What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

In a nutshell? Liberal Victimhood. If you can stop believing that you are a victim, then you too can use God's gift to lift yourself out of poverty. I did it, Ben Carson did it, even Morgan Freeman(God) did it.

I was very surprised to see Morgan Freeman’s

take on race, he got it right this time……

For the most part, we are all responsible for

where we are at in life due to the choices we have made.

I may not have been 100% thorough in my search on this forum and certainly never received a sensible answer from anyone on the right as to how taxpayer funced government subidies to rescue the criminals who triggered the Global Financial Crisis could ever be justified. Certainly not even Ayn Rand would allow that one to pass.
Because it was liberal elites who triggered the collapse, you stupid duffuss, like Barney Frankfurter(dick eater) Chrissy Dodd, and Mad Maxine Waters. You think they are going to take the fall, no fucking way, but stupid fucks like you believe what they told you like good little Nazi's that you are...Dumbass...But I did have money set aside the crash I knew was going to happen and when Chipotle bottomed out at $55 a share I bought a whole mess of it, and sold it at 8 times profit, made a big chunk of change on that one, $400 a share...

useless words from another kool aid drinker,,,sorry bu anything the dems did was supported and funded by the republicans

please put down the kool aid and get a clue

So what you are saying is that when the Bush admin tried to reign in the Fannie Freddie debacle in 2004 because they saw trouble brewing, it was NOT, Barney, Chris and Maxine's fault for browbeating the finance commission to NOT red line people who couldn't afford to buy houses? Right?

View attachment 237851

you kool aid drinkers are just pathetic,,,government involvement is the problem,,,

and both you fckers do it

Government evolved for a reason.

In a nutshell? Liberal Victimhood. If you can stop believing that you are a victim, then you too can use God's gift to lift yourself out of poverty. I did it, Ben Carson did it, even Morgan Freeman(God) did it.

That cant be right. Some of the poorest people in the US are conservatives.

The GOP Base Benefits Most From Government-Assistance Programs: - The Atlantic

Your link is bull shit...
Society does not structure itself on rags to riches possibilities

They have to look at the overwhelming number of people in a class. If one person in a thousand strikes it rich, it is no justification not to be concerned about the other 999
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor

if we kill all the rich then there is no upward direction,,,

problem solved
Merely Taxing the Rich into Heaven is more moral.
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor

if we kill all the rich then there is no upward direction,,,

problem solved
If you kill all the worthless poor liberals who collect welfare, there wouldn't be a need for 1 trillion dollars of wasteful spending on a war that can never be won.

he War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution; providing for the general warfare is not. We should abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. They can't be that serious if the right wing won't pay really really serious, wartime tax rates for them. Discretionary spending must go first.
Link didn't work for me.

The question is not: What makes poor people poor? It is: Is there any way to avoid being poor?

To paraphrase Ben Shapiro, (1) finish high school, (2) get a job (any job), and (3) don't have kids before you get married. If you do those three things, there is a very small chance you will be poor initially and remain poor.

Many factors can make "middle class" people poor:

Death of a spouse,
Medical bills,
Other personal catastrophe,
Having kids and no husband,
Not having a job,
Substance abuse.

Lord knows, starting life as an "emancipated single adult" today can put you behind the 8-ball. I pity people who don't have any family to help them get started. (Although my family gave me squat).

Glad I'm past that stage of my life.
Poor is a state of mind. So is rich. Money really has nothing to do with it. Its your state of mind that determines how you use money.

You are ignorant...…..

You have to make money to be able to spend it....

In a nutshell? Liberal Victimhood. If you can stop believing that you are a victim, then you too can use God's gift to lift yourself out of poverty. I did it, Ben Carson did it, even Morgan Freeman(God) did it.

