What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oil company profits are huge. They could easily afford to keep prices in check. Nothing Biden has done has caused this inflation. This is 100% the fault of the wealthy.

BTW - You're a liar, a racist and a faggot!


Oil company profits are huge. They could easily afford to keep prices in check.

LOL! What are their profit margins?
In a free capitalist country the President has only very limited power to effect the economy.

Perhaps you should be blaming business owners for raising their prices.
The President can get in the way. The federal government the same depending on their agendas and programs. We can afford to clean the environment we cannot afford to sanitize every square inch like the country is a room with no germs in it.
So, nationalize the oil companies? Sounds good to me!

In a free capitalist country the President has only very limited power to effect the economy.

Perhaps you should be blaming business owners for raising their prices.
Who said we were a "free capitalist country?" The president has a great deal of power to affect the economy. Do you imagine spending $6 trillion doesn't affect the economy?
Two years ago is causing inflation now?

You're right, there is never any lag when government does something.

Wow, and how did our pumping money into our economy cause higher inflation throughout the world?

Did any other country also pump money into their own economy?
Maybe it was the former president’s pushing money into the economy in 2917?

Can you point to another country?
Oil company profits are huge

By what measurement? Talking to economic neophytes like you is so tedious, but I'll try

. They could easily afford to keep prices in check. Nothing Biden has done has caused this inflation. This is 100% the fault of the wealthy.

BTW - You're a liar, a racist and a faggot!


OMG, you really don't understand supply and demand. I'll try this once, but you have to be serious or that's it.

OK, let's say we do your plan. Oil companies decide to lower prices. Everything's good now, right? Let's consider the supply and demand curve. They were in balance before you did that, they always are in free markets. But you artificially lowered prices. OK, so now oil is cheaper, so what happens? If you have taken ECON 101, you know the answer to that is oil shortages.

To be clear, you have two choices, fun or serious. I'll discuss this with you as long as you are serious, but if you chose fun and start insulting me, then you picked fun so don't whine when I stop explaining it to you
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You tards are about as clueless as to how an economy works as it gets.

Stop projecting. It makes you look dumber than you already are.

LOL, typical Democrat. You have no economic or finance knowledge or experience, but you're a total ass about your ignorance to experts. Your doctor loves you for coming in and explaining medicine to him, doesn't he, racist?

g5000 to his mechanic, that's not how you fix a car!!!!

LOL, racist douche
It didn't, however there are still supply chain issues that cause inflation, also other governments gave out more money and when people get money and spend, the prices go up because of demand. We are sixth in the world in inflation Turkey, Russia, Argentina, Brazil and Spain are higher, lower is Italy, Canada, Mexico, and France. China's inflation rate is 2.5% as is Japans. Our rates would have been lower if we hadn't added over $4 trillion to the economy, also,

https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/03/29/summers-biden-economy-inflation/ Even smart Democrats are questioning Biden and his ideas, too bad the lower end Democrats aren't that smart.

And another Obama economist showing why Biden is clueless.

Government spending is one of several factors but it was a big factor when the economy was in a bad spot.
Then how come 75% of the inflation increase happen after the Russia invasion of Ukraine?

Also, why the complete downplaying of the pandemic affect on the world economy?

Could it be that you’re just a partisan hack…
Maybe it was the former president’s pushing money into the economy in 2917?

Thank goodness Biden got in there and started reversing Trump's mistake....oh, right.

Can you point to another country?

That passed stimulus packages?
By what measurement? Talking to economic neophytes like you is so tedious, but I'll try

OMG, you really don't understand supply and demand. I'll try this once, but you have to be serious or that's it.

OK, let's say we do your plan. Oil companies decide to lower money. Everything's good now, right? Let's consider the supply and demand curve. They were in balance before you did that, they always are in free markets. But you artificially lowered prices. OK, so now oil is cheaper, so what happens? If you have taken ECON 101, you know the answer to that is oil shortages.

To be clear, you have two choices, fun or serious. I'll discuss this with you as long as you are serious, but if you chose fun and start insulting me, then you picked fun so don't whine when I stop explaining it to you
The other thing that happens is bankruptcy.
Then how come 75% of the inflation increase happen after the Russia invasion of Ukraine?

Also, why the complete downplaying of the pandemic affect on the world economy?

Could it be that you’re just a partisan hack…

Then how come 75% of the inflation increase happen after the Russia invasion of Ukraine?

75% of 9.1% = 6.8%.

You think inflation was (9.1-6.8) = 2.3% before Putin's invasion? LOL!

In February 2021, the consumer price index was running just 1.7 percent above its level a year earlier. From there, it accelerated — past 2 percent in March, past 4 percent in April and 5 percent in May. By December, consumer prices hit the 7 percent year-over-year barrier. And on and on it went: 7.5 percent in January, 7.9 percent in February. And the increases have topped 8 percent every month since March.


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