What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

If Wallsteet didn't crash the economy, please explain to us all what did. Or show us a right wing documentary explaining what happened. Doesn't even have to be award winning. Chances are you got nothing.

Does bias mean true? Because we suggest your version of what happened is both bias and false/wrong/untrue.

Is the prosecutor bias in a murder case? Doesn't change the fact that the person either did or didn't commit the murder. MoveOn's documentary is right on the money. Rather than face that, you will poo poo the source as bias. Same old GOP playbook.

This is what makes arguing with liberals suck. We demand facts and proof and for you to stay on the issue. Don't just change the subject to the fact you don't respect move on. If you really had proof their documentary was wrong, you would show it to us.

And stop calling the media liberal. If they were liberal, they'd be telling you the same thing Moveon.org is telling you. Proof you are being brainwashed by a corporate controlled media that is in bed with the rich and GOP. Even MSNBC can only go so far before they fire the host. Want two examples? Phil Donahue was against the Iraq war, FIRED and Liebermann was ousted too. Liberal my ass.

Are you seriously suggesting that MoveOn isn't biased?

The mainstream media IS liberal. Especially MSNBC.

MSNBC is the most liberal out of all of them but even it is not liberal enough. If it were, you would be hearing everything we are saying on it. But they only go so far because the station manager screens what they report. Better than nothing, but certainly not as left as Fox is right.

The media used to be the governments watchdog. Now the corporate media is in bed with the politicians. One day you might realize this. Until then, you keep believing their lies and false propoganda.

Us liberals are upset with the mainstream Democrats because we feel they are no longer liberal. They are corporate democrats. They have moved too far to the right. MSNBC represent them. For example, MSNBC didn't call out Bush for lying us into Iraq. Phil Donahue tried and MSNBC fired him. Olbermann went too far too and he got fired. Now they have the very safe Ed Schultz. He's good, but not as left as the we would like him to be. Fox couldn't be any more right wing.

Not liberal enough. Earlier you said to "stop calling the media liberal" as if they weren't and now you're saying MSNBC isn't liberal enough.

Make up your mind which side of the fence your gonna be on.

Fact is Bush didn't lie and knowing you think he did just proves what a total retard you are.
No it's not.

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

■The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
■Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
■Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
■Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
■The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
■Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
■Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
■Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
■The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
■An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
■Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

FactCheck.org : Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

Homebuyers were victims. Who knew Bush was going to send their jobs overseas. And who deregulated the mortgage industry.

Yes, Clinton went along with Newt on a lot of shit us liberals aren't happy about. But remember, he went along with GOP's regluations. It wasn't democrats who pushed those regulations through.

And Bush deregulated even more after Clinton. Look back at what Clinton signed and it wasn't as bad as it was after Bush and Tom Delay got through with it between 2000-2006.

If you look back at everything that happened when the GOP controlled all three branches of government between 2000-2006, everything that is going wrong today is because of policies they put in place back then. We are experiencing the results of those GOP policies. So are rich people. They have never been richer. Mission accomplished!

And what you will never believe is that the GOP did all this on purpose. They got rich, they bankrupted the goverment, got to kill off a lot of social programs they don't like.

THey are in the process of destroying the US Postal service. It wasn't broken until the lame duck session in 2008 when they passed a bill that the post office had to fund its Pension fund for the next 75 years. KNOWING THIS WILL BREAK THE POST OFFICE. And guess who will loot the pension fund that has billions in it? The GOP.

The GOP is responsible for all our woes today. Bush, Tom Delay and today we can blame Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and John Boehner and their obstructionist party. Hard to fix what they broke when they filabust everything we try.

Homebuyers were not what I would call a victim. If you went out and signed on a house that you cannot afford, are you a victim?

I can't believe you're arguing with factcheck.org.

What your dumbass don't realize is that the Democrats were in control of the house and senate during the Bush years. And who holds the purse strings?? Damn you liberals are so fucking blindly partisan you can't see the truth staring you in the face.

