What is Zionism?

And alas, a discussion on what Zionism is has again, descended into hell. :)

Yea, as usual, the anti-Semites show their bigoted asses and can't mount a credible argument. This is too easy.

Considering who it is, no need to help them.

So, what is Zionism? Have we all come to a conclusion?
Religious Zionism is the desire to live in the holy land.

Political Zionism is a settler colonial project.
REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.
REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.

The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land. And intelligent Arabs knew it, and welcomed the Jews back to their homeland knowing they would bring progress to the Arabs.

The non intelligent Arabs, like the Al Husseini clan decided to follow the Mohammedan/Jihadist lessons of 1300 of Islamic control over that land.

"Jews cannot be allowed to become sovereign over their own land, especially as it was conquered by Islam. It now belongs to any and all Muslims, only"

WHO is demanding exclusivity over that piece of land?
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.

The people on the land were known as Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Druze, Beduin, Turks, Christians, Bahai, Americans, Russians, etc...

Once WWI happened and the Ottomans lost the land, they were still Arab Muslims and Christians, Jews, Druze, Bahai, Beduin, etc.

The Arabs, led by the Al-Husseini clan, decided they wanted to be part of Greater Syria. To be Syrians.

You know all of that. You reject it as if it never happened.

As if all living and immigrating into the Mandate until 1948 were not known as Palestinians, only the Arabs who are NOW known as Palestinians since 1964.
REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.

The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land. And intelligent Arabs knew it, and welcomed the Jews back to their homeland knowing they would bring progress to the Arabs.

The non intelligent Arabs, like the Al Husseini clan decided to follow the Mohammedan/Jihadist lessons of 1300 of Islamic control over that land.

"Jews cannot be allowed to become sovereign over their own land, especially as it was conquered by Islam. It now belongs to any and all Muslims, only"

WHO is demanding exclusivity over that piece of land?
The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land.
Is that why they kicked out 750,000 of the wrong kind of people in 1948 and continue to eliminate the rest of them today?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.

So do me a favour. Every time someone on Team Palestine rejects the connection of the Jewish people to the land or denies that Jewish people exist CALL THEM OUT ON IT.

And I'll remind you that I am the MOST vocal Team Israel supporter of Arab Palestinian rights in this board. The Jewish people have never required an exclusive right to the land. It's the Arabs who are demanding that.
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.

The people on the land were known as Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Druze, Beduin, Turks, Christians, Bahai, Americans, Russians, etc...

Once WWI happened and the Ottomans lost the land, they were still Arab Muslims and Christians, Jews, Druze, Bahai, Beduin, etc.

The Arabs, led by the Al-Husseini clan, decided they wanted to be part of Greater Syria. To be Syrians.

You know all of that. You reject it as if it never happened.

As if all living and immigrating into the Mandate until 1948 were not known as Palestinians, only the Arabs who are NOW known as Palestinians since 1964.
The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.
A rose by any other name...
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

Most Arab Muslims immigrated into the area from the 1890s until 1948. They cannot be included in your Palestinians who were minding their own business on that land as they were completely new to living on it.

The Al Husseini clan made sure from 1920 on, to have the Arabs attack the Jews to force them out of their own ancient homeland to keep the Jews from becoming sovereign over any part of that land.

"They did not attack anyone" What a joke, from 1920 to 1948 with all the dead and injured Jews one can count. There are videos and photographs of it, but you will also disregard that as being non existent.

You say it does not exist, that it was not that way.....


It ceases to exist and it was not that way.

(courtesy of tin man)
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.

The people on the land were known as Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Druze, Beduin, Turks, Christians, Bahai, Americans, Russians, etc...

Once WWI happened and the Ottomans lost the land, they were still Arab Muslims and Christians, Jews, Druze, Bahai, Beduin, etc.

The Arabs, led by the Al-Husseini clan, decided they wanted to be part of Greater Syria. To be Syrians.

You know all of that. You reject it as if it never happened.

As if all living and immigrating into the Mandate until 1948 were not known as Palestinians, only the Arabs who are NOW known as Palestinians since 1964.
The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.
A rose by any other name...

Only to you , tin, only to you.

In the real world, it is called appropriation of a word in order to steal the indigenous people of their land, and mainly because they are not Muslims.

If ONLY the Jews had been Muslims, Al Husseini would not have had any issue with them, any more than the Arabs had with the Saudis kicking the Hashemites from Arabia.


Just be a Muslim.
REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.

The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land. And intelligent Arabs knew it, and welcomed the Jews back to their homeland knowing they would bring progress to the Arabs.

The non intelligent Arabs, like the Al Husseini clan decided to follow the Mohammedan/Jihadist lessons of 1300 of Islamic control over that land.

