What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Federal laws requiring Grand Jury Testimony, and the rights of individual's privacy rights are important in America.
Yet, Trump cult members forget that Clinton's Grand Jury testimony was almost immediately aired on fucking TV, no less........LOL
You are apparently ignorant of the fact significant portions of the Starr report contained redactions..

I'm sorry you do not like the fact the law forces the AG to remove/redact certain information from the report, but it remains a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Federal laws requiring Grand Jury Testimony, and the rights of individual's privacy rights are important in America.

Yet, Trump cult members forget that Clinton's Grand Jury testimony was almost immediately aired on fucking TV, no less........LOL

I'm sure you think you are making a point, but you're not.
YET, you Trump cult members have JUMPED to the "conclusion: that hours after Barr got the Mueller report Trump was FULLY cleared as a new-born baby.....
The longer you hang on to your Collusion Trooferism the dumber you look.

The fact that there was never-ever a single fact pointing to Russia/Trump collusion over the entire 2 year Witch Hunt should have been a hint that this might happen.

Perhaps some chocolate milk and cookies would make you feel better.
Trump cult members are either hypocritical bastards.....OR dumber than a box of spent matches.....

One......they spew that Trump is COMPLETELY CLEARED.....and then demand that we should wait for Barr to black out what we shouldn't see.....

Two........Barr hands out his little "synopsis".....but could not hand out the Executive Summary that Mueller MUST have included (with redactions for Congress.)

Three.....if anyone really "thinks" that the WH attorneys have not or WILL NOT have a hand in redacting (you know, the old executive privilege?)....then you are officially a Trump cult moron.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

It quoted two sentences from the report of nearly 400 pages.

That is indeed cherrypicking. What is your definition?

I never said he was lying, liar.
One......they spew that Trump is COMPLETELY CLEARED.....and then demand that we should wait for Barr to black out what we shouldn't see.....
That's the law. You may not like it, but there's nothing you can do about it.
Two........Barr hands out his little "synopsis".....but could not hand out the Executive Summary that Mueller MUST have included (with redactions for Congress.
Assumes facts not in evidence, and thus, meaningless.
Three.....if anyone really "thinks" that the WH attorneys have not or WILL NOT have a hand in redacting...
Assumes facts not in evidence, and thus, meaningless.

Let us know when you can post something worth reading.
Neither does a DOJ regulation, dope. The AG has discretion.
The AG is required by law to remove certain information from an IC, or any other, report before it is released.
He has no discretion on this.

Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections. Barr is dragging his feet.

Yes, "no doubt" there's some big conspiracy out there that will FINALLY vindicate your belief that you were robbed of your rightful election win.

Wait, wasn't that your contention for this whole waste of time in the first place? Well, at least you're consistent in your lunacy.
Neither does a DOJ regulation, dope. The AG has discretion.
The AG is required by law to remove certain information from an IC, or any other, report before it is released.
He has no discretion on this.
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections
By "no doubt" you mean "you made this up because ts suits you to do so".

Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

If I can think of doing that, so can Mueller.

Well, except for it's not his job to do, and therefore wouldn't obviate the AG's legal responsibility to go back over the report for those purposes ANYWAY, which would make it a waste of his time.

But aside from that, I'm SURE that what happened is whatever the fuck you need to have happened THIS time in order to validate your conspiracy theories and thus your entire otherwise-worthless existence.
Trump cult members are either hypocritical bastards.....OR dumber than a box of spent matches.....

One......they spew that Trump is COMPLETELY CLEARED.....and then demand that we should wait for Barr to black out what we shouldn't see.....

Two........Barr hands out his little "synopsis".....but could not hand out the Executive Summary that Mueller MUST have included (with redactions for Congress.)

Three.....if anyone really "thinks" that the WH attorneys have not or WILL NOT have a hand in redacting (you know, the old executive privilege?)....then you are officially a Trump cult moron.
You being butthurt by the facts doesn't change the facts.

Mueller had unlimited time, unlimited Government resources, and a pack of Hillary loving Trump haters working for him and still didn't find squat.

That is the definition of "exonerated".

Grow up.
Neither does a DOJ regulation, dope. The AG has discretion.
The AG is required by law to remove certain information from an IC, or any other, report before it is released.
He has no discretion on this.

Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections. Barr is dragging his feet.

Yes, "no doubt" there's some big conspiracy out there that will FINALLY vindicate your belief that you were robbed of your rightful election win.

Wait, wasn't that your contention for this whole waste of time in the first place? Well, at least you're consistent in your lunacy.

No. No big conspiracy. Just slow walking to give time to solidify Trump's narrative of exoneration. Just more of the same political cuntery we've come to expect.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on
Uh.....yeah. For about 399.9999999 more pages or so. Do you imagine those pages are blank?
Neither does a DOJ regulation, dope. The AG has discretion.
The AG is required by law to remove certain information from an IC, or any other, report before it is released.
He has no discretion on this.
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections
By "no doubt" you mean "you made this up because ts suits you to do so".

Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

If I can think of doing that, so can Mueller.

Well, except for it's not his job to do, and therefore wouldn't obviate the AG's legal responsibility to go back over the report for those purposes ANYWAY, which would make it a waste of his time.

But aside from that, I'm SURE that what happened is whatever the fuck you need to have happened THIS time in order to validate your conspiracy theories and thus your entire otherwise-worthless existence.

Whatever. Good luck with all......that.
That actually makes sense because of the source, Nat's goal just seems to be putting out any negative propaganda, truth be damned.

Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.

Certainly glad you found something to be faux-raged about before anything actually happens. Saves so much time.
Neither does a DOJ regulation, dope. The AG has discretion.
The AG is required by law to remove certain information from an IC, or any other, report before it is released.
He has no discretion on this.
Yes and Mueller's report no doubt separated those sections
By "no doubt" you mean "you made this up because ts suits you to do so".

Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.
If I can think of doing that, so can Mueller.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

You realize he's got his crazed conspiracy theories planned out for the next two years at least, right? AND he's already angry and outraged about all of them right now, just to save time.
Yes, "no doubt" there's some big conspiracy out there that will FINALLY vindicate your belief that you were robbed of your rightful election win.

NO, you eternal moron.......NO ONE is saying that we "were robbed of an election".......You dickheads are so damn repetitious (as most cult members tend to be.)

What we are saying is that Trump is an ass-hole who cares ONLY about his ego and his fortune......No wonder he loves the poorly educated.........they are perfect dunces to join his cult.
Since the report clears Trump

See, you eternal moron.........You join the Trump cult when you state "the report clears...."

WHAT FUCKING REPORT?????...................Not the Mueller 22 months report, dimwit.......it is the stooge Barr's synopsis of what Trump hired and told him to "summarize"..........

You morons are beyond on the IQ scale of what Trump called, "the poorly educated [my base]"....
It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that both AG Bar and Rosenstein are lying about what the report says.

And a whole 'nother level of stupid beyond that to believe that Mueller would keep quiet about it.
You realize he's got his crazed conspiracy theories planned out for the next two years at least, right? AND he's already angry and outraged about all of them right now, just to save time.
I wonder if these will help...


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