What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?

why do people have some false sense of security a law will keep someone from doing something?

Another study showed that five out of six gun-possessing felons did not purchase a handgun or otherwise get one through legal means, but instead procured an illegal weapon through the secondary market, or by theft.

let that sink in for a bit. 5 of 6 felons had illegal guns. so will more laws help? common sense (the thing the liberals keep begging for) says to step back and look at the problem, not keep pounding "the nail" so to speak.

it would seem that we don't prosecute fully those who are breaking the law in many instances. maybe we need to look there and at the core cause of said violence instead of putting the entire focus on 1 facet and pretending if you fix that, the rest gets fixed.
No not at all. I think legal gun ownership is right. But when a lunatic has a gun nobody is safe.

So..you couldn't care less if that same lunatic has a bomb.....a truck.....a knife.....a bottle of acid etc?

As long as they don't use a gun, you seem to have no issue with murder.

Also, while only a few lose their lives to those lunatics...millions are spared, defended, protected.

Statistically, the glaring argument is Leftists / Democrats are nearly always the perp and the victim.
Leftists are simply insane.
They create the very policies that result in mass shootings ..........
Then demand that YOU, the innocent, pay the price for the evil and harm their policies cause.
NY gun laws:
Gun laws in New York - Wikipedia
NY has among the strongest gun laws in the US - indeed, NY has ALL the 'common sense' laws - laws, we are told,. will prevent shootings like this.
Obviously, these laws don't work.
What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?
What makes you believe this?
How do these law(s) not violate the constitution?
With his history I can’t believe he was allowed to purchase a firearm.

He had threatened to shoot up his high school and was evaluated…

If background checks don’t stop people like him then what good are they?

Time and time again I read the shooter has basically been waving red flags and even though he attracts attention he is still able to legallly buy a firearm.

Here’s another example. …

And another …

Plus …

Let’s not forget the Florida school shooting …

There are even more example I could post.
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And under that law the medical health doctor has to deem him a danger to society to trigger it. And they did not.
Given the evidence. Someone clearly fucked up. Under the circumstances, the law should require closer scrutiny regards of what the report said.
Wow! Thank you for that thoughtful and comprehensive dissertation on the issue of gun control and mass murders in America! Clearly you have numerous advanced degrees from the finest institutions of higher learn in fields as diverse as Constitutional Law, Criminal Justic, Education, Psychology, and Psychiatry with a specialty in extremism and internet indoctrination. Please continue to share your pearls of wisdom. We can learn so much from you. Thank you for raising the bar on intellectual discourse and civility on the USMB May the Gods and Goddesses bless you always
why do people have some false sense of security a law will keep someone from doing something?

Another study showed that five out of six gun-possessing felons did not purchase a handgun or otherwise get one through legal means, but instead procured an illegal weapon through the secondary market, or by theft.

let that sink in for a bit. 5 of 6 felons had illegal guns. so will more laws help? common sense (the thing the liberals keep begging for) says to step back and look at the problem, not keep pounding "the nail" so to speak.

it would seem that we don't prosecute fully those who are breaking the law in many instances. maybe we need to look there and at the core cause of said violence instead of putting the entire focus on 1 facet and pretending if you fix that, the rest gets fixed.
Yeah murder happens why have laws. We should legalize it it human nature.
Having state gun control laws are useless when you can simply go to another state and get a gun.

You need laws to prevent guys like Tucker Carlson from promoting bullshit like “Replacement theory” and all of the hate speech coming out of right wing media.

It’s time for Americans to be told facts, not hate and lies. Half the country is being mislead and taught to hate by this crap.
You don't live here, so why is it any of your concern?
The problem has been around for years and the Republican have no interest in fixing anything.
I haven't seen a fix proposed that will work.

That guy out in California was 60 years old. He could have bought that gun in the 1980s.

This kid in New York was 18. Subject to every gun law ever proposed by a gun grabber and it did change a damn thing.

150,000,000 gun owners in the United States ... and 86 mass shootings using a magazine larger than 10 rounds in the last 42 years (that's according to gun controllers).

Brother...that's a tribute to freedom and responsibility right there.

It's hard for the human mind to grapple with numbers like that...so...allow me to put that into an mental image.

If a Greyhound Bus hold 70 people...it would take 2,142,857 buses to hold them all...and if those buses requires 50 feet of space on the interstate...that convoy of buses would stretch from Long Beach California to Myrtle Beach South Carolina AND BACK...four times.
With his history I can’t believe he was allowed to purchase a firearm.

He had threatened to shoot up his high school and was evaluated…

If background checks don’t stop people like him then what good are they?

Time and time again I read the shooter has basically been waving red flags and even though he attracts attention he is still able to legallly buy a firearm.

Here’s another example. …

And another …

Plus …

Let’s not forget the Florida school shooting …

There are even more example I could post.
Yeah murder laws don't prevent murders either let's scrap them.

I am beginning to wonder if they are not “beefed up and enforced” so the government can eventually take guns away from honest, sane people.
Murder laws don't stop murder let's just scrap them. It's going to happen why have laws.
Yup nothing to do with this.

Or this
View attachment 645424
or this

No it's this
View attachment 645426

The killer never mentions Tucker in his 180 page Manifesto.

Page 5:

Where did you get your current beliefs? Mostly from the internet. There was little to no influence on my personal beliefs by people I met in person. I read multiple sources of information from all ideologies and decided that my current one is most correct.
If they are proven not to stop mass shootings at the state level...like we said they wouldn't...then there is zero logical reason to pass them nationally.
Agreed. The 2nd will have to be repealed or amended to have any useful effect.
Yeah murder happens even though we got laws. Evidently the murder laws don't work let's scrap them.
Agreed. The 2nd will have to be repealed or amended to have any useful effect.
The thing is legal gun owners might want to stop the illegal guns on the street so they don't have competition but they don't care.

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