I was very surprised to see Morgan Freeman’s

take on race, he got it right this time……

For the most part, we are all responsible for

where we are at in life due to the choices we have made.

thats so far from reality you have to be seeing flying monkeys
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor

if we kill all the rich then there is no upward direction,,,

problem solved
If you kill all the worthless poor liberals who collect welfare, there wouldn't be a need for 1 trillion dollars of wasteful spending on a war that can never be won.

he War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution; providing for the general warfare is not. We should abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. They can't be that serious if the right wing won't pay really really serious, wartime tax rates for them. Discretionary spending must go first.

its not a general welfare to steal from the majority and give to the minority,,,that would and has hurt the country far more than it helps

not to mention its socialist and goes against everything this country was founded on
I may not have been 100% thorough in my search on this forum and certainly never received a sensible answer from anyone on the right as to how taxpayer funced government subidies to rescue the criminals who triggered the Global Financial Crisis could ever be justified. Certainly not even Ayn Rand would allow that one to pass.
Because it was liberal elites who triggered the collapse, you stupid duffuss, like Barney Frankfurter(dick eater) Chrissy Dodd, and Mad Maxine Waters. You think they are going to take the fall, no fucking way, but stupid fucks like you believe what they told you like good little Nazi's that you are...Dumbass...But I did have money set aside the crash I knew was going to happen and when Chipotle bottomed out at $55 a share I bought a whole mess of it, and sold it at 8 times profit, made a big chunk of change on that one, $400 a share...

useless words from another kool aid drinker,,,sorry bu anything the dems did was supported and funded by the republicans

please put down the kool aid and get a clue

So what you are saying is that when the Bush admin tried to reign in the Fannie Freddie debacle in 2004 because they saw trouble brewing, it was NOT, Barney, Chris and Maxine's fault for browbeating the finance commission to NOT red line people who couldn't afford to buy houses? Right?

View attachment 237851

you kool aid drinkers are just pathetic,,,government involvement is the problem,,,

and both you fckers do it

Government evolved for a reason.

yeah because we didnt stop it,,,sorry the republicans and their democrat cronies didnt stop it

In a nutshell? Liberal Victimhood. If you can stop believing that you are a victim, then you too can use God's gift to lift yourself out of poverty. I did it, Ben Carson did it, even Morgan Freeman(God) did it.

I was very surprised to see Morgan Freeman’s

take on race, he got it right this time……

For the most part, we are all responsible for

where we are at in life due to the choices we have made.

thats so far from reality you have to be seeing flying monkeys
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor

if we kill all the rich then there is no upward direction,,,

problem solved
If you kill all the worthless poor liberals who collect welfare, there wouldn't be a need for 1 trillion dollars of wasteful spending on a war that can never be won.

he War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution; providing for the general warfare is not. We should abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. They can't be that serious if the right wing won't pay really really serious, wartime tax rates for them. Discretionary spending must go first.

its not a general welfare to steal from the majority and give to the minority,,,that would and has hurt the country far more than it helps

not to mention its socialist and goes against everything this country was founded on

it is worse when you steal it for the general warfare.

We should be solving for known economic phenomena.
Because it was liberal elites who triggered the collapse, you stupid duffuss, like Barney Frankfurter(dick eater) Chrissy Dodd, and Mad Maxine Waters. You think they are going to take the fall, no fucking way, but stupid fucks like you believe what they told you like good little Nazi's that you are...Dumbass...But I did have money set aside the crash I knew was going to happen and when Chipotle bottomed out at $55 a share I bought a whole mess of it, and sold it at 8 times profit, made a big chunk of change on that one, $400 a share...

useless words from another kool aid drinker,,,sorry bu anything the dems did was supported and funded by the republicans

please put down the kool aid and get a clue

So what you are saying is that when the Bush admin tried to reign in the Fannie Freddie debacle in 2004 because they saw trouble brewing, it was NOT, Barney, Chris and Maxine's fault for browbeating the finance commission to NOT red line people who couldn't afford to buy houses? Right?

View attachment 237851

you kool aid drinkers are just pathetic,,,government involvement is the problem,,,

and both you fckers do it

Government evolved for a reason.

yeah because we didnt stop it,,,sorry the republicans and their democrat cronies didnt stop it

Capitalism "died in 1929". Your view only happens in right wing fantasy.

I have been working since I was 16 years old. I served my country for 10 years, raised a family and still consider myself like most people in this country among the working class poor. Making just enough to get bills paid and enjoy an occasional perk ever now and then. What makes me poor, unlike my kids who are college educated with kick a$$ jobs....poor decisions in jobs. Throughout my life, I could have taken on jobs that would reward me financially today, I didn't and that's why I'm poor today. At the end of the day, thank God the cycle of poverty for my family, ends with me and that's the way it should be.