And another thing you stupid fuck the House of Representatives rules do not permit filibusters.

Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.
Homebuyers were victims. Who knew Bush was going to send their jobs overseas. And who deregulated the mortgage industry.

Yes, Clinton went along with Newt on a lot of shit us liberals aren't happy about. But remember, he went along with GOP's regluations. It wasn't democrats who pushed those regulations through.

And Bush deregulated even more after Clinton. Look back at what Clinton signed and it wasn't as bad as it was after Bush and Tom Delay got through with it between 2000-2006.

If you look back at everything that happened when the GOP controlled all three branches of government between 2000-2006, everything that is going wrong today is because of policies they put in place back then. We are experiencing the results of those GOP policies. So are rich people. They have never been richer. Mission accomplished!

And what you will never believe is that the GOP did all this on purpose. They got rich, they bankrupted the goverment, got to kill off a lot of social programs they don't like.

THey are in the process of destroying the US Postal service. It wasn't broken until the lame duck session in 2008 when they passed a bill that the post office had to fund its Pension fund for the next 75 years. KNOWING THIS WILL BREAK THE POST OFFICE. And guess who will loot the pension fund that has billions in it? The GOP.

The GOP is responsible for all our woes today. Bush, Tom Delay and today we can blame Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and John Boehner and their obstructionist party. Hard to fix what they broke when they filabust everything we try.

Homebuyers were not what I would call a victim. If you went out and signed on a house that you cannot afford, are you a victim?

I can't believe you're arguing with factcheck.org.

What your dumbass don't realize is that the Democrats were in control of the house and senate during the Bush years. And who holds the purse strings?? Damn you liberals are so fucking blindly partisan you can't see the truth staring you in the face.

And another thing you stupid fuck the House of Representatives rules do not permit filibusters.

Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.

That would be TWO branches of government, the Executive and the Legislative.

I knew you were stupid but damn!!!!

Oh and where is your proof that Cheney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act?
Homebuyers were not what I would call a victim. If you went out and signed on a house that you cannot afford, are you a victim?

I can't believe you're arguing with factcheck.org.

What your dumbass don't realize is that the Democrats were in control of the house and senate during the Bush years. And who holds the purse strings?? Damn you liberals are so fucking blindly partisan you can't see the truth staring you in the face.

And another thing you stupid fuck the House of Representatives rules do not permit filibusters.

Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.

That would be TWO branches of government, the Executive and the Legislative.

I knew you were stupid but damn!!!!

Oh and where is your proof that Cheney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act?

Same place your evidence of wmd's are.

And if Chaney didn't send the anthrax, how dare he say the anthrax came from Saddam. What proof did HE have of that?

That's the proof. They lied.

Just like who outted Valerie Plame because Joe Wilson was going to come out and say the Iraq war was a lie. Chaney/Bush shouldn't have just been impeached, they should have been tried for treason. Scooter Libby was their scapegoat. And then Bush didnt pardon him. Chaney was so mad.
Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.

That would be TWO branches of government, the Executive and the Legislative.

I knew you were stupid but damn!!!!

Oh and where is your proof that Cheney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act?

Same place your evidence of wmd's are.

And if Chaney didn't send the anthrax, how dare he say the anthrax came from Saddam. What proof did HE have of that?

That's the proof. They lied.

Just like who outted Valerie Plame because Joe Wilson was going to come out and say the Iraq war was a lie. Chaney/Bush shouldn't have just been impeached, they should have been tried for treason. Scooter Libby was their scapegoat. And then Bush didnt pardon him. Chaney was so mad.

I have worked for several non union companies.

In the 90's when unemployment was low, non union companies had to be competitive with union companies on wages.

This is one of the reasons the GOP crashed the economy on purpose. It has lowered wages. They have bankrupted companies and raped their pension funds ala Bain Capital. Also killing off a lot of unions.

