What made United States great ?

Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say
We know it wasn't racism. That means it wasn't conservatives.
I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
I'm not saying the south could NEVER have become part of what made america great, but without slavery it would have taken another hundred years before the rise of industrialization making resources like oil an economic driver.

Early American settlers had a vision, they would have executed their vision with or without blacks and slavery. Anybody sane can admit that. Again, Microsoft was born from a Bill Gates vision...Microsoft was going to be great regardless of who stood on the assembly line and cleaned toilets.
What made us great

Abundant national resources
Check between the power of capitalism and the rights of the people
All men are created equal
Only surviving economy afterWWII

  • Russia has abundant natural resources, dumbass.
  • Capitalism is the check on government that protects the rights of the people.
  • There's no evidence that immigration contributed to the improvement in our standard of living
  • "All men are created equal" is a slogan, not reality.
  • Our economy was the largest in the world before WW II, dumbass.
Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say

What made it great was WWII and how the US bound together to build this nation.

Now the far left is doing all they can to dismantle everything that help build this country, even though it was the god FDR that helped build it.
Enormous natural riches.
Extraordinary historical opportunities.
Unbelievable amounts of what can only be called luck.
Some intelligent people who had learned the lessons of history (unfortunately, this was not sufficiently passed on).
What they learned is that you don't allow government to grow to the point where it controls everything.
It’s nice to hear you taking such great pride in slavery and what slavery accomplished.
I take no pride in it. Just like we were made great by taking the country away from the rightful owners, and used it for our own gain.

The Kennedys became great by bootlegging. So im' proud of America being great, but not of how it got there.
It’s nice to hear you taking such great pride in slavery and what slavery accomplished.
I take no pride in it. Just like we were made great by taking the country away from the rightful owners, and used it for our own gain.

The Kennedys became great by bootlegging. So im' proud of America being great, but not of how it got there.

When are you turning over your property to the victimized native American you stole it from?
Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say

What made it great was WWII and how the US bound together to build this nation.

Now the far left is doing all they can to dismantle everything that help build this country, even though it was the god FDR that helped build it.
I disagree. FDR and WW II didn't not make America great.
Early American settlers had a vision, they would have executed their vision with or without blacks and slavery. .

Early settlers failed miserably. They didn't have the ability to survive without the help of the native americans they would later steal the land of. They were religious idealists who thought GOD would help them survive, only to find it took more than faith to put food on the table.

They later learned the easiest way to economic prosperity was with free slave labor, and taking land from it's rightful owners.
That was forced on our currency during the Red Scare in the 50s

Founders had nothing to do with it

Wrong! Y U lie?

In God We Trust - Wikipedia

"In God We Trust" is the official motto of theUnited States of America and of the U.S. state ofFlorida. It was adopted as the nation's motto in 1956 as a replacement or alternative to the unofficial motto of E pluribus unum, which was adopted when the Great Seal of the United Stateswas created and adopted in 1782.

"In God We Trust" first appeared on the two-cent piece in 1864[3] and has appeared on paper currency since 1957. A law passed in a Joint Resolution by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84-140) and approved by President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, declared "In God We Trust" must appear on American currency. This phrase was first used on paper money in 1957, when it appeared on the one-dollar silver certificate. The first paper currency bearing the phrase entered circulation on October 1, 1957.[3] The 84th Congress later passed legislation (P.L. 84-851), also signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, declaring the phrase to be the national motto

Yeah, you and Wikipedia can go jump in a lake, because I know reality. A picture is worth 1000 words. PS: You're a liar. Whatever you post is a lie, because you're a liar.

What made United States great ?
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Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say
Immigration and immigrants.
Farmers and other workers made America great out of what they found in nature. Capitalism was used to accumulate money in the hands of a few.
Let me make some people piss their pants with some bold truth.
What made America great?”
No presence of “Brown” people

Actually the presence of brown people is what made america great. Without slavery, the south wouldn't have become a world agricultural market leader, making America an exporter to the world, which propelled america into economic greatness.

Smart people make shit happen using whatever resources they have access to....had they not had access to black slaves they still would have built the AG industry the same.
Bill Gates would have built Microsoft with the people he used or with other people he would have used. TA-DA!
. A fair statement, and also true, but with the AG industry back in those days it would have taken so much longer to happen. American, Immigrant, and slave labor provided very significant contributions to this nations strength, wealth and success to this very day. It's undeniable.
Farmers and other workers made America great out of what they found in nature. Capitalism was used to accumulate money in the hands of a few.

Oh! The surplus labor, comrade, it enrages me!


You ever worked on "Hay Day"? I hate Hay Day. Red ants yur mammy.
The authors of the Constitution were brilliant.
It has prevented America from becoming a dictatorship.
It's why the dumb Left Wingers hate it so much.
Obama's abuse of power was a huge blow against our democracy.
Trump is trying to drain the swamp and the dirty swamp critters are apoplectic.
Farmers and other workers made America great out of what they found in nature. Capitalism was used to accumulate money in the hands of a few.
Yes, the few who had of course capitalized on their resources, and off their intelligence whether questionable or not in practice there of.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
God my ass...if you follow God you'll be more compassionate towards the poor, the immigrants and the refugees and less racist and more accepting. The so called liberals who don't use God to get to their goals have all of that...and I say this and I believe in God words and message. You guys so called conservatives in the US are the biggest hypocrites on the face of earth.
It’s nice to hear you taking such great pride in slavery and what slavery accomplished.
I take no pride in it. Just like we were made great by taking the country away from the rightful owners, and used it for our own gain.

The Kennedys became great by bootlegging. So im' proud of America being great, but not of how it got there.

Nobody “owned” land. There were no deeds issued. Being born on X piece of soil never granted one ownership of said soil. Bigger stronger Armies “owned” whatever they wanted...that’s how it worked back then. You know this.

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