What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

That actually makes sense because of the source, Nat's goal just seems to be putting out any negative propaganda, truth be damned.

Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.
There's only one reason Mueller did not indict or recommend indictment.
You could not possibly know the reason, without reasding the report. So your claim is not valuable.
Cry me a river...Maybe you could write a letter or start a petition drive
No need...congress will subpoena it...

Lotta good that will do.
Precedent appears to be on the side of congress.

Really? You got a bad memory?
No, and thank you for the useless question.
Why didn't Mueller indict, or recommend indictment, for obstruction?
Part of the point of the report is to answer that question. It sounds to me like you want to see the report, too.
Please look at my question in the context of the post it responded to.
There's only one reason Mueller did not indict or recommend indictment.

Because there is a DOJ policy against doing so. That in no way means Trump is exonerated or that congress couldn't act on the obstruction just as they did with Nixon and Clinton.
Why didn't Mueller indict, or recommend indictment, for obstruction?
Part of the point of the report is to answer that question. It sounds to me like you want to see the report, too.
Please look at my question in the context of the post it responded to.
There's only one reason Mueller did not indict or recommend indictment.

Because there is a DOJ policy against doing so. That in no way means Trump is exonerated or that congress couldn't act on the obstruction just as they did with Nixon and Clinton.
Only one way to prove it's a hoax once and for all.
It's over bro....the report will be release in a few weeks and we get to take another victory lap....you guys love to suffer.....need to get out of that victim mentality....it's not a good look

LOL....sure. :thup:

I hve no doubt the subpoena has been drafted and will go out wed.
Got to protect those sources and methods.......I mean the democrats use that all the time to delay releasing documents.......sorry, safety first!

Nancy Pelosi


.@realDonaldTrump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by releasing Nunes’ unredacted, classified memo. His decision undermines our national security and is a bouquet to his friend Putin.


1:07 PM - Feb 2, 2018

No one has asked for public release of the unredacted report, dope.
So what are they asking for?


You don't even know after all this?
For members of the committee to see the report before its redacted of course.
There's only one reason Mueller did not indict or recommend indictment.
You could not possibly know the reason...
I cannot possibly know Mueller does not have sufficient proof of a crime to indict or recommend indictment?
What does "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime," mean to you?

Why do you think Congress can force the AG to break the law?
Why do you think a judge can force the AG to break the law?
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View attachment 253420
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections. Barr is dragging his feet.
Yeah... 2 weeks to make legally necessary redactions on a 400 page report of a 2 year investigation that included 100s of witness interviews and 1000s of subpoenaed documents.

You and nine others couldn't do 40 pages each in one day?

The associated doccuments can come as requested or at a later time.
Why didn't Mueller indict, or recommend indictment, for obstruction?
Part of the point of the report is to answer that question. It sounds to me like you want to see the report, too.
We all do.......we're not psycho and expect it right now.......you guys are....if it were about democrats you would be using judges to delay it...you guys are sick and power hungry...and wrong
Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.
Collusion Troofers sure getting more desperate by the day.

When more FISA/DOJ abuse facts come out, I hope TDS sufferers get counseling.
View attachment 253420
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections. Barr is dragging his feet.
Yeah... 2 weeks to make legally necessary redactions on a 400 page report of a 2 year investigation that included 100s of witness interviews and 1000s of subpoenaed documents.

You and nine others couldn't do 40 pages each in one day?

The associated doccuments can come as requested or at a later time.
When is the Mueller probe going to be done....we were told, it will be done when it's done

the report will be released when it's released.........now smoke a joint and relax
Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.

I know it was not a problem to do so in the past. In all fairness though, this administration is the most corrupt and inept in history so.......
Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.
Collusion Troofers sure getting more desperate by the day.

When more FISA/DOJ abuse facts come out, I hope TDS sufferers get counseling.
They need to go see someone who specializes in cult deprogramming...these people are sick
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.

I know it was not a problem to do so in the past. In all fairness though, this administration is the most corrupt and inept in history so.......
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history
View attachment 253420
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections. Barr is dragging his feet.
Yeah... 2 weeks to make legally necessary redactions on a 400 page report of a 2 year investigation that included 100s of witness interviews and 1000s of subpoenaed documents.

You and nine others couldn't do 40 pages each in one day?

The associated doccuments can come as requested or at a later time.
When is the Mueller probe going to be done....we were told, it will be done when it's done

the report will be released when it's released.........now smoke a joint and relax

We'll see where we are on wed. I believe Barr will deliver shortly there after. He had to hold out at least until a suboena dropped to keep Daddy happy.
It is really pathetic to see these stupid little Moon Bats with their Trump Derangement Syndrome and their Mueller Denial mental illness. They look like crybaby fools all the time and they don't have a clue why we ridicule them so much for being dumbasses.

Their girl lost. They need to get over it.
He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Do you know what is in the report? If not, you can't say either way with any certainty. Just more crying from the extreme nuts.

I know it was not a problem to do so in the past. In all fairness though, this administration is the most corrupt and inept in history so.......
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history

We know. All those Obama indictments. The worst ever.
You and nine others couldn't do 40 pages each in one day?

The associated doccuments can come as requested or at a later time.
National Security, Federal laws requiring Grand Jury Testimony, and the rights of individual's privacy rights are important in America.

2 weeks, which is over 30 pages a day, is quite speedy and reasonable.
As I agree that exposing grand jury testimonies is a dangerous precedent.....EXCEPT for two related contingencies

First, since no criminal indictment resulted from the gran jury hearings, the "target" should actually feel vindicated and exonerated.

Second, there are several precedent in NON-criminal related grand jury testimonies, for the record to be made public.....Most notable is Bill Clinton's gran jury transcript.

Since we agree exposing grand jury proceedings is setting a (another) dangerous precedent, why add to it, making future exposures more likely?

And yes, of course, in case the grand jury, months later, returns a no true bill, the target should feel vindicated and exonerated. Except, during the intervening months, he's been raked over the coals by the press, lost his job, his wife, his temper and his life, having jumped off a bridge. That is to say, there is a reason why targets, prior even to an indictment, shall not have their names mentioned in relation to an alleged crime - so as to protect their reputation.
It's not just that it souldn't be done. It's illegal.

Well, God forbid we worry about following the law when the Democrats have an axe to grind! Where are your priorities?!

(for the thinking-challenged in the audio - and I DO mean you, leftists - this is sarcasm.)

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