Anyways, back to my point. Now that unemployment is high, we see corporations sitting on a lot of cash and giving their ceo's big bonus'. But the workers aren't getting raises. That's something that wouldn't happen in a union company. So if you don't get a raise for the next 20 years and your ceo's pay goes up each year, maybe you should think about organizing.

Union workers got raises and that is the only reason the rest of us got raises. Now that unions don't exist anymore, manufacturing has come back to America paying $10 hr. Maybe they will organize.

Union workers got great healthcare and THEN you got good healthcare. Your company didn't give it to you to be kind. It was a benefit that stated at a union company. Now that unions are all but dead, we see how sucky heatlhcare is at most employers.

Unions got sick days and vacation days and overtime if asked to work more than 40 hour work weeks. All these things made living in America great. Republicans are assaulting all this.

In the past 12 years while they have all but killed the unions, the companies I work have slowly chipped away at what they pay us. Must sell more and they don't pay as much as they used to. Why should they? The economy sucks. This is why Republicans love high unemployment. Lowers wages.

Unions have all but vanashed. Went from 30% of US workers to about 10 now. And it isn't coincidence that wages have not gone up in the exact same period of time.

But CEO's pay has skyrocketed. And anyone with a brain knows its a problem in a society whenever the gap between the rich and poor gets too wide.

So today we make the same as we did in the 70's, adding inflation in???

Followinging me righties?

No way a unionized company would let the CEO take home $40 million and the workers don't get a raise too.

This is why we need more unions, not less.
This is rich..The GOP crashed the economy...just to get rid of the unions..Ahh boy...
There is no "following you"..
Yours is a barrage of pro union talking points. Absent of fact and full of pro union fire and brimstone.
Who cares.
If a union rep came to me to ask if I'd like to join ( actually they don't ask, they demand)I'd walk away laughing.
Actually I'd give the union guy about 20 different reasons why unions do not represent the best interests of the nation as a whole.
The unions crashed the economy just to get rid of the GOP whose members do not care for union sociocommunism and gestapo muerta justice. The fire is what the union-organized Wall Street Occupation expropriation committee set to a small business, privately-owned coffee shop.
Now, the usual leftist projection mechanism is in full tilt as exemplified in your villification of conservatives post.
Poor sealybobo. Such a mistreated little fella.
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Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.

That would be TWO branches of government, the Executive and the Legislative.

I knew you were stupid but damn!!!!

Oh and where is your proof that Cheney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act?

Same place your evidence of wmd's are.

And if Chaney didn't send the anthrax, how dare he say the anthrax came from Saddam. What proof did HE have of that?

That's the proof. They lied.

Just like who outted Valerie Plame because Joe Wilson was going to come out and say the Iraq war was a lie. Chaney/Bush shouldn't have just been impeached, they should have been tried for treason. Scooter Libby was their scapegoat. And then Bush didnt pardon him. Chaney was so mad.

You have just lost the little credibilty that you had.
Homebuyers were victims. Who knew Bush was going to send their jobs overseas. And who deregulated the mortgage industry.

Yes, Clinton went along with Newt on a lot of shit us liberals aren't happy about. But remember, he went along with GOP's regluations. It wasn't democrats who pushed those regulations through.

And Bush deregulated even more after Clinton. Look back at what Clinton signed and it wasn't as bad as it was after Bush and Tom Delay got through with it between 2000-2006.

If you look back at everything that happened when the GOP controlled all three branches of government between 2000-2006, everything that is going wrong today is because of policies they put in place back then. We are experiencing the results of those GOP policies. So are rich people. They have never been richer. Mission accomplished!

And what you will never believe is that the GOP did all this on purpose. They got rich, they bankrupted the goverment, got to kill off a lot of social programs they don't like.

THey are in the process of destroying the US Postal service. It wasn't broken until the lame duck session in 2008 when they passed a bill that the post office had to fund its Pension fund for the next 75 years. KNOWING THIS WILL BREAK THE POST OFFICE. And guess who will loot the pension fund that has billions in it? The GOP.

