What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

The left demonizes anything that gets in their way. Anything that interferes with their trampling of individual rights, anything that points out the similarities between their ideology and the truly brutal and repugnant tyrannies that share the same ideology are demonized.

Lol..as I knew, you had absolutely nothing. Except your contention that a difference of opinion = lying.

Another extremist who doesn't know the definition of the words they like to use...words like "truth" "lie" "opinion" "fact" "debate" "proof".

A "Difference of opinion" is when you and I believe that there are two different results from the same set of conditions.

Like when you state that it would be good for the nation if there were less government regulation, and I state the opposite.

That is a difference of opinion.

The statement you just made, that every single person of a liberal bent spends their life trying to trample other people's individual rights, and demonize anyone that gets in their way, is specifically, a lie, and a slander.

Therefore, you lied. You are a liar. Deal with it.

Either that, or you are a sociopath, and I do not believe that to be the case.

You don't hear me making stupid-assed statements like "All Conservatives are evil fascists that want to destroy America".

You know why? Because I know the difference between "a difference of opinion", and sociopathic conspiracy theories.

You, however, either don't know the difference, or you are intentionally lying, with the specific intention of "demonizing" your political opponents.

And then you turn around and call me an extremist. LOL. That's rich! :clap2:

that every single person of a liberal bent spends their life trying to trample other people's individual rights, and demonize anyone that gets in their way,
That is 100% true. Of many liberals. Not all. Many. Or better described.."the most vocal" on the left of the political spectrum.
I will take this one step further. Far right wing people are 100% guilty of the same.
All of those things are true.

Thank you for illustrating why it's frustrating to argue with liberals. We couldn't have done it without you.

Yes, you're right, I did in fact illustrate perfectly why it's so difficult for YOU to argue with liberals.

It's because every time you sit down to talk with them, every other word out of your mouth is another derogatory term or phrase.

Why the hell would any of them want to talk to a vile, venom-spitting, nasty, harpy like yourself?

You want to know why it's so hard for you to talk to liberals? Here's how to find out:

Get a tape recorder.
Put it in front of your mouth.
Turn it on.
Speak for about an hour or two.
Play back what you said.

That should tell you all you need to know.

And you folks are as pure as the wind driven snow...
He's just pissed because he got busted...lying about my lying.

Still hasn't been able to find one example of it.
Its not hard to ARGUE if you're a partisan.

Its hard to DISCUSS if you're a partisan.

The point of an argument is either to win the argument or insult your opponent.

The point of a discussion is to come away from the discussion having learned something from your fellow discussers, or having tught something to them.

The point of an intellectual debate or discussion is to arrive closer to a TRUTH.
Yes, I find it difficult to argue with people who dont' know the meanings of the words they use, who change meanings as it suits them, and who lie blatantly about established facts...while completely ignoring the facts themselves.

And that is the point of the thread. As I said, you are thoughtful to present such an accurate picture of what makes you irritating.

I see, having no response to the things that I posted, which are completely accurate, you fall back to repeating yourself over and over.

OK, I think I've proved my point here. On to other threads.

As predicted, the lying lefty beats a fast retreat after failing to provide the most nominal evidence that I've ever lied.

You are the biggest loser.
Its not hard to ARGUE if you're a partisan.

Its hard to DISCUSS if you're a partisan.

The point of an argument is either to win the argument or insult your opponent.

The point of a discussion is to come away from the discussion having learned something from your fellow discussers, or having tught something to them.

The point of an intellectual debate or discussion is to arrive closer to a TRUTH.

I see very few intellectual debates or discussions where progressives are concerned. The point of THEIR dialogue is to propagandize, lie, and obfuscate.

They have no interest in, and appear incapable of recognizing, the truth.
Its not hard to ARGUE if you're a partisan.

Its hard to DISCUSS if you're a partisan.

The point of an argument is either to win the argument or insult your opponent.

The point of a discussion is to come away from the discussion having learned something from your fellow discussers, or having tught something to them.

The point of an intellectual debate or discussion is to arrive closer to a TRUTH.

What is there to learn from liberal turds? The point of participating in this forum is to defeat the left, not "discuss" their moronic ideas.
Arguing with liberals is futile because they fall into 3 groups:

1) Stupid
2) Evil
3) Stupid and Evil

So when you argue with one, you end up dealing someone that is too stupid to understand facts and reality or they are so evil that they don't care about the triuth.
Its going to be very hard to cast a vote at all considering I will have to vote for millionaires or billionaires none of whom have worked hard to earn their money. How can they relate to those who have to work for theirs and barely make ends meet? When is the electorate going to wake up?


"Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work" my uncle
Arguing with liberals is futile because they fall into 3 groups:

1) Stupid
2) Evil
3) Stupid and Evil

So when you argue with one, you end up dealing someone that is too stupid to understand facts and reality or they are so evil that they don't care about the triuth.

You left out the 4th:

4) psychotic stupid and evil.
One party wants no compromise in wanting everything handed to them.

The other party wants to ensure that workers are not able to have any shot at a higher quality of life.

Where is the sanity?
Yes, some end up crazy after being evil for so many years.....then they end up posting here on the internet defending all kinds of shit.

Arguing with liberals is futile because they fall into 3 groups:

1) Stupid
2) Evil
3) Stupid and Evil

So when you argue with one, you end up dealing someone that is too stupid to understand facts and reality or they are so evil that they don't care about the triuth.

You left out the 4th:

4) psychotic stupid and evil.
Its not hard to ARGUE if you're a partisan.

Its hard to DISCUSS if you're a partisan.

The point of an argument is either to win the argument or insult your opponent.

The point of a discussion is to come away from the discussion having learned something from your fellow discussers, or having tught something to them.

The point of an intellectual debate or discussion is to arrive closer to a TRUTH.
The only intellect involved in leftist "thinking" (for lack of a better term) is to find new ways to frame their vainglorious Utopian authoritarianism as superior, and cynically disparage all who oppose it as stupid, selfish, racist, sexist, homophobic throwbacks to the stone age.

The only thing they seem willing to teach is how morally and intellectually deficient you are, if you question their reputed outcomes and point out all the (ostensibly) deleterious unintended consequences that their central controller mindset brings about.
Uh, Romney built his wealth through his own hard work, he actually donated his father's inheritance to charity.....

Its going to be very hard to cast a vote at all considering I will have to vote for millionaires or billionaires none of whom have worked hard to earn their money. How can they relate to those who have to work for theirs and barely make ends meet? When is the electorate going to wake up?


"Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work" my uncle
Yes I'm sure through sweat and hard work he made his billions. He lost me when he offered a $10,000 gentlemen's bet. Who can do that?
You're just a jealous piece of shit. You don't like others that have more stuff than you, you make up excuses for your failures in life and then demand the Govt make it better by stealing from those people.

You're pathetic.

Yes I'm sure through sweat and hard work he made his billions. He lost me when he offered a $10,000 gentlemen's bet. Who can do that?
Thats why I cant vote for him. I will simply sit out the election unless Santorum wins the nomination. Yes I do look at ones wealth and do consider that before voting.

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