What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

Why exactly should government be responsible for roads, bridges, and highways? Is private business incapable of building a road or highway? Don't you think private business would do a better job of it?
Am I really going to have to put someone on ignore?

That would be unfortunate.

I don't think I've ever actually done that before.

How does one go about it?
I'll still be able to neg you, and I will still continue to comment on your lying brand of fascism.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

In what universe are RHINOs not for big government?

The fucked up part about liberalism is that "liberals" claim they're not for larger government (however argue for expanded government) but they are clearly for larger government. however, "liberals" try to sell you that tyranny is "for your own good." You see - they're tyrants for YOUR OWN GOOD... So that makes tyranny "different" in their delusional minds..

Then you got the "republicans" (neocons, RINOS etc) - yeah just as bad but they claim to save taxpayers money - but at the same time they empower crooked crooks whom hold executive powers in the private sector...

Of course when it comes to Classical liberalism - "oh shit - that's loony-bin shit."... "you mean we can't contradict ourselves?" "no fairs.."
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Amen. While there absolutely are trolls, idiots, and numbnuts among conservatives, when you find a conservative that doesnt fit in any of those designations, we may strongly disagree with that conservative's perspectives, but both sides will be able to focus on the specific issue and will be able to articulate a rationale for their point of view without going ad hominem or getting insulting about it. A conservative knows why he or she believes what he or she believes and can articulate it and is rarely in denial on the realities of socioeconomic and sociopolitical issues,.

The liberals who will do that are very, very rare and I really appreciate those when I do find them. I suspect the vast majority are so fuzzy on why they believe what they believe, they are honestly incapable of articulating a rationale for it and are not only in denial, but won't even discuss the realities of most issues. So all they have left are non sequitur, straw men, ad hominem, and personal insults.


Conservative: Many government programs are not helping the poor but are encouraging poverty.

Liberal: You are selfish, greedy, hate the poor and love only the 1%.

Again, much of what you say is a matter pf perspective.

And there are certainly many, many conservatives I can point to readily, on this very board, who will do exactly what you are referring to.


Liberal: "There is no scientific proof that life begins at conception, can you provide us with proof of some sort of awareness that may exist by that point?"

Conservative: "Why are you part of the vast liberal baby-murdering conspiracy? All liberals will stop at nothing in their endless quest to kill children."

And I think we all know who specifically on this very thread I am referring to.

Any conservative who would respond that way, other than tongue-in-cheek, would be among the trolls, idiots, and numbnuts to which I referred.

The difference is that the vast majority of conservatives would show that scientifically, life absolutely does begin at conception or is contained within the DNA of the sperm and egg because there is no other place in which it can begin. The issue of when awareness begins is a totally different subject than when life begins. Then they might ask the liberal to refute that if he can.

A thoughtful, educated, rational liberal would have to agree, and move the dfebate into an area of there being no scientific basis for when awareness begins, and whether awareness should make a difference in a decision to terminate a pregnancy.

But most don't do that. They instead attack the conservative or accuse the cosnervative of thinking or believing all manner of things or being duplitious or disingenuous or totally change the subject to Christians who won't allow abortion for any reason or some such.

And P.S. You are actually discussing the subject here and I appreciate that.
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I'll still be able to neg you, and I will still continue to comment on your lying brand of fascism.

So, you're going to continue to neg rep me, no matter what I post?

That's... interesting.

You do realize that that makes you an utter joke, right?

"Oh, I don't like him, he embarrasses me by proving me wrong a lot, so I'm going to neg rep him continuously from now on no matter what he says".

I wonder if that admission breaks some sort of board rule? Hmm. Probably not.

Not that I'd report you anyway, because unlike you, I'm not a giant drama queen.

You don't embarass me at all. And I don't care if you report me, I haven't done anything wrong. I consistently neg rep fascist pigs for being fascist pigs. There's always a good reason to neg them.

Why don't you start a thread about being neg repped?
Any conservative who would respond that way, other than tongue-in-cheek, would be among the trolls, idiots, and numbnuts to which I referred.

The difference is that the vast majority of conservatives would show that scientifically, life absolutely does begin at conception or is contained within the DNA of the sperm and egg because there is no other place in which it can begin. The issue of when awareness begins is a totally different subject than when life begins. Then they might ask the liberal to refute that if he can.

A thoughtful, educated, rational liberal would have to agree, and move the dfebate into an area of there being no scientific basis for when awareness begins, and whether awareness should make a difference in a decision to terminate a pregnancy.