The GOP is responsible for all our woes today. Bush, Tom Delay and today we can blame Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and John Boehner and their obstructionist party. Hard to fix what they broke when they filabust everything we try.

Homebuyers were not what I would call a victim. If you went out and signed on a house that you cannot afford, are you a victim?

I can't believe you're arguing with factcheck.org.

What your dumbass don't realize is that the Democrats were in control of the house and senate during the Bush years. And who holds the purse strings?? Damn you liberals are so fucking blindly partisan you can't see the truth staring you in the face.

And another thing you stupid fuck the House of Representatives rules do not permit filibusters.

Except for maybe a year when Tom Dashell and Pat Leahy were around, the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Remember that was when Chaney sent both of them Anthrax because they were against the Patriot Act. Once Chaney got rid of them, the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. Tom Delay ran the House like a hammer. Trent Lott was Senate Majority leader or Bill Frist from 2003 to 2006. They did a lot of damage in those years. A LOT.

We held a slim majority in the Senate for a couple years. But from 2003 to 2006, the GOP controlled all three. Senate, House and White House.

And remember if Democratic senators didn't go along with Bush bankrupting in Iraq, we weren't supporting the troops. You guys were good at getting your way. The corporate media helped.

I find it funny more Republicans don't remember this.
Poooooooooooooor little Saddam Hussein's Iraq, sitting on 1/11th of the world's oil, burning Kuwaiti oil fields to hell and back.
You seem to want corporations to have the freedom to purchase our government. This sort of takes away your vote. If the politicians only answe to their wealthy donors, they aren't answering to the rest of us.

The logic of liberal is extremely perplexing. How did you conclude that because I am against one thing I must therefore be for something else entirely unrelated (I am not, btw, 'for' the level of crony capitlism we currently have in government).

You want healthcare companies to be free to bankrupt you when you get sick.

How else do you suggest the system work. Why should you not have to pay someone for a service they provide you? What's your suggestion? That after x percent of income you just don't have to pay anymore?

You want oil companies to have the freedom to gouge us for $4 a gallon

If we're getting gouged, what are the oil companies doing to most every other country that pay far more than that? When it comes to the price of gas and what goes into making a gallon of the stuff I think it's pretty impressive that it only costs $4/gallon. We can help that however by using more of our own oil here.

You want companies to be free to send their profits overseas and not pay their fair share of taxes.

You are obvioulsy unclear on the definiton of fair when you consider despite that the wealthy, people and corporations, still are contributing the bulk of the tax revenue. How disproportionate does that breakdown need to get for you to consider their tax burden fair?

And corporations the freedom to go hire chinese workers at $3 a day and ship the products back here to sell to us.

Freedom of choice is bad to seely. Got it.

You want corporations to be free to break unions.

If by break unions you mean that employers ought to have the right to hire non-union workers, yes, that's what I want.

Bush and the Patriot Act was the biggest infringment on your freedom.

Yes it was.

Well it seems you managed to touch on every frothing at the mouth liberal cliche in the book. All easily debunked and shown for the foolishness that they are. Anything else?
I have worked for several non union companies.

In the 90's when unemployment was low, non union companies had to be competitive with union companies on wages.

This is one of the reasons the GOP crashed the economy on purpose. It has lowered wages. They have bankrupted companies and raped their pension funds ala Bain Capital. Also killing off a lot of unions.

Anyways, back to my point. Now that unemployment is high, we see corporations sitting on a lot of cash and giving their ceo's big bonus'. But the workers aren't getting raises. That's something that wouldn't happen in a union company. So if you don't get a raise for the next 20 years and your ceo's pay goes up each year, maybe you should think about organizing.

Union workers got raises and that is the only reason the rest of us got raises. Now that unions don't exist anymore, manufacturing has come back to America paying $10 hr. Maybe they will organize.

