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What Kind of State in Israel?

What makes you think "limited nuclear 'eruptions' ( sic) will "drive up"
food prices?----I do not believe that the effect on food prices in the US
would be predictable ----maybe the prices of CANNED CHOUMOUS
will rise-----but it is not a vital component of the average american diet
The reasons I've heard claim the amount of smoke that nuclear explosions produce would greatly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth, thereby reducing the production of food world wide. Naturally, all good Capitalists will seek to profit from that crisis.
Don't worry, Georgie, as the good people in Los Angeles (including the good Capitalists) will see that you don't go hungry. In fact, you probably could get a job working part time in the fields in Ventura County, and the farmers (who also like to make a profit so they must be Capitalists) will let you take home some of what you have helped produce. By the way, Georgie Boy, do some research to find out that the wealthy Muslims in oil-rich countries in the Middle East are buying up farmland. After all, you can't eat oil. Maybe if you tell them that you spent hours castigating Israel and the Jews on the Internet, they too will let you share without you even having to pull up a single carrot for them.
Oil rich Muslims are not the only ones buying prime farmland outside their borders, Hossie.
Since corporate-capitalist agriculture has succeeded in poisoning/polluting much of the most productive land in developed countries, Africa and other parts of the developing world are selling much of their best land to capitalists from China to Chicago. Where do you suppose said capitalists get the idea that anyone should get rich from providing food (or water)?
The reasons I've heard claim the amount of smoke that nuclear explosions produce would greatly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth, thereby reducing the production of food world wide. Naturally, all good Capitalists will seek to profit from that crisis.
Don't worry, Georgie, as the good people in Los Angeles (including the good Capitalists) will see that you don't go hungry. In fact, you probably could get a job working part time in the fields in Ventura County, and the farmers (who also like to make a profit so they must be Capitalists) will let you take home some of what you have helped produce. By the way, Georgie Boy, do some research to find out that the wealthy Muslims in oil-rich countries in the Middle East are buying up farmland. After all, you can't eat oil. Maybe if you tell them that you spent hours castigating Israel and the Jews on the Internet, they too will let you share without you even having to pull up a single carrot for them.
Oil rich Muslims are not the only ones buying prime farmland outside their borders, Hossie.
Since corporate-capitalist agriculture has succeeded in poisoning/polluting much of the most productive land in developed countries, Africa and other parts of the developing world are selling much of their best land to capitalists from China to Chicago. Where do you suppose said capitalists get the idea that anyone should get rich from providing food (or water)?

China's buying up most of Africa's farmland. Herr housefly, your commie friends can feed you now. :D
That'll be fun when the Africans wake up and decide to nationalize foreign interests. I'm looking forward to it.
That'll be fun when the Africans wake up and decide to nationalize foreign interests. I'm looking forward to it.

Even more fun----when the hundreds of thousands of HINDUs
supplying virtual slave labor to the OIL SHEIKS (probably
up to MILLIONs) decide to unite ----and do a gandhiji---
just sit down and refuse to move. According to my kid
who disembarked in some of those countries while in
countries functioning
The reasons I've heard claim the amount of smoke that nuclear explosions produce would greatly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth, thereby reducing the production of food world wide. Naturally, all good Capitalists will seek to profit from that crisis.
Don't worry, Georgie, as the good people in Los Angeles (including the good Capitalists) will see that you don't go hungry. In fact, you probably could get a job working part time in the fields in Ventura County, and the farmers (who also like to make a profit so they must be Capitalists) will let you take home some of what you have helped produce. By the way, Georgie Boy, do some research to find out that the wealthy Muslims in oil-rich countries in the Middle East are buying up farmland. After all, you can't eat oil. Maybe if you tell them that you spent hours castigating Israel and the Jews on the Internet, they too will let you share without you even having to pull up a single carrot for them.
Oil rich Muslims are not the only ones buying prime farmland outside their borders, Hossie.
Since corporate-capitalist agriculture has succeeded in poisoning/polluting much of the most productive land in developed countries, Africa and other parts of the developing world are selling much of their best land to capitalists from China to Chicago. Where do you suppose said capitalists get the idea that anyone should get rich from providing food (or water)?
It certainly looks like Georgie Boy is insinuating that it is the Jews when he states "Where do you suppose said capitalists get the idea that anyone should get rich from providing food (or water)? It sure looks like Georgie Boy has it in for the Jews for some reason or other. Wonder what he thinks they did to him in the Los Angeles area -- raise his rent like other landlords do?? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, speaking of water, since you are supposed to be saving water in your area, I certianly hope that you take just 2 minute showers. I wonder if Georgie Boy's utilities are also subsidized by the good people of Los Angeles. Yeah, those darn people in Los Angeles who actually work hard and pay taxes want to see Georgie Boy comfortable.
You have a real problem responding to arguments without using fallacies.
I suspect some Jews have gotten rich by selling food and water.
So have some Muslims and more than a few Christians.
The fact you never refute a claim without resorting to ad hominem attacks on whoever's making the claim leads me to believe you don't value your own beliefs very highly.
If you even have any.
SUPPLY-----visit a zoo. APES do it too. It is not a conspiracy---
It is HARDWIRED into the primate brain
Maybe you should stop basing your morality on behavior displayed by APES?

