What Israel is doing is destroying the Jewish world and Jewish Heritage

Of course they invaded the area, by definition. The conflict was started by European taking land from the local inhabitants, exactly as the Europeans did in the Americas, Australasia, Africa and Asia.

It's really pathetic when you have to use the same lie over and over even though I clearly proved that the word invasion does not apply here. By definition.

Must suck to be wrong all the time :lol:
I have no idea were this guy is coming from. Palestinians, Nazis, they have done so much harm to innocent Jews. If there is a middle ground here, I am more than willing to go there, but I am not seeing extremist Muslims suicide bombers and Nazi anti-Semites worthy of sympathy. Where is this guy coming from?
You have proved nothing. You can repeat it to yourself over and over again, but going to another place on another continent no less, and taking it over, is an invasion. You are a fool if you insist on not facing facts.

WTF would you call going to a faraway place and killing or expelling the people living there? You are truly an idiot.
I have no idea were this guy is coming from. Palestinians, Nazis, they have done so much harm to innocent Jews. If there is a middle ground here, I am more than willing to go there, but I am not seeing extremist Muslims suicide bombers and Nazi anti-Semites worthy of sympathy. Where is this guy coming from?

Obviously, you haven't a clue. But, carry on. We welcome ignorant, brainwashed Israel Firsters. It helps the Palestinian cause.
MaryL. Here is the history:

1. Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine in relative peace.
2. Jews from Europe went to Palestine and eventually killed or expelled the Christians and Muslims.

That's why most Christians in the world (except in the brain washed U.S.) support their Christian brothers and sisters in Palestine.
You have proved nothing. You can repeat it to yourself over and over again, but going to another place on another continent no less, and taking it over, is an invasion. You are a fool if you insist on not facing facts.

WTF would you call going to a faraway place and killing or expelling the people living there? You are truly an idiot.

You're such a little baby Monti. You can't accept the fact that I provided indisputable evidence that shows there was no invasion.
You're a pathetic liar and all you got is propaganda.

You lost the debate. CLEARLY LOST. It could not be clearer. I provided definitions for the word invasion and I proved that YOUR definitions do not apply to the situation.
MaryL. Here is the history:

1. Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine in relative peace.
2. Jews from Europe went to Palestine and eventually killed or expelled the Christians and Muslims.

That's why most Christians in the world (except in the brain washed U.S.) support their Christian brothers and sisters in Palestine.

That is the propaganda version. Monti is a lying piece of trash and he left out the fact that 5 Arab states invaded the region and attacked Israel, trying to expel them. AFTER is when Palestinian got expelled.
Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine.

Jews came from Europe.

Jews took the land and expelled the Christians and Muslims.

What in that basic progression can you possibly claim is not fact?

I cannot believe that you people are so brainwashed that the facts that no one can deny can be ignored.
Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine.

Jews came from Europe.

Jews took the land and expelled the Christians and Muslims.

What in that basic progression can you possibly claim is not fact?

I cannot believe that you people are so brainwashed that the facts that no one can deny can be ignored.

Again , you are ignoring the most important parts of the timeline you demented retarded brainwashed idiot !

Before any of that, Jews were massacred many times. Second, 5 Arab states invaded the region and attacked Israel with their sworn intention of destroying the new country. They were trying to expel the Jews. AFTER the Arabs attacked, did Palestinians get expelled !

Answer me this. Why do you ignore these parts of the timeline ?
Ahhh, once I posted Table 1 you are shown to be a liar. I waited until you dug yourself very deep and let your chums join in with the lying claiming they saw Table 1 which showed a different amount of land ownership. Little did you or your friends know that Table 1 shows the ownership of foreign assets. What a bunch of clowns you are.

Table 2. (see below) shows the actual land owned by each group in terms of dunums (a dunam equals 1,000 square meters.

Trying another tack I see. No, the other non-Jews as footnoted are land owned by the Greek, Italian, French, Samaritan, Armenians and the various Christian Church owned lands. This was a negligible amount of land anyway.

