What is your favorite or best definition of "politics?"


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2024
N Florida
You hear it all the time: "I hate politics!" But people are all over politics. It sells everywhere; tee vee, forums, etc. The more you hate, the more you love.

But what about politics in a more general sense? What about politics having nothing to do with legislatures and the like? You have home politics, workplace politics, etc.

Two definitions that always stuck with me:

1. When you get 2 people together, you have politics.

2. Politics is the process of who gets what, when, where, how, and why?

What's your definition?
Sort of related, but entirely moving is this quote.

"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

Guess who said it?
Okay, this quote is more in line with politics in the general sense.

"Did you, too, O friend, suppose democracy was only for elections, for politics, and for a party name? I say democracy is only of use there that it may pass on and come to its flower and fruit in manners, in the highest forms of interaction between [people], and their beliefs – in religion, literature, colleges and schools – democracy in all public and private life…”

In other words, it permeates all institutions. So many things are political that are often not apparent at first glance.
Politics is the give and take in any relationship. The relationship can be among two or more private individuals engaged in any interaction and the same for those who belong to any group such as a club ,church or business and public service organization.
The intentional and despicable use of it in a public forum is as bad as wearing it on the street.

I wonder why little Lisa doesn't bark at him/her and take them to task.

She can read. She doesn't have to rely on the pictures to tell her what to think.

Are you Jewish?

It's not hard to ignore.

So work on banning it. It is, after all what leftists do to everything that bothers them. . .


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slams Democrats for bid ‘to censor a censorship hearing’​

Jul 20, 2023
The intentional and despicable use of it in a public forum is as bad as wearing it on the street.

I wonder why little Lisa doesn't bark at him/her and take them to task.
I’ve complained about it - more than once. But since this seems to be something that we agree on, maybe you or Rightwinger can ask a mod to do something. Perhaps it will have more weight coming from a non-Jew.

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