"The neocortex (Latin for 'new bark' or 'new rind'), also called the neopallium ('new mantle') and isocortex ('equal rind', is a part of the brain of mammals.

"It is the outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres, and made up of six layers, labelled I to VI (with VI being the innermost and I being the outermost).

"The neocortex is part of the cerebral cortex (along with the archicortex and paleocortex, which are cortical parts of the limbic system). In humans, it is involved in higher functions such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought and language."

Neocortex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe you should stop basing your morality on behavior displayed by APES?

"The neocortex (Latin for 'new bark' or 'new rind'), also called the neopallium ('new mantle') and isocortex ('equal rind', is a part of the brain of mammals.

"It is the outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres, and made up of six layers, labelled I to VI (with VI being the innermost and I being the outermost).

"The neocortex is part of the cerebral cortex (along with the archicortex and paleocortex, which are cortical parts of the limbic system). In humans, it is involved in higher functions such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought and language."

Neocortex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

very good----you can copy and paste------food getting is so basic a behavior THRUOUT
the animal world (in fact also the plant world) ----that actions directed at DOING it
are instinctual-----the mechanisms are ---are already part of the function ---of THE ENTIRE
brain-----even those brains lacking a "neocortex" or even a brain Hint---amebas "eat" (in a sense) but have no neo cortex----they do not even have a DAMNED cerebellum ----or
a ----SUBSTANTIA NIGRA------or -----a ----uhm PUTAMEN

as to the MORAL issue-----the social behavior of APES ----is not entirely AMORAL--
some basic aspects of morality also seem to be hard wired. -----in the sense of 'FOOD'
sharing and----helping the other ape out ----
You have a real problem responding to arguments without using fallacies.
I suspect some Jews have gotten rich by selling food and water.
So have some Muslims and more than a few Christians.
The fact you never refute a claim without resorting to ad hominem attacks on whoever's making the claim leads me to believe you don't value your own beliefs very highly.
If you even have any.
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie?? If you had your way, you would get on a soapbox (hopefully with a huge audience) and tell the listeners that the Jews are responsible for all the ills in the world. Meanwhile, of course, we have seen Georgie Boy on the attack calling veterans "Baby Killers" all the time. Right, Georgie Boy??
I try to apply the universal principle of morality, Hossie.
I don't see any valid reason why it shouldn't also apply to Jews and veterans.
Do you?
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality
I try to apply the universal principle of morality, Hossie.
I don't see any valid reason why it shouldn't also apply to Jews and veterans.
Do you?
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality
IMHO there exists a fairly wide gap between theoretical principles of morality and practical aspects of statecraft as practiced by the US government at the behest of the economic elites that control it. One of many examples:

"The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech[1] on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.[2]

"Historians often consider it as the start of the Cold War, and the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.[3]

"President Harry S Truman told Congress the Doctrine was 'the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.'[4]

"Truman reasoned, because these 'totalitarian regimes' coerced 'free peoples', they represented a threat to international peace and the national security of the United States. Truman made the plea amid the crisis of the Greek Civil War (1946–1949).


Do you detect a belittling or mocking tone in Harry's defense of "free peoples" in Greece and Turkey when US citizens were being lynched in his home state of Missouri?
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I try to apply the universal principle of morality, Hossie.
I don't see any valid reason why it shouldn't also apply to Jews and veterans.
Do you?
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality
IMHO there exists a fairly wide gap between theoretical principles of morality and practical aspects of statecraft as practiced by the US government at the behest of the economic elites that control it. One of many examples:

"The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech[1] on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.[2]

"Historians often consider it as the start of the Cold War, and the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.[3]

"President Harry S Truman told Congress the Doctrine was 'the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.'[4]

"Truman reasoned, because these 'totalitarian regimes' coerced 'free peoples', they represented a threat to international peace and the national security of the United States. Truman made the plea amid the crisis of the Greek Civil War (1946–1949).

Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you detect a belittling or mocking tone in Harry's defense of "free peoples" in Greece and Turkey when US citizens were being lynched in his home state of Missouri?
I think the readers realize that millions of people around the world would love to come to this country and become citizens, a country that Georgie Boy hates fervently and spends his life bashing it. Why he is still here is a mystery. Let's see -- the news said that Ecuador was the best place to retire to. Se habla espanol, Georgie Boy? Meanwhile, we all know that America and its citizens have helped so many unfortunate people around the world, and Georgie Boy is so blind to this as he continues his whining against America. If Georgie Boy had put the same kind of effort when he was younger to learn some kind of trade as he puts in bashing America, perhaps he would be a more satisfied American citizen. I don't buy it that Georgie Boy really cares that much for the unfortunates around the world. He can cut and paste all his wants to from Wikipedia, but I think he uses people as scapegoats to bash this country where life hasn't turned out the way he wanted it to be for him.
Hossfly, georgephillip, et al,

The first axiom we have to understand it that US Foreign Policy is far from perfect. The policy presupposes that globally (wherever you are), what is good for America, what strengthens America, what is in the best interest of US National Security is universally applicable to every other nation.

