What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?

IT DIES NOT MATTER TO victims of racist mass slaughter WHEN licensed or legal carriers are in favor of guns guns and more guns and enough ammo on the streets to overthrow the Castros in Cuba
You are a babbling fool who has now put the goal posts on a dragster instead of just dragging them around willy nilly.

Law abiding gun owners are not the problem, we never have been but since before even the birth of the nation we've repeatedly proven we can be part of the solution.
You are in favor of racist mass shooters being the best ewipped mass shooters in the world.
You are a lying jackass. I'm in favor of not violating the rights of law abiding gun owners guranteed under our constitution.

If you don't like it, start a movement to repeal it with a new amendment.
NY gun laws:
Gun laws in New York - Wikipedia
NY has among the strongest gun laws in the US - indeed, NY has ALL the 'common sense' laws - laws, we are told,. will prevent shootings like this.
Obviously, these laws don't work.
What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?
What makes you believe this?
How do these law(s) not violate the constitution?
The red flag law should have stopped the shooter. The authorities fucked up, bigly.

"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." - Donald J. Trump
Absolutely not, never has been.
  1. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.05. This law does not apply to the possession of a rifle or shotgun (or the appropriate ammunition) by the holder of a hunting license or permit used in accordance with state law. Id. In addition, persons between the ages of 12 and 15 may use and possess firearms (not including assault weapons) at a shooting range if under the “immediate supervision, guidance and instruction” of a military officer, certified instructor, parent, guardian, or otherwise qualified person as provided by statute. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.20(a)(7), (16).
The red flag law should have stopped the shooter. The authorities fucked up, bigly.

"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." - Donald J. Trump
Absolutely not. Nobody's property should be taken without due process first.

If the system had worked properly he would have been forcibly committed and declared incompetent/defective and his firearms, if he had any could have been seized at that point.

Red flag laws ensure that we'll lose our guns over and over and over due to false accusations if due process isn't required first.
  1. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.05. This law does not apply to the possession of a rifle or shotgun (or the appropriate ammunition) by the holder of a hunting license or permit used in accordance with state law. Id. In addition, persons between the ages of 12 and 15 may use and possess firearms (not including assault weapons) at a shooting range if under the “immediate supervision, guidance and instruction” of a military officer, certified instructor, parent, guardian, or otherwise qualified person as provided by statute. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.20(a)(7), (16).
Yes and that is not a requirement if he is supervised by an adult and not hunting.
  1. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.05. This law does not apply to the possession of a rifle or shotgun (or the appropriate ammunition) by the holder of a hunting license or permit used in accordance with state law. Id. In addition, persons between the ages of 12 and 15 may use and possess firearms (not including assault weapons) at a shooting range if under the “immediate supervision, guidance and instruction” of a military officer, certified instructor, parent, guardian, or otherwise qualified person as provided by statute. N.Y. Penal Law § 265.20(a)(7), (16).
265.20 Exemptions
7. Possession, at an indoor or outdoor shooting
range for the purpose of loading and firing,
of a rifle or shotgun, the propelling force of which
is gunpowder by a person under sixteen years of
age but not under twelve, under the immediate
supervision, guidance and instruction of (a) a
duly commissioned officer of the United States
army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast
guard, or of the national guard of the state of
New York; or (b) a duly qualified adult citizen of
the United States who has been granted a certificate
as an instructor in small arms practice issued
by the United States army, navy, air force
or marine corps, or by the adjutant general of
this state, or by the national rifle association of
America, a not-for-profit corporation duly organized
under the laws of this state; or (c) a parent,
guardian, or a person over the age of eighteen
designated in writing by such parent or guardian
who shall have a certificate of qualification in responsible
hunting, including safety, ethics, and
landowner relations-hunter relations, issued or
honored by the department of environmental
conservation; or (d) an agent of the department
of environmental conservation appointed to conduct
courses in responsible hunting practices
pursuant to article eleven of the environmental
conservation law.
The red flag law should have stopped the shooter. The authorities fucked up, bigly.

"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early." - Donald J. Trump
Yes he said it and then corrected his mistake by not pursuing legislation.
Life begins with the completion of the first division. A human zygote just like a human teenager by definition is Human.
A separate viable human life is not developed without the support of a viable human’s body. The woman carrying a fertilized egg has a right to decide what happens inside her body. The scientists can prove the process of potential biological life begins at conception but nothing more than that.,

Now when certain religion is intertwined with a woman the choice to terminate a zygot may not be an option.

The Church teaches, "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end.

AMERICANS HAVE FREEDOM OF AND FROM RELIGION and therefore a woman has a right to privacy regarding pregnancy until such time that she carries a viable human life.

You prove yourself to be a lying racist lunatic post after post.
What lies and what racism are you referring to?
A separate viable human life is not developed without the support of a viable human’s body. The woman carrying a fertilized egg has a right to decide what happens inside her body. The scientists can prove the process of potential biological life begins at conception but nothing more than that.,
There's nothing "potential" about it, by definition it is a new life with the completion of the first division.

Protecting the innocent is what the gov't exists for. If it can't perform that basic function it cannot justify it's own existence.

A Newborn is also fully dependent on care from another. We're not fully developed physically and mentally until we reach 25-28yo in most cases.

Your attempts to justify abortion by dehumanizing the unborn are the same arguments made by your part to justify slavery.

Human reproduction is well understood, if you're unhappy with the process take it up with God, Nature, or The Universe.

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