What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

I knew you couldn't.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact the AG cannot legally change regs on w whim.
It remains a fact, however, and you cannot do anything about it.
The law, see, carries more weight than your ignorance.
Except it's not a law, dope.
I cited the law that governs the changing of federal regulations.
The AG cannot change the regs on a whim.
You choose to remain ignorant.


You posted no law.

Speak to the guy who wrote the special counsel regulation.

Look dumbfuck you are being a fucking tool and a troll. I posted several things including how regulations are made.......I shit on you with facts.....you just believe democrats should get everything they want and should have to follow laws and regulations.....well I have new for you they do, so go fuck your partisan self and you're not getting that report today......so go fucking bitch somewhere else..........you don't control it......you're a fucking leftwing psycho

Read my link, retard.
Explain why you know better than the man who wrote the actual regulation.
I cited the law that governs the changing of federal regulations.
The AG cannot change the regs on a whim.
You choose to remain ignorant.
You posted no law.
This is a lie.
Post 199 cites the law in question.
No one will address my link.
I'm sorry you do not like the fact the AG cannot legally change regs on a whim.
It remains a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.
They can although I think Sessions may have tried to stop that. Look up guidance documents.
Not according to the law, retard.
Oh he can just say poof and a regulation changes....that's new......the guy has been there less than a month, maybe if you didn't stall his confirmation over stupid stuff, he could have gotten that ball rolling.......too bad....rules are rules.......no need to change them now.......keep pimping your conspiracy for a few weeks, before you really start screaming at the sky
Oh he can just say poof and a regulation changes....that's new......
Uhh....yeah. Not new at all.

yep it's so easy and uncomplicated...just what the government is known for....I should really charge you guys for the teaching I do for you.......again....there is this thing called Google, it's free and you find out a lot of things very quickly there......it just takes a brain and the willingness to want to be correct and not be partisan
RegInfo.gov - Reg Map


Another link to the process for rule making.

Speak to the guy who actually wrote the special counsel regulation.

He is releasing it......but there are rules to follow.....Are you this stupid? Just because it's about Trump doesn't mean we ignore all regulations........God you people are blinded by partisan hate......the left is full of commies and Nazis that think they are the only people on Earth with value.....holy shit you people are psychotic

We'll see what ultimately gets released.
Subpoena vote on wednesday.
It shouldn't take that long.
400 pages ÷ 10 people thats only 40 pages each. I could do that in an evening.
I don't give a fuck what you think, you don't think that's the problem........if that was true, we'd have had the FISA report 10 months ago......you lost....your side made up a hoax and they got caught......and now were going to investigate your sides participation of it....and I already know we have way more evidence of that.....so just sit tight......the good part is just getting started
With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?
Pretty simple
28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.
You posted no law.
This is a lie.
Post 199 cites the law in question.
No one will address my link.
I'm sorry you do not like the fact the AG cannot legally change regs on a whim.
It remains a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.
They can although I think Sessions may have tried to stop that. Look up guidance documents.
Not according to the law, retard.
Is that what you found?
Share with us.
I can answer that: YOU don't want it released. You know how stupid the Democrats will look when the full story is known, and YOU want it suppressed. Sorry, you lose.

You should realize that even Barr's subjective synopsis CLEARLY states that Trump is NOT exonerated from the obstruction of justice charges, don't you?
This is a lie.
Post 199 cites the law in question.
No one will address my link.
I'm sorry you do not like the fact the AG cannot legally change regs on a whim.
It remains a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.
They can although I think Sessions may have tried to stop that. Look up guidance documents.
Not according to the law, retard.
Is that what you found?
Share with us.
You clearly have no intention or ability to discus this honestly.
Thank you for making it clear I need waste no more time on you.
Uhh....yeah. Not new at all.

yep it's so easy and uncomplicated...just what the government is known for....I should really charge you guys for the teaching I do for you.......again....there is this thing called Google, it's free and you find out a lot of things very quickly there......it just takes a brain and the willingness to want to be correct and not be partisan
RegInfo.gov - Reg Map


Another link to the process for rule making.

Speak to the guy who actually wrote the special counsel regulation.

He is releasing it......but there are rules to follow.....Are you this stupid? Just because it's about Trump doesn't mean we ignore all regulations........God you people are blinded by partisan hate......the left is full of commies and Nazis that think they are the only people on Earth with value.....holy shit you people are psychotic

We'll see what ultimately gets released.
Subpoena vote on wednesday.
It shouldn't take that long.
400 pages ÷ 10 people thats only 40 pages each. I could do that in an evening.
I don't give a fuck what you think, you don't think that's the problem........if that was true, we'd have had the FISA report 10 months ago......you lost....your side made up a hoax and they got caught......and now were going to investigate your sides participation of it....and I already know we have way more evidence of that.....so just sit tight......the good part is just getting started

Only one way to prove it's a hoax once and for all.
No one will address my link.
I'm sorry you do not like the fact the AG cannot legally change regs on a whim.
It remains a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.
They can although I think Sessions may have tried to stop that. Look up guidance documents.
Not according to the law, retard.
Is that what you found?
Share with us.
You clearly have no intention or ability to discus this honestly.
Thank you for making it clear I need waste no more time on you.

Dod you google guidance documents?

No comment on my link to the regulation author either?

