What liberals really think about black folks

So many of the Trumpanzis are white racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, etc.
So many of the Trumpanzis are white racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, etc.
at least they are not black
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77 people--since 1995.....-blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
BLM black nationalists want to KILL white people/etc
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

obviously the black nationalists/blacks are worse than the white nationalists/supremacists
I know what Trump supporters think of them...95% of white nationalist are trumpers! That is a fact.

They think they're a bunch of inferior savages

That is not a fact. That was just a smear by you.

Calling make up numbers facts, is the type of thing that leads to bad results in science.

Actually, in everything.
I know what Trump supporters think of them...95% of white nationalist are trumpers! That is a fact.

They think they're a bunch of inferior savages

God, did you watch the video? I was embarrassed for those people like you.
"Milo". :rolleyes:

'Nuff said.

Yes, he has certainly established his credentials as a Free Speech advocate.

So many of the Trumpanzis are white racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, etc.
Being white and proud to be American doesn’t make one a racist.
But that is not what you are. You are proud of being a white racist.
and you are proud of being a black racist
One, there are far fewer black nationalists than white racist savages. Two, refer to one. Three, in America, the white nationalists will always lose politically and culturally.
So many of the Trumpanzis are white racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, etc.
Being white and proud to be American doesn’t make one a racist.
But that is not what you are. You are proud of being a white racist.
and you are proud of being a black racist
One, there are far fewer black nationalists than white racist savages. Two, refer to one.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita --at TWICE the rate of whites!!..do you realize what this means?...more of the black population are haters/racists/ etc than the white population, per capita.....

white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people--since 1995!
blacks murdered 500 whites in 2015 alone
blacks about 13% of the total population..whites about 67%!!!!!!!!!!!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

even Obama was a racist
1.attended Rev Wright's sermons for years
2. he said he needed to be married to a black woman to become POTUS

Top 21 African American Professional Associations
black associations / groups - Google Search

28 Organizations That Empower Black Communities
28 Organizations That Empower Black Communities | HuffPost
look at the section this came from:: BLACK Voices

African-American Organizations to Know
African-American Organizations to Know

the list is endless
So many of the Trumpanzis are white racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, etc.
Being white and proud to be American doesn’t make one a racist.
But that is not what you are. You are proud of being a white racist.
You always take the easy low road.
I call a white racist what he is.
Projection is your life.
Here is a short video. This personifies the liberals like nothing anyone else could ever say. The are always so sure but always so wrong. I am sure they say this stuff and really believe they are open minded.


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