To advance America’s national security, the President is committed to using all elements of American power, including the strength of America’s values.
SOURCE: Foreign Policy | The White House

American Policy, takes as a Premise, that it is the leader of the free world.

EXCERPTS From: US National Security Strategy - 2010 said:
Our national security strategy is, therefore, focused on renewing American leadership so that we can more effectively advance our interests in the 21st century. We will do so by building upon the sources of our strength at home, while shaping an international order that can meet the challenges of our time. This strategy recognizes the fundamental connection between our national security, our national competitiveness, resilience, and moral example. And it reaffirms America’s commitment to pursue our interests through an international system in which all nations have certain rights and responsibilities.
... ... ...​
A key source of American leadership throughout our history has been enlightened
self-interest. We want a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if other peoples’ children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity. The belief that our own interests are bound to the interests of those beyond our borders will continue to guide our engagement with nations and peoples.
SOURCE: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/national_security_strategy.pdf

We can nail down US Policy. But "morality" is no universal truth, no moral relativism that is accepted across the board by every culture or religion. And US morality is anything but codified in any meaningful way. Whatever you say it is, you will find an exception (if not many) where the US violated the principle cite.

So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality
IMHO there exists a fairly wide gap between theoretical principles of morality and practical aspects of statecraft as practiced by the US government at the behest of the economic elites that control it. One of many examples:

"The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by the U.S. President Harry Truman in a speech[1] on March 12, 1947 stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.[2]

"Historians often consider it as the start of the Cold War, and the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.[3]

"President Harry S Truman told Congress the Doctrine was 'the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.'[4]

"Truman reasoned, because these 'totalitarian regimes' coerced 'free peoples', they represented a threat to international peace and the national security of the United States. Truman made the plea amid the crisis of the Greek Civil War (1946–1949).

Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you detect a belittling or mocking tone in Harry's defense of "free peoples" in Greece and Turkey when US citizens were being lynched in his home state of Missouri?
I think the readers realize that millions of people around the world would love to come to this country and become citizens, a country that Georgie Boy hates fervently and spends his life bashing it. Why he is still here is a mystery. Let's see -- the news said that Ecuador was the best place to retire to. Se habla espanol, Georgie Boy? Meanwhile, we all know that America and its citizens have helped so many unfortunate people around the world, and Georgie Boy is so blind to this as he continues his whining against America. If Georgie Boy had put the same kind of effort when he was younger to learn some kind of trade as he puts in bashing America, perhaps he would be a more satisfied American citizen. I don't buy it that Georgie Boy really cares that much for the unfortunates around the world. He can cut and paste all his wants to from Wikipedia, but I think he uses people as scapegoats to bash this country where life hasn't turned out the way he wanted it to be for him.

Do not mistake critical retrospection for nation bashing. It is through looking at our past that we can understand better what we are today. The fact that we can discuss our weaknesses, makes us a stronger nation. By accepting our mistakes, we improve the potential of making better decisions in the future.

Does the US make mistakes. Absolutely. The US is the most famous nation in the world for polishing the justifications to conceal that fact. But, we (on occasion) learn from our mistakes --- and sometimes not.

Most Respectfully,
I try to apply the universal principle of morality, Hossie.
I don't see any valid reason why it shouldn't also apply to Jews and veterans.
Do you?
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality

Herr housefly, I guess it must be a universal principle of morality to deport the arabs from the WB and Gaza and steal the rest of their land?
I try to apply the universal principle of morality, Hossie.
I don't see any valid reason why it shouldn't also apply to Jews and veterans.
Do you?
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality

Herr housefly, I guess it must be a universal principle of morality to deport the arabs from the WB and Gaza and steal the rest of their land?
Arab land? Them's squatters you're talking about.
So do I and others but you seem to make a mockery of and belittle our principles and morality

Herr housefly, I guess it must be a universal principle of morality to deport the arabs from the WB and Gaza and steal the rest of their land?
Arab land? Them's squatters you're talking about.

Talk like that will get you a very moral Iranian nuke or two. Keep up the good work. I guess the ovens and gas chambers weren't enough for you folks. :D
Herr housefly, I guess it must be a universal principle of morality to deport the arabs from the WB and Gaza and steal the rest of their land?
Arab land? Them's squatters you're talking about.

Talk like that will get you a very moral Iranian nuke or two. Keep up the good work. I guess the ovens and gas chambers weren't enough for you folks. :D
What ovens and gas chambers? There were no ovens or gas chambers. Them were showers and warming stations. What an imagination!
Arab land? Them's squatters you're talking about.

Talk like that will get you a very moral Iranian nuke or two. Keep up the good work. I guess the ovens and gas chambers weren't enough for you folks. :D
What ovens and gas chambers? There were no ovens or gas chambers. Them were showers and warming stations. What an imagination!

I'll remember that you're a holocaust denier. :lol:

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