Union workers got great healthcare and THEN you got good healthcare. Your company didn't give it to you to be kind. It was a benefit that stated at a union company. Now that unions are all but dead, we see how sucky heatlhcare is at most employers.

Unions got sick days and vacation days and overtime if asked to work more than 40 hour work weeks. All these things made living in America great. Republicans are assaulting all this.

In the past 12 years while they have all but killed the unions, the companies I work have slowly chipped away at what they pay us. Must sell more and they don't pay as much as they used to. Why should they? The economy sucks. This is why Republicans love high unemployment. Lowers wages.

Unions have all but vanashed. Went from 30% of US workers to about 10 now. And it isn't coincidence that wages have not gone up in the exact same period of time.

But CEO's pay has skyrocketed. And anyone with a brain knows its a problem in a society whenever the gap between the rich and poor gets too wide.

So today we make the same as we did in the 70's, adding inflation in???

Followinging me righties?

No way a unionized company would let the CEO take home $40 million and the workers don't get a raise too.

This is why we need more unions, not less.
This is rich..The GOP crashed the economy...just to get rid of the unions..Ahh boy...
There is no "following you"..
Yours is a barrage of pro union talking points. Absent of fact and full of pro union fire and brimstone.
Who cares.
If a union rep came to me to ask if I'd like to join ( actually they don't ask, they demand)I'd walk away laughing.
Actually I'd give the union guy about 20 different reasons why unions do not represent the best interests of the nation as a whole.
The unions crashed the economy just to get rid of the GOP whose members do not care for union sociocommunism and gestapo muerta justice. The fire is what the union-organized Wall Street Occupation expropriation committee set to a small business, privately-owned coffee shop.
Now, the usual leftist projection mechanism is in full tilt as exemplified in your villification of conservatives post.
Poor sealybobo. Such a mistreated little fella.

How exactly did the unions crash the economy?
They did a study of people who watch all the news like CBS and CNN and Fox viewer and Daily Show viewers and Daily Show viewers overwhelmingly had their facts straight and Fox viewers were the most uninformed of all the respondents.



As is the case with most leftists - you're simply lying. (And too fucking stupid to grasp that this was debunked years ago.)

PolitiFact | Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the "most consistently misinformed media viewers"
You seem to want corporations to have the freedom to purchase our government. This sort of takes away your vote. If the politicians only answe to their wealthy donors, they aren't answering to the rest of us.

The logic of liberal is extremely perplexing. How did you conclude that because I am against one thing I must therefore be for something else entirely unrelated (I am not, btw, 'for' the level of crony capitlism we currently have in government)

And here is the frustrating part of that debate. The hard core left rightfully recognizes the unhealthy influence that big corporations can have on government. But they reject the ONLY solution that will remedy that problem which is to prohibit the federal government from dispensing ANY form of benefit, charity, benevolence, or whatever to anybody for any reason that does not equally benefit all without prejudice, regardless of size, politics, or socioeconomic status.

Why do they reject it? Because that would prevent those groups that they WANT to have an influence on government from having that influence.

And yet nobody is willing to see that for the hypocrisy that it is.

You want healthcare companies to be free to bankrupt you when you get sick.

How else do you suggest the system work. Why should you not have to pay someone for a service they provide you? What's your suggestion? That after x percent of income you just don't have to pay anymore?

Here is another frustrating area. We all know that healthcare costs have spiraled into the stratosphere, yet the hard core left is not willing to even look at, much less consider or discuss that the primary reason for this is not that anybody wants to bankrupt anybody. In a free market healthcare providers of all types have to offer products and services at a cost people can afford or they go out of business. It is primarily government interference and mandates plus its seemingy bottomless resources and unwillingness to address the actual costs of providng products and services that has created most of the problem that exists.

But when big government is seen as the mother lode, the all of everything, it is really hard to get the hard care left to see it as the 'villain' in much of anything that the liberal wants to see happen.

