What Isael can do to save itself -?

People this thread is an attempt to solve the Israel/Palestinian conflict. And since these Jews chose to call their new country “Israel” which is a biblical reference and then settle in Palestine claiming it is their eternal homeland they must also live up to or not God’s warning to them.

The Old Testament is actually a repeating cycle of God telling his chosen ones to obey his commandments, covenants and laws and if they do so he will treat them as a peculiar treasure above all people.

* (Exo 19:5 KJV) Now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant
, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people : for all the earth is mine:
* (Deu 7:6 KJV) For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself , above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
* (Deu 7:14 KJV) Thou shalt be blessed above all people : there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle.

The laws that God sets before them is mercy, forgiveness, kindness and understanding .,.,.,among other things.

* (Lev 19:33 KJV) And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
* (Deu 10:19 KJV) Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
* (Lev 19:34 KJV) But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself ; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

But should they fail to do the above God spells out what will happen next

(Deu 28:37 KJV)
And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword , among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.

Folks, we know what happened. They failed in a big way. Their impersonations of a richious people fell short, very short indeed and this is what happened to them. And you now know why.

(also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. In a 2005 U.S. governmental report, antisemitism is defined as "hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity."A person who holds such views is called an "antisemite".

Antisemitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to organized violent attacks by mobs, or even state police, or military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Extreme instances of persecution include the pogroms which preceded the First Crusade in 1096, the expulsion from England in 1290, the massacres of Spanish Jews in 1391, the persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the expulsion from Portugal in 1497, various Russian pogroms, the Dreyfus Affair, and the Final Solution by Hitler's Germany and official Soviet anti-Jewish policies.

The only thing that surprises me is people not seeing this coming or the reasons for it. The blind leading the blind into a rat hole.

ps Does anyone know how these attitudes could be turned around and peace return to the Holly Lands -? btw I did not create the above I am just reporting it.

Tell me what is the solution- ?


they need to get right with jha..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8oAGvFxevw]Ziggy Marley Video: Love is My Religion - YouTube[/ame]

and tune in turn on and drop out

before or Jesus or the aliens return to smote their asses...
they need to get right with jha..

The jha has no need.

and tune in turn on and drop out

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pl3WaCTHZE]TIMOTHY LEARY'S DEAD (off with his HEAD!) but not really. - YouTube[/ame]

before or Jesus or the aliens return to smote their asses...

Yep, you've got it all figured out eots, just like Timothy did. :thup:
About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

The above was just the number of reported spitting on Christians, not the total sum of them.

They, these Israeli Zionists are racist to the core. :evil:

I will not add anything that will make you look even more stupid then your last comment.
People are getting killed and you bitch about 'the total sum of spitting'.
But it does show a inherant LACK OF RESPECT,considering the Billions you have received in "AID" and War Reparation since 1948,a total lack of respect.tl
About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

The above was just the number of reported spitting on Christians, not the total sum of them.

They, these Israeli Zionists are racist to the core. :evil:

I will not add anything that will make you look even more stupid then your last comment.
People are getting killed and you bitch about 'the total sum of spitting'.
But it does show a inherant LACK OF RESPECT,considering the Billions you have received in "AID" and War Reparation since 1948,a total lack of respect.tl

How does 21 Christians killed everyday in the USA shows lack of Israeli respect ?
I will not add anything that will make you look even more stupid then your last comment.
People are getting killed and you bitch about 'the total sum of spitting'.
But it does show a inherant LACK OF RESPECT,considering the Billions you have received in "AID" and War Reparation since 1948,a total lack of respect.tl

How does 21 Christians killed everyday in the USA shows lack of Israeli respect ?
Its very simple: Settlement building is the #1 impediment to peace talks...Israel is still claiming that her War Gains against a civilian population be recognized, with or without World approval...Her claim of E. Jerusalem spells eternal war. Only sharing or internationalizing Jerusalem might save her if she makes peace with Islam...
No one is “investing” in Israel. It has nothing to sell, nothing to offer. It gets handouts from the US and without this it would be broke.

