What is your personal reason for being right wing?


Active Member
Dec 27, 2014
It occurred to me earlier that I may have been a bit presumptuous before when I stated that conservatives are of two camps only: the rich and crooked or the poor and dumb. The best way to learn is to communicate, and so I decided to ask this.

What exactly is your personal reason for thinking that your political perspective is acceptable? Are you just old and set in the value system of a different time? Were you deprived of an adequate, high quality education? Are you apathetic to human suffering? Or do you honestly believe that right wing concepts and structures like white supremacy, sexism and the Patriarchy, patriotism/nationalism, economic slavery, and capitalism are okay? Maybe it's bigotry against marginalized groups like women and the poor? Or simple sadism? What is it, exactly, that drives you to your beliefs?
What exactly is your personal reason for thinking that your political perspective is acceptable? I got a good job that paid much more than min wage, but after taxes the increase was very small, adding that with knowing people that worked the system and common sense. Are you just old and set in the value system of a different time? Not old, but it was a much better country before leftist turned things like family values into something that should be hated. Were you deprived of an adequate, high quality education? No Are you apathetic to human suffering? No Or do you honestly believe that right wing concepts and structures like white supremacy, sexism and the Patriarchy, patriotism/nationalism, economic slavery, and capitalism are okay? racism is a minority, but you're to fucking ignorant to grasp that, sexism? fucking retard, do you still cling the lie about women getting paid less? Whats wrong with being a Patriot? Do you hate America so much that you think it's a bad thing? Your option to capitalism is communism. So why do you want to be like the USSR? Maybe it's bigotry against marginalized groups like women and the poor? lame. Every year, year in year out, for decades, cons give more to charity than you greedy leftist. Or simple sadism? What is it, exactly, that drives you to your beliefs?

Unlike you and your leftist filth kin, I love this country, served it with honor and enjoy the benefits of the efforts of all those that came before me.

but feel free to expose your hate for America, it's going to put you back in your fucking hole where you belong.
Dystopia, hopelessness, murder, slavery, starvation, democide, infanticide, and existence in a constant state of terror is why I'm NOT a leftist. People on the left excuse all these things and pretend they're not an intimate part of all left-wing ideologies, especially Marxism.
It occurred to me earlier that I may have been a bit presumptuous before when I stated that conservatives are of two camps only: the rich and crooked or the poor and dumb. The best way to learn is to communicate, and so I decided to ask this.

What exactly is your personal reason for thinking that your political perspective is acceptable? Are you just old and set in the value system of a different time? Were you deprived of an adequate, high quality education? Are you apathetic to human suffering? Or do you honestly believe that right wing concepts and structures like white supremacy, sexism and the Patriarchy, patriotism/nationalism, economic slavery, and capitalism are okay? Maybe it's bigotry against marginalized groups like women and the poor? Or simple sadism? What is it, exactly, that drives you to your beliefs?
What is your reason for being anything other than an American for America? Why do you want to play the division game? What's so important about political labels? Do political labels make one person better than another person? If so, how? Do you realize that what gives "The Washington Brotherhood" power is a divided public? As long as "The Washington Brotherhood" can keep us divided and fighting among ourselves, they WIN, we lose. Do you know that the biggest fear of "The Washington Brotherhood" is a UNITED citizenry?

Do you realize that the only differences between a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, a Liberal, a Conservative, a Right Wing, and a Left Wing, are the same as sixth graders arguing over who's bike is faster, who's dog can beat up the other's dog, who has the prettiest marbles, who's dad can beat up the other dads, which one can jump higher or run faster, which one has the prettiest sister, which mom makes the best cookies, and which one has the smartest brother? That's it, in total. It's all just people preferring one side over the other akin to one person likes Fords and one person likes Chevys. One person likes apple pie and another likes cherry pie.

To prove the point out to yourself, just think of all the professional politicians that have served in government over the past half century or so, look at where we were in the 50's and 60's, then look at where we are today. What do you see? What happened? We've had a mixture in charge of running the government the whole time, through different administrations, both Republican and Democrat, and yet, we've been steadily sliding backwards the whole time. Right now, we're not too far from being a third world economy. Right now, we're very close to being governed by a dictatorship, or something akin to one.

All of this talk about one party or the other, or blaming Liberals, or blaming Conservatives, or blaming the right, or blaming the left, is the same as I mentioned above about sixth graders arguing whether one dad can beat up all the other dads. It bears NO fruit. It's destroying what's left of this once great nation. It's destructive division that keeps us from addressing and solving our problems as one nation, one people, and with one cause. We have a tremendous battle ahead of us, one that will require unity and common ground. We have future generations of Americans to think about. We have serious issues that a divided citizenry can never solve. We have a power and authority in place that has no intentions to make this a better America, a better place for future generations, or to restore the respect that took over two centuries to build.

Our government, "The Washington Brotherhood", has grown into a monster, one that is self-serving, filled with egotists and power hungry puppets, hell-bent on the further destruction of a once prosperous and proud nation. They have evolved into an entity unto themselves, answerable to no one except themselves. And, their power comes from a divided citizenry.
Since liberals are too stupid to understand anything other than a handout, I won't bother to explain.
A child needs two parents...I believe in the family as the best way to develop and shape a child into a well rounded adult.

Liberals promote the number one cause of poverty when they crap on men and encourage the breaking up of families. This means bad things for the development of the child as it now in most cases has far less resources to depend on.