If we're getting gouged, what are the oil companies doing to most every other country that pay far more than that? When it comes to the price of gas and what goes into making a gallon of the stuff I think it's pretty impressive that it only costs $4/gallon. We can help that however by using more of our own oil here.

It would help if the hard core left was willing to look at government taxes, mandates, unnecessary environmental restrictions, and other interference into the free market as at least part of the cost of that gallon of gasoline. It would help if they could understand the costs of subsidizing inefficient and ineffective (as well as corrupt) so-called 'green' industries at the cost of jobs and opportunity for many who most need those. It would help if they could at least see and comprehend the government caused inflationary pressures on foods and other products.

It all needs to be part of the debate, but the hard core left chooses to demonize big oil and rich man's 'toys' and won't even consider any other possibilities. That is frustrating to me.

You are obvioulsy unclear on the definiton of fair when you consider despite that the wealthy, people and corporations, still are contributing the bulk of the tax revenue. How disproportionate does that breakdown need to get for you to consider their tax burden fair?

Several of us keep beating the drum of truth that you cannot diminish or take down the rich without hurting the poor far more than you will affect the rich. It is a constant source of frustration to me that the hard core left will blow off such a concept almost every single time.

Freedom of choice is bad to seely. Got it.

Bad only when it outside the sacred cows of the left. Yes, that hypovcrisy re the leftis still another source of frustration to me.

You want corporations to be free to break unions.

If by break unions you mean that employers ought to have the right to hire non-union workers, yes, that's what I want.

Also when the union management demands policy and benefits that will bring the corporation to the brink of bankruptcy as we saw with Ford, Chrysler, and are seeing in the states and larger municipalities and education. It is hugely frustrating when the hard core left won't even look at that as they fall all over themselves to canonize and idolize the unions.

Bush and the Patriot Act was the biggest infringment on your freedom.

Yes it was.

Well it seems you managed to touch on every frothing at the mouth liberal cliche in the book. All easily debunked and shown for the foolishness that they are. Anything else

The same Patriot Act approved by almost every Democrat as well and has been affirmed and funded by every administration sense whether controlled by the GOP or the Democrats. Are the various components of it open for debate? In a free society, of course they are. But intellectual honesty also requires that debate to include how much the Patriot Act deserves in thwarting and preventing subsequent terrorist attacks since 9/11 and how much we our unalienable right to liberty against our unalienable right to not be blown up by people determined to frighten, injure, maim, or destroy us.

For me it is frustrating how few on the Left and at least a few on the Right are willing to discuss that core component of that issue.
You seem to want corporations to have the freedom to purchase our government. This sort of takes away your vote. If the politicians only answe to their wealthy donors, they aren't answering to the rest of us.

The logic of liberal is extremely perplexing. How did you conclude that because I am against one thing I must therefore be for something else entirely unrelated (I am not, btw, 'for' the level of crony capitlism we currently have in government).

You want healthcare companies to be free to bankrupt you when you get sick.

How else do you suggest the system work. Why should you not have to pay someone for a service they provide you? What's your suggestion? That after x percent of income you just don't have to pay anymore?

If we're getting gouged, what are the oil companies doing to most every other country that pay far more than that? When it comes to the price of gas and what goes into making a gallon of the stuff I think it's pretty impressive that it only costs $4/gallon. We can help that however by using more of our own oil here.

You are obvioulsy unclear on the definiton of fair when you consider despite that the wealthy, people and corporations, still are contributing the bulk of the tax revenue. How disproportionate does that breakdown need to get for you to consider their tax burden fair?

Freedom of choice is bad to seely. Got it.

You want corporations to be free to break unions.

If by break unions you mean that employers ought to have the right to hire non-union workers, yes, that's what I want.

Bush and the Patriot Act was the biggest infringment on your freedom.

Yes it was.

Well it seems you managed to touch on every frothing at the mouth liberal cliche in the book. All easily debunked and shown for the foolishness that they are. Anything else?

