What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

And they're dishonest. Equally appalling. Ignorance and dishonesty often go hand in hand. Because if you're IGNORANT but making pronouncements of your superior intellect, you HAVE to be dishonest.

The rich/GOP/Corporate Media have middle class Americans arguing for pay cuts, defending the robber barons that bankrupted the country, pollution, business owners that hire illegals, sending jobs overseas, bankrupting the American car companies, etc. Defending the mortgage giants and bankers that bankrupted our country, breaking unions, etc.

Why? Because they are "conservative" on social issues. God gays and guns.

Or maybe sometimes racism.

Or they got it good enough and they don't want to rock the boat. That's a big part of being a conservative. Not wanting change for the masses because you believe you have it better than the average joe, when in reality you are an average joe. And they don't realize how important unions are because the corporate media has them convinced they are bad.

I know a lot of 20 something year old conservatives who don't know what its like to have good affordable healthcare. Or they make $40K and they think that's good. Or they honestly believe the GOP will make things better thru their talk of less taxes and cheaper products via Wallmart/trading with China. If they only realized that the GOP only lower taxes on the top 1%. Their policies actually shift more of the tax burden on us.

But even when their home values went in half, and even when their 401K's took a dump, they were convinced by Fox News that it was Nancy Pelosi, Obama and Freddy mack and fanny mae and unions that did it. Not the wars or Bush tax breaks or 7 million jobs Bush sent overseas.

There is no talking to conservatives. You can only hope the next generation doesn't fall for their shit. And from the looks of the 99%ers, they aren't, thank God.
To return to the original thread topic, the most frustrating thing about arguing with liberals, hands down, is that they're so damned IGNORANT and uninformed. It's just appalling.

Here is what makes arguing with us so frustrating. We have award winning documentaries explaining in full detail exactly how your party crashed the economy.

For example, the MoveOn Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements.

Show me one documentary, Acadamy award winning or not that explains your version of who's responsible for crashing the economy.

And stop saying the media is liberal. If it were, you would already know that Wallstreet and the GOP policies from 2000-2006 are what crashed the economy.

But you don't know, because the media is corporate owned and controlled and you are brainwashed if you are middle class and still voting GOP.

You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

This is what conservatives do. They attack the source but not the information contained. Just like you demonize Michael Moore but you never want to discuss the facts of the documentaries. Or you find one flaw and you dismiss the entire story.

Do you expect the corporate media or Fox News to tell you these truths? This is how they have you brainwashed. If Fox News aint reporting it, then it must not be true. If Drudge or Rush deny it, it must be a lie.

These are award winning documentaries. If you have found flaws with the facts and want to debate the facts, bring it. But instead you will just deny anything you see from MoveOn.

You know, when I was growing up, there was no "affordable" health care, period. PEOPLE DIDN'T GO TO THE DOCTOR EVERY TIME THEY HAD A SNIFFLE. Nobody went to the dentist until they were in grinding pain. People didn't get their teeth cleaned, or have their assholes probed and their tits squashed on a yearly basis.

The idea of "affordable healthcare" is just another codeword of the liberal mob. Translated it means "you pay for whatever the fuck I want and you do it NOW".

Here is what makes arguing with us so frustrating. We have award winning documentaries explaining in full detail exactly how your party crashed the economy.

For example, the MoveOn Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements.

Show me one documentary, Acadamy award winning or not that explains your version of who's responsible for crashing the economy.

And stop saying the media is liberal. If it were, you would already know that Wallstreet and the GOP policies from 2000-2006 are what crashed the economy.

But you don't know, because the media is corporate owned and controlled and you are brainwashed if you are middle class and still voting GOP.

You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

This is what conservatives do. They attack the source but not the information contained. Just like you demonize Michael Moore but you never want to discuss the facts of the documentaries. Or you find one flaw and you dismiss the entire story.

Do you expect the corporate media or Fox News to tell you these truths? This is how they have you brainwashed. If Fox News aint reporting it, then it must not be true. If Drudge or Rush deny it, it must be a lie.

