What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden
Prices are 100% higher, not 9.1%.
What the 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers Don’t Reflect, is the REAL 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers.
The reported 9.1% inflation rate is a concoction by the Biden administration. It is the CPI which comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is part of Biden's Dept of Commerce.
Prices have more than doubled on just about everything. Gas, rent, food, you name it. That's more than 100% inflation.
The Reagan solution, which is a common solution for inflation, is for the fed to raise interest rates. That is what the fed is doing now. Aggressive interest rate increases will slow inflation the fastest but increase the chance of a deeper recession.
Raising interest rates only works if inflation isn't on purpose. If the government is intentionally and artificially raising inflation then raising interest rates only compounds the problem.
The reason there is GLOBAL inflation is because of the surge in demand after coming out of the pandemic. Maybe you all heard about it. It was in all the mainstream media.

When demand dropped during the pandemic, production dropped. The sudden surge in demand, to record levels by the way, created shortages while production tried to catch back up.
Apparently these Rip van Winkles have missed the last few years where supply chains took a roller coaster. That explains why they haven't been outside to check the gasoline prices. And yet I could swear some of the same wags DID catch the gas prices and tried to pin those on their favourite political dartboard.

Retards. Gotta love 'em.

I make it about 10% here over the last month:

"Up like a rocket, down like a feather" is the way gasoline has always behaved. It's when it leaves that pattern that it's time to be concerned.

By the way shouldn't the Rumpbot Klan be jumping in here to essplain to the class how J'Biden is making these prices go down? Awfully quiet from that set....
I make it about 10% here over the last month:
View attachment 670185
"Up like a rocket, down like a feather" is the way gasoline has always behaved. It's when it leaves that pattern that it's time to be concerned.

By the way shouldn't the Rumpbot Klan be jumping in here to essplain to the class how J'Biden is making these prices go down? Awfully quiet from that set....
Joe Biden is history. He just doesn't know it yet. I doubt he'll be around in February.
Apparently these Rip van Winkles have missed the last few years where supply chains took a roller coaster. That explains why they haven't been outside to check the gasoline prices. And yet I could swear some of the same wags DID catch the gas prices and tried to pin those on their favourite political dartboard.

Retards. Gotta love 'em.

No, they haven't nosedived like they are now. It's about to get epic. Prepare.
Apparently these Rip van Winkles have missed the last few years where supply chains took a roller coaster. That explains why they haven't been outside to check the gasoline prices. And yet I could swear some of the same wags DID catch the gas prices and tried to pin those on their favourite political dartboard.

Retards. Gotta love 'em.
China opted for severe lockdowns instead of vaccines. When there are outbreaks of covid they shut down entire cities and workplaces. Since Republicans sent all our manufacturing overseas, we suffer supply chain shortages due to locked down Chinese and shipping docks.
Apparently these Rip van Winkles have missed the last few years where supply chains took a roller coaster. That explains why they haven't been outside to check the gasoline prices. And yet I could swear some of the same wags DID catch the gas prices and tried to pin those on their favourite political dartboard.

Retards. Gotta love 'em.
And the $3 trillion excess loot printed up out of thin air in the last year and a half has nothing to do with anything.

Speaking of retards....


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