What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Uh.....yeah. For about 399.9999999 more pages or so. Do you imagine those pages are blank?
In all bullshit...not even close...we already have more corruption from the Obama DOJ than any administration in history

"......And Hannity will be right back after these short commercials.....stay tuned"...............LMAO
And you still haven't answered the questions as to who Muellers boss was for 2 years....you ran like a bitch, I asked in 3 separate posts
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

It quoted two sentences from the report of nearly 400 pages.

That is indeed cherrypicking. What is your definition?

I never said he was lying, liar.
Well that's what summaries are......

the definition of summary

un, plural sum·ma·ries.
a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
brief and comprehensive; concise.
direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
(of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on
Uh.....yeah. For about 399.9999999 more pages or so. Do you imagine those pages are blank?
Well according to Maxine Watters it is 3000-4000 pages.....and we know she is a genius that is never wrong
That actually makes sense because of the source, Nat's goal just seems to be putting out any negative propaganda, truth be damned.

Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.

Certainly glad you found something to be faux-raged about before anything actually happens. Saves so much time.

You're really not very good at this.
Your posts are neither interesting or witty. Mostly just clumsy and irrelevant.

Please try harder if you wish to keep me engaged.
That actually makes sense because of the source, Nat's goal just seems to be putting out any negative propaganda, truth be damned.

Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Aside from the facts that 1) their clearances aren't relevant to this, 2) they have no legal standing to demand to see it unredacted, and 3) the law makes it up to the AG's discretion whether to release it at all.

Oh yeah, and then there's the piddy matter of the law requiring that certain things be redacted, but since when have leftists ever thought that laws and rights mattered more than their own whims?

They can subpoena and demand until their faces turn blue, but I would expect Barr to take legal steps to tell them to go pound sand with their illegal overstepping of their bounds.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on
Uh.....yeah. For about 399.9999999 more pages or so. Do you imagine those pages are blank?
Well according to Maxine Watters it is 3000-4000 pages.....and we know she is a genius that is never wrong

What does this have to do with anything?
Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Aside from the facts that 1) their clearances aren't relevant to this, 2) they have no legal standing to demand to see it unredacted, and 3) the law makes it up to the AG's discretion whether to release it at all.

Oh yeah, and then there's the piddy matter of the law requiring that certain things be redacted, but since when have leftists ever thought that laws and rights mattered more than their own whims?

They can subpoena and demand until their faces turn blue, but I would expect Barr to take legal steps to tell them to go pound sand with their illegal overstepping of their bounds.

Just stop.

Read this

And you still haven't answered the questions as to who Muellers boss was for 2 years.

Mueller's "boss" was Rod Rosenstein.........A republican, who after Sessions' recusal and as deputy AG made the decision on 5/17/2017 to appoint a special counsel.

Trump NEEDED a stooge to pare down the Mueller report.....Sooooo, after Barr wrote a memo stating that the president is and SHOULD ALWAYS above the law........Trump naturally hired him to cover his ass.

Does THAT answer your fucked up question, dickhead???
Last edited:
That actually makes sense because of the source, Nat's goal just seems to be putting out any negative propaganda, truth be damned.

Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.

Certainly glad you found something to be faux-raged about before anything actually happens. Saves so much time.

You're really not very good at this.
Your posts are neither interesting or witty. Mostly just clumsy and irrelevant.

Please try harder if you wish to keep me engaged.

Yet more crazy imaginings based on nothing in order to support your delusion that you're not a loser.

Be engaged or don't exactly as you please. Just know that running away while trying to pretend you're "above" anything other than your own tinfoil hat delusions just proves to everyone that I'm right about you . . . not that anyone needs more proof.
Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

It quoted two sentences from the report of nearly 400 pages.

That is indeed cherrypicking. What is your definition?

I never said he was lying, liar.
Well that's what summaries are......

the definition of summary

un, plural sum·ma·ries.
a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
brief and comprehensive; concise.
direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
(of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.

Goddamn, dude.

Two sentences out of 400 pages can in no way be considered "comprehensive" as your definition requires.

You just proved why it is not a summary.
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on
Uh.....yeah. For about 399.9999999 more pages or so. Do you imagine those pages are blank?
Well according to Maxine Watters it is 3000-4000 pages.....and we know she is a genius that is never wrong

What does this have to do with anything?
Well you said it was 400 pages, she said 4000......I hope it doesn't require anymore explanation...or I've overestimated your intelligence
Yes, "no doubt" there's some big conspiracy out there that will FINALLY vindicate your belief that you were robbed of your rightful election win.

