What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

True, because of the life and spending lessons that those wealthy parents teach their kids.

My children will have money because I've taught them the "values" that are necessary for them to make money. In fact, I've taught them to make money for their great grand children. My kids will work their balls off because that is their /responsibility/ to their family, and to our family legacy.

Millions of poor folks get out of the welfare/socialist mentality and learn to earn for their futures. You lefties are enablists, and of the worst kind too, because you don't only fuck over the wealth prospects of the individual, but their entire bloodline, their kids, their grand kids. Generations of families fucked out of getting out because you'd rather throw money down the pit hole of greed and "easy living" than teach folks to earn, save, and be responsible, for themselves, and their families.
It’s called a safety net and generational wealth

Garbage. The primary reason the sons and daughters of wealthy people, end up wealthy like their parents, is because they learn the skills from their parents that lead them to success.

That is not something we should punish, or balance out. If anything, it is something we should encourage. There is no greater heirloom to pass on to your children, than to be wise, productive, and hard working. And by hard working, I don't mean sweating it out for a mere 8 hours a day, emptying garbage cans at Wendy's for $8/hour. I mean using your brain to engage in work that produces value to society.

The last company I worked for, the CEO was there at 6 AM, before any of the engineers or sales people showed up. And he was the last person to leave at 6 PM.

If his children end up having the same traits and work ethic as their father, they will undoubtedly be wealthy too.

That should be worthy of celebration, not condemnation for being "generational wealth".

Equally, if a person lives out their lives on government handouts, and working the welfare system, instead of working a productive job, don't be surprised when their children end up equally unproductive. And this should also not condemned either, and while I would not celebrate it, I certainly not encourage it, or support it.

You do not support bad behavior, or you end up with more bad behavior. Again, when we cut welfare, people got off welfare and started working. The only way for a person to learn how to move themselves up the income ladder, is by working. If you are on welfare, you tend to stay on welfare, and you stay at the bottom of the income ladder.

Haven't met a single rich person yet, who said their big break from poverty or low income, was their welfare check.

And I do know quite a few stories of people who ended up achieving their goals in life, after they were cut off from support.
I agree

The children of the wealthy learn the skills of being wealthy. How to spend other people’s money without risking your own. The value of a good accountant and a good lawyer. How to make government work for you

The children of the poor learn the skills of being poor. How to maximize government benefits, how to make money under the Radar, how to use children to improve your standard of living

What are you talking about? The skills to being wealthy are working to make a profit, producing goods of value to society, and being willing to sacrifice and put in the effort required to be successful.

Nothing you said makes any sense.

Having a good accountant doesn't make you wealthy. Having a good lawyer doesn't make you wealthy with the exception of people who use Intellectually Property rights laws... which is why I'm against those. But that is an extreme minority of the situation.

Government rarely works for you.
You live in a bubble

You live in delusion. If this is the limit of discussion you are able to engage in, then this forum is a little too high for you.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
After a person reaches his middle age period those looking for employees tend to skim over the older ones.
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves for that.
You must be joking since UE doesn't give you the same ability to pay debts as regular employment, neither does welfare...And it is a shame the way corporations treat people over forty..I have been self employed for over thirty years because I hated the attitude of the corporations I worked for and the low pay.

That's fine. And if you don't like the corporation you work for, by all means leave, and go self employed. I would encourage everyone to be self employed.

But the difference between us, is that I do not try and force my views on others. There are other people who like working for corporations. Why should companies be destroyed, because YOU don't like them?

That makes no sense.

I have worked for some fantastic corporations. Good benefits, much higher wages than elsewhere in the market, good people, good management.

Not every company is crap. Just because you hate all corporations, even if you have never worked there, doesn't mean it really is bad.

True story, I loved the "battle" of corporate up here. I'm competitive and found it extremely rewarding. If I hadn't made kidlets I would have stayed.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Did you miss the whole poor people don't pass on the skills necessary to gain wealth?
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?
progress simply happens slower with less money.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could mean, capital can be repurposed to ends that help the local community. Some people may benefit from local community college courses and now have an income with which to pay for the courses. New market sectors could be created but for ancillary things like that.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Did you miss the whole poor people don't pass on the skills necessary to gain wealth?
What skills will help poor whites in Appalachia?
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
and it was their choice, cant really force them to do otherwise
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
and it was their choice, cant really force them to do otherwise
equal protection of the law is more important.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
and it was their choice, cant really force them to do otherwise
equal protection of the law is more important.
the phrase is ,,,

"equal protection under the law"

and that doesnt apply here,,,

they are free to make their own choices
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Did you miss the whole poor people don't pass on the skills necessary to gain wealth?
What skills will help poor whites in Appalachia?
thats for them to decide
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
and it was their choice, cant really force them to do otherwise
equal protection of the law is more important.
the phrase is ,,,

"equal protection under the law"

and that doesnt apply here,,,

they are free to make their own choices
equal protection of the law is the concept. equal application of the law is what we are discussing.

and, yes, it does apply since the unemployment compensation office should have no basis to deny or disparage a claim for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew

Yes..... but.......