Who's not being honest?
You should realize that even Barr's subjective synopsis CLEARLY states that Trump is NOT exonerated from the obstruction of justice charges, don't you?
Why didn't Mueller indict, or recommend indictment, for obstruction?
The Mule is a subordinate of the AG, nitwit.

AND, eternal moron, is the AG a subordinate of the taxpayers who funded the investigation? YES or NO???
Read the law for yourself.
You and that clay faced Nancy Peolsi with her annoying propensity to lose her place in the middle of a sentence should do your homework and research the law.
It took me a grand total of 15 seconds to find the controlling US Code statute.
yep it's so easy and uncomplicated...just what the government is known for....I should really charge you guys for the teaching I do for you.......again....there is this thing called Google, it's free and you find out a lot of things very quickly there......it just takes a brain and the willingness to want to be correct and not be partisan
RegInfo.gov - Reg Map


Another link to the process for rule making.

Speak to the guy who actually wrote the special counsel regulation.

He is releasing it......but there are rules to follow.....Are you this stupid? Just because it's about Trump doesn't mean we ignore all regulations........God you people are blinded by partisan hate......the left is full of commies and Nazis that think they are the only people on Earth with value.....holy shit you people are psychotic

We'll see what ultimately gets released.
Subpoena vote on wednesday.
It shouldn't take that long.
400 pages ÷ 10 people thats only 40 pages each. I could do that in an evening.
I don't give a fuck what you think, you don't think that's the problem........if that was true, we'd have had the FISA report 10 months ago......you lost....your side made up a hoax and they got caught......and now were going to investigate your sides participation of it....and I already know we have way more evidence of that.....so just sit tight......the good part is just getting started

Only one way to prove it's a hoax once and for all.
It's over bro....the report will be release in a few weeks and we get to take another victory lap....you guys love to suffer.....need to get out of that victim mentality....it's not a good look
Where has it been reported that Barr WONT let congress have the report? Man, talk about “Bitter clingers”!

Congress wants the FULL and UNREDACTED Mueller report......

Is THAT what Barr is offering?? ............Yes or fucking No?
Mr. Barr is required only to provide lawmakers with very basic facts. He would be operating within the guidelines of the regulation if he were to give Congress a bare-bones notification that Mr. Mueller had concluded his work.

Will the Mueller Report Be Made Public? Answers to 6 Key Questions

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.


See above post.

Your link says "can and should" release.

The law (as I posted the link) says "AG doesn't have to release"
If he doesn't release it, the Congress will simply start up their own investigations into the matter and drag it on for another 2 years.

But since there's no reason to think he won't release it, your "if" is nothing more than an attempt to find something to be butt-chapped about pre-emptively.
Not at all. You should learn the meaning of the word "if."

I didn't misstate the meaning of "if" in any way. You just don't like that I nailed your motives for dwelling on it.
Bottom line is this......

As of TODAY, there is NO Muller report......

What we DO have is the somewhat slanted and subjective synopsis of Mueller's "report" from someone who Trump hired precisely to cover his fat behind.

Barr has basically sacrificed his reputation and soul fpr a few weeks in the limelight.

Bottom line is this: there IS a Mueller Report, and you're just ass-chapped because it didn't say what you wanted it to say. Rather than admitting that you've been making fool of yourself all this time with your egregious obsession, you're looking for something ELSE to be "outraged" over in the hopes that you won't get called on your lack of admission that you were wrong.

When Barr actually SAYS he won't release it, THEN you can get your panties all in a wad about him refusing to release it. Until then, you're just a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?
There is already a thread covering this. Nadler just demanded Barr release the entire un-redacted report...despite the fact that he KNOWS there are existing laws that dictate what can and can not be released.

In that other thread it has a link that explains everything you want to know, that you just asked about.

Oh, and none of the laws covering this can be altered by the President. He has already told Barr and the GOP to release everything they legally can, which Barr is doing.

Just like Nadler, you are engaging in political theatrics, attempting to fan the flames of fake news BS and false narrative that Barr / Trump is trying to hide anything when you know - or at least Nadler knows - that is not the case.
Where has it been reported that Barr WONT let congress have the report? Man, talk about “Bitter clingers”!

Congress wants the FULL and UNREDACTED Mueller report......

Is THAT what Barr is offering?? ............Yes or fucking No?
Everyone with a security clearance will be able to see the full report, jackass.

Clean the shit out of your britches.

Another link to the process for rule making.

Speak to the guy who actually wrote the special counsel regulation.

He is releasing it......but there are rules to follow.....Are you this stupid? Just because it's about Trump doesn't mean we ignore all regulations........God you people are blinded by partisan hate......the left is full of commies and Nazis that think they are the only people on Earth with value.....holy shit you people are psychotic

We'll see what ultimately gets released.
Subpoena vote on wednesday.
It shouldn't take that long.
400 pages ÷ 10 people thats only 40 pages each. I could do that in an evening.
I don't give a fuck what you think, you don't think that's the problem........if that was true, we'd have had the FISA report 10 months ago......you lost....your side made up a hoax and they got caught......and now were going to investigate your sides participation of it....and I already know we have way more evidence of that.....so just sit tight......the good part is just getting started

Only one way to prove it's a hoax once and for all.
It's over bro....the report will be release in a few weeks and we get to take another victory lap....you guys love to suffer.....need to get out of that victim mentality....it's not a good look

LOL....sure. :thup:

I have no doubt the subpoena has been drafted and will go out wed.

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