative.
Wonderful news!!!! Seattle's mayor just solved it.

He's gonna raise a "Homeless Levy" (tax you working folks) to pay for homes for the homeless!

Mayor Murray addresses Seattle about ongoing homeless crisis

They really got it right.

Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Tax residents more, on top of Seattle's already massive taxes.

So....yeah....just take money from people who have homes in Seattle and give it to those who dont. Problem solved!!!!!

(As people with homes in Seattle begin to move to Bremerton or Bellvue or Olympia and Tacoma).

You ever notice everything comes down to money unless its a way to spend money without seeing the problem?

So spending money to help them is krazy to some people but spending even more money to house them away behind bars should be considered.

We have a massive amount of Foreclosed homes...just sitting there, rotting.

With Liberals, everything comes down to seeing how much you can tax those you think have too much. That's money.
That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.

I like how you defend blind support of one ideology. That is the opposite of thinking for oneself. A moderate doesn't just side with one or the other, they actually think.

As I said before there have been BOTH liberal and conservative ideas that were good and BAD liberal and conservative ideas. Not recognizing that is not being intellectually honest.
Wonderful news!!!! Seattle's mayor just solved it.

He's gonna raise a "Homeless Levy" (tax you working folks) to pay for homes for the homeless!

Mayor Murray addresses Seattle about ongoing homeless crisis

They really got it right.

Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Tax residents more, on top of Seattle's already massive taxes.

So....yeah....just take money from people who have homes in Seattle and give it to those who dont. Problem solved!!!!!

(As people with homes in Seattle begin to move to Bremerton or Bellvue or Olympia and Tacoma).

You ever notice everything comes down to money unless its a way to spend money without seeing the problem?

So spending money to help them is krazy to some people but spending even more money to house them away behind bars should be considered.

We have a massive amount of Foreclosed homes...just sitting there, rotting.

With Liberals, everything comes down to seeing how much you can tax those you think have too much. That's money.

I'm a liberal and thats not what I said at all. Either you can talk to me or you can address those liberals you make up in your head who are telling you things, just dont quote me because it makes people think you're actually responding to something I said.
That's trying to be partisan without really looking at anything else. You seem to think it is as simple as Red and Blue but it isn't. There are other factors involved as well.

I really hope you aren't of the mindset left = evil and right = good. That is simplistic at best.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.
You need to understand generalizations. This topic proves my point. Seattle has a homeless crisis, San Diego does not. Los Angeles has a homeless crisis, OK City does not. Over and over its Leftist policies vs conservative.

Generalizations are the act of those that cannot think.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.

I like how you defend blind support of one ideology. That is the opposite of thinking for oneself. A moderate doesn't just side with one or the other, they actually think.

As I said before there have been BOTH liberal and conservative ideas that were good and BAD liberal and conservative ideas. Not recognizing that is not being intellectually honest.

It's not blind support. I know very well why I am a conservative. I had to think in order to know why I support that ideology.

I didn't say a moderate sided with one or the other. I said a moderate sides with neither then can CLAIM they supported whatever side that wins. They don't decide until the winner is chosen. I decide what I support beforehand.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.

I like how you defend blind support of one ideology. That is the opposite of thinking for oneself. A moderate doesn't just side with one or the other, they actually think.

As I said before there have been BOTH liberal and conservative ideas that were good and BAD liberal and conservative ideas. Not recognizing that is not being intellectually honest.
Do a self help excersize. Tell us why leftist run cities have homeless crises and conservative run cities do not.
Look what cities in the US are controlled from top to bottom by Democrats........for decades. Look at the facts about those cities visa vi endemic political/financial corruption, negro on negro endemic violence, inner city drug/gang infested shitholes.
IF you are an honest person you will acknowledge the correlation.
If you are not an honest person you'll make all kinds of bullshit excuses.
We will all see what sort of a person you are.

And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.
You need to understand generalizations. This topic proves my point. Seattle has a homeless crisis, San Diego does not. Los Angeles has a homeless crisis, OK City does not. Over and over its Leftist policies vs conservative.

Generalizations are the act of those that cannot think.
That has to be the dumbest most ignorant statement I have ever seen.
Wonderful news!!!! Seattle's mayor just solved it.

He's gonna raise a "Homeless Levy" (tax you working folks) to pay for homes for the homeless!

Mayor Murray addresses Seattle about ongoing homeless crisis

They really got it right.

Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Tax residents more, on top of Seattle's already massive taxes.

So....yeah....just take money from people who have homes in Seattle and give it to those who dont. Problem solved!!!!!

(As people with homes in Seattle begin to move to Bremerton or Bellvue or Olympia and Tacoma).

You ever notice everything comes down to money unless its a way to spend money without seeing the problem?

So spending money to help them is krazy to some people but spending even more money to house them away behind bars should be considered.

We have a massive amount of Foreclosed homes...just sitting there, rotting.

With Liberals, everything comes down to seeing how much you can tax those you think have too much. That's money.

I'm a liberal and thats not what I said at all. Either you can talk to me or you can address those liberals you make up in your head who are telling you things, just dont quote me because it makes people think you're actually responding to something I said.

I didn't say you said it. I said that's what Liberals believe. Look at Obamacare. Tax one group to fund the subsidies for another group. Look at Sanders proposal for college tuition. Tax one group to fund the tuition for another group.

I'll talk at you like a Liberal deserves.
And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.

I like how you defend blind support of one ideology. That is the opposite of thinking for oneself. A moderate doesn't just side with one or the other, they actually think.

As I said before there have been BOTH liberal and conservative ideas that were good and BAD liberal and conservative ideas. Not recognizing that is not being intellectually honest.

It's not blind support. I know very well why I am a conservative. I had to think in order to know why I support that ideology.

I didn't say a moderate sided with one or the other. I said a moderate sides with neither then can CLAIM they supported whatever side that wins. They don't decide until the winner is chosen. I decide what I support beforehand.

And that is blind support. I look at the issues, what they stand for, what their solutions are, etc. You just see a pretty R next to the name and go "I'll vote for them".
And IF you are honest, you recognize it isn't just a red and blue issue. Like I said, you seem to think left=evil and right=good. That's is sophomoric thinking there.
I know of no examples of Dem run cities focusing upon getting people off of being dependent upon government handouts.
There are two beliefs today with no middle. Those that want to lift the needy out of their situation and those who want to provide handouts and have no interest in changing their situation.
To deny that is to deny the self evident.

And yet again, there is no either/or. There are multiple levels and beliefs. Are you saying EVERY conservative and EVERY liberal think alike? No, they don't. There is quite a large middle out there.

When it comes to the general principles about the government's role, conservatives and liberals think like other conservatives and liberals. If someone doesn't, they aren't either, likely a moderate. A moderate is nothing more than a fence rider that can say I was with you regardless of who won.

I like how you defend blind support of one ideology. That is the opposite of thinking for oneself. A moderate doesn't just side with one or the other, they actually think.

As I said before there have been BOTH liberal and conservative ideas that were good and BAD liberal and conservative ideas. Not recognizing that is not being intellectually honest.
Do a self help excersize. Tell us why leftist run cities have homeless crises and conservative run cities do not.

Something I've found is that Liberals leave the shit holes where they live and move to areas where conservatives live then go about trying to create the same type of government that caused them to move from the shit hole created by that type of government.

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