What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.

I know it was not a problem to do so in the past. In all fairness though, this administration is the most corrupt and inept in history so.......
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history

We know. All those Obama indictments. The worst ever.
Yeah his DOJ did nothing.....and all those emails saying that was intentional......I am right, thank you.....
Since the report clears Trump

See, you eternal moron.........You join the Trump cult when you state "the report clears...."

WHAT FUCKING REPORT?????...................Not the Mueller 22 months report, dimwit.......it is the stooge Barr's synopsis of what Trump hired and told him to "summarize"..........

You morons are beyond on the IQ scale of what Trump called, "the poorly educated [my base]"....

Riiiiiight. Mueller handed in a totally different report than Barr says he did - or didn't hand one in at all! - and he's just sitting quiet while Barr lies about it, because we all know what a shrinking violet Mueller is.

Is that your latest fantasy scenario, Tinfoil Hat?
Some how a 3 page report on hundreds of pages of findings deserves some of the negative response it got? Barr must have agreed with that as he is now going to put out a longer one after all the lash back.

No, he was ALWAYS going to release it, once it has been redacted to the specifications of the law. However much the left wants to pretend their screaming, foot-stomping demands are necessary, they're actually so much smoke and misdirection.
You and nine others couldn't do 40 pages each in one day?

The associated doccuments can come as requested or at a later time.
National Security, Federal laws requiring Grand Jury Testimony, and the rights of individual's privacy rights are important in America.

2 weeks is quite speedy and reasonable.

Not really. It's not like the report wouldnt be itemized, categorized, annotated and otherwise in good order. The GJ and classified stuff is no doubt separated from the rest. Hell I would even offer an already redacted report as well if I were Mueller in the hopes of avoiding political cuntery.
Where has it been reported that Barr WONT let congress have the report? Man, talk about “Bitter clingers”!

Congress wants the FULL and UNREDACTED Mueller report......

Is THAT what Barr is offering?? ............Yes or fucking No?
One last time for the thickheaded.
The law is clear on this.
What certain left wing members of the House want is immaterial.
In fact Pelosi and her minions KNOW the law.
This is them in the middle of political grand standing.
Since the report clears Trump

See, you eternal moron.........You join the Trump cult when you state "the report clears...."

WHAT FUCKING REPORT?????...................Not the Mueller 22 months report, dimwit.......it is the stooge Barr's synopsis of what Trump hired and told him to "summarize"..........

You morons are beyond on the IQ scale of what Trump called, "the poorly educated [my base]"....

Riiiiiight. Mueller handed in a totally different report than Barr says he did - or didn't hand one in at all! - and he's just sitting quiet while Barr lies about it, because we all know what a shrinking violet Mueller is.

Is that your latest fantasy scenario, Tinfoil Hat?

He's just a jackass who can't accept the 2016 election nor the fact that the Mueller report exonerated Trump.

He, like the rest of the lefty loons, are grasping at any straw they can to hold onto their stupid beliefs.

They sure are whinny little shits.
What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Thanks for revealing yourself as the world's biggest moron. He's the AG. He's the only one who has standing. The law specifies that he determines what is done with the report.
If congress subpoenas the report, they will get it.

Congress is going to get it without subpoenas, and they always were, no matter HOW much you want to pretend you have to "fight" for it in order to distract everyone from the fact that you were wrong for two years, you spent ridiculous amounts of taxpayer money being wrong, you still refuse to admit you were wrong, and you're still attempting to demand some sort of respect and standing as legitimate, credible, responsible citizens instead of the lunatic, partisan, mouth-frothing ass napkins you actually are.
Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.

I know it was not a problem to do so in the past. In all fairness though, this administration is the most corrupt and inept in history so.......
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history

We know. All those Obama indictments. The worst ever.
Yeah his DOJ did nothing.....and all those emails saying that was intentional......I am right, thank you.....

Totally. :thup:
No sir. No Q-TARD nonsense from you at all.
Completely righteous.
Not really. It's not like the report wouldnt be itemized, categorized, annotated and otherwise in good order. The GJ and classified stuff is no doubt separated from the rest. Hell I would even offer an already redacted report as well if I were Mueller in the hopes of avoiding political cuntery.
If I'm not mistaken, Mueller is personally working on the redactions.

You can now go back to your CNN/DNC chatboard and find something new to whine about.
With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?

The long standing legal practice of not releasing the details of an investigation when no crime has been committed and nobody is charged with anything.
Not really. It's not like the report wouldnt be itemized, categorized, annotated and otherwise in good order. The GJ and classified stuff is no doubt separated from the rest. Hell I would even offer an already redacted report as well if I were Mueller in the hopes of avoiding political cuntery.
If I'm not mistaken, Mueller is personally working on the redactions.

You can now go back to your CNN/DNC chatboard and find something new to whine about.

The long standing legal practice of not releasing the details of an investigation when no crime has been committed and nobody is charged with anything.
Only in free countries.

NAZIs and other Totalitarians routinely used Government investigations to dig up dirt and inuendo on political opponents that committed no crime.
Yeah... 2 weeks to make legally necessary redactions on a 400 page report of a 2 year investigation that included 100s of witness interviews and 1000s of subpoenaed documents.

YET, you Trump cult members have JUMPED to the "conclusion: that hours after Barr got the Mueller report Trump was FULLY cleared as a new-born baby.....
The long standing legal practice of not releasing the details of an investigation when no crime has been committed and nobody is charged with anything.
Only in free countries.

NAZIs and other Totalitarians routinely used Government investigations to dig up dirt and inuendo on political opponents that committed no crime.

Indeed. Lavrentiy Beria is the Patron Saint of the Church of Perpetual Butthurt.
Yeah... 2 weeks to make legally necessary redactions on a 400 page report of a 2 year investigation that included 100s of witness interviews and 1000s of subpoenaed documents.
YET, you Trump cult members have JUMPED to the "conclusion: that hours after Barr got the Mueller report Trump was FULLY cleared as a new-born baby.....
According to the AG, who decides what to do with the report, he is.
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history

"......And Hannity will be right back after these short commercials.....stay tuned"...............LMAO
Federal laws requiring Grand Jury Testimony, and the rights of individual's privacy rights are important in America.

Yet, Trump cult members forget that Clinton's Grand Jury testimony was almost immediately aired on fucking TV, no less........LOL
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Not to mention that it's crazy to think Mueller would just sit on his thumb, saying nothing, if Barr was out there lying about his report.
Where has it been reported that Barr WONT let congress have the report? Man, talk about “Bitter clingers”!

Congress wants the FULL and UNREDACTED Mueller report......

Is THAT what Barr is offering?? ............Yes or fucking No?
No, he isn't, moron. Who cares what the Dim douchebags in Congress want? They're insisting that Barr violate the law.

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