Why is their GDP so large?
Why is GDP so small in Arab countries?

Just a thought.

Several billion US dollars go to support their military.


Just a thought , Israeli GDP is about 250 Bill $
US aid to Israel is about 3 Bill $
That makes US aid about 0.012% (If aid is counted in GDP).
So your argument is invalid.

PS pbel it seems you are the spamming type , eh ?
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Why is their GDP so large?
Why is GDP so small in Arab countries?

Just a thought.

Several billion US dollars go to support their military.


Just a thought , Israeli GDP is about 250 Bill $
US aid to Israel is about 3 Bill $
That makes US aid about 0.012% (If aid is counted in GDP).
So your argument is invalid.

PS pbel it seems you are the spamming type , eh ?

That would be 1.2%, not 0.012%, probably doesn't affect your argument though.
Anyways, if Israel was smart, they'd do a peace deal with the arabs before they get enough weapons together to take them on.
Just a thought.

Several billion US dollars go to support their military.


Just a thought , Israeli GDP is about 250 Bill $
US aid to Israel is about 3 Bill $
That makes US aid about 0.012% (If aid is counted in GDP).
So your argument is invalid.

PS pbel it seems you are the spamming type , eh ?

That would be 1.2%, not 0.012%, probably doesn't affect your argument though.
Anyways, if Israel was smart, they'd do a peace deal with the arabs before they get enough weapons together to take them on.

Yes your right it's 1.2% .
About the peace deal with Arabs... That's what Israel is trying to do since it's inception ... Worked with Egypt and Jordan ... However now that Egypt will go under sharia law and deep fundamental Islamic brainwashing who knows what will happen.
Just a thought , Israeli GDP is about 250 Bill $
US aid to Israel is about 3 Bill $
That makes US aid about 0.012% (If aid is counted in GDP).
So your argument is invalid.

PS pbel it seems you are the spamming type , eh ?

That would be 1.2%, not 0.012%, probably doesn't affect your argument though.
Anyways, if Israel was smart, they'd do a peace deal with the arabs before they get enough weapons together to take them on.

Yes your right it's 1.2% .
About the peace deal with Arabs... That's what Israel is trying to do since it's inception ... Worked with Egypt and Jordan ... However now that Egypt will go under sharia law and deep fundamental Islamic brainwashing who knows what will happen.

Israel doesn't want peace as far as I can see, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to take over the West Bank and Jerusalem.
That would be 1.2%, not 0.012%, probably doesn't affect your argument though.
Anyways, if Israel was smart, they'd do a peace deal with the arabs before they get enough weapons together to take them on.

Yes your right it's 1.2% .
About the peace deal with Arabs... That's what Israel is trying to do since it's inception ... Worked with Egypt and Jordan ... However now that Egypt will go under sharia law and deep fundamental Islamic brainwashing who knows what will happen.

Israel doesn't want peace as far as I can see, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to take over the West Bank and Jerusalem.

How does that effect peace with Syria or Lebanon ?
Yes your right it's 1.2% .
About the peace deal with Arabs... That's what Israel is trying to do since it's inception ... Worked with Egypt and Jordan ... However now that Egypt will go under sharia law and deep fundamental Islamic brainwashing who knows what will happen.

Israel doesn't want peace as far as I can see, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to take over the West Bank and Jerusalem.

How does that effect peace with Syria or Lebanon ?
Because without PEACE WITH THE PALESTINIANS EVERYTHING ELSE IS IRRELEVANT..............your 1.2% is completely incorrect,you ommitted the Jewish businesses worldwide and money men that contribute to the purchasing of ARMS for the Israeli Military. Just saying......tl Methinks you too are attempting to brainwash(as you ironically put it). You are in no way IRIE to either the Palestinians or the TRUTH.

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