What makes the United States so much better than the rest of the world?

As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
I think we are relative to everything south...
All the immigrants who came here before is what make us so much better. Not that there isn't shitholes here mind you.....
American foreign policy ensures that a large part of the rest of the world is a hell hole.

Notice how most of the illegal immigrants are coming from countries where American foreign policy dominates? We're not seeing much illegal immigration from places like Nicaragua.

They're all coming from our 'friends and allies'.

Coincidence? I doubt it!

There it is!

The American hating liberal we know and love.

Thanks for that.

Now if only we could be like Venezuela minus America making their economy suck so badly, of course.

Just keep the faith. Socialism really works if it were not for the all powerful USA stopping them..

In the interim, just keep sending these poor desperate souls to the US.
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As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
The USA today sucks. The USA before tRumputin was a very nice place to live and work.
As I sit here watching the groups of immigrants at the border wall trying to get into the US, I sit here and ask myself, is the US that much better than the rest of the world?

If so, why?
The USA today sucks. The USA before tRumputin was a very nice place to live and work.

Yes, Trump destroyed America.

Thanks for that.


Any other vagina hats have anything to say?

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