View attachment 34452

And the vast majority was owned by absentee landlords who lived outside of Palestine. As the instructions given to the table showed.

You stopped posting table 1 because it was shown to destroy your whole argument, table 2 is going the same way as the preamble shows that the absentee landlords were classed in the arab and other non-Jew sections
By the way. He is referring to Table 1a. which shows Arab and Jewish "Foreign Assets". Nothing to do with property ownership.
Actually, an invasion is a military offensive. For example, the 2003 INVASION of Iraq.

Here is a list of invasions, as well as the definition:

"This is a list of invasions ordered by date. An invasion is a military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled by another such entity"

List of invasions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a LIAR Monti. No matter how much it hurt you, facts are facts, and the 'European invasion of Palestine' is nothing but a lie ...

What do you call people from one continent going to a place on another continent and then expelling the people that were living there? I think you need to brush up on logic.

The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

The English did not start expelling the Native Americans in North America immediately either. They started killing and expelling them once they gained a foothold. Your ability to think straight is impaired as a result of the brainwashing you have undergone. If people come from another continent settle in a land on different continent and then kill and/or expel the people living in that land, it is an invasion, no matter how you attempt to rationalize it. There is no other name for it.

The only brainwashed moron is you Monti. I just proved, with links, that there was no invasion. Facts are facts Monti, and you simply cannot handle them. Anyone can read my post where I completely dismantled your invasion lie.

You proved nothing. A Wiki list is not proof of anything. You dismantled nothing, you just made a fool of yourself, as usual. As far as the definition goes, I don't think there is any doubt. The fact that the British invaded with an armed force to facilitate the intrusion and incursion by the European Jews makes it an invasion, by definition.


an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity
an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Yep just what the arab muslims have done in Palestine since 1890
The immigration and expelling are two completely different issues. You make it as if the European Jews came to mandatory Palestine and immediately started expelling Palestinian Arabs . That's not the case.

The English did not start expelling the Native Americans in North America immediately either. They started killing and expelling them once they gained a foothold. Your ability to think straight is impaired as a result of the brainwashing you have undergone. If people come from another continent settle in a land on different continent and then kill and/or expel the people living in that land, it is an invasion, no matter how you attempt to rationalize it. There is no other name for it.

The only brainwashed moron is you Monti. I just proved, with links, that there was no invasion. Facts are facts Monti, and you simply cannot handle them. Anyone can read my post where I completely dismantled your invasion lie.

You proved nothing. A Wiki list is not proof of anything. You dismantled nothing, you just made a fool of yourself, as usual. As far as the definition goes, I don't think there is any doubt. The fact that the British invaded with an armed force to facilitate the intrusion and incursion by the European Jews makes it an invasion, by definition.


an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity
an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Hahaha I knew you would criticize the source ! Did you see all the examples of invasions from my link ? They were all military offensives. You simply cannot handle the truth because it contradicts with your agenda of lies and propaganda.
It says a lot about you when you need lies and propaganda to promote your agenda Monti. Lies lies lies propaganda propaganda. That's all you got .
I win. You lose. Anyone is free to see how I dismantled your 'logic'.

LOL. I provide the definition of invasion and you link to a list of military invasions. An invasion need not be military. But the British did invade Palestine militarily, as you well know.

Why do you insist on using propaganda and lies. Try doing some research using neutral sources instead of parroting Hasbarah hand outs? Quit making a fool of yourself.

So when are you going to use neutral sources then Abdul, as I have not seen any from you yet. Even your table is from a suspect source.............
Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine.

Jews came from Europe.

Jews took the land and expelled the Christians and Muslims.

What in that basic progression can you possibly claim is not fact?

I cannot believe that you people are so brainwashed that the facts that no one can deny can be ignored.

You forget that Jews lived in Palestine as well.

yes at the request of the LEGAL LAND OWNERS

NO they settled as requested and bought the land from its title holders at inflated prices.

