What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which one of his cabinet has any kind of experience running any private entity? Look them up! These are the people guiding Joe. What is happening is not a Joe disaster, his whole team has no experience at anything but government.

LOOK at these people and their resumes from mayor Pete on down. If Joe is honestly in decline, which of these people do you think he should take counsel from? It is PATHETIC, and the Left pushed these people. They are the gang who can't hit anything, because they have absolutely no idea what the target is unless it has a GOP tag on.
None of those assholes has ever had a job in the real world.
My point is that the Trump minions think inflation is 100% controlled by Biden.
We know that is not the case.
I am showing that inflation even happened under one of their favorite Presidents, Reagan.
What you're showing is that you can parrot economically illiterate establishment media blabbering points like a pull string doll.

You don't know your ass from a hot rock.
My point is that the Trump minions think inflation is 100% controlled by Biden.
We know that is not the case.
I am showing that inflation even happened under one of their favorite Presidents, Reagan.
The misery index economy with big inflation was handed to reagan . Reagan's reforms and policies brought inflation back down. Orange man handed the installed one an economy with a 1.3 percent inflation rate. A year and a half later, biden has it cruising above 9 percent and headed for hyperinflation. Tell us what your puppet is doing to reduce inflation? At least jimmeh passed a law allowing homebrewing.

Here's the buffoons answer to the high oil prices. This is all planned.

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The misery index economy with bit inflation was handed to reagan . Reagan's reforms and policies brought inflation back down. Orange man handed the installed one an economy with a 1.3 percent inflation rate. A year and a half later, biden has it cruising above 9 percent and headed for hyperinflation.
Wasn't just Reagan....Volker had the balls to jack the interest rate 5% overnight, in order to quash inflation.
My point is that the Trump minions think inflation is 100% controlled by Biden.
We know that is not the case.
I am showing that inflation even happened under one of their favorite Presidents, Reagan.

And as soon......or almost as soon as he took office, he had the fed raise interest rates, or suggested they do STRONGLY to dry up the money supply.

Why do you think it took the fed so long to do it this time, since they already know the formula which worked here, and other places? You don't think because everybody and their brother knows that within 6 months of taking actions like this, it usually means recession, do you? That would put it happening squarely BEFORE the midterms. And you know what, them delaying it probably isn't going to work, because the hidden tax inflation this high has caused is probably going to show up before we head to the ballot box anyway. The only people they have punished, are the people who are low income, delaying a return to relative normalcy longer then it should be, by their inaction for political reasons.
Wasn't just Reagan....Volker had the balls to jack the interest rate 5% overnight, in order to quash inflation.

Yeah, that's right. I remember that. Now, they don't even have the nads to raise it a half percent. I was reading somewhere that it would take a hike to 10 percent to start sucking the money back. Of course they don't wanna do that because that means a horrid depression. This is what happens when fed creates all their bubbles. Eventually, they all blow up.
How has it caused world inflation?

Explain that?

The Green Deal is an investment in our future. Fossil fuels are our dirty past.
It didn't, however there are still supply chain issues that cause inflation, also other governments gave out more money and when people get money and spend, the prices go up because of demand. We are sixth in the world in inflation Turkey, Russia, Argentina, Brazil and Spain are higher, lower is Italy, Canada, Mexico, and France. China's inflation rate is 2.5% as is Japans. Our rates would have been lower if we hadn't added over $4 trillion to the economy, also,

https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/03/29/summers-biden-economy-inflation/ Even smart Democrats are questioning Biden and his ideas, too bad the lower end Democrats aren't that smart.

And another Obama economist showing why Biden is clueless.

Government spending is one of several factors but it was a big factor when the economy was in a bad spot.

What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!​

One who doesn't put the American people first. One who puts partisan politics over the welfare of the American people.
My point is that the Trump minions think inflation is 100% controlled by Biden.
We know that is not the case.
I am showing that inflation even happened under one of their favorite Presidents, Reagan.

Let me ask you something, Mr economics..............if we go into a recession, if we gave tax cuts to producers so they could LOWER or hold prices at current levels, would that be INFLATIONARY, or ANTI-INFLATIONARY? And who exactly are the producers of goods?

Some of you people can never see the forest through the trees! You whine, moan, and groan, but you just don't get it!
If Trump had won the election, we would have high inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices.

And Putin would be in Kiev.
Putin is irrelevant. Why didn't he invade Ukraine when Trump was in office.

Our current rate of inflation and shrinking economy is result of current US economic policies.
What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden
Inflation never got that high under Reagan, and it went as high as it did because of Carter's policies.
My point is that the Trump minions think inflation is 100% controlled by Biden.
We know that is not the case.
I am showing that inflation even happened under one of their favorite Presidents, Reagan.
It's under the control of the Democrats. Inflation is entirely the result of government policy, and who has been running the government for the last 2 years?
Yeah. Biden "allows" 9.1 percent inflation because he wants a Republican House and Senate.

Yeah, okay. :rolleyes-41:

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