Henry Ford walked off his fathers farm at age 16, and walked... from what I've read, literally walked to Detroit, and got a job as an apprentice machinist.

Ford, had never known anything other than the farm his entire life too.

And then you have to ask how immigrants come to the US, and end up doing well. We had a guy here from Africa that fled after the civil war. (I do not remember which country he was from, because he's moved on to an IT position). He is going to college for a degree in Info Tech.

He didn't know any of this stuff before he got here. But he choose to learn something.

So my argument to you would be, that some of these people are 'in love' with where they are, even though there is no work where they are. It's not that they have some magical curse that prevents them from learning new things, and improving their lives... it is that they don't want to.
Well I can't help "I don't want to".

If you read about Henry Ford, he said openly his father wanted him to take over the family farm, but he said he had no love of the farm. That's why he was able to become wealthy. He moved on.
Well, from experience, one problem is that they don't effectively utilize the land.

Some people say "Well my grampy" farmed this land this way......

Those people end up poor. My relatives converted land over to farms, others leased the land to contract farmers. One converted the land to hunting grounds, and charged people to hunt on the land. And a few sold the land for money and moved to where their jobs were.

In all cases they adapted to the changing world around them. They didn't hold onto the land with an iron grip, saying 'this is how we did it for generations', and sat in poverty complaining that the steel-mill was gone.
I think in many ways, they are imprisoned by their farms and their communities. It is all they know and they are surrounded by family and friends they grew up with

I did genealogy research on my wife’s family in Pennsylvania. For a hundred years, they lived in the same community, worked the coal mines, died young and the next generation took over

What I couldn’t understand was Philadelphia was only 40 miles away. There were ample, good paying jobs that didn’t kill you
Yet, they stayed in the coal mines until the 1960s

It is all they knew
and it was their choice, cant really force them to do otherwise
equal protection of the law is more important.
the phrase is ,,,

"equal protection under the law"

and that doesnt apply here,,,

they are free to make their own choices
equal protection of the law is the concept. equal application of the law is what we are discussing.

and, yes, it does apply since the unemployment compensation office should have no basis to deny or disparage a claim for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
that doesnt exist except in your mind,,,
and try being a little specific about how and why they are unemployed,,,some just choose not to work if they can get a hand out by sitting at home
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
After a person reaches his middle age period those looking for employees tend to skim over the older ones.
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves for that.
You sure have a ......communist view for solving problems, DAN.
The way you post you sure don't sound American.
don't understand the law, right winger? are you a citizen of our several States.
Thanks for clearing up just exactly who you are, comrade.
Yes, I'm a citizen of the United States.....you not so much.
Let’s look at poverty in white america
With black American poverty, it is too easy to blame racism

Poor whites in Appalachia have lived in poverty for 150 years. Unlike other poor Americans, many own homes and land that is passed down for generations. Yet, they are unable to break the cycle of poverty. They receive free education, free medical care, food stamps and yet cannot escape poverty.

What is their excuse?

Did you miss the whole poor people don't pass on the skills necessary to gain wealth?
What skills will help poor whites in Appalachia?

That is impossible to say.

If they want to start farming the land, skills in farming would help.
If they want to start a car repair shop, skills in repairing cars.
If they want to build housings, skills in carpentry would help.

I mean, this is such an odd question. How am I supposed to know what skills will help someone, if I don't know what they wish to do?

Even if we knew what jobs they wanted to do, we don't know what skills the parents have.

If the parents don't have any skills, because they did not choose to learn profitable, valuable skills, then it doesn't matter what skills they need.... because the parents do not have those skills to pass on.

This is why you need to make a choice to go get skills.

If you are asking a more general question....

Then the attributes to pass on to your kids, is the desire for self improvement, the will to strive for success, and most importantly.... move to where the work is. As parents you should be encouraging your kids to fly free from the nest, and go to where they can succeed.

I too often see parents that encourage the kids to stay near mommy and daddy, because mommy and daddy don't want them to leave.

That is child abuse. The primary and top level of achievement that any parent can have, is for the kids to fly free, and soar up in the sky. Your biggest happiness should be from seeing your children succeed beyond you, not to see them sitting around your family land, living in poverty until they die.

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