What Israel is doing is destroying the Jewish world and Jewish Heritage

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Crickets . . . .
Who promised Eretz Israel, the tooth fairy?

The lands LEGAL OWNERS under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW in 1920. Read the treaty signed that does not mention any part of what we now know as Palestine being given to the arab muslims as a homeland. They were given trans Jordan for that

Even in 1946, Arabs legally owned more than 85% of the land and the Jews less than 7%. Under any frigging law customary or otherwise you moron. As depicted in the following table contained in the Survey of Palestine (volume 1 page 566) commissioned by the UN and published in 1946 prior to partition. All the volumes of the Survey can be downloaded in pdf from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive hosted jointly by New York University and Wagner University by going to their site via this link:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

View attachment 34374

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

Who promised Eretz Israel, the tooth fairy?

The lands LEGAL OWNERS under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW in 1920. Read the treaty signed that does not mention any part of what we now know as Palestine being given to the arab muslims as a homeland. They were given trans Jordan for that

Even in 1946, Arabs legally owned more than 85% of the land and the Jews less than 7%. Under any frigging law customary or otherwise you moron. As depicted in the following table contained in the Survey of Palestine (volume 1 page 566) commissioned by the UN and published in 1946 prior to partition. All the volumes of the Survey can be downloaded in pdf from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive hosted jointly by New York University and Wagner University by going to their site via this link:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

View attachment 34374

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?
Who promised Eretz Israel, the tooth fairy?

The lands LEGAL OWNERS under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW in 1920. Read the treaty signed that does not mention any part of what we now know as Palestine being given to the arab muslims as a homeland. They were given trans Jordan for that

Even in 1946, Arabs legally owned more than 85% of the land and the Jews less than 7%. Under any frigging law customary or otherwise you moron. As depicted in the following table contained in the Survey of Palestine (volume 1 page 566) commissioned by the UN and published in 1946 prior to partition. All the volumes of the Survey can be downloaded in pdf from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive hosted jointly by New York University and Wagner University by going to their site via this link:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

View attachment 34374

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".
You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Monti, for one, just fucking stop posting this same cherry pick table. Fro two Phoneall went further into YOUR OWN INFORMATION to discredit you. Instead of posting this same stupid slanted table again, why not respond to all the things in the rest of your link that Phoenall posted to refute your own fucked up lie?

that is where the Crickets are coming from. Your lack of taking his points head on, and only repeating your now failed lie.
You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Monti, for one, just fucking stop posting this same cherry pick table. Fro two Phoneall went further into YOUR OWN INFORMATION to discredit you. Instead of posting this same stupid slanted table again, why not respond to all the things in the rest of your link that Phoenall posted to refute your own fucked up lie?

that is where the Crickets are coming from. Your lack of taking his points head on, and only repeating your now failed lie.

Phoney did not post anything that was true. He. as always, is lying. He provided no links he just posted nonsense. I posted the actual table, he posted no table and no links. Quit lying you piece of shit.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership. Here it is. I wanted to wait until he dug really deep.


  • Table 1 foreign assts (1).pdf
    60.5 KB · Views: 49
The lands LEGAL OWNERS under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW in 1920. Read the treaty signed that does not mention any part of what we now know as Palestine being given to the arab muslims as a homeland. They were given trans Jordan for that

Even in 1946, Arabs legally owned more than 85% of the land and the Jews less than 7%. Under any frigging law customary or otherwise you moron. As depicted in the following table contained in the Survey of Palestine (volume 1 page 566) commissioned by the UN and published in 1946 prior to partition. All the volumes of the Survey can be downloaded in pdf from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive hosted jointly by New York University and Wagner University by going to their site via this link:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

View attachment 34374

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Even in 1946, Arabs legally owned more than 85% of the land and the Jews less than 7%. Under any frigging law customary or otherwise you moron. As depicted in the following table contained in the Survey of Palestine (volume 1 page 566) commissioned by the UN and published in 1946 prior to partition. All the volumes of the Survey can be downloaded in pdf from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive hosted jointly by New York University and Wagner University by going to their site via this link:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

View attachment 34374

Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

Logic? I just gave you a link showing you all the invasions that took place in the last century and before. They are ALL military offensives. That's just a fact, not an opinion Monti. Let it go already.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Here you go monti the explanation from your own link destroying your claims

51. Table 2, which has been compiled from the records of land
taxation, shows the area of land held by Arabs (and other non-
Jews) and by Jews. In table 2A the rural areas have been valued
at pre-war prices based on the categorization of land for fiscal
purposes carried out in 1935. These values, although based on
values actually ruling pre-war, are completely arbitrary and have
been designed to reflect the share of the two groups of the population
rather than the aggregate value of the land. The estimate
abstracts from the scarcity values which have in recent years
operated to drive up land values to figures which in earlier years
would have been considered fantastic.