Another thing I like about the right is they realize that not everyone is peaceful. The left is very wrong about this.
A child needs two parents...I believe in the family as the best way to develop and shape a child into a well rounded adult.

Liberals promote the number one cause of poverty when they crap on men and encourage the breaking up of families. This means bad things for the development of the child as it now in most cases has far less resources to depend on.

Another thing I like about the right is they realize that not everyone is peaceful. The left is very wrong about this.

At the heart of a Socialist/Leftist is VIOLENCE!!! They see it as acceptable to get what THEY want....but others are not allowed to respond in kind to deny them the goals of their envy!!

A child needs two parents...I believe in the family as the best way to develop and shape a child into a well rounded adult.

Liberals promote the number one cause of poverty when they crap on men and encourage the breaking up of families. This means bad things for the development of the child as it now in most cases has far less resources to depend on.

Another thing I like about the right is they realize that not everyone is peaceful. The left is very wrong about this.

At the heart of a Socialist/Leftist is VIOLENCE!!! They see it as acceptable to get what THEY want....but others are not allowed to respond in kind to deny them the goals of their envy!!


Sure they are. That's why God invented bullets.
A child needs two parents...I believe in the family as the best way to develop and shape a child into a well rounded adult.

Liberals promote the number one cause of poverty when they crap on men and encourage the breaking up of families. This means bad things for the development of the child as it now in most cases has far less resources to depend on.

Another thing I like about the right is they realize that not everyone is peaceful. The left is very wrong about this.

At the heart of a Socialist/Leftist is VIOLENCE!!! They see it as acceptable to get what THEY want....but others are not allowed to respond in kind to deny them the goals of their envy!!


Sure they are. That's why God invented bullets.

Not according to the lefty scum though I do NOT agree with their position.

Dystopia, hopelessness, murder, slavery, starvation, democide, infanticide, and existence in a constant state of terror is why I'm NOT a leftist. People on the left excuse all these things and pretend they're not an intimate part of all left-wing ideologies, especially Marxism.
Greed, heartlessness, hatred of Blacks women and minorities, homophobia, greed, servility to the wealthy , general dickishness, starvation, colonialism, the institutionalization of slavery, Gun fetishes , exploitation, mass murder torture kidnappings, arrogance, narcissism and permanent war for profits while crying "poor" about Social Security is why I am not a SCUM which is what Right wingers are SCUM...
Obviously honesty and introspection are not traits common to many conservatives.

Although the OP's question is poorly worded and inflammatory, its premise is nonetheless valid.

Why, for example, are conservatives willing to allow the states to violate the civil rights of gay Americans by denying them equal protection of the law; the debate over 'states' rights' notwithstanding, why are conservatives willing to allow discrimination to continue regardless what government is seeking to discriminate. Why do many conservatives seek to deny gay Americans their First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances by filing suit in Federal court to challenge the Constitutionality of state measures designed to deny gay Americans access to marriage law.

The 'will of the people' does not trump the First or 14th Amendment rights of same-sex couples and gay Americans.
People who are hard-core conservatives are mainly authoritarian followers without a leader. They thirst for a leader that is legitimate to them and fears what they fear. Obama is the embodiment of everything they fear and there are conservative leaders all too happy to use that fear to get their votes. It's why you never get any optimism from them, it would spoil the hook that gets them votes.
People who are hard-core conservatives are mainly authoritarian followers without a leader. They thirst for a leader that is legitimate to them and fears what they fear. Obama is the embodiment of everything they fear and there are conservative leaders all too happy to use that fear to get their votes. It's why you never get any optimism from them, it would spoil the hook that gets them votes.
They love their Fuehrers ,,,,
Good grief, what are your reasons for belonging to a party(Democrat/progressive) filled with socialist, fascist and communist?
Good grief, what are your reasons for belonging to a party(Democrat/progressive) filled with socialist, fascist and communist?
The right leader could get you to support ANYTHING and follow them anywhere, it's the nature of authoritarian followers. We already had a sample of that when you all got talked into supporting torture as a valid thing for our country to be doing to people.
It occurred to me earlier that I may have been a bit presumptuous before when I stated that conservatives are of two camps only: the rich and crooked or the poor and dumb. The best way to learn is to communicate, and so I decided to ask this.

What exactly is your personal reason for thinking that your political perspective is acceptable? Are you just old and set in the value system of a different time? Were you deprived of an adequate, high quality education? Are you apathetic to human suffering? Or do you honestly believe that right wing concepts and structures like white supremacy, sexism and the Patriarchy, patriotism/nationalism, economic slavery, and capitalism are okay? Maybe it's bigotry against marginalized groups like women and the poor? Or simple sadism? What is it, exactly, that drives you to your beliefs?
I am mostly right wing because I never was a smug condescending prick like you.

You have no real world education. You believe all the prejudice bullshit your masters stuffed down your ample gullet and as a consequence you think you know much more than you do. You asked a dishonest question because you're a dishonest person. It isn't exactly rocket science.
You asked a dishonest question because you're a dishonest person. It isn't exactly rocket science.

Speaking of "dishonest". You like to lie by omission. What's that make you?

Did you EVER figure out that employers intend to "give someone a job" based on the employers need to get work done?

Or are you sticking with your story that yes, employers have a need for employees. But the employers didn't intend to give anyone a job? Even though the employer has a need to fill. Like work getting done by employees.
And the work gets done by employees having a "job".

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