These are award winning documentaries. If you have found flaws with the facts and want to debate the facts, bring it. But instead you will just deny anything you see from MoveOn.


Documentary = PROPAGANDA.
Wow.....39 pages of right wing hate

All coming from a party who listens to Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks position on the economy, the environment and foreign affairs
Well, to be fair, there's a pretty fair peppering of lefloon inanity, sophistry, non sequitur, strawmen, and general dopiness.

Thanks for kicking in your "fair share".
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1jB7RBGVGk]Reefer Madness Trailer Great marijuana movie - YouTube[/ame]
To return to the original thread topic, the most frustrating thing about arguing with liberals, hands down, is that they're so damned IGNORANT and uninformed. It's just appalling.

Here is what makes arguing with us so frustrating. We have award winning documentaries explaining in full detail exactly how your party crashed the economy.

For example, the MoveOn Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements.

Show me one documentary, Acadamy award winning or not that explains your version of who's responsible for crashing the economy.

And stop saying the media is liberal. If it were, you would already know that Wallstreet and the GOP policies from 2000-2006 are what crashed the economy.

But you don't know, because the media is corporate owned and controlled and you are brainwashed if you are middle class and still voting GOP.

You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

If Wallsteet didn't crash the economy, please explain to us all what did. Or show us a right wing documentary explaining what happened. Doesn't even have to be award winning. Chances are you got nothing.

Does bias mean true? Because we suggest your version of what happened is both bias and false/wrong/untrue.

Is the prosecutor bias in a murder case? Doesn't change the fact that the person either did or didn't commit the murder. MoveOn's documentary is right on the money. Rather than face that, you will poo poo the source as bias. Same old GOP playbook.

This is what makes arguing with liberals suck. We demand facts and proof and for you to stay on the issue. Don't just change the subject to the fact you don't respect move on. If you really had proof their documentary was wrong, you would show it to us.

And stop calling the media liberal. If they were liberal, they'd be telling you the same thing Moveon.org is telling you. Proof you are being brainwashed by a corporate controlled media that is in bed with the rich and GOP. Even MSNBC can only go so far before they fire the host. Want two examples? Phil Donahue was against the Iraq war, FIRED and Liebermann was ousted too. Liberal my ass.
The left demonizes anything that gets in their way. Anything that interferes with their trampling of individual rights, anything that points out the similarities between their ideology and the truly brutal and repugnant tyrannies that share the same ideology are demonized.

Therein lies your problem. There are none. Liberalism is the antithesis of tyranny.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

I have another one for ya. "The road to tyranny is paved with the best intentions". That is liberalism to a 'T'. You think you're compassionate and you think you know what's best for people and you think it's okay for you to legislate that which you believe is compassionate and for the best, then one day you wake up and find you have very few liberties and idiots like you have the nerve to wonder why.
Here is what makes arguing with us so frustrating. We have award winning documentaries explaining in full detail exactly how your party crashed the economy.

For example, the MoveOn Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements.

Show me one documentary, Acadamy award winning or not that explains your version of who's responsible for crashing the economy.

And stop saying the media is liberal. If it were, you would already know that Wallstreet and the GOP policies from 2000-2006 are what crashed the economy.

But you don't know, because the media is corporate owned and controlled and you are brainwashed if you are middle class and still voting GOP.

You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

Actually it is.

No it's not.

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

■The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
■Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
■Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
■Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
■The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
■Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
■Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
■Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
■The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
■An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
■Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

FactCheck.org : Who Caused the Economic Crisis?
That we agree on. That really is the problem with the whole system. Politicians have learned the best way to get elected is to promise people stuff. Stuff the don't really owe them and getting government ends up getting into areas it has no business being in.

Why not just make liberalism illegal since thats what the Constitution was designed to do?