"Jews cannot be allowed to become sovereign over their own land, especially as it was conquered by Islam. It now belongs to any and all Muslims, only"

WHO is demanding exclusivity over that piece of land?
The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land.
Is that why they kicked out 750,000 of the wrong kind of people in 1948 and continue to eliminate the rest of them today?

The removal of the "wrong" people was mutual. It was a war. People get uprooted by war. It's not right. No one is arguing that it is right. But it happens.

But you keep trying to make the implication that for only one side it was deliberately maliciously intended. And that that side continues to hold and enact the same malicious intent. It is a reversal of the truth. There are no Jews in Arab lands (with few exceptions). There are plenty of Arabs in The Jewish land. The facts alone defeat your argument.
That's ironic, considering your racist comment towards Palestinians before this one.

Let me guess you're of a British background?

a lot of Zionists are of a British American background

Most of the World has learned that the Jew, and also the Arab tend to be untrustworthy.

Basically just dumbass British Monkeys think otherwise.

What was my "racist comment" about Palestinians? Cue the k*nt act.

Hey k*nt, when are you going to give your home to a native American family, from whom YOU stole it, and move back to your ancestral homeland? Eh k*nt?

If you don't think your comment on Palestinians was racist, you're definitely sort of retarded.

My Polish family came to the New York in the early 20th century, escaping German oppression.

Hardly, anyone's family who stole from Native.

Besides, don't you live in the U.S?

Oh, I actually do support expanding Native territories into nations, as I do Palestinian territories into nations.

You're living on land once owned by natives. Back up your mouth and give your home to a native and move to Poland. Then, get back to me about the Zionists. Lol.

As if you don't live in the U.S?

I'm appalled by the Trail of Tears the U.S did to Native Americans, or the Nakba Israel did to Palestinians.

Except the Trail of Tears was an actual event. The Nakba is pure fantasy.

Again, I am absolutely appalled by this line of thinking. Do you really, actually believe that the Jewish people have no connection to Israel, Judea and Samaria and did not originate in those places? That the Jewish people have no history there? That the Hebrew language didn't come into being there? Its CRAZY.

Forget about magic sky fairies and just look at the factual evidence.

How do you explain away things like this?

Okay, again, don't care that the people who lived there 2000 years ago had the same religion. Ethnically, they are Europeans, not Semites.

I REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land? Is the depth of your ignorance really that great? Or is it your antisemitism that is that huge that you deny, even to yourself, reality?

Again, all they have in common with the people who lived there 2000 years ago is a religion. Since there is no God and never was, I don't put a lot of credence into that.

These are European interlopers, plain and simple. And much like the other European interlopers were driven out of most of the world it tried to colonize, the Zionists will be, too. Or they'll have to learn to live with the rule of the native people.
REALLY want to know -- do you actually believe that the Jewish people have absolutely NO connection to that land?
You keep pounding on a point that is not disputed. Jews have a connection to the land. So do a lot of other people.

The Jews do not have an exclusive right to the land.

The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land. And intelligent Arabs knew it, and welcomed the Jews back to their homeland knowing they would bring progress to the Arabs.

The non intelligent Arabs, like the Al Husseini clan decided to follow the Mohammedan/Jihadist lessons of 1300 of Islamic control over that land.

"Jews cannot be allowed to become sovereign over their own land, especially as it was conquered by Islam. It now belongs to any and all Muslims, only"

WHO is demanding exclusivity over that piece of land?
The Jews never said that they had "exclusive" right to LIVE on the land.
Is that why they kicked out 750,000 of the wrong kind of people in 1948 and continue to eliminate the rest of them today?

The removal of the "wrong" people was mutual. It was a war. People get uprooted by war. It's not right. No one is arguing that it is right. But it happens.

But you keep trying to make the implication that for only one side it was deliberately maliciously intended. And that that side continues to hold and enact the same malicious intent. It is a reversal of the truth. There are no Jews in Arab lands (with few exceptions). There are plenty of Arabs in The Jewish land. The facts alone defeat your argument.
But you keep trying to make the implication that for only one side it was deliberately maliciously intended.
It was. The Zionists wanted an exclusive Jewish state when the Jews were a minority.

There is only one way to solve that problem.
Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.

The people on the land were known as Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Druze, Beduin, Turks, Christians, Bahai, Americans, Russians, etc...

Once WWI happened and the Ottomans lost the land, they were still Arab Muslims and Christians, Jews, Druze, Bahai, Beduin, etc.

The Arabs, led by the Al-Husseini clan, decided they wanted to be part of Greater Syria. To be Syrians.

You know all of that. You reject it as if it never happened.

As if all living and immigrating into the Mandate until 1948 were not known as Palestinians, only the Arabs who are NOW known as Palestinians since 1964.
The Palestinians did not call themselves Palestinians.
A rose by any other name...

