What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They know that most Americans are two missed house payments from homelessness.
Best way to cause it is force them to have to spend all of their money on food.
Inflation on purpose?

Damn those corporate capitalist's.
They know that most Americans are two missed house payments from homelessness.
Best way to cause it is force them to have to spend all of their money on food.
Which means democrat big government wipe-every-nose nirvana is just two missed house payments away

Venezuela here we come
Biden's family was made filthy rich by the Chinese. He doesn't give a shit about us real Americans having to deal with his massive inflation.
Two years ago is causing inflation now?

Wow, and how did our pumping money into our economy cause higher inflation throughout the world?

Two years ago is causing inflation now?

You're right, there is never any lag when government does something.

Wow, and how did our pumping money into our economy cause higher inflation throughout the world?

Did any other country also pump money into their own economy?
3.6% unemployment

You think recessions only start when unemployment is high?

Is that what you see here?



Corporate supply chain issues and the russian invasion be damned...

Yes, they'll probably announce the 2nd quarter of negative GDP this month.


Corporate supply chain issues and the russian invasion be damned...

It's awful! Biden's incompetence isn't the only issue we have to deal with.
Raising interest rates only works if inflation isn't on purpose. If the government is intentionally and artificially raising inflation then raising interest rates only compounds the problem.
Not true. Did you ever take econ 101? Inflation is not on purpose. Low interest rates were to jump start an economy in recession because of COVID. The inflationary factors are market driven not government driven.
Not true. Did you ever take econ 101? Inflation is not on purpose. Low interest rates were to jump start an economy in recession because of COVID. The inflationary factors are market driven not government driven.
You obviously didn't take econ 101.

The printing up of $3 trillion -which has poured napalm on inflation- wasn't an accident...It was done ON PURPOSE.

The interest rates were at near zero for over a decade...The WuFlu had absolutely nothing to do with it....How much "jump starting" of the economy do you think you need?

You haven't the first fucking clue as to what your blabbering about...Just STFU.
I know basic economics, all you have is media spin....Easy as fuck to lie to you too.

Which one of his cabinet has any kind of experience running any private entity? Look them up! These are the people guiding Joe. What is happening is not a Joe disaster, his whole team has no experience at anything but government.

LOOK at these people and their resumes from mayor Pete on down. If Joe is honestly in decline, which of these people do you think he should take counsel from? It is PATHETIC, and the Left pushed these people. They are the gang who can't hit anything, because they have absolutely no idea what the target is unless it has a GOP tag on.
Just mind staggering tone deafness.

CNBC used to be halfweay credible...Now they're just fanbois for the DC elite and the Wall Street Banksters.

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