Sooo much wrong with your line of thinking. Where to begin.

Healthcare companies can not be allowed to monopolize and gouge us and deny coverage for pre existing conditions. I know your free market thinking says they can, but they can't, or shouldn't be allowed. Big diff between the Dems and GOP. Dems won't let the oil and healthcare and things that need to be regulated go unregulated.

We made a deal with the heatlhcare giants long ago to be the middle man between us and doctors. If they are gouging us, we will nationalize or socialize it. Same with gas. We let them have our land cheap to dig for oil and they don't gouge us. If they do, maybe its time we nationalize the oil companies. Do you understand these corporations have lobbied the GOP and even Democrats to turn a blind eye as they needlessly jack up prices.

And the auto industry is too important to let it go overseas with the rest of the manufacturing community. Every other country knows to protect their vital industries, except the USA, because the people who own those companies think Americans make too much money.

The rich pay the majority of the taxes only because they have the majority of our wealth. The less we make, the less we pay in taxes. Pay us more so we can pay more in taxes. Easy solution.

And they don't pay more percentage wise. They actually only pay 12% or less. We pay more than 30%.

And 6 percent on your groceries means a lot more to you than it does to a rich person.

The middle class is getting hosed!
You seem to want corporations to have the freedom to purchase our government. This sort of takes away your vote. If the politicians only answe to their wealthy donors, they aren't answering to the rest of us.

The logic of liberal is extremely perplexing. How did you conclude that because I am against one thing I must therefore be for something else entirely unrelated (I am not, btw, 'for' the level of crony capitlism we currently have in government)

And here is the frustrating part of that debate. The hard core left rightfully recognizes the unhealthy influence that big corporations can have on government. But they reject the ONLY solution that will remedy that problem which is to prohibit the federal government from dispensing ANY form of benefit, charity, benevolence, or whatever to anybody for any reason that does not equally benefit all without prejudice, regardless of size, politics, or socioeconomic status.

Why do they reject it? Because that would prevent those groups that they WANT to have an influence on government from having that influence.

And yet nobody is willing to see that for the hypocrisy that it is.

Here is another frustrating area. We all know that healthcare costs have spiraled into the stratosphere, yet the hard core left is not willing to even look at, much less consider or discuss that the primary reason for this is not that anybody wants to bankrupt anybody. In a free market healthcare providers of all types have to offer products and services at a cost people can afford or they go out of business. It is primarily government interference and mandates plus its seemingy bottomless resources and unwillingness to address the actual costs of providng products and services that has created most of the problem that exists.

But when big government is seen as the mother lode, the all of everything, it is really hard to get the hard care left to see it as the 'villain' in much of anything that the liberal wants to see happen.

It would help if the hard core left was willing to look at government taxes, mandates, unnecessary environmental restrictions, and other interference into the free market as at least part of the cost of that gallon of gasoline. It would help if they could understand the costs of subsidizing inefficient and ineffective (as well as corrupt) so-called 'green' industries at the cost of jobs and opportunity for many who most need those. It would help if they could at least see and comprehend the government caused inflationary pressures on foods and other products.

It all needs to be part of the debate, but the hard core left chooses to demonize big oil and rich man's 'toys' and won't even consider any other possibilities. That is frustrating to me.

Several of us keep beating the drum of truth that you cannot diminish or take down the rich without hurting the poor far more than you will affect the rich. It is a constant source of frustration to me that the hard core left will blow off such a concept almost every single time.

Bad only when it outside the sacred cows of the left. Yes, that hypovcrisy re the leftis still another source of frustration to me.

Also when the union management demands policy and benefits that will bring the corporation to the brink of bankruptcy as we saw with Ford, Chrysler, and are seeing in the states and larger municipalities and education. It is hugely frustrating when the hard core left won't even look at that as they fall all over themselves to canonize and idolize the unions.

Bush and the Patriot Act was the biggest infringment on your freedom.

Yes it was.

Well it seems you managed to touch on every frothing at the mouth liberal cliche in the book. All easily debunked and shown for the foolishness that they are. Anything else

The same Patriot Act approved by almost every Democrat as well and has been affirmed and funded by every administration sense whether controlled by the GOP or the Democrats. Are the various components of it open for debate? In a free society, of course they are. But intellectual honesty also requires that debate to include how much the Patriot Act deserves in thwarting and preventing subsequent terrorist attacks since 9/11 and how much we our unalienable right to liberty against our unalienable right to not be blown up by people determined to frighten, injure, maim, or destroy us.

For me it is frustrating how few on the Left and at least a few on the Right are willing to discuss that core component of that issue.

Tom Daschell and Patrick Leahy were fighting the Patriot Act and Chaney sent them Anthrax. What would you do? I'd go along too. Not worth dying over.

You guys always say you aren't successful because of regulations and too much government interferance and too many taxes but I say bullshit. Corporations are sitting on record breaking profits.

There is no arguing with right wingers. I just like to let you know how it is.

Your Ron Paul experiment will not be good for middle class America. FDR's new deal and unions are what made America great. You guys have been brainwashed by Fox and the rest of the corporate media.
They did a study of people who watch all the news like CBS and CNN and Fox viewer and Daily Show viewers and Daily Show viewers overwhelmingly had their facts straight and Fox viewers were the most uninformed of all the respondents.



As is the case with most leftists - you're simply lying. (And too fucking stupid to grasp that this was debunked years ago.)

PolitiFact | Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the "most consistently misinformed media viewers"

Wrong again bucko! Let me explain. So Fox sent another survey out asking questions about things they weren't purposely misleading their viewers on, and on those questions/stories/facts, Fox viewers did very well.

Do you understand what I am saying? The original survey asked quesitons like

Was Saddam involved in 9-11 or Did your taxes go up or down under Obama and on questions where Fox has been lying to you, Fox viewers prove the lies have worked. Fox viewer are the most misinformed. Why else did a judge rule that Fox can legally lie?

So Fox viewers are still the most misinformed viewers. Not because they are dumb or not paying attention. In fact, the survey proves that Fox's brainwashing is working
Clinton may have loosened the rules so that poor people could get mortgages, but that was before Bush sent 7 million jobs overseas.

Do you even have a brain? I mean, has anyone thought to X-Ray or do an MRI to establish if anything actually occupies your cranium?

You're a fucking whack-job.

BOOOSSHHH sent jobs overseas,

Tell me fucktard, how did Bush accomplish this? Did he own the companies involved?

I mean, when Bush named Jeffrey Immelt as his "Jobs Czar" then you blamed Bush when 40,000 jobs went to China.

Oh wait, that was fucking Obama...

People had jobs and were paying their mortgages until the GOP crashed the economy.

Is that right, stupid fuck?

Funny, most economist look at the toxic loans - you know, loans that were NOT being repaid, were the basis of the crash, fucktard.

And it wasn't that that forced the mortgage companies to give out those bad loans. GOP deregulations allow them and also allowed predatory lending.

Predatory lending, shitferbrains? So lenders went out and told poor people "buy a house you can't afford, or my friend Guido will break your thumb.."

Those mortgage giants knew those homes would be forclosed and still sold those homes.

Well yeah, they wanted to lose money - why not?

You get YOUR news from Comedy Central, dancha?

Republicans want to forget about those GOP deregulations. Instead they point back to Clinton and Fanny/Freddy mack.

Forget about what happened between 2000-2006. All the bad moves the GOP made. It all worked for the top 1% but not the rest of us.

Yeah, your GLORIOUS PEOPLES PARTY was blameless. Frank and Dodd with the insider deals they had with Angelo Mozilo were blameless.

YO - Rinita - I offer Sealybobo as irrefutable proof of my thesis: The lower the IQ, the further to the left!

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