I have been working since I was 16 years old. I served my country for 10 years, raised a family and still consider myself like most people in this country among the working class poor. Making just enough to get bills paid and enjoy an occasional perk ever now and then. What makes me poor, unlike my kids who are college educated with kick a$$ jobs....poor decisions in jobs. Throughout my life, I could have taken on jobs that would reward me financially today, I didn't and that's why I'm poor today. At the end of the day, thank God the cycle of poverty for my family, ends with me and that's the way it should be.

ummm,, sorry but you are not poor
There have been more than enough rags to riches stories to know it is true and possible.

Society does not structure itself on rags to riches possibilities

They have to look at the overwhelming number of people in a class. If one person in a thousand strikes it rich, it is no justification not to be concerned about the other 999
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
Society does not structure itself on rags to riches possibilities

They have to look at the overwhelming number of people in a class. If one person in a thousand strikes it rich, it is no justification not to be concerned about the other 999
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
You keep referring to individual people who are poor

We are talking about an entire segment of society that is poor
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
You keep referring to individual people who are poor

We are talking about an entire segment of society that is poor
And? So what? Do you seriously believe their is a magic switch which will make everything better and save everyone? Fairy tale much?
If you were concerned with the other 999 then you wouldn’t be arguing it wasn’t possible and dissuading them from trying.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
You keep referring to individual people who are poor

We are talking about an entire segment of society that is poor

but not all poor people are [poor for the same reason,,

its better to be specific about which ones you are talking about

and no one in he USA are poor so they shouldnt be included in this debate
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
You keep referring to individual people who are poor

We are talking about an entire segment of society that is poor

but not all poor people are [poor for the same reason,,

its better to be specific about which ones you are talking about

and no one in he USA are poor so they shouldnt be included in this debate
Our own government statistics show that some poor people get richer and some rich people get poorer. But for the rich that get richer and the poor that poorer there is a very simple explanation. They keep doing the same things.

I have been working since I was 16 years old. I served my country for 10 years, raised a family and still consider myself like most people in this country among the working class poor. Making just enough to get bills paid and enjoy an occasional perk ever now and then. What makes me poor, unlike my kids who are college educated with kick a$$ jobs....poor decisions in jobs. Throughout my life, I could have taken on jobs that would reward me financially today, I didn't and that's why I'm poor today. At the end of the day, thank God the cycle of poverty for my family, ends with me and that's the way it should be.

I dont usually agree with the Tig, but again, life choices. I got skills to fix the F-15 and went to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years making 70,000 dollars tax free. Invested most of that and today have millions. Too many people sit in their local Walmart and never leave their little town. Bad choices make you poor, but what is worse, is not figuring out who God had in store for you and your ability to make something of yourself. That was what Morgan Freeman was talking about in America, when the government isnt in the way.
Doesn’t work like that

You need a society that has enough opportunities for the other 999
Ours doesn’t
Discouragement works exactly that way.

That is why a lack of upward mobility opportunities hurts the poor
So they should wait for someone to save them, right? I bet you know just the people who can make all their dreams come true. Where the fuck have I heard that before. I know fairy tales.

I believe my advice to them is more practical.
You keep referring to individual people who are poor

We are talking about an entire segment of society that is poor
And? So what? Do you seriously believe their is a magic switch which will make everything better and save everyone? Fairy tale much?
We can correct for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. The right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor may benefit.

I have been working since I was 16 years old. I served my country for 10 years, raised a family and still consider myself like most people in this country among the working class poor. Making just enough to get bills paid and enjoy an occasional perk ever now and then. What makes me poor, unlike my kids who are college educated with kick a$$ jobs....poor decisions in jobs. Throughout my life, I could have taken on jobs that would reward me financially today, I didn't and that's why I'm poor today. At the end of the day, thank God the cycle of poverty for my family, ends with me and that's the way it should be.

I dont usually agree with the Tig, but again, life choices. I got skills to fix the F-15 and went to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years making 70,000 dollars tax free. Invested most of that and today have millions. Too many people sit in their local Walmart and never leave their little town. Bad choices make you poor, but what is worse, is not figuring out who God had in store for you and your ability to make something of yourself. That was what Morgan Freeman was talking about in America, when the government isnt in the way.

isn't Government spending wonderful in Your anecdote.

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