What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I posted that he started the wingnut belief in government that the best size of government is to shrink it to the size that you can fit in a bathtub.

So I didn't mean the opposite.

You said, "The greatest driver of debt is Reagan era policies of starving government of funds"

Which of his policies did that?
We're about to see a bit of Democratic Socialism in California, which is going to start bypassing the private sector and produce their own insulin, cheaply. I think they'll be just fine.

How are they "bypassing the private sector"?
Building their own labs? Making it with state workers?
Tell me more about their awesome plan!!
Because they were giving away oil? Selling it below cost? Corporations aren't guaranteed profits year after year. That's different than cutting production to artificially raise the price, reaping massive profits. They control the production and the delivery and they set the price.

You are more than welcome to explain this:

Or this:

View attachment 670346

Use the inflation calculator. You will find $3.50 in 2008 is equal to $4.69 today. You will find $3.69 in 2008 is $4.95 today.

You're welcome.
Yes, trillions.

You must get some sort of weird sensual pleasure out of being lied to.
Where is your evidence?

The CBO estimates of BBB show that it would cost a modest $158 billion over the next ten years (representing 0.1 percent of gross domestic product, or GDP, over that period), with costs turning to savings by 2027. We project that these savings would continue into the second decade, with second-decade savings totaling $1.8 trillion (0.4 percent of GDP).

In fact, the bill’s savings could be slightly larger.
Because they were giving away oil? Selling it below cost? Corporations aren't guaranteed profits year after year. That's different than cutting production to artificially raise the price, reaping massive profits. They control the production and the delivery and they set the price.

You are more than welcome to explain this:

Or this:

View attachment 670346

What is the proper ratio of oil price to gas price?

Show your work.
Trump handed Biden a coup and $8 trillion of additional debt, and over half a million Covid deaths through his negligence.
Trump also handed him gas at just above $3. Did you check the COVID deaths under Biden’s watch? Trump’s “negligence” brought US the vaccine that Harris-Biden refused to take then they pushed it. What impact of the $ Trillion relief package Biden and the Democrats pushed is NOT going to impact the debt?
View attachment 670352


What were their revenues before the commies nationalized it?

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