All of your account as it misses out far too many facts

Why do you ignore the facts then Abdul, that the arab muslims owned less than 1% of the land. That the Jews were invited so did not invade, that the arab muslims tried to kill the Jews leading to the Jews forming defence groups. That the land was never going to be arab muslim. That the arabs are the ones expelling other arabs and Christians.
MaryL. Here is the history:

1. Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine in relative peace.
2. Jews from Europe went to Palestine and eventually killed or expelled the Christians and Muslims.

That's why most Christians in the world (except in the brain washed U.S.) support their Christian brothers and sisters in Palestine.

MaryL that is Monti's version. In his first sentence, he denies that there were any Jews living in the area called Palestine at all before the Mandate period.

And his second sentence is so easy to call a lie, even a caveman could do it. Because if it were true, then there wouldn't be any Christians living there (hence no Churches at all that are spread all over the country from Galilee to Jerusalem) and without Muslims, we wouldn't have this conflict, there wouldn't be any al-Aqsa mosque, no dome of the Rock and the Jews would be building a temple on the Temple Mount on the ruins.
The English did not start expelling the Native Americans in North America immediately either. They started killing and expelling them once they gained a foothold. Your ability to think straight is impaired as a result of the brainwashing you have undergone. If people come from another continent settle in a land on different continent and then kill and/or expel the people living in that land, it is an invasion, no matter how you attempt to rationalize it. There is no other name for it.

The only brainwashed moron is you Monti. I just proved, with links, that there was no invasion. Facts are facts Monti, and you simply cannot handle them. Anyone can read my post where I completely dismantled your invasion lie.

You proved nothing. A Wiki list is not proof of anything. You dismantled nothing, you just made a fool of yourself, as usual. As far as the definition goes, I don't think there is any doubt. The fact that the British invaded with an armed force to facilitate the intrusion and incursion by the European Jews makes it an invasion, by definition.


an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity
an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Hahaha I knew you would criticize the source ! Did you see all the examples of invasions from my link ? They were all military offensives. You simply cannot handle the truth because it contradicts with your agenda of lies and propaganda.
It says a lot about you when you need lies and propaganda to promote your agenda Monti. Lies lies lies propaganda propaganda. That's all you got .
I win. You lose. Anyone is free to see how I dismantled your 'logic'.

LOL. I provide the definition of invasion and you link to a list of military invasions. An invasion need not be military. But the British did invade Palestine militarily, as you well know.

Why do you insist on using propaganda and lies. Try doing some research using neutral sources instead of parroting Hasbarah hand outs? Quit making a fool of yourself.

So when are you going to use neutral sources then Abdul, as I have not seen any from you yet. Even your table is from a suspect source.............

Menachem, the table, which is in the Survey of Palestine, was downloaded from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive of NYU and Wagner Universities. How is that suspect? Grow up you lying piece of crap.

Home Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Christians and Muslims were living in Palestine.

Jews came from Europe.

Jews took the land and expelled the Christians and Muslims.

What in that basic progression can you possibly claim is not fact?

I cannot believe that you people are so brainwashed that the facts that no one can deny can be ignored.

You forget that Jews lived in Palestine as well.

yes at the request of the LEGAL LAND OWNERS

NO they settled as requested and bought the land from its title holders at inflated prices.

All of your account as it misses out far too many facts

Why do you ignore the facts then Abdul, that the arab muslims owned less than 1% of the land. That the Jews were invited so did not invade, that the arab muslims tried to kill the Jews leading to the Jews forming defence groups. That the land was never going to be arab muslim. That the arabs are the ones expelling other arabs and Christians.

Listen Menachem, The Christians, Muslims and other non-Jews (Samaritans, the Christian Churches, Greeks and Latins) owned over 85% of the land while the Jews owned less than 7%. As recorded in the Survey of Palestine published by the UN in 1946, before the partition. Download of the survey is available from the Berman Jewish Policy Archives of NYU and Wagner University,
The facts are clear you lying piece of shit.

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