Only to you , tin, only to you.

In the real world, it is called appropriation of a word in order to steal the indigenous people of their land, and mainly because they are not Muslims.

If ONLY the Jews had been Muslims, Al Husseini would not have had any issue with them, any more than the Arabs had with the Saudis kicking the Hashemites from Arabia.


Just be a Muslim.

That senile, old goat doesn't ever know his own name.
To me it's the establishment and maintenance of Israel, the eternal home of Jewish people. How's that?

Well, that's all good and stuff, but most of history, there wasn't an "Israel".

The archaeological evidence is spotty, at best.

What we have is a Bible written hundreds of years after the events.

Also, a bunch of Europeans taking someone else's land because 2000 years ago, someone who shared kind of the same religion lived there is kind of silly.

Losing land is often a consequence of losing wars, especially when you started it.

Are you upset that Hitler didn't kill all the Jews?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business. They did not go attack anyone.

Most Arab Muslims immigrated into the area from the 1890s until 1948. They cannot be included in your Palestinians who were minding their own business on that land as they were completely new to living on it.

The Al Husseini clan made sure from 1920 on, to have the Arabs attack the Jews to force them out of their own ancient homeland to keep the Jews from becoming sovereign over any part of that land.

"They did not attack anyone" What a joke, from 1920 to 1948 with all the dead and injured Jews one can count. There are videos and photographs of it, but you will also disregard that as being non existent.

You say it does not exist, that it was not that way.....


It ceases to exist and it was not that way.

(courtesy of tin man)
"They did not attack anyone" What a joke, from 1920 to 1948 with all the dead and injured Jews one can count.
OK, but they were at home. (In their own country.) They did not go attack anyone.
dumbfuck Palestinians but they were too violent and stupid to take it.

LOL, Didn't you just complain about racism?

Nothing racist about it all. They were horrifically stupid to turn down statehood back in 1948. Had they accepted it and refrained from engaging in war, they'd have East Jerusalem, the entire West Bank and much more.
They were not offered statehood. They were offered the "opportunity" to cede half of their country to colonial settlers.
What was my "racist comment" about Palestinians? Cue the k*nt act.

Hey k*nt, when are you going to give your home to a native American family, from whom YOU stole it, and move back to your ancestral homeland? Eh k*nt?

If you don't think your comment on Palestinians was racist, you're definitely sort of retarded.

My Polish family came to the New York in the early 20th century, escaping German oppression.

Hardly, anyone's family who stole from Native.

Besides, don't you live in the U.S?

Oh, I actually do support expanding Native territories into nations, as I do Palestinian territories into nations.

You're living on land once owned by natives. Back up your mouth and give your home to a native and move to Poland. Then, get back to me about the Zionists. Lol.

As if you don't live in the U.S?

I'm appalled by the Trail of Tears the U.S did to Native Americans, or the Nakba Israel did to Palestinians.

Except the Trail of Tears was an actual event. The Nakba is pure fantasy.


Blame the "Nakba" on the Al Husseini Clan and the Arab League for causing it.

Both wanted the Jews dead and gone. The Clan and the Arab League are the sole ones responsible for the pictures you put up.

And are also responsible for the Nakba inflicted on the Jews of TransJordan by the Hashemite Clan, for attacking them and expelling those Jews from their homes and lands in that area.

And all the Jews attacked in 1920, 1921, 1929 and murdered or expelled from their homes and lands during those years.

And the NAKBA inflicted on the Jews of Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem after Israel declared its Independence.

You are a total fake by always crying about the poor Arabs who were made to listen to their leaders to move out of their homes so that the Arab Armies could more easily murder all the Jews in Israel, but you NEVER have any sympathy for the Jews who had no weapons and were simply driven from their homes in Gaza, TransJordan, Sfad, Hebron, ALL OF Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

IT WAS Jewish Land, with all the right they had of being there.

You and others like you, are the only ones to treat any Jews as if they did not exist as human beings, and therefore having any rights to any lands on THEIR OWN ancient lands.

Post all the photos and videos you like of 1948.

The WAR AGAINST the JEWS started in 1920.

You have no shame in continuing to denying that it was so, by continuously denying that anything before 1948 EVER happened.
dumbfuck Palestinians but they were too violent and stupid to take it.

LOL, Didn't you just complain about racism?

Nothing racist about it all. They were horrifically stupid to turn down statehood back in 1948. Had they accepted it and refrained from engaging in war, they'd have East Jerusalem, the entire West Bank and much more.
They were not offered statehood. They were offered the "opportunity" to cede half of their country to colonial settlers.

It wasn't "their" country, k*nt. Maybe they should have taken it up with the Ottomans who lost "their" country by waging war against the west, k*nt.

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