NO, you eternal moron.......NO ONE is saying that we "were robbed of an election".......You dickheads are so damn repetitious (as most cult members tend to be.)

What we are saying is that Trump is an ass-hole who cares ONLY about his ego and his fortune......No wonder he loves the poorly educated.........they are perfect dunces to join his cult.

NO, you eternal moron. What you have been saying for two years is that he won the election by cheating. NOW you're saying, "It's just that he's an asshole! How could you think two years screaming about 'collusion' and 'Russia' meant that we thought his win was illegitimate?!" No wonder you're pissed at him; he loves the poorly educated . . . and you're STILL too ignorant to make the cut.

However big an "asshole" Trump is, you're a bigger one for wasting time and money on getting your way, and then being too big a cowardly dickhead to admit you were wrong.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.
Barr said he'd release the report when he is able to do so.
You have to wait, and no amount of whining will change this.

Sure. Check back with me when the subpoena goes out.

The intel committee has clearances as well.
There's no reason they can't see the full unredacted report.

Aside from the facts that 1) their clearances aren't relevant to this, 2) they have no legal standing to demand to see it unredacted, and 3) the law makes it up to the AG's discretion whether to release it at all.

Oh yeah, and then there's the piddy matter of the law requiring that certain things be redacted, but since when have leftists ever thought that laws and rights mattered more than their own whims?

They can subpoena and demand until their faces turn blue, but I would expect Barr to take legal steps to tell them to go pound sand with their illegal overstepping of their bounds.

Just stop.

Read this


Just stop. Your conspiracy theories are bad enough. I have no need or desire to read the op-ed conspiracy theories you read in order to create them.
I cannot possibly know Mueller does not have sufficient proof of a crime to indict or recommend indictment?
Correct. You cannot. There may be special considerations involved, due to the fact that the subject is the POTUS.

Why do you think Congress can force the AG to break the law?
Because they can extend immunity and exceptions for special considerations. So can judges.
Last edited:
He's very transparent dipshit
he's not holding back anything...Rosenstein signed off on Barr's assessment....it's over, now jump in a lake

Barr quoted two sentences from a nearly 400 page report.

Uh huh. So you figure Mueller went on and on about what a criminal Trump is, and then included two sentences stating that he was cleared for Barr to "cherrypick" out? Is that what you're telling yourself happened to avoid admitting that you've wasted 2 years and tons of money?

And that's leaving alone the fact that Barr's summary included far more than two sentences, and the fact that there's no way Mueller would remain silent if Barr were lying about his report.

It quoted two sentences from the report of nearly 400 pages.

That is indeed cherrypicking. What is your definition?

I never said he was lying, liar.
Well that's what summaries are......

the definition of summary

un, plural sum·ma·ries.
a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
brief and comprehensive; concise.
direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
(of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.

Goddamn, dude.

Two sentences out of 400 pages can in no way be considered "comprehensive" as your definition requires.

You just proved why it is not a summary.

Damn, dude. 4 pages is not "2 sentences". Maybe you should have read the actual summary, instead of just the leftist blog headlines.
Just so you and the other Trump cult members get up to speed (besides what Hannity tells you,) know this:

The best indication of timing on the release of the report, has come from an ANONYMOUS DOJ official, who said the report will be out in “weeks, not months..” Stooge Barr told Lindsay Graham that the report will be released to Congress in April.....without a clear date of when it would be released to the public.
You finally got something right. Barr did not mention a ‘clear’ date. Instead, he said by the 15th. Might be the 14th, 11th, 6th or some other date. So just relax your extremely sore aching ass a few days and when it does come out you’ll be free to come completely unglued over whatever’s there. While we sit back and enjoy the show you clowns will put up over it.

He's dragging his feet. He'll release a report so redacted that it will no doubt be subpoenaed. At which time it will be months before congress gets it. Just as planned.

Certainly glad you found something to be faux-raged about before anything actually happens. Saves so much time.

You're really not very good at this.
Your posts are neither interesting or witty. Mostly just clumsy and irrelevant.

Please try harder if you wish to keep me engaged.

Yet more crazy imaginings based on nothing in order to support your delusion that you're not a loser.

Be engaged or don't exactly as you please. Just know that running away while trying to pretend you're "above" anything other than your own tinfoil hat delusions just proves to everyone that I'm right about you . . . not that anyone needs more proof.

Please. This rambling nonsense is killing me. You are bringing nothing to the discussion. Enough spam. Apply some substance. Please.

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