But most don't do that. They instead attack the conservative or accuse the cosnervative of thinking or believing all manner of things or being duplitious or disingenuous or totally change the subject to Christians who won't allow abortion for any reason or some such.

And P.S. You are actually discussing the subject here and I appreciate that.

Good points, and I will admit that there are many on the left who do in fact act in that manner.

I'm just saying, from the perspective of someone on the left, that it would seem a like number on the right behave in the same manner.

As we can see a perfect example of here on this very thread.
You don't embarass me at all. And I don't care if you report me, I haven't done anything wrong. I consistently neg rep fascist pigs for being fascist pigs. There's always a good reason to neg them.

Why don't you start a thread about being neg repped?

Or you could start a thread on how it feels to be a giant drama queen.

Oh wait, that would be all of the threads you participate in.
I'm sorry, you lost all credibility already. Are you going to start a neg rep whine thread or what?
Oh, wait, says the loser who sent me a neg rep dramatically proclaiming I'm a laughing stock, and who is currently boo hooing over neg rep.
I'll bet, lol.

All I see when I see your posts is

1. Lie
2. Lie
3. Lie
4. Lie
5. Self aggrandizement
6. Lie
7. Lie
8. Lie
9. Lie
10. Dramatic lie
11. Claim superiority!
PS..you also must see the neg reps because you are referencing them quite a bit...

Which means you're lying about what you *see* in my posts, as well.

Go figure.
Any conservative who would respond that way, other than tongue-in-cheek, would be among the trolls, idiots, and numbnuts to which I referred.

The difference is that the vast majority of conservatives would show that scientifically, life absolutely does begin at conception or is contained within the DNA of the sperm and egg because there is no other place in which it can begin. The issue of when awareness begins is a totally different subject than when life begins. Then they might ask the liberal to refute that if he can.

A thoughtful, educated, rational liberal would have to agree, and move the dfebate into an area of there being no scientific basis for when awareness begins, and whether awareness should make a difference in a decision to terminate a pregnancy.

But most don't do that. They instead attack the conservative or accuse the cosnervative of thinking or believing all manner of things or being duplitious or disingenuous or totally change the subject to Christians who won't allow abortion for any reason or some such.

And P.S. You are actually discussing the subject here and I appreciate that.

Good points, and I will admit that there are many on the left who do in fact act in that manner.

I'm just saying, from the perspective of someone on the left, that it would seem a like number on the right behave in the same manner.

As we can see a perfect example of here on this very thread.

LOL. So now we're stuck with the impossible dilemman of whether conservatives or liberals are more likely to be accurate in their perceptions. :)

I do understand where you're coming from though. I will say that it has been my experience and the evvidence reported by many of my conservative friends that liberals have a much more difficult time articulating their point of view about most issues than do conservatives.

Going back to the immediately previous example, so many discussions on abortion, for instance, boil down to the conservative pointing out that the merging of the human sperm and egg and its afixing itself to the uterine wall is the very first stage of a human life. That stage is no more and no less essential to a human life than is the second, fifth, or ninth month of pregnancy or the moment of birth or any other stage of human life.

It has been my experience (and that of others) that this will too often be blown off by pro-abortion liberals who will not discuss those stages of human life but reduce it to a clumb of cells that can be discarded without conscience. And if the conservative pushes the point that the 'clump of cells' is as essential to human life as is the baby drawing its first breath, then the mud slinging and diversionary tactics begin, or the conservative wants to control the woman's uterus or deny her human rights and such as that.

The topic is why arguing with liberals so frustrating and it is this phenomenon that makes it frustrating for me.

As does the neg repping and personal insults from either side.
Well you're a lot more civilized than most, fox.

Myself, I use the rep system to show that certain behaviors (lying, promotion of a culture of death) are not acceptable. I use it a LOT on people who are simply fascists.
And I use it because words have no meaning to them.

The ones who are the most dishonest ALWAYS react a lot more honestly and directly to neg reps than they do to discussion. And they frequently expose themselves in doing so...
Well you're a lot more civilized than most, fox.

Myself, I use the rep system to show that certain behaviors (lying, promotion of a culture of death) are not acceptable. I use it a LOT on people who are simply fascists.

I can appreciate that. I can also appreciate somebody who is disagreeing with me but is conducting a civil and intelligent debate. I don't require people to agree with me or my point of view. I only require that they address it as expressed and not try to alter it into something that it is not.
Civility and intelligence don't trump dishonesty, in my book. I've no interest in having a civil and intelligent discussion with someone who lies. It's wasted effort...IMO. You are a different duck, tho, foxy..

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