And don't forget that the majority of the land was owned by Ottoman muslims which are included in the figures for arabs and other non-Jews. So bringing us back to the split being Jew 4.8% arab muslim 0.8% land ownership.

Table 3 shows the split in industry ownership which shows a far greater amount spent by Jews on industry that by arab muslim

Table 4 shows ownership of commodity stocks again largely in Jewish favour

Then table 8 shows ownership in capital which shows the Jews owning more industry, more commercial and more agricultural land.

Want to concede with your false claims yet, or shall I nit pick your link some more ?

Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

Of course that was the case. The Zionist leaders stated so in their own speeches and writings. Ben Gurion himself stated so.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

Of course that was the case. The Zionist leaders stated so in their own speeches and writings. Ben Gurion himself stated so.

Oh, I'm sure many Jews wanted the whole thing for themselves. But my point is the expulsions only happened AFTER 5 Arab states + Palestinians militias attacked Israel trying to expel them.
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Not one thing you have said is true. You are making things up. First of all there is no splitting of land owned by Arab Christians and Arab Muslims, it is considered owned by Arabs. The "non-Jews" are the non-Arabs in Palestine at the time, these include land owned by other non-Jewish Palestinians, Greeks, Samaritans, Latins (Italian and French communities moslty) and Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Church owned property.

You haven't produced one link showing that the property ownership is not what the table depicts below You are simply making things up.

The property ownership is very clear and non-Jews owned over 85% of the land and Jews less than 7%.

View attachment 34435

Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

The English did not start expelling the Native Americans in North America immediately either. They started killing and expelling them once they gained a foothold. Your ability to think straight is impaired as a result of the brainwashing you have undergone. If people come from another continent settle in a land on different continent and then kill and/or expel the people living in that land, it is an invasion, no matter how you attempt to rationalize it. There is no other name for it.
Who promised Eretz Israel, the tooth fairy?
Although this is a rhetorical question allow me to educate you, God promised Israel to the Jews, believing in that create an ethnicity called religion - Judaism, not believing in that doesn't matter, so when you bring a video of someone claiming that Zionism is Nazism and you honestly believe that (or at least try hard to) you're:
1.Uninformed - which was my first assumption.
2.Propagandist - one in a million which I'm certain you are now that you bother asking a rhetorical question, depraved and primitive as well but that's your specialty.


I am not going to doubt a survivor of the Holocaust who lived under Nazi rule and now lives in Israel and sees Zionism at work. Who am I to doubt him? And, from a practical standpoint Zionism and Nazism are analog ideologies in terms of land acquisition, racial identity, racial/religious superiority exclusion of those of a different type, etc.

Stating facts is not propaganda. I leave that to your Hasbara friends.

Yet you doubt Palestinians that live in gaza who say that the Palestinians are terrorists, and call it LIES and PROPAGANDA

So, Palestinians in Gaza say that they themselves are terrorists? I'd like a link to that. LOL

The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad again admits that the Israeli security fence built by Israel in Judea and Samaria prevents the terrorist organizations from reaching the heart of Israel to carry out suicide bombing attacks

PIJ leader Ramadan Abdallah Shalah was interviewed in Damascus by the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq. He said that the second intifada was currently characterized by rocket fire, which had replaced the previous stage of suicide bombing attacks. That, he said, was because the enemy [i.e., Israel] had found ways and means to protect itself from such attacks
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Weather you are right or wrong, why so much emphasis on land ownership from 7 decades ago ?

Because we have brainwashed morons posting here claiming that Jews bought all the land they actually stole. And, to get to the original reason for the conflict. Which is, Europeans invaded Palestine, stole the land and expelled most of the Christians and Muslims.

By the way, it's "whether" not "weather".

Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

The English did not start expelling the Native Americans in North America immediately either. They started killing and expelling them once they gained a foothold. Your ability to think straight is impaired as a result of the brainwashing you have undergone. If people come from another continent settle in a land on different continent and then kill and/or expel the people living in that land, it is an invasion, no matter how you attempt to rationalize it. There is no other name for it.

Which is what the arab muslims have done since 627 C.E. and now control 30% of the worlds land mass. And every inch they control is covered in the blood of innocents mass murdered so they could steal the land.
No, he did not post information from my link. And. you could not have possibly have read it. I posted it and I will post it again. He is quoting a table(1) that depicts foreign assets/investment claiming it depicts land ownership. Read it and weep you lying sack of shit.


  • Table 1 foreign assts (1).pdf
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