What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

Thats why I cant vote for him. I will simply sit out the election unless Santorum wins the nomination. Yes I do look at ones wealth and do consider that before voting.
Vote your conscience to be sure...but remember this IF the O is immacculated again.
Its not hard to ARGUE if you're a partisan.

Its hard to DISCUSS if you're a partisan.

The point of an argument is either to win the argument or insult your opponent.

The point of a discussion is to come away from the discussion having learned something from your fellow discussers, or having tught something to them.

The point of an intellectual debate or discussion is to arrive closer to a TRUTH.

No the point of all contentious discussion is to make one's point by using facts to defeat the other person's debate.
Liberals by and large will take a debate/argument/discussion and drag into the gutter.
It's no about truth. It is about the facts.
Except in court. Trials are not about the facts. Trials are about the attorneys trying to convince 12 citizens to believe their argument. Part of that is to use words and evidence to discredit witnesses.
That is the method I use in debate. I will present facts that discredit my opponent's point of view. Debates/arguments are adversarial in nature.
I'm not calling for the govt to give me anything. Heck I've run my own business for that last 23 years. Now I'm retiring and handing it over to my son. That's all you've got, name calling. Typical.
One party wants no compromise in wanting everything handed to them.

The other party wants to ensure that workers are not able to have any shot at a higher quality of life.

Where is the sanity?

Oh please.
Which party want workers essentially "kept down"?
This oughta be good.
"Vote your conscience to be sure...but remember this IF the O is immacculated again. "

Oh I see your point. But in my eyes, regardless of who wins, not all that much changes. I'm too old to compromise my principles. If Romney wins, will more jobs be created? Maybe, but again, from my point of view, how many of those jobs will be higher paying with good benefits? I dont consider minimum wage jobs as an actual "job"
Ahhhh Sanford and Son.

You are just mad your junkyard didn't make you millions like Romney's businesses, so the Gubermint needs to take more from him and trickle down some of that cash to you.

I'm not calling for the govt to give me anything. Heck I've run my own business for that last 23 years. Now I'm retiring and handing it over to my son. That's all you've got, name calling. Typical.
The party that is in love with big business of course. If you cant see the downward spiral of the middle class since the early 80's then frankly you are blind. This is not even arguable.
"You are just mad your junkyard didn't make you millions like Romney's businesses, so the Gubermint needs to take more from him and trickle down some of that cash to you."

Nope. Not made at all. Happy as can be. Trickle down is a joke.
You mean like the way anyone receiving public assistance is a welfare cheat and all union workers are lazy, overpaid slobs?
Conservatives seem to think one must be a conservative or a liberal; many Americans are MODERATE. Thus the term SWING state. Though I was quickly labeled LIBERAL on this board, I voted for McCain 2008, and would like an acceptable alternative to Obama. Conservatives have gone so far to the right, they would call Mussolini a liberal.
"Vote your conscience to be sure...but remember this IF the O is immacculated again. "

Oh I see your point. But in my eyes, regardless of who wins, not all that much changes. I'm too old to compromise my principles. If Romney wins, will more jobs be created? Maybe, but again, from my point of view, how many of those jobs will be higher paying with good benefits? I dont consider minimum wage jobs as an actual "job"

Let me get this straight: You think Obama is creating good paying jobs?
"You are just mad your junkyard didn't make you millions like Romney's businesses, so the Gubermint needs to take more from him and trickle down some of that cash to you."

Nope. Not made at all. Happy as can be. Trickle down is a joke.
Beats the hell out of Boiking's trickled on socialism.
You sound like one of those anti worker people. I consider my workers more like family than most and it is in my best interests to make a little less profit so I can pay them a little more because their work quality is good. Some businesses see it the other way around. They run by a poor business model.
Ahhhh Sanford and Son.

You are just mad your junkyard didn't make you millions like Romney's businesses, so the Gubermint needs to take more from him and trickle down some of that cash to you.

I'm not calling for the govt to give me anything. Heck I've run my own business for that last 23 years. Now I'm retiring and handing it over to my son. That's all you've got, name calling. Typical.
You do not drive on Interstate highways, use the NWS or believe our military protects the US?
You mean like the way anyone receiving public assistance is a welfare cheat and all union workers are lazy, overpaid slobs?
Conservatives seem to think one must be a conservative or a liberal; many Americans are MODERATE. Thus the term SWING state. Though I was quickly labeled LIBERAL on this board, I voted for McCain 2008, and would like an acceptable alternative to Obama. Conservatives have gone so far to the right, they would call Mussolini a liberal.

It is indeed considered absolutely RADICAL RIGHT WING stuff to think we ought to be bound by the Constitution.

No I didnt say Obama was creating good paying jobs. I said no matter who wins, it isnt going to change all that much.
"Vote your conscience to be sure...but remember this IF the O is immacculated again. "

Oh I see your point. But in my eyes, regardless of who wins, not all that much changes. I'm too old to compromise my principles. If Romney wins, will more jobs be created? Maybe, but again, from my point of view, how many of those jobs will be higher paying with good benefits? I dont consider minimum wage jobs as an actual "job"

A GOP run Government will allow free but not fair trade to continue.

The Democrats, because they answer to labor, are bringing jobs back home, or at least trying to. And because they answer to labor, they are the party for higher wages,not lower. We all know Republicans think everyone but them makes too much.

Just remember, Republicans want us all to make less. Government employees, auto workers, right to work states, breaking unions, hiring illegals for jobs Americans won't do, outsourcing, sending jobs overseas, etc.

But no, not much will change. Not with the GOP's tactic of record breaking number of filabusters. Thanks Mitch McConnell. And funny the liberal media doesn't ever talk about this. Most people don't even realize how bad the GOP have acted since Obama took office. I don't know if it is racist though because they didn't treat Clinton much better.

Like Obama, he had to triangulate with the GOP to get anything done. But man did he go along with way too much. Deregulations, nafta, etc.

And because of this triangulation and because money/corporations own our politics, I actually agree with you.

But there is a huge difference between voting GOP and Dem. Two completely different directions. Go back to the Bush way or keep moving forward.
No I didnt say Obama was creating good paying jobs. I said no matter who wins, it isnt going to change all that much.

Think about GOP logic/reasoning.

Manufacturing jobs left at $35 hr and they applauded saying factory workers were being paid too much to push a broom. They attacked labor/unions as they sent those jobs overseas.

Now those jobs are coming back at $10 hr. So their attack on labor worked!

But now they want to point to those wages and blame Obama because the jobs aren't good paying jobs.

Don't forget. If you are in the GOP, you don't want high paying jobs. If Obama is only adding low paying jobs, you should support him because that's what you want too.
I think what is happening is the middle class workers are starting to figure out that they are slowly but surely losing ground due to a concerted effort to keep them down. ANd I do not attribute this to only one party. Those with all the money and power want even more of it. As I have said there are those who do not believe class warfare should have a place in this nation. Too late, its only just begun.
I think what is happening is the middle class workers are starting to figure out that they are slowly but surely losing ground due to a concerted effort to keep them down. ANd I do not attribute this to only one party. Those with all the money and power want even more of it. As I have said there are those who do not believe class warfare should have a place in this nation. Too late, its only just begun.

concerted effort to "keep them down."


The utterly meaningless trite rhetoric just never ends.
I think what is happening is the middle class workers are starting to figure out that they are slowly but surely losing ground due to a concerted effort to keep them down. ANd I do not attribute this to only one party. Those with all the money and power want even more of it. As I have said there are those who do not believe class warfare should have a place in this nation. Too late, its only just begun.

Its been going on for a long time. Today is 1948 all over again. The robber barons have never stopped waging class warfare on us since we first won the civil war. We got the New Deal back with FDR and they have never stopped trying to repeal it. We got unions and they have been trying to break them ever since. They have just been more aggressive in their push the last 20 years.

The only times I find the Democrats are working against the middle class is when they either go along with the Republicans or when they act like Republicans and get in bed with the lobbyists. We need campaign finance reform and we need to overturn citizens united.

Sure the Dems take money from lobbyists too, but it has to be clear to everyone by now that the GOP are not the party for the middle class. Not even close. Just ask labor/unions. Who else but them represents the middle class?

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