What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

"Legal" is usually a pretty clear-cut concept. "Morality", on the other hand, is open to debate.

Is the morality of slavery and gassing Jews open to debate? Anyone who claims moral issues aren't relevant to the proper role of government is simply an imbecile.

Not at all. But there are some who would debate the morality of both those issues. You and I might view slavery and gassing anyone (including Jews) as being immoral. But we would also view taking one person's money to pay another as immoral. Are any/all of those activities legal?
What does legality have to do with morality?

It's another conversation...one I've had with my daughter. There are differences between what is 'legal', what is 'moral', and what is 'ethical'. It's definitely a discussion for another thread.

For now, "legal" and "moral" are not always equal.
What does legality have to do with morality?
Being legal doesn't necessarily mean that it is moral...but that is for the individual to decide for themselves without the state imposing it. :doubt:
What does legality have to do with morality?

It's another conversation...one I've had with my daughter. There are differences between what is 'legal', what is 'moral', and what is 'ethical'. It's definitely a discussion for another thread.

For now, "legal" and "moral" are not always equal.

Ethics and morals share the same plain of existence do they not?
When have conservatives ever run the government?

Your argument in support of big government is that it cutting it down to size has never been tried. That's a truly stupid argument.

What about conservative icon Ron Reagan?

How did he do at limiting government and reducing debt?

Did he control the entire government? I seem to recall the Dems having a majority in the House, and towards the end of his term they also controlled the Senate.

For two years now all you DimoRAT turds have been blubbering that Obama can't do anything because the Republicans control the House.

All the spending...all the expansion of government was at Reagans request

Conservatives in action

Triple the debt
I personally believe that ethics are defined as what a society will tolerate, while morals are a more personal issue. Legality has far less to do with either ethics or morals, but legality is, well, legally defined.
Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.
I personally believe that ethics are defined as what a society will tolerate, while morals are a more personal issue. Legality has far less to do with either ethics or morals, but legality is, well, legally defined.

Yeah...looks to me that we have been too tolerant. Look where we are.

Morals, personal issue? True.

Legality is a way to cop out of the aforementioned unless an individual is governed by them.
The left demonizes anything that gets in their way. Anything that interferes with their trampling of individual rights, anything that points out the similarities between their ideology and the truly brutal and repugnant tyrannies that share the same ideology are demonized.

Lol..as I knew, you had absolutely nothing. Except your contention that a difference of opinion = lying.

Another extremist who doesn't know the definition of the words they like to use...words like "truth" "lie" "opinion" "fact" "debate" "proof".

A "Difference of opinion" is when you and I believe that there are two different results from the same set of conditions.

Like when you state that it would be good for the nation if there were less government regulation, and I state the opposite.

That is a difference of opinion.

The statement you just made, that every single person of a liberal bent spends their life trying to trample other people's individual rights, and demonize anyone that gets in their way, is specifically, a lie, and a slander.

Therefore, you lied. You are a liar. Deal with it.

Either that, or you are a sociopath, and I do not believe that to be the case.

You don't hear me making stupid-assed statements like "All Conservatives are evil fascists that want to destroy America".

You know why? Because I know the difference between "a difference of opinion", and sociopathic conspiracy theories.

You, however, either don't know the difference, or you are intentionally lying, with the specific intention of "demonizing" your political opponents.

And then you turn around and call me an extremist. LOL. That's rich! :clap2:
Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.

I'm willing to go with those definitions. This is in a way a matter of semantics. But more specifically, what is "legal" is not necessarily moral or ethical.
Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.

I'm willing to go with those definitions. This is in a way a matter of semantics. But more specifically, what is "legal" is not necessarily moral or ethical.

What about conservative icon Ron Reagan?

How did he do at limiting government and reducing debt?

Did he control the entire government? I seem to recall the Dems having a majority in the House, and towards the end of his term they also controlled the Senate.

For two years now all you DimoRAT turds have been blubbering that Obama can't do anything because the Republicans control the House.

All the spending...all the expansion of government was at Reagans request

Conservatives in action

Triple the debt

Obama and the Statists in Congress did exactly that.

You are such a poor liar. You shod give proper credit due to your messiah.
Oh, and Kosher, while we're at it:

Now show me where I've lied.

Since you were the one that made the accusation in the first place.

Go ahead, I can wait.
Oh, and Kosher, while we're at it:

Now show me where I've lied.

Since you were the one that made the accusation in the first place.

Go ahead, I can wait.

Thank you for admitting you have no evidence that I have ever lied.

Because, you know, I don't lie.

Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.

I would have said more along the lines of a child welfare worker beating the foster children assigned to her as an example of unethical.
Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.

I would have said more along the lines of a child welfare worker beating the foster children assigned to her as an example of unethical.

No, they are bound in all aspects of their lives...just as lawyers and doctors. They are mandatory reporters.

DHS workers get fired if they get a ticket for having their OWN children ride in their own cars without a seat belt or without proper restraints/boosters. and they will not get their job back or ever be able to ever work in the field again..it's child endangerment. If you have the slightest whiff of a "founded report" you're an unethical worker, and you're outtie.
Ethics are moral principles as they apply to a particular group or profession. It applies specifically to the conduct of a particular group, as it applies to whatever it is they represent or belong to.

Morality is just right and wrong....regardless of a person's profession. For example, it's morally wrong for a mill worker to beat his children. But if a child welfare worker beats her children, she's not only morally wrong, she's behaving unethically.

I'm willing to go with those definitions. This is in a way a matter of semantics. But more specifically, what is "legal" is not necessarily moral or ethical.

Moral, and to a lesser extent ethical, covers a much wider range of behavior than legal does, mostly because the law follows morality, rather than the other way around. People make laws against behavior that they consider immoral, but they don't always feel that immorality necessarily requires legal correction.

Lying to your spouse, for example, is certainly immoral. It's not generally illegal, though.

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