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

A lot of it already is. Perhaps the biggest mistake the authors made was assuming that the constition would be followed and be just as important to future generations of politicians as it was to them.
Here is what makes arguing with us so frustrating. We have award winning documentaries explaining in full detail exactly how your party crashed the economy.

For example, the MoveOn Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job. The film explains how Wall Street destroyed the economy and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and retirements.

Show me one documentary, Acadamy award winning or not that explains your version of who's responsible for crashing the economy.

And stop saying the media is liberal. If it were, you would already know that Wallstreet and the GOP policies from 2000-2006 are what crashed the economy.

But you don't know, because the media is corporate owned and controlled and you are brainwashed if you are middle class and still voting GOP.

You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

This is what conservatives do. They attack the source but not the information contained. Just like you demonize Michael Moore but you never want to discuss the facts of the documentaries. Or you find one flaw and you dismiss the entire story.

Do you expect the corporate media or Fox News to tell you these truths? This is how they have you brainwashed. If Fox News aint reporting it, then it must not be true. If Drudge or Rush deny it, it must be a lie.

These are award winning documentaries. If you have found flaws with the facts and want to debate the facts, bring it. But instead you will just deny anything you see from MoveOn.


Moore, like you is nothing but a political hack.

It damn sure didn't win an award for truthfulness.

So far you haven't provided any facts.
Idiots like him don't wonder why. They don't care because they are the ones who benefit from imposing restrictions upon those they think don't "deserve" liberty and freedom. Nazis never cared that they were oppressive monsters, and they knew they were lying when they claimed they were acting with good intent. Progressive fascists are no different. They don't care, because they think that rights are based on WHO YOU ARE.
You saw it in a biased documentary , then it must be true.

This is what conservatives do. They attack the source but not the information contained. Just like you demonize Michael Moore but you never want to discuss the facts of the documentaries. Or you find one flaw and you dismiss the entire story.

Do you expect the corporate media or Fox News to tell you these truths? This is how they have you brainwashed. If Fox News aint reporting it, then it must not be true. If Drudge or Rush deny it, it must be a lie.

These are award winning documentaries. If you have found flaws with the facts and want to debate the facts, bring it. But instead you will just deny anything you see from MoveOn.


I love watching those PBS specials that explain exactly what happened leading up to events in history like Katrina or the Iraq war or 9-11 or the 2000 or 2004 elections.

They never accuse the GOP of breaking any laws or lying. For example, they operate under the premise that Bush was innocently given bad intelligence on Iraq.

These documentaries aren't liberal enough, even though righties would immediately label them as such. If they were they would go deeper into things like how/why Bush lied to us when he tied Saddam to 9-11, or the anthrax scare. What intelligence did they have? These documentaries don't call out the BUsh regime for a lot of things that just don't add up.

These documentaries never assume the president was sinister or lied us into war. So that leaves dumb. If Bush wasn't a criminal, he was a buffoon, and I don't think he's that dumb.
The left demonizes anything that gets in their way. Anything that interferes with their trampling of individual rights, anything that points out the similarities between their ideology and the truly brutal and repugnant tyrannies that share the same ideology are demonized.

Therein lies your problem. There are none. Liberalism is the antithesis of tyranny.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

I have another one for ya. "The road to tyranny is paved with the best intentions". That is liberalism to a 'T'. You think you're compassionate and you think you know what's best for people and you think it's okay for you to legislate that which you believe is compassionate and for the best, then one day you wake up and find you have very few liberties and idiots like you have the nerve to wonder why.

You seem to want corporations to have the freedom to purchase our government. This sort of takes away your vote. If the politicians only answe to their wealthy donors, they aren't answering to the rest of us.

You want healthcare companies to be free to bankrupt you when you get sick.

You want oil companies to have the freedom to gouge us for $4 a gallon

You want companies to be free to send their profits overseas and not pay their fair share of taxes.

And corporations the freedom to go hire chinese workers at $3 a day and ship the products back here to sell to us.

You want corporations to be free to break unions.

Bush and the Patriot Act was the biggest infringment on your freedom.

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