What is your race thread

I'm thinkin' there's confusion between RACE and ETHNICITY in this thread.
Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: French/German/Greek

Read how he worded it, social race is the same thing as ethnicity. Race is a social construct, since all traits it's based on are environmentally influenced and not the result of actually being different. If we were all of different races we would be genetically incompatible in some way, resulting at the very least in malformed offspring, but those who breed across 'race' boundries have healthy children as much as those who do not.

Adding: I hate the term 'race' because that intones that life is a contest and that only one type will 'win'.
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Okay... how about:

Species: Human (homo genus)
Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: French/German/Greek


I like that.

Species: Human (as much as some of you may like to dispute it)
Race: Pasty white chick
Ethnicity: German, Dutch, and Irish.
More specifically, Granny and Allie are going to end up locked in their own thread and unable to go anywhere else if they don't knock it off.

Nobody will be laying ANYONE out flat, and if you threaten each other again (implied or otherwise)....

You really should just take a break. I've heard Gunny say much worse, and I've had worse leveled at me by others I don't know how many times.

I don't take it as a threat and I'm certain Granny doesn't either.
She is right. It was wishful thinking.

And Shattered, I thought you going through all of the threads was what you do here, just like the rest of us. Go figure.
She is right. It was wishful thinking.

And Shattered, I thought you going through all of the threads was what you do here, just like the rest of us. Go figure.

I would never hit an old lady like Granny. We were funning, and everyone knows it.
Oh well. I am waiting for the debate tonight. I bet it will be quite boring ... considering some of the "debates" & "scuffles" ..... that we have here at USMB. But at least we are all still on our feet. :lol:

Come'on Obama and McCain .... let us see what ya got? We want to see a good :meow: between the two of you .... let the debates begin! :clap2:

No :chillpill: allowed for the two of you! :lol:
I wish I was! I tried it ala Miss Clairol, but eh...now I'm more Strawberry Blonde.

My daughter has Native Indian in her (from her dad's side), but she's a blue eyed blonde too.

That's mostly what mine is, depending on the light.

I don't do Clairol, tho. I figure it'll just turn white eventually and I can live with that. When I was a kid, it was *dark* red.
The Germans let your Jewish relatives survive?

*smirk* The 'why' I know so much about hatred, my great grandfather was one of Adolf's first cousins. You can learn a lot from a dummy ... or psychotic dictator who hates his own family. Gotta say though, those of us who's families made it here do have him to thank for being American now.
What's wrong with it? Don't people get to acknowledge their ancestry anymore?

Don't tell me it's no longer PC to know anything about your bloodlines...

I know my ancestry. I celebrate it. At the same time, I'm so very grateful to my grandparents who came here that their children and progeny might have a better life. We have. One of my grandparents was only 12 when put on a steamer to US. Do not think I don't remember, I do. However, I am an American. Not hyphenated. I'm proud of my Irish heritage, but it doesn't come close to my American heritage.
Me too.
My great grandmother walked from Hungary to Austria while pregnant at the turn of the century, where she got on a boat and came to America to join the